Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


WhereBiblesGoneEvery now and then I like to get on my “band wagon” or my “soap box.” I have quite a few soap boxes! Which one am I on today?
I wonder why people are forgetting about their Bibles. Yes, I know most people read their Bibles on their iPhones today and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that. But I feel sad that they are discarding their Bible they can hold in their hands. There’s something about holding the written Word of God. I love to hold it in my hands. I love to even caress it. I love to underline my Bible. I love my well-used Bible and I constantly wear them out.
In my personal devotions, I use my iPhone to check Hebrew and Greek words and sometimes another translation, but I love to read my printed Bible. Far less side-tracking.
It is rare to see people bring their Bible to church today. That really saddens me. Even the preachers preach from their iPhones. Oh my, I think there is so much more authority about them holding God’s Word in their hand as they preach!
And the congregation. There are those who are diligent to read along on their iPhones when the Scriptures are being read, but oh my (oh my again!) we have to be diligent. I am, on the whole, a disciplined person. But even as a disciplined person I find I must use extra discipline when I read God’s Word on my iPhone. It’s so easy to be distracted by a message coming in or something that pops up as you look for a reference.
I know that most young people give in to these distractions! I have seen people checking their messages while in church! Oh yes, they are just too tempting and distracting!
I think it’s time we brought our Bibles back to church. What a wonderful thing it is to see a whole congregation with their Bibles open and a notebook ready to write down what God is saying to them. When people bring their Bibles to church you know they mean business with God. You know they are a student of God’s Word (2 Timothy 2:15).
Here’s a good challenge. Why not make it a new project to go to church this coming weekend, making sure everyone in the family is carrying their Bible! It will give your children a renewed encouragement of the importance of the Bible. It’s not any ordinary book. It contains the eternal living words of God. And when other families see you all with your Bibles, hopefully they will be encouraged to do the same thing.
What about when you are reading the Bible in public, perhaps on an airplane or waiting room. You may love to do it on your iPhone, but that doesn’t scare anyone. Get out your Bible and you’ll get some reaction or even avoidance! The literal Bible has power to convict people even without reading the words.
It’s time the Bible came back into the open! Anyone with me?
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
Picture: My morning Quiet Time: My Bible, my notebook with Scriptures and ideas waiting to study, and my journal in which I write my revelations for each day. I keep everything in my Bible basket which I can carry wherever I want in the home.
P.S. Do you have a picture of all your family going to church with your Bibles?
Or do you have a picture of your children having Bible reading, each with their own Bible? I’d love to see these pictures if you have them. Email them to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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GetTheJoyWe talked yesterday about the joyful mother. Sadly, this seems to be the opposite testimony of many mothers today. They look downcast. They are overwhelmed. They are full of self-pity. They moan and groan. Where has the joy gone?
Let’s look at some ways to get the joy. These are principles that have worked in my own life.
1. Embrace the truth. What is the truth? When God gives you precious children, He doesn’t give them to you to give to someone else to care for. He gives them to you! He created you to be a mother—physically and innately. You are in His perfect will.
2. When you understand the truth, it sets you free to be who you are. And when you are free, you’ll live in joy.
3. Acknowledge that you are in His perfect will. “Á double minded man is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8).
4. Confess the truth. It’s not enough to know and acknowledge the truth, you need to confess the truth. Your words determine your life. What you speak is what you become. Therefore, each new morning, thank God for the joy of being a mother.
Speak the words out loud: “I am a joyful mother,” “I love being a mother,” or “Motherhood is my greatest career.” You’ll experience what you confess.
5. Change your attitude. Your words and your attitude affect your life. The wrong attitude makes you miserable. The right attitude fills you with joy.
6. Purpose to be joyful. Joy has nothing to do with feelings or circumstances. Anyone can be happy when everything is going according to plan. But life isn’t like that. It’s full of challenges and difficulties which must be overcome. But this is how we mature in life. This is how we become one of the overcomers!
