MeekWeekDo you think it's weak to be meek? Perhaps you could try being meek for a week! You then discover that meekness is an attribute of those who are mature. Any three-year-old can stamp their feet and demand their own way. That’s immaturity.

Meekness is not for weaklings, but our flesh doesn't like it. It can only be worked in us by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Meekness (to be humble and lowly) is a beautiful thing. God says that "He will BEAUTIY the meek with salvation" (Psalm 149:4).

1 Peter 3:4 talks about the “ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” Other translations use the word beauty:

ESV: “The imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.”
MOFFAT: “The immortal bleauty of a gentle, modest spirit.”
NET: “The lasting beauty of a gentle and tranquil spirit.”
NLT: “The unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.”

Meekness brings sweetness to relationships and the atmosphere of the home. It reveals the character of Jesus who is meek and lowly (Matthew 11:29). On the other hand, the opposite of meekness, which is stubbornness and pride, is an ugly thing. It destroys marriages and wrecks the atmosphere of the home.

Does meekness make you feel miserable? No. Isaiah 29:19 tells us that the meek INCREASE their joy in the Lord, plus a load of other blessings.

Samuel Thodey writes: "Meekness is that calmness of spirit which grows not out of reliance on self, but out of reliance on God . . . Christianity is a discipline of humility. In making men Christ-like it makes them meek."

Ask the Holy Spirit to work a spirit of meekness in you. It will bring such blessing to your marriage and home.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell


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