Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


BuildAllTimeWithout purpose, we flounder. Lose heart. Lose our joy. Purpose gives us strength. We can push through difficulties and endue hardships to make things happen when we have purpose.

Dear mother in the home, God has given you a purpose. He doesn’t leave you wallowing. He has given you children to train for Him—for His purpose in this world and ultimately for eternity. He has blessed you with a home to make a sanctuary for Him. He has given you mandate to build a strong marriage and family that will strengthen this nation (Proverbs 14:1).

But sometimes in the midst of all the mess—babies, diapers, laundry, and dishes, you can lose sight of your goal. Or maybe you’ve never actually understood your purpose.

In 1 Kings 5:5 Solomon states: “And, behold, I PURPOSE to build a house unto the name of the LORD my God.” I love this statement. He didn’t hope to build a house for God. He purposed to build it.

You are also building a house for the name of the Lord God. Have you made it your purpose? This statement is repeated in 2 Chronicles 2:1, 4: “And Solomon DETERMINED to build a house for the name of the LORD and a house for his kingdom.”

The same Hebrew word is used in both instances, “amar” and it means “to say, declare, boast, publish, report, speak, answer, command, etc.” Many different words about speaking. This Hebrew word is used nearly 6,000 times in the Bible and I only found 18 references (including the two mentioned above) that do not use the word “say or speak, etc.”

Therefore, when Solomon purposed to build a house for the Lord, he SPOKE OUT HIS VISION! He didn’t keep it in his heart. Because it was a passion, burning within his soul, he couldn’t keep it to himself. He had to speak it out.

Can I encourage you, dear wives and mothers, to confess your purpose? SPEAK IT OUT DAILY. Confess to others. Remind your family about it.

“Dear children, God has made us a family and our highest purpose in life is to build a house for God in this world. We are in this together. Each one of us is part of the building program. Everything we do, we do with the intention to make our family strong for God. To make our home a holy home for His presence. To build an ark of protection in the midst of this deceived and dark world (Hebrews 11;7).”

When people ask your occupation, tell them: “I am building a family for God and His kingdom.”

When you have a purpose, you will accomplish great things.

More tomorrow.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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MarriageSongGod wants us to live in joy. He equates weddings with joy. He associates motherhood with joy (Psalm 113:9). He relates fatherhood with joy (Psalm 127:5). Look up these Scriptures so you know what I am saying is true.

When Psalm 78:63 talks about God's judgment upon Israel it says, "Their young women had no marriage song." Read also Jeremiah 7:24; 16: 9; 25:10; and Revelation 18:23.

We understand as we read these passages that God delights in singing and celebration at weddings. The word in the Hebrew is "halal" which means "to celebrate, praise, shine, and to give in marriage." The word is mainly used in the Bible to praise the Lord. I love to be at weddings where there is exuberant singing and worship to the Lord, don't you? I feel sad when I go to a wedding and there is no singing. How can you celebrate without singing?

God loves to see and hear singing, praise, and joy at weddings when two people are united together to begin another family. God rejoices. And we should rejoice. When God speaks of the blessing of God on the land He talks about "The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the Lord of hosts" (Jeremiah 33:11).

When there are no marriages celebrating—no feasting, joy, and marriage songs we are not experiencing the blessing of God, but His judgment.

If you are planning a wedding, include wedding songs of joy and celebration. And for all those married, keep the MARRIAGE SONG OF JOY AND GLADNESS alive in your marriage.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: https://www.etsy.com/…/5…/bride-groom-art-print-wedding-day…

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DivLaborThere was a time when a craftsman would work on his craft from beginning to end. The shoemaker would make his shoe from the beginning to the finished product and take great pride in his work. However, today we have specialization of labor where certain persons are assigned a specialized task to increase efficiency, productivity, and economic wealth. Each person becomes a specialist in their area.

My son-in-law is an engineer and works on Nissan cars. He oversees the molding of the engines. That is his specialized task. He doesn’t work on other parts of the manufacturing of the car.

There are advantages and disadvantages of the division of labor. One advantage is that the worker becomes an expert in his field and as he continually works on it, he finds better and faster ways to doing his task and therefore continues to improve efficiency. More products can be made and therefore more economic wealth.

One of the disadvantages is monotony because the worker is only doing one task.

I believe in the division of labor for marriage and family life. However, in our career we are blessed to embrace all the advantages and yet we don’t have the disadvantage of only doing the same thing day after day. Oh yes, we do have to do many of the same things, but we are not limited to them, nor do we have to do them the same way if we don’t want to. We can think of a new way of doing it. We are queen and manager of our home. We can make our home what we want it to be—a place of order, blessing, joy, and laughter. We can be as creative as we want to be. We have a domain to rule over. We are not subject to doing one task all day long. We have many different tasks.

But we do have specialization of labor. God has ordained this for the man and woman. He created men with 50 percent more brute strength than women. They are stronger to work hard to provide for their families, to take the weight of the overall responsibility of the family, and to protect their families.

He created the woman as a maternal being. He created her physically to conceive a baby in her womb and to nurture her babies and children. He created her for the home where she can release her God-given creative abilities. The sky is her limit.

However, when husband and wife both to do the same things we will not experience the same productivity. Oh yes, a wife may be able to earn more money than her husband, but in leaving her home and children she sacrifices her God-given career for a lesser one. No amount of finance can make up for the loss of the mother in the home.

Family life is fragmenting today because women are leaving the home. What is the fruit? The couple may have more money, but their family weakens. The families of the nation are weakening, and therefore the nation weakens.

As I talk with women I find that many women no longer have time to be home to prepare the meal for the family, to have time to sit with their children at mealtimes and talk together, and then have family devotions together. These times are far more important than taking the husband’s position of providing for the family, even if you must manage with less finance.

To leave babies in the care of others when God gave them to YOU is not worth all the money in the world. Others may care for your babies and children physically, but they will never feel and understand the true inner needs of your child. And your child will always be longing for YOU. They want their mother. God intends children to be raised by mothers in homes, not in daycares by unknown people.

Let’s walk in the true division of labor that God, the great wise Creator, mandated for us.

Have a great day, Nancy Campbell

Nancy Campbell
Painting by Mary Cassatt

Painting by Mary Cassatt

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OurArrowsI have some special arrows
To polish for the Lord,
Not sharpened with just any blade,
But with God's mighty sword.

There's only such a fleeting time
To shape, sharpen, and hone.
I'll shoot them past the things of earth
To reach their heav'nly home.

Distractions of this daily life
Could cause me to forget
To use the tools of faith and truth
That heaven's range be set.

Advice will come from every side
On how to take best aim.
Help me listen only to the voice
That bears their owner's name.

The little honing here and there,
A touch up now and then,
Alone won't shape the sharpest point,
They'll need to reach their end.

I need to read their Maker's book,
To know it through and through,
To point them so they don't fall short
Of all they're called to do.

Oh Lord, please guide my arrows,
Enable my weak hands
To fashion them to reach the goal,
To live by Your commands.

Without Your help they will fall short;
My arms don't have the strength.
Through prayer and only by Your grace
They'll reach their goal at length.

2016, Val Halloran

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GatheringPlaceThere's nothing more powerful than the family meal table. Sitting around the table together (and often including friends or lonely people) is never a waste of time. It offers opportunities for encounters with one another that you would not normally have. And best of all, encounters with God.

Jesus confessed of Himself, "The Son of man is come eating and drinking" (Luke 7:34). Robert Karris writes: "In Luke's gospel Jesus is either going to a meal, at a meal, or coming from a meal." Jesus loved to gather at the meal table. He still wants to come to your table and join you at your meal, too. Invite Him to come in. Acknowledge His presence with you. Make time at the end of the meal to open the Bible to listen to His words and spend time in prayer together.

These times will be the greatest strengthening times of your family life. Activities, sports, and all kinds of busyness will get in the road of your gathering together. They may be good things too, but the best thing is to gather as a family and invite His presence. Jesus says: "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

What could be more important or more amazing than having Jesus in the midst of you?

Blessings to you, Nancy Campbell

Nancy Campbell

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DidntHaveMommyI read some time back that "During the day the emptiest place in America is the home." Isn't that sad? Home is God's idea. He created the home to be a nesting place for families. He created the home for the mother to build a sanctuary to Him, to fill her home with love and joy, and to nurture her babies and children.

God loves to dwell in our homes. He isn't looking for empty homes, but homes that are filled with people and children. He loves a full house. Luke 14:27 says "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in that my house may be filled."

He loves babies coming into the home. It is the right and privilege of every child to be nurtured in the home. A woman shared with me how she asked her little boy why he didn't like going to daycare. He replied, "Because I didn't have a mommy." A mommy is the heart of every home.

When the children of Israel were sent into captivity in Babylon, the first thing God told them to do was to "build homes and dwell in them" (Jeremiah 29:5). That means to make life in them. An empty home can be very boring. A home filled with people--little babies, children, teens, and older people is full of life and excitement.

Have a lovely day,



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NotAgainIt's time to cook supper. "Not again," you sigh. "Why can't I have a break from cooking night after night?" Can I remind you that preparing a meal for your family is not insignificant. It's not a waste of time. It is very much a part of your mothering anointing.

We see a beautiful description of a godly woman in 1 Timothy 5:10 (NASB) which gives a description of her "good works." "If she has brought up children, if she has shown hospitality to strangers, if she was washed the saints' feet, if she has assisted those in distress, and if she has devoted herself to every good work."

The word "brought up" is teknotropheo and means “to cherish, nourish, and give food to children; it is also used of nursing a baby at the breast.” It’s all about food! This means spending a lot of time in the kitchen! And the bigger they get, the more they want to eat.

Don't look at cooking meals with resignation. Instead, do it with revelation. You have the privilege of feeding your children nourishing food. You are gathering them together around your table again. You are preparing the way to feed their soul and spirit as you read God’s Word at the end of the meal. You are teaching them about life and passing on values to the next generation.

There is too much fast food eating in our nation already! It’s not healthy eating and it negates valuable family togetherness in the home. If you don't lovingly cook meals at home and pass on this tradition, what will the next generation do?

Make every meal a "love affair."

What are you cooking for supper tonight? Oops! That reminds me to get some meat out of the freezer. Off I go.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell.

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HiddenGloryGreat miracles don't always happen in the open. Jesus, the Son of the God of Glory was conceived in the hidden place of the womb. This divine miracle happened in "the secret place" which is a term God uses for the womb (Psalm 139:15).

The angel Gabriel told Mary that the Holy Ghost would come upon her and "thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS" (Luke 1:31). Although this conception was hidden, Jesus came forth to be revealed to the world as Savior and Deliverer.

It is the same with every conception. It doesn't take place in the open for everyone to see. God's handiwork (for only God gives conception) takes place in the in the womb, the hidden part of the woman. But, this miracle doesn't stay hidden. Children one day come forth from the home to be the bearers of God's image in the earth.

In Psalm 128:3 (NHEB) God gives the picture of the wife in the heart of the home: “Your wife will be as a fruitful vine, in the innermost parts of your house; your children like olive plants, around your table.” The Hebrew word used is yrekah and means “the recesses, the inner part.”

The amazing revelation is that God uses this same word yrekah that He uses to describe the wife and mother in the home for the Holy of Holies, the place where God dwelt in His Shekinah glory above the ark of the covenant. In fact, He is called “The ark of God, whose name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubims” (2 Samuel 6:2).

This is just too incredible. In 1 Kings 6:16 (NLT) it says that Solomon “partitioned off an inner sanctuary (yrekah)—the Most Holy Place—at the far end of the Temple.” It was at the far end, the inner part, the protected and hidden part of the temple.

Satan has filled the women of our generation with blatant lies. Through feminism, humanism, and progressivism women have been brainwashed that home and motherhood are insignificant. The opposite is true. The mother in the home dwells in all her glory, the glory that God has divinely given to her.

Home and motherhood are the glory of the nation.


Painting: Russian painter Tuman Zhumabaev.

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BowReadyLife is not a vacation. We are in a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. We face challenges and battles each day in our daily lives. Praise God, He doesn’t leave us weaponless. He gives us many weapons to face the enemy.

We have our sword which is the Word of God, the same weapon Jesus used to defeat Satan (Matthew 4:1-11 and Ephesians 6:17).

We have the power of prayer that can annihilate hundreds and thousands of enemies (Leviticus 26:7, 8 and Ephesians 6:18).

We have the power of the blood and the name of Jesus from which the devil flees (Revelation 12:11).

But do we use our weapons? Psalm 78:9 tell us about the Ephaimites who “Being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle.” Isn’t that amazing? They had their armor on and their weapons with them, but they weren’t practiced in using them. Therefore they were fearful when facing the battle.

We’ve got to get familiar with our weapons. They’ve got to become part of us. Remember when King Saul gave David his own armor and a sword? But when David tried to walk, he was not comfortable because he hadn’t proved them and took them off (1 Samuel 17:38, 39).