Jesus Christ is filled with joy and He dwells in you if you have accepted Him into your life. Therefore, you can live His life of joy, no matter what circumstances you face or what your lying feelings are telling you. Come to the place of living by the truth rather than by your feelings or the lies that society tells you.
May you have the greatest fun day in your home,
Love from Nancy Campbell
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MerryHeartMomYesterday we talked about nesting in the home. But we must look at something more in Psalm 113:9 which describes the mother as JOYFUL. Did you know that God equates motherhood with joy? And it’s not an average kind of joy. It’s exceeding joy.
The Hebrew word is “sameach.” It means “to be blithe and gleeful, to be merry-hearted.” It’s the same word used in Proverbs 14:13: “A MERRY HEART maketh a cheerful countenance.” And again, in Proverbs 17:22: “A MERRY HEART doeth good like a medicine.”
But there’s more. It’s the same word that is used when people drink wine and get happy (Isaiah 14:7). When you are “eating and drinking, and making merry” (1 Kings 4:20). It’s the same word that was used when Solomon was made king and the people “rejoiced with GREAT JOY, so that the earth rent with the sound of them (1 Kings 1:40). Did you get that? The HCSB makes it clearer: “rejoicing with such a great joy that the earth split open from the sound.”
This the joy of motherhood! “This is a bit over-the-top” you exclaim! Dear mothers, it’s meant to be over-the-top! God is not average or ordinary in any way. He doesn’t only give us life, He gives us ABUNDANT life. He not only gives us joy, but EXCEEDING joy and “JOY UNSPEAKABLE and FULL OF GLORY” (1 Peter 1:8).
So, why aren’t mothers joyful? Unfortunately, most women are brainwashed against motherhood by in-laws, out-laws, the media, and the education system. They are told that motherhood is an insignificant career and they should be doing something more beneficial. Because of this they have the wrong attitude about motherhood, and if you have the wrong attitude, you’re not going to be very happy.
The truth is that God created you for motherhood. Your body is created for this purpose. When God gives you children to raise in your home you are in the very perfect will of God. God does not see motherhood as insignificant. He exalts motherhood (Ezekiel 19:10, 11), He glorifies motherhood (Hosea 9:11), and He enthrones motherhood (Psalm 113:9 Sugden).
Tomorrow we’ll look at how we can get the joy in motherhood. I know you’ll be wanting to hear that!
Love from Nancy Campbell
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NesterPsalm 113:9 says: “He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord.”
The phrase “to keep house” is the same Hebrew word I have been sharing with you recently, “yashab.” Do you remember what it means? To marry, to dwell in a family with children, to sit down, to settle, to abide, to remain, to continue.”
I love the CEB translation of this Scripture: “God NESTS the once barren woman at home—now a joyful mother of children.” To nest in a home means to settle in. To make a snug abode, a sweet resting place. A nest is a place to rear little ones such as a bird with her nestlings. Why are baby birds called nestlings? Because the mother nurtures them in a nest where it is safe and secure.
Our babies and young children are also little nestlings. God intends them to be nurtured in the home, not in daycares. And therefore, we make our home a safe nest.
We cannot be a nester if we are not in the home. We work in our home. We mother in our home. We nurture in our home. We love our nest.
Did you notice that this Scripture ends with the exclamation, “Praise ye the Lord”? What is your response to nesting in the home? A sigh and a groan or the bold exclamation, “Praise ye the Lord”?
Can I hear you say it aloud? Come on, say it with me, “Praise ye the Lord.”
Have a blessed day in your home today,
Nancy Campbell
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WhatAboutChildrenYesterday we talked about how God wants us to settle in our homes (Hosea 11:11). The ESV and some other translations give another thought to this Scripture: “I will RETURN them to their homes, declares the Lord.” In other words, when we get away from our homes, God wants to return us back to our homes for this is where He has placed us.
The picture God gives of a blessed family is of the wife in the heart of her home with all her children sitting around the table (Psalm 128:3). If we read the Scriptures and hearken to God’s voice, we will voluntarily return to the home.
However, in this passage God had to use might to get the people back to their homes. Hosea 11:10, 11 says: “He will roar like a lion: when he roars his children shall come trembling from the west, they shall come trembling like birds from Egypt and like doves from the land of Assyria, and I will RETURN them to their homes, declares the LORD.” I hope God doesn’t have to ROAR to get our attention to draw us back!
We get a little more understanding how God feels about this when we read Micah 2:9: “The women of my people have ye cast out from their pleasant houses; from their children have ye taken away my glory forever.” God was angry because the women were forced from their homes. Is God angry at the voices of humanism and feminism which coerce and draw women out of their homes where God has placed them? God called them “pleasant” homes. The word means “delightful.”
However, God was not only angry that the mothers were taken from their homes. He was angry because the children were taken from their homes! God calls the inheritance of children being raised in the home “my glory.” We better tread carefully about what we do with what God calls His “glory.”
The HCSB translation says: “You take my blessing from their children forever.”
AMP: “You take away my splendor and blessing forever (by putting them among pagans, away from Me.)” Wow, those are powerful words. God says that when children are taken out of the home to be cared for by pagans who don’t love and worship Him that they are taken away from Him. He wants children to be raised in His presence, in His truth, in the sacred atmosphere in the home of godly parents. How much do we revere God’s Word? I feel the fear of God in my heart when I read these words.
NLT: “And forever stripped their children of all that God would give them.”
NET: “You defraud their children of their prized inheritance.” God says it is children’s inheritance to be raised in the home.
May you and your precious children be blessed with all the blessings of God in your home today.
Love from Nancy Campbell
Painting by Jim Daly
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Dear mother, you are not insignificant. You have great power and influence as a mother in your home. You may be hidden away but you are wielding a mighty power. You are training the next generation. You will ultimately determine the destiny of the nation. The children who come forth from the homes of mothers will determine whether it will be a godly or ungodly nation.
Rise up into your calling dear mother. This is an hour for courageous mothers. We must be mothers who know the truth and impart it to your children. We must be mothers who are not deceived by the fears and paranoia that comes through the fake media. We must be mothers who will not give into the tyranny that we are being subjected to.
It’s time to rise up on the behalf of our nation. I think of Deborah. How did she arise to save her nation? She arose as a MOTHER! In Deborah’s day they had been under the servitude Jabin, the Canaanite king for 20 years! The people were under such fear that they avoided the main roads, and few were left in the villages until . . . “until I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel” (Judges 5:7).
We are currently entering the time Purim that we read about in the book of Esther. Haman, the enemy, planned to destroy every Jew in the kingdom, but we know how Esther, who had been chosen to be the new queen, rose up to speak for her people. She was most probably only a teenager, but she overcame her fear and trembling with bravery and courage.
“If I perish, I perish,” she cried as she took her stand.
I believe it is time for courageous mothers.
It’s time to rise up in the anointing and authority that God has given to us
to embrace our calling of motherhood and raise godly sons and daughters.
It’s time to rise up with courage to stand against tyranny and live in the
freedom that God and our Constitution gives to us.
It’s time to rise up and take back the freedoms that are being stolen from us.
It’s time to rise up and shine the light of God’s truth in the midst of darkness and deception.
It’s time to rise up into the throne room of God to intercede for our families and our nation.
It’s time to rise up with boldness and courage to resist the onslaughts of the enemy.
It’s time to rise up in victory with the overcoming power of God that is given to us as children of God.
It’s time to rise up and turn away from listening to the fake media and listen instead to God’s infallible word.
It’s time to rise up against all fears and paranoia and live in the truth that sets us free.
It’s time to rise up and turn away from mediocrity, luke-warmness, fearfulness, sub-zero Christianity, and live the abundant life Jesus came to give us.
We don’t want to be spineless mothers, do we? Become the strong backbone of your home. Build a strong marriage and family. Pound your stakes deep. Gather your family daily to your table. Fill them with God’s word. Eliminate all fears in the name of Jesus. Stand up boldly for truth. Raise sons and daughters who will stand strong against the deceptions of this hour.
Are you ready for the challenge?
Rise up today,
Nancy Campbell
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Sit Down A Little MoreAre you nestled in your home? God wants you to nest, rest, and invest in your home. He made the home for you. He created the home for you to raise your children. Before God created Eve, He first prepared the home for her. When she woke up to life, she was in her delightful home of Eden. Adam had already been created before the home, but not the woman!

Whenever God talks about the home, he invariably uses the Hebrew word "yashab." It means "to sit down, to dwell, to remain, to settle, to continue, to abide, to keep house." That doesn't sound like gadding about everywhere, does it? Interestingly, the Geneva Bible of Titus 2:5 where it tells us to be "keepers at home" describes this phrase as "not gadding up and down."

In Hosea 11:11 God uses the word "yashab" and says: "I will settle them in their own homes, declares the LORD." Are you settled and nestled?

The KNOX translation says: "In in their own home, the Lord says, I will give them rest." Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you running ragged? Too much to do? God always has the answer. Stop running around so much. Come back home. In your own home God gives you rest.

It's not only we who get tense and stressed out. Our children do too. When we hustle them around to go to this place and that they also get restless and upset. Did you notice one of the meanings of "yashab" is to "sit down." The Young's Literal translation of Psalm 113:9 renders it literally: "Causing the barren one of the house to SIT, a joyful mother of sons." Even in the home we can be so busy running around that we don't take time to SIT DOWN with our children.

Children need mothers to SIT DOWN! When your little ones get out of control, instead of screaming at them and feeling you are going crazy, stop what you are doing and say, "Come, let's sit on the sofa and have a story." Grab your baby to nurse and gather your little ones all around you and read some stories to them until they are all relaxed and settled. They will then be ready to play happily again. I did this many times a day. There's nothing like sitting down with your little ones to bring peace and calm. And you become calm in the process too.

Take time to sit with your older ones to talk to them too. You mother much better sitting down than running around the house doing all your own projects! Remember, you are a mother before everything else you do. This is your highest priority.

Love and blessings from Nancy Campbell

Painting: "The Alphabet" * Pierre Auguste Renoir (1897).

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WarfareReady(Question at the end about the picture).
Life is not a vacation. We are in a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. We face challenges and battles each day in our daily lives. Praise God, He doesn’t leave us weaponless. He gives us many weapons to face the enemy.
We have our sword which is the Word of God, the same weapon Jesus used to defeat Satan (Matthew 4:1-11 and Ephesians 6:17).
We have the power of prayer that can annihilate hundreds and thousands of enemies (Leviticus 26:7, 8 and Ephesians 6:18).
We have the power of the blood and the name of Jesus from which the devil flees (Revelation 12:11).
But do we use our weapons? Psalm 78:9 tell us about the Ephaimites who “being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle.” Isn’t that amazing? They had their armor on and their weapons with them, but they didn’t use them. They weren’t skilled and practiced with their weapons and therefore they were fearful when facing the battle.
We’ve got to get familiar with our weapons. They’ve got to become part of us. Remember when King Saul gave David his own armor and a sword? When David tried to walk, he was not comfortable because he hadn’t proved them, and took them off (1 Samuel 17:38, 39).
If we are not familiar with our weapons, we won’t be ready to use them when the need arises.
We have a responsibility to daily fill them with God’s Word. God’s powerful words must get into their mouths (Isaiah 59:21). Let’s teach them how to pray. The way we do this is pray! Never let a day go by, morning and evening, without praying together with your children. Teach them the power of the blood of Jesus and how to use the name of Jesus against the enemy (James 4:7 and 1 John 3:8).
By the time your children leave home and go out into this world they should be so proficient at using their armor that they are ready for any battle they face, and they will face many. Our military don’t go into battle until they are proficient with their weapons! We, and our children, must also become skilled.
Let’s be “warfare ready” families in this hour.
Be encouraged.
Nancy Campbell
Picture: Which one do you think looks ready for war? The roaring bold lion or the one who is pretending to be a lion?
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LovTaksWkNothing in this life comes easy. Nor does motherhood. It’s the greatest career God has given to women. It’s fulfilling. It’s filled with joys too big for the heart. It’s our DNA. It’s what we are born for.
But it’s HARD WORK! It’s demanding. It never lets up, day or night. It’s also filled with heartaches and crying tears of intercession for our children. But isn’t that true with any great work? No great work just happens. No great work is without challenges, heartaches, disappointments, and setbacks.
Even the Bible reminds us of this truth. When writing to the Thessalonian Christians Paul said to them: “Remembering without ceasing your WORK OF FAITH, and LABOR OF LOVE, and PATIENCE OF HOPE in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father” (1 Thessalonians 1:3).
God spells it out to us here. Faith is proved by our works. Love is proved by our hard work. And hope is proved by our patience endurance. It’s not airy-fairy stuff!
I love the J. B. Phillips’ translation: “We never forget that your faith has meant solid achievement, your love has meant hard work, and the hope that you have in our Lord Jesus Christ means sheer dogged endurance in the life that you live before God, the Father of us all.”
That’s it, lovely ladies. Love means hard work. Love is not only a feeling. It is action. Because we love our husbands, we work hard to serve them, bless them, and please them. Because we love our children, we don’t complain that we no longer live to ourselves, but delight to give our lives to mothering. Because we love our homes, we rejoice in efficiently maintaining them. We don’t let it go to chaos. It takes diligence and hard work, but this proves our love.
Be encouraged today. You prove your love by hard work. Forget all the grumbling and groaning. Rejoice in it. Work is wonderful. God gave it as a principle before the fall. It is a God-given blessing. Hard work never kills anyone. When you embrace it with joy because your heart is filled with love, you’ll enjoy every minute of it. And you’ll sleep well at night because your body will be ready to sleep.
How wonderful. And don’t you love the end of that Scripture? “In the sight of God and our Father.” We do everything in our home and all our motherhood in the sight of our Father God. He is watching, caring for us, and hovering over us in our homes.
Love to you from Nancy Campbell
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RoleReversalWriting about parenthood, the great preacher and writer, J. R. Miller says: “Duties cannot be transferred.” I happen to agree with him, although many modern Christians would not.
Why do we think we know better than God? Why do we think that we have a better plan for our lives that the one who intricately, wonderfully, and marvelously created us?
God, in His perfect design, for “all His ways are perfect,” created a father and a mother to bring children into the world and to care for them in this world. He gave each one distinct roles to fulfil. Each brings their own strengths to the parenting career. Many want to change the roles because of convenience. The wife wants to take on the role of provider which means she must give her children to someone else to watch. And yet no guardian, no matter how loving, can ever be in tune to the innermost needs of her child like the mother.
Sometimes a mother can earn more money than her husband, so she goes to work while her husband stays home with the children. This is a role reversal and not planned by the God who created us.
But you say, “I know fathers who are great stay-at-home-fathers to their children.” That may be so, but they cannot be a mother no matter how they try. God has put within women a maternal anointing that men don’t have. Yes, men love their children. They have a strong instinct to protect their children. They want to provide for their children, but they weren’t created to “mother” their children but to “father” them.
Babies and toddlers need the comfort of their mother’s breasts. Breastfeeding is tied up with motherhood. Scientific studies reveal that the more frequently a mother breastfeeds her baby the more motherly and nurturing she becomes. These hormones release mothering hormones and a man does not have the same abundance of these hormones that God gives to a mother to nurture.
God has also put within women a love for home, unless of course it is brainwashed out of her by our education system, the media, and the deception of our progressive society. A man is not cut out for the finer touches of the home and to making a home feel like a home. He was created to go out and to provide. To work hard for his family.
To get back to our original statement, I do concede that men and women can transfer their roles to a certain extent, but only at the expense of God’s ultimate blessing for the family. God intends fathers and mothers to fully embrace the way He created them and to reveal these strengths to their children which they pass on from one generation to the next.
Children who grow up in a family where the mother works and the husband stays home with the children will have a distorted understanding of God’s definitive plan. They will be confused and deceived. And what happens in the next generation? Will they think it normal to carry on this pattern until we have a society of men at home and women in the work force? God forbid.
Be blessed today in your God-given role of mothering,
Nancy Campbell
Painting: The First Stitch.
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PayThemBackWhat do you do when someone hurts you or says something that cuts deep into you like a knife? How do you feel when it is someone very close to you, perhaps your husband? Maybe you retreat into a shell with self-pity and bitterness. Or you shout and yell. You want to pay them back.
That’s our first reaction. And can you believe it? God agrees with us. But He has a different way of paying back than we do. He wants us to “pay them back with a blessing” (1 Peter 3:9). Another translation says: “Retaliate with a blessing.”
How can you bless someone back when you feel hurt and mad at them? Only by God’s grace. Only by the power of Christ’s love and forgiveness that is in you because Christ lives in you. God’s ways are opposite to the way we feel, but they always work.
Can I encourage you to try it? Is your husband cold and indifferent to you? Does he say things that hurt you? Think of ways to bless him. Take time to think of blessing words to say to him. Speak kind, sweet, and loving words to him, even in the face of his indifference. You won’t feel like doing this, but let me tell you, you will be amazed at the miracles that will take place when you do it God’s way.
Proverbs 12: 25 (TLB): “A word of encouragement does wonders.” Try it. It works.
Proverbs 15:1: “A soft answer turns away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.”
Proverbs 15;15: “A soft tongue breaks the bone.” Soft and submissive words can break the hardest heart.
Love from Nancy Campbell
Picture by Puuung.
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MarriageexclusivePt1A Facebook question popped up on my Facebook awhile back: “What do yo think about having a male friend apart from your husband? Vice versa too? Can it be a purely platonic relationship?”
I was grieved in my spirit by the answers to this question. Most answered saying they thought it was healthy and beneficial to have friends of the opposite sex who were not their husband.
I beg your pardon! What has happened to God’s ideal of marriage? What has happened to the sacredness of marriage? What has happened to keeping true to our solemn marriage vows?
The marriage celebrant asks the couple to repeat: I, ________, take thee ________, to be my wedded husband/wife, to have an to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, and FORSAKING ALL OTHERS, BE FAITHFUL ONLY UNTO HER/HIM ’til death do us part, according to God’s ordinance; and thereto I PLEDGE THEE MY TROTH.”
I guess many have never heard the last phrase, “pledge thee my troth.” but I love these words. They were always part of the original marriage vows. The word “troth” means to pledge lifelong faithfulness, truthfulness, loyalty, and fidelity.” Troth not only rhymes with oath but is a synonym of oath.
We know that “forsaking all others,” means to keep sexually pure in marriage. But I believe it means more than that. It means forsaking PERSONAL friendships with the opposite sex. I don’t care what all these young marrieds say, it is not God’s plan for marriage. Now that doesn’t mean you can’t have friendship with men. My husband and I have many friendships with couples and families together. We have given ourselves to hospitality through the years and we enjoy the rich blessing of many couples at our table as we fellowship and enjoy friendship together.
But I wouldn’t dream of going out to eat or going somewhere on my own with the husband of that couple. Why do I need to do that? Why do I need another guy apart from my husband? My husband is my best friend. I have vowed to forsake all others and be faithful only unto him—sexually, emotionally, mentally, and because of my scared marriage vows. Marriