Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


AlwaysSomethingHAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your precious family today. May you be filled with thankfulness, today, and every day of the year.

The following are just a few of the things for which I am thankful.

T I thank God for TEACHING me His ways.
H I thank God for giving me my HUSBAND. Marriage becomes more and more beautiful with time.
A I thank God for ANOINTING me to be a mother. Is there any greater blessing, apart from our salvation, than to enjoy the blessings of children and grandchildren?
N I thank God for creating me to be a NURTURER and NOURISHER to my family and to others.
K I thank God for His KINDNESS to me.
F I thank God for my FAMILY and His daily FAITHFULNESS to me.
U I thank God for giving me UNDERSTANDING of His truth. My greatest delight is to receive revelation of God’s truth from His living Word.
L I am thankful for LIFE. I thank God for LOVING me enough to die for me and shed His precious blood for my sins. He not only redeemed me but dwells within me to give ABUNDANT LIFE. I don’t like to get a day go by without thanking Him for His great and unspeakable and eternal salvation.

Thankfulness should fill our hearts every day, but today is a special day to collectively give thanks to God for all His goodness. We will do this today as we give thanks to God and have our toasts to people for whom we are thankful.

Have a wonderful day,

Nancy Campbell

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WorldChangerA thankful attitude changes our world. It changes our attitude toward our husbands. It changes our way of thinking toward our children. It changes how we view our homes. It determines whether we live in enjoyment or misery. It truly is a world-changer.

Here is a little comment from Charles Spurgeon on a little Scripture with only three words:
~ Nancy

“Be ye thankful” (Colossians 3:15).
“When you are grumbling at your plain food, put this as a sandwich between your bread and butter, “Be thankful.”

When you are complaining of the east wind, just try if you cannot spell this little sentence, “Be thankful.”

When you are murmuring about those sharp pains and that long sickness, this is the kind of tune for the little bird to whistle at your window, “Be thankful.”

We have all much for which we should be thankful, however sad we may think our lot to be. Look on the bright side, rejoice in God: “Be thankful.”
~ Charles Spurgeon

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ShineBritly“The darker the night, the brighter the light.” The darker it gets and the more deception takes over people’s minds, the more we must shine. Isaiah 60:1-3: “Arise, shine: for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee . . .” The greatest way we shine for Jesus is through our unveiled faces, revealing His image to all we meet. #shineforjesus #shine #shineyourlight #shinebrightly #shineinthedarkness #openface #unveiledface #unveiledfaces #unmasked #aboverubies

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DominionOverBodiesDear ladies, I find it so hard to believe what has happened to our nation? I can’t believe how nearly every one has given in to masks and whatever some “authority” has mandated, even though it is not a written law, and is against the Constitution, and against the way our Creator intended us to live!

I think of the Scripture in Nehemiah 9:36, 37 and can hardly believe that we are experiencing it in our free nation: “Behold, we are servants this day, and for the land that thou gavest unto our fathers to eat the fruit thereof and the good thereof, behold we are servants in it: . . . also they have DOMINION OVER OUR BODIES . . . at their pleasure, and we are in great distress.

We no longer have dominion over our own bodies! We are not even allowed to freely breathe the fresh air which God gives liberally for every person! And we know that it has nothing to do with the current virus which has 99.9 percent recovery rate. Oh yes, there are loads of positive tests, and yet can they be trusted? Elon Musk took four tests in one day, two were positive and two were negative!

Of course, it’s good practice for the coming vaccine. There will be many who will want to take it, but there are thousands who have researched and will never submit their bodies or the bodies of their children to the negative impact of vaccines.

But if we can’t resist the mark, how will we resist the vaccine?

And now we have leftist state governors locking down their states for Thanksgiving. Washington state is banning all indoor social gatherings, including Thanksgiving. Families are not allowed to invite any visitors! Oh yes, they can have a party with only five or less people outside if they social distance! I beg your pardon! This is not life. This is not even common sense.

Don’t these people believe people have brains! Of course if someone is sick, they will not go out among others. That’s what people have always done. But to put these restrictions on healthy people is tyranny. It is taking dominion over our private family lives.

Even the mayor of Nashville, in our state of Tennessee, suggests celebrating Thanksgiving with Video Chats! This is not America. Do we hand over our lives and our families to “authorities” who do not revere our constitution?

Dr. Scot Atlas, a leading adviser for the Coronavirus Task Force, responded to the restrictions in Michigan where Whitmer announced a new lockdown for at least for three weeks that includes Thanksgiving.

He states: “The only way this stops is if people rise up. You get what you accept.”

Will you and your family give in to tyranny or will you resist?

Daniel 11:32 (NLT): “But the people who know their God will be strong and will resist.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

Check out the following article:

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SingPraisesGather with God's people today. If your church is still not open, find one that is. If your church is still not singing, find one that is!

"Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises" (Psalm 47:6).

"Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints" (Psalm 149:1).

"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching" (Hebrews 10:25).

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SetApartEmbrace your glorious high calling today. God has ordained you for this task and you are walking in His perfect will. #motherhood #mommy #mother #ilovemotherhood #beautifulmotherhood #powerofmotherhood #joyfulmotherhood #embracemotherhood #motherhoodquotes #aboverubies #nancycampbellquotes

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PrinceDarknessWe sang this powerful hymn by MARTIN LUTHER at our Family Devotions this morning. The words are so powerful, aren't they? Here are all the words for you.

A mighty fortress is our God,
A bulwark never failing.
Our helper He amid the flood
Of mortal ills prevailing.
For still our ancient foe
Doth seek to work us woe.
His craft and power are great,
And, armed with cruel hate,
On earth is not his equal.

Did we in our own strength confide,
Our striving would be losing,
Were not the right man on our side,
The man of God's own choosing.
Dost ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is He.
Lord Sabaoth, His name,
From age to age the same,
And He must win the battle.

And though this world, with devils filled,
Should threaten to undo us,
We will not fear, for God hath willed
His truth to triumph through us.
The Prince of Darkness grim,
We tremble not for him.
His rage we can endure,
For lo, his doom is sure.
One little word shall fell him.

That word above all earthly powers
Not thanks to them, abideth.
The Spirit and the gifts are ours
Through him who with us sideth.
Let goods and kindred go,
This mortal life also.
The body they may kill,
God's truth abideth still.
His kingdom is forever.

Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell

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Trump2024Another move that is a “must see.” This is more of a documentary, filled with powerful information from many well-known people. It reveals what the world will look like when Trump is no longer president. You better watch before it is too late. A must watch for every person in this nation.

Go Online to either purchase the DVD or stream Online.
~ Nancy

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TRUMP CARD produced by Dinesh D/Souza.

TrumpCardI’d like to recommend this DVD. It was meant to the theaters but because of the spamdemic never got there. We watched this the other night. It is very POWERFUL, revealing the reason why Trump is so hated. He is the only one who is prepared to stand up against globalism and the new world order which will take us into darkness and communism. No wonder Biden stated in the presidential debate that we are going into “a dark winter.” That’s where he wants to take us.

This movie should not be missed. However, it is not for children, not even young people without parental supervision. There is one part in the film which I detest where Dinesh exposes things that Obama did before becoming president that were never exposed to the media (and yet the fake media have brandished lies about Trump night and day since he became president). The things that were exposed were so revolting that I wouldn’t want any young person to watch or hear.

If you want to know what you are getting into if Biden is elected president, you better watch this movie.

Go Online to either purchase the DVD or stream Online.
~ Nancy

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BeeEncoragedDear ladies,
It is a joy to be in contact with you and to write encouraging (and sometimes challenging) posts to your through Facebook.

However, I thought I would let you know of other ways you can be encouraged too.

I also write an EMAIL DEVOTION each week (although forgive me, I don’t always get it written every week) to encourage you. It will come straight to your email if you join by using this link:

You can also join this link where you will receive in your email box any sales we are doing, urgent information, or a MINI ABOVE RUBIES MAGAZINE while you wait for the new issue to arrive:

Be blessed.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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BeStrongActionIn the midst of deception and persecution (which is the context of this Scripture), the people who know God will be strong, rise up, and take action.

The NCV says they will be “strong and fight back.” The Knox translation says they “shall go all the more boldly to work.”

In this time of deception and fraud regarding out election, it is not a time to sit back. Take action in whatever way the Lord impresses upon your heart. Call your Senators, Congressmen, and governors to make sure votes are counted legally. Stand strongly for truth. And most of all pray. Prayer is our most powerful weapon.
~ Nancy Campbell

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FamnationPrayLet’s keep earnestly praying for all voting fraud and hidden agendas to be exposed and for a true and righteous count for the final results for this election. We cannot give up interceding. The battle is not over! #keeppraying #keepinterceeding #dontgiveup #gatheryourfamilytopray #aboverubies

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HemGarmentBy Vini Tejas Pandya

My daughter, Shalom, the fulfillment of God’s promise to me, was born on September 8th, 2017. We all waited expectantly for this moment when we would take our little princess home and our loving family of four would turn to five. Instead, we had to wait at the hospital for exactly 115 days before we could finally reunite as a family.

When Shalom opened her beautiful mouth with a loud cry, we noticed the roof of her mouth had an unfamiliar opening. Her chin looked small, her little jaw was siting further back than normal, and no one knew her tongue was a little tiny too. She was diagnosed with Pierre Robin Sequence and had a cleft palate.

Shalom came into the world struggling to breathe. Considering the complications, she was transported to one of the largest children’s hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. They handed her over to the best team of doctors and various specialists who also discovered Shalom was born with two holes in her heart which eventually filled on their own.

After almost two months at the hospital, one fine Friday, we had a decision-making meeting. We were advised by the doctors and surgeons about a surgical intervention for Shalom. The procedure was called the jaw distractors and involved enlarging her jaw in the hope that it would help with her breathing.

We were deeply troubled and had no peace about the surgery. We called out to God to save our daughter and pleaded to bypass the jaw surgery as the surgery sounded quite invasive and involved breaking her jaw. I reminded God of the Scripture in John 19:36 where none of Jesus’ bones were broken and hence to protect Sholom’s jawbone too.

The next Monday, Shalom developed a viral flu (a blessing in disguise). This common cold infection prohibited the surgeon from touching Shalom for any surgery till she was four weeks’ virus free. It was such a relief as it gave us time to pray and seek God’s face for His healing touch upon Shalom. We claimed the Scripture where the touch of Jesus’ hand would heal every one (Luke 4:40).

Miraculously, God Himself gave growth to Shalom’s chin and after two months of laying her alternatively either on her right or left side, she could easily lie on her back without dropping her oxygen level. Her tongue grew a little and didn’t fall back anymore.

The surgeon came back saying that she didn’t need the jaw distractors as her breathing had improved on its own. We rejoiced in our hearts to see the touch of the Master. Jesus, the Miracle-Worker, was constantly interceding and mediating on behalf of Shalom.

God was not just looking after Shalom, but He supernaturally provided an army of prayer warriors from various groups and churches to pray for Shalom’s healing. Various friends and pastors visited us at the hospital with words of hope and encouragement, making our journey easier. Twenty-four-hour prayer chains were held for Shalom and even different prayer lines continually made intercession for Shalom’s healing.

Our home church strongly stood by and we knew that God was carrying us in His very own hands. He spoke to us through His Word and guided us continually.

Almost four months at the hospital seemed like forever but I felt peace in my heart when I surrendered Shalom to the Lord and went about praying for other NICU mothers at the hospital. That made my journey a lot easier as I shifted my focus from my own problems, and it gave me a mission to share the love of God with the broken hearted.

As for Shalom, her battle was not over yet. The feeding was still an issue. She could not go home till she ate safely. Shalom was not fed orally for over six months of her life because of the possibility of aspiration. After a long wait, they put in a gastrostomy tube.

Then the day came when it seemed like our chains were broken. On December 31st, a cold, snowy day, Shalom was discharged from the hospital. God’s timing was strategic and on the New Year’s morning, Shalom opened her eyes in her own home in the presence of her most loving family. God proved His faithfulness to us.

After two months of being home with excessive trials and lot of prayers, Shalom started eating and drinking by mouth and never developed any of the chest or ear infections that were possible. The gastrostomy tube was taken out and she has been doing everything so beautifully. God amazed us with His goodness.

Our God is a God of miracles. We believe that because Jesus lives, so shall Shalom live an amazing and abundant life. In May 2020, they successfully operated on Shalom for her cleft palate repair.

We believe the God who created the heavens and the earth by His great and mighty power and infinite wisdom is the same God who has given such profound wisdom and knowledge to the most amazing surgeon, Dr. Eric Hubli, to do such artistic work with so much skill and expertise. God not only looked after us but also provided us with the best hands to perform Shalom’s surgery. We thank and appreciate Dr Hubli very much and give all glory to our great God.

Matthew 14:35, 36: “(They) brought unto him all that were diseased; and besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole.”


Vini has also written a lovely book of poems called, I TOUCHED THE HEM OF HIS GARMENT. You can contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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InteruptionsOh, isn’t that so true, dear mothers? Those interruptions can be some of your most significant mothering moments. It’s often the spontaneous interruptions that open the way to do something special, to give that extra hug and affirmation, or to give an anointed and needed word to one of your children at just the right moment. Look at your interruptions a s part of your mothering life. Use them positively instead of wasting them. #divineinterruptions #ilovemotherhood #embracemotherhood #motherhoodlife #motherhoodlifeisfullofjoy #mothering #motheringmoments #aintnohoodlikemotherhood #aboverubies #cslewis #cslewisquotes

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HaveVotedYetI voted for . . .
Life and the protection of the unborn baby
Freedom of speech and protecting the First Amendment
Freedom to worship
Freedom to get this country back to business
Protection of the Second Amendment
Protection of our borders
Protection of Christianity
Law and order
To preserve our Republic
Fracking, protection of oil industry
And much more . . .

I voted against
Abortion up until birth
Extreme socialism and the Green New Deal
The Equality Act which Biden wants to enforce in his first 100 days
Defunding our police
China take over
Islam take over (Biden wants to put Muslims in every department of leadership and increase Islam education in schools)
Open borders
Lockdown of our nation
Annihilation of oil industry

As you can see, I am not ashamed to say that I voted for Trump.



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Sing your heart out at church this weekend!

SignHeartOutSing your heart out at church this weekend!

"Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of
saints" (Psalm 149:1).

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BlessednessI have been thinking of the blessedness of motherhood. And yes, along with the blessedness is hard work and heartache.

However, I believe that the devil robs mothers of the joys and glory of motherhood. Because God ordained motherhood and created us for this high purpose, the devil hates it. He hates what God mandates. He feeds us with lies that we are wasting our lives when in fact, we are fulfilling the perfect will of God. When we embrace motherhood, we are on God’s side.

No other woman can compare with the highest favor that was ever given to a woman, a young teenager named Mary, who was privileged to carry the Son of God in her womb. The angel called her “highly favored” in Luke 1:28 and 30. This privilege was given to only one woman in the whole of history.

However, each time a new baby is conceived in a womb, it is also a God moment. It is God who gives the conception. It is God who creates this new, precious life in the womb—a life that has never lived before and there will never be anyone like this one again. And because it is God who gives life, His favor is also upon every pregnant woman.

In the original Greek, the word for “highly favored” is “charitoo.” This word was never used before the New Testament! It means “to be accepted, to give grace to.” It was God’s grace to Mary to receive the privilege to carry Jesus in her womb. It is also God’s grace to you to carry a life in our womb.

Dear mother, don’t be deceived by the lies of the world and society around you. There is no higher mission you can do in your life than to carry a new human being, and more truthfully, an eternal soul in your womb.

Embrace the blessedness. Embrace the truth. Live in the joy of it. Live in the glory of it. Lift up your head for you are doing something eternal. Everything else you do in life will be left behind, but you will take this precious child into the eternal realm with you if you are faithful to lead him/her to salvation.

What an amazing assignment. You are giving a child the opportunity and privilege to experience the glory of eternity with Christ forever. It’s only in the “forever glory” that you will truly understand the enormity and power of carrying a child in your womb.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

Photo: My grandson Crusoe Johnson with his lovely wife Stephanie and their little one, Hosanna. Stephanie is due to have her second baby next week.

Autumn Rose Photography (Autumn is my granddaughter, Pearl’s daughter).


Did you know, I am now doing a podcast for you each week called FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell? I know you will be blessed and encouraged. Go to www.aboverubies.org and you’ll see the icon. Or go to http://ARPoddy.buzzsprout.com

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YourRestfulhomeGod is the creator of the home and it is meant to be the most beautiful place on earth. It is meant to be a replica of God's home in heaven. Jesus asked us to pray: "Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matthew 5:10).

Of course, everything that God designed the devil hates and seeks to destroy. He wants to steal from us every lovely thing God intends for us. God woos us into the home which He designed for them and where we find true rest and joy; the devil woos women out of the home and into a life of deception.

Our God is a dwelling God who loves to dwell. He dwells in His home in heaven. He dwelt amongst His people in the tabernacle and later in the temple in Jerusalem. He dwells in our hearts. He loves to bring His presence to our homes. And He will dwell with us for all eternity (Revelation 21:3).

He also wants us to be a dwelling people. The word "dwell" occurs 468 times in the Bible, translated by many different words. I found 26 different Hebrew words for the word "dwell" and five more that speak of temporary dwelling.

Every Hebrew word gives a beautiful description of dwelling in our homes. Let me tell you about one for today. The word "mnuwchah" means "matrimony, repose, consolation, an abode, comfortable, quiet, resting place." Although it means to dwell in a home, did you notice that it also includes matrimony? When we marry, we make a home-a place of comfort and consolation, a repose, a resting place for God, ourselves, and our children.

Here are a few Scriptures where it is used:
"My people shall dwell . . . in quiet resting places (mnuwchah)" (Isaiah 32:18).

"The ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them in the three days' journey, to search out a resting place (mnuwchah) for them" (Numbers 10:33). God intends our homes to be resting places. He loves to call them resting places.

"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside still (mnuwchah) waters" (Psalm 23:2).

"The LORD grant you that you may find rest (mnuwhchah), each of you in the house of her husband" (Ruth 1:9. It was expected that they would find rest in a marriage and home.

God Himself speaks and says: "This is my rest (mnuwhchah) forever; here will I dwell; for I have desired it" (Psalm 132:14). God desires to live in rest. He wants to rest in our homes. He wants to rest in our hearts.

As you think about all you need to accomplish, can I draw your heart back to your home? God wants to do beautiful things in your home. Powerful things. World-changing things. Great things can come out of a home that is filled with God--filled with His rest, His peace, and His joy.

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GodsSide2That means standing on the side of LIFE. That means standing on the side of TRUTH. That means standing for “one man, one woman marriage. “ That means standing for Israel. That means ALWAYS standing on God’s infallible Word, no matter what man may say. Who will say Amen with me? #amen #standforlife #prolife #promarriage #godistruth #godswordistruth #iwillnotcompromise #godswordisinfallible #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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BlindGuideTrueTeachersWhat kind of a home are you creating? We often carry on the same ideas and traditions of the home in which we were brought up. We do what we do because we’ve always done it and that’s the way our mothers did it! I was talking to a lady yesterday who said she always used Tide to wash her clothes because her mother always used Tide.

I will admit that some traditions are good, and we should keep them going for generations. Other things may not be the best. We should always seek to know find the best way, don’t you think?

I am sure we’ll all concede that God’s ways are the best ways. Now we are not going to learn the best ways to clean our home or cook a certain meal from the Bible, although God will teach us as we seek Him. However, He does shows us the best way to live our lives and establish our families. That’s why we must constantly seek God’s Word to know if we are living in the truth or not.

I believe this is especially necessary for us mothers. We have such a responsibility to lead our children the right way, or we are “blind guides” and both we and our children will fall into the pit (Matthew 15:14).

Let’s look at just two examples in God’s Word today. 2 Corinthians 5;15 says: “He (Jesus Christ) died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, BUT UNTO HIM which died for them, and rose again.” These words are the opposite to the attitude that is prevalent today. Most Christian women confess they must have time for themselves, time to get away from their children, time to go out and relax, and so on. These things are nice, but it doesn’t always work out practically when we have little children.

Therefore, what is our attitude? Do we get into a state of self-pity because we don’t have all the time we want for ourselves? Do we have an entitlement attitude of “I deserve to have my time and I deserve this and that?” Or do we embrace the principle that we are not meant to live unto ourselves, but unto Jesus who died for us. Jesus didn’t live His life to Himself but poured out His life for us.

Most people would like to be great and known for something important into their lives. That’s why some mothers are discontent with motherhood. They feel they should be out in their career, making a name for themselves. But what is God’s principle? If you want to be great in God’s kingdom, you must become the servant of all (Mark 10:42-45).

“A servant,” did you say? Yes, that’s what Jesus was. And because He humbled himself to become a servant, God highly exalted Him (Philippians 2:5-11).

Which attitudes do you have? Are you building them in your family? Showing by your example and teaching your children these biblical principles? These principles make for harmonious and blessed living. God’s way is always the best. And they prepare our children how to live their lives TOO.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