If we are not familiar with our weapons, we won’t be ready to use them when the need arises.



We have a responsibility to daily fill them with God’s Word. God’s powerful words must get into their mouths (Isaiah 59:21). Let’s teach them how to pray. The way we do this is pray. Never let a day go by, morning and evening, without praying together with your children. Teach them the power of the blood of Jesus and how to use the name of Jesus against the enemy (James 4:7 and 1 John 3:8).

By the time our children leave our homes and go out into this world they should be so proficient with using their armor that they are ready for any battle they face, which of course they will face. Our military don’t go into battle until they are proficient with their weapons! We, and our children, must also become skilled.

Are you preparing your children to be skilled?

We’ve got to be warfare ready families in this hour.

Be encouraged.

Nancy Campbell

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CenterAttentionI often hear young mothers say that they don’t want too many children because they wouldn’t be able to give each one quality time. This is a fallacy of their own imagination.

If only they could see the great life a baby has in a larger family. I watch my little grandbabies and children. They are the king or queen of the home. They’re not only adored by their parents, but doted on from morning until night by older sisters and brothers.

I remember when Breeze was a baby. Her older sisters played with her all day, dressing her up in all kinds of clothes. She was their “live” baby doll. Wherever she went, they followed! Whatever she did, they laughed! Whatever facial expression she made, they’d say, “Oh, isn’t she so cute?”

These children are the center of attention. No firstborn, or even second or third-born, could ever receive this constant attention? And the more children in the home, the more attention they receive. Even mother has more time to give attention to her baby because she has more helpers in the home.

What a blessing to be a baby in a big family! And what a joy for the mother!

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Tasha Tudor

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IAmRaisingHow much of God's living Word do you put into your children each day?

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FamilyFirst2Dear mother, You are a builder. Don't give up on your great building program. Each day do something tangible to strengthen your family unit.

What are you going to do to strengthen your marriage and family today?

Be blessed today. Love from Nancy Campbell

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Make happy memories in your home today!


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CallEnduranceHave you read the book of Revelation recently? If I need to be inspired in the fear of God, I read Revelation again. It puts the fear of God into my heart, which is good, because we are to daily walk in the fear of the Lord.

The other day I read Revelation 14:12 (ESV): “Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus Christ.”

This Scripture comes right in the middle of the warning to not take the mark of the beast upon your forehead or hand. Please read Revelation 13:14-18 and 14:9-13. They tell us that if we don’t take the mark we will not be able to buy or sell and could be killed.

This means hardship, hunger, starvation, and martyrdom. However, what is worse? To receive the wrath of God?

Why am I writing about such things on a Facebook to encourage wives and mothers? Because as mothers we must inform our children. That’s why it is written for us. We don’t know when this time will come, but we know it is coming. Will it be in our generation? Or will it be during our children’s lives? Or will it be in our grandchildren’s lives?

However, we must all be ready for when this time comes. We must prepare our children. Even if it is not in their time, we must prepare them to tell their children. We must warn them to never take the mark of the beast which aligns with Satan and his kingdom.

And so, God sends out the call. The call is for endurance. If we face this time, we will have to endure much suffering and even martyrdom.

The message I receive from this call is that we must learn to be faithful NOW! We must learn to endure in our trials and tribulations NOW! We must learn to persevere NOW! We must teach our children how to endure NOW. As we learn to have patience and perseverance in our sufferings now, we will be ready to face greater trials.

We have a responsibility to prepare our children and future generations. We must teach them how to trust Christ in their difficulties and endure them patiently and cheerfully, even the little ones they face, so they are in the habit of doing this in their lives. So that it will be their habit for bigger trials. And theyu will be ready if they are the generation that face this greatest of all tests that will come upon the earth.

We must teach them to stand for truth and for their biblical convictions, even in the face of ridicule and hostility NOW! How will they say No to the mark of the beast if they can’t stand up for truth now?

This call comes to those who “keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus Christ.” The word keep is hereo and means “to guard from loss or injury, to keep custody, a fortress of full military strength.” We and our children will keep custody of God’s truth. We will not let go the commandments of God even if we can’t buy or sell and suffer persecution or death.

Many Bible versions translate this Scripture: “This is when perseverance is needed on the part of God’s people.”

The Knox translation says: “This is the test which the saints endure, keeping true to God’s commandments and the faith of Jesus.”

We must keep passing on this message and preparing each new generation.

Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell

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SpeakLordYesterday we talked about the example of Samuel growing in the ways of the Lord. We notice that the most important part of his growth was obedience.

When God spoke to him in the night, he thought it was Eli. He didn’t roll over and hope that Eli thought he was asleep. Instead, he immediately ran to Eli and said, “Here am I.” Three times he did this without complaint. Eli realized God was speaking to him and told Samuel to answer God the next time.

When God spoke the fourth time he answered, “Speak: for thy servant heareth” (1 Samuel 3:10). Because he learned to obey immediately, God could take up this young man and use him mightily as a judge in Israel.

What a beautiful thing to teach our children to have an immediate response to God when He speaks to them. Sadly, many children are growing up and instead of saying, “Speak, LORD, for your servant heareth,” they say, “Speak world, for your child is listening.”

Are your children listening to God or to the spirit of this world? To whom they listen will determine the future of their lives.

Of course, this applies personally to us as well as our children. May our constant response be: “Speak, Lord, I'm listening.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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ChildrenGrowingWe love to see our children growing, don’t we? Right from birth we are excited to see each new development. It is so rewarding to see our daughters grow up to be graceful women of God and our sons to be strong young men who really know how to be men! All my sons are over six feet, my oldest son is 6’ 8”. And now the grandsons are all growing up over six feet, many of them about 6’ 5”.

However, we don’t only want to see them grow in physical stature, but in spiritual stature. This is our greatest vision and longing, isn’t it?

I was reading about Samuel this morning and noticed how the Bible records his growth. God is interesting in the physical and spiritual growth of our children.


1 Samuel 2:21 says: “And the child Samuel GREW before the Lord.” The phrase “before the LORD” in the King James Version means “in the presence of the Lord.” The HCSB and ESV and other versions translate it: “The boy Samuel grew up in the presence of the LORD.” Don’t’ those words really get to you? They certainly challenge me. It is not enough for our children to grow up in our presence, but they should grow up in the presence of the Lord.

I love the Young’s Literal translation which states: “And the youth Samuel groweth up with Jehovah.” He grew up with God. Isn’t that amazing? Isn’t this what we want for our children?

Motherhood is far more than feeding and clothing our children. It is creating an atmosphere where the presence of God reigns in our home. Our children should feel and be aware of the presence of the Lord. It’s in this atmosphere that they “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 3:18).


2 Samuel 2:26 says: “And the child Samuel GREW ON and was in favor both with the LORD, and with men.” We certainly want this for our children, don’t we?


1 Samuel 3:19: “And Samuel GREW, AND THE LORD WAS WITH HIM, and did let none of his words fall to the ground.” What a beautiful testimony. Oh, that our children will grow up knowing the power and presence of the Lord with them in every aspect of their lives. This is the ultimate vision for our parenting.

Of course, you know the story of how God came to Samuel and spoke to him in the night (1 Samuel 3:1-21). The historian Josephus says that Samuel would have been about twelve years old when God called him and spoke to him about Eli and his sons. It’s interesting that Jesus was also twelve years old when his parents found him “in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers” (Luke 2:46, 47).

Are we raising our children for maturity? Are they familiar with hearing the voice of God? Are they able to discuss the truths and doctrines of the Word? As we notice their physical growth, we should also see their spiritual growth. I am amazed that so many adult Christians don’t even know God’s Word. How will their children know if they don’t know?

How will our children become used to hearing the voice of God through His Word if we don’t read it to them daily in our family devotions time? If we don’t encourage them to also read it personally every day and listen for God to speak to them?

Let’s raise children who are not only growing up physically, but growing up spiritually—growing up in God, growing up in the presence of God, growing up hearing His voice, growing up familiar with His Word and familiar with prayer.

Amen! (With an exclamation mark)!

Love to you today,

Nancy Campbell

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HoneyWith one little member of your body you can light a fire for God in the hearts of everyone in your home or set them on a course destruction (James 3:2-12). With one little member you can minister life or death to those you speak to each day (Proverbs 18:21). With one little member you can build up your marriage or destroy it (Proverbs 14:1).

With one little member you can change the atmosphere in your home, melt your husband to pieces, determine the destiny of your children, and inspire and encourage everyone you meet.

You know what it is, of course. Your tongue.

Proverbs 16:24 says: "Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones." Positive and lovely words make your bones healthy. What comes out of your mouth either fills you with life and vitality or make you miserable and in poor health.

The Hebrew word for “health” is “marpe” and means, “a medicine, curative, therapeutic and healing, and a source of vitality.” Proverbs 12:18 uses the same word: “The tongue of the wise is health (marpe).”

It's the same again in Proverbs 15:4: “A wholesome (marpe) tongue is a tree of life.” God wants your tongue to be a healing tongue—healing wounds, hurts, insecurities, resentments, and estrangements. Your healing words are the best doctor's prescription you can give to your husband and children. They work much better than drugs!

Will you ask God to fill your tongue with loving, joyful, positive, and healing words today?

Your words will determine what kind of a day you have.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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TheNewCartI’d love to share with you an analogy today. Last Sunday my husband spoke at church about how David sought to bring the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem. 1 Samuel chapter 6 tells the story of how David prepared a new cart for the ark. I am sure it wasn’t any new cart. I am sure he had this cart made especially for the purpose. This cart was to carry the presence of God. They could not have anything but the very best.

And they did it with all their hearts. The worshipped, sang, and played musical instruments before the Lord all the way.

However, along the journey the oxen carrying the cart stumbled and Uzza put out his hand to steady the ark. What happened? “The LORD’S anger burned against Uzziah, and God struck him dead on the spot for his irreverence, and he died there next to the ark of God” (2 Samuel 6:7 HCSB). David was angry and afraid of God. “How shall the ark of the LORD come to me?” he cries out.

David’s heart was perfect before the Lord. He was not rebellious. He did it with the very best intentions and the wisest way he could possibly think of, knowing it was the ark of “the LORD of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubims” (v. 2).

In the meantime, David left the ark in the home of Obed-edom and “God blessed Obed-edom, and all his household” (v. 11).

Obed-edom was getting blessed and David was desperate for the ark. He had to get it back to Jerusalem somehow. This time, he searched for the way GOD wanted His presence carried. The previous time he did it the way he thought was best. Now he discovered that God had commanded in the beginning that the ark was only to be carried on the shoulders of the priests (Exodus 25:10-15 and Joshua 3:8).

This certainly was not as glamorous and prestigious as David’s first idea, but He obeyed God’s original command and ark of the covenant came safely back to Jerusalem.

I use this analogy regarding motherhood and homemaking. God’s original decree is for mothers to embrace mothering and child-rearing in their homes. The older women are to teach the younger women to love their husbands, love their children, and to be keepers at home (Titus 2:3-4). The picture God gives of a family is of the mother in the heart of the home and all the children sitting around the table (Psalm 128:3).

However, many mothers today are not embracing this mandate. The norm today is for mothers to go out to the work force and leave their children in daycares. This is the new cart. Some do it in rebellion to God’s ways. But many, like David, do it with good intentions. They think it is the best and wisest way. Well, it’s the way that suits their lifestyle!

But it is not good enough to do what we think is the best way or even the wisest in our eyes. We must do it God’s way. We must search His Word to know His way, for His way is always the best way. His way brings the presence of God. His way brings His blessing. His way is for our safety.

Many blessings,

Nancy Campbell

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InfluFutureGenDo you sometimes wonder what you are accomplishing each day? You do the same things over and over again. You deal with the constant immaturities of little ones. You wish you could be doing something more worthwhile.

Dear mother, don't listen to these lies that fill your mind. You are in the most powerful career in the nation as you train the next generation. Your mothering is not only for today. It continues down the years. It continues to influence thousands of lives as your children go out into this world--sharpened, polished, filled with God's Word and the Holy Spirit. Every day you are mothering for generations to come.

Genesis 5:24 tells us that "Enoch walked with God." Even more amazingly, we read in Genesis 6:9 that "Noah walked with God." Four generations after Enoch, his great-grandson, Noah, continues to walk strongly in the ways of God. What a great testimony. Don’t you long for this testimony in your family?

And Noah accomplished this in an environment of corruption and violence (Genesis 6:11-13). He not only continued in the influence of his godly forefathers, but "prepared an ark for the saving of his household" (Hebrews 11:7).

Keep this vision in your heart, dear mother. Train your children each day with a generational understanding. Believe for it. Pray for it. Pray that your progeny will continue to walk with God because of your influence as a mother . . . even when you have passed on. And pray for the coming generations. As my husband and I pray for our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren each day, we don’t stop there. We also pray for the coming generations!

You are doing a great job. Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: Hendrik Heyligers (1877 – 1967, Dutch).

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