CouldNotBelieveAldi is my favorite grocery store. All of us on the Hilltop shop at this store. However, yesterday I was in the city and popped into a new Aldi to get one or two items.
I needed to use the restroom before I left and could not believe my eyes when I got to the door. I was so grieved, saddened, and offended to see that they have joined with the transgender deception. It is not enough to have a male and female restroom, but they have added the picture of a half/man, half/woman!
Imagine little children looking at that picture! What about our young people? We cannot take this sitting down.
Do you shop at Aldi? If so, I would please urge you to write to the main office and state your concerns. They will be putting these restrooms in every new Aldi. Go to the internet for address and emails for Aldi.
Your local Aldi, like ours, may still be traditional. Please also contact, call, or write to your local manager where you shop and tell them that if they change to transgender bathrooms, they will lose your custom.
To not do something is to side with transgender which is a slap in the face to God who created us male and female! We must stand up for the truth.
Ephesians 5;11: “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”
Yours standing against all evil.
~ Nancy

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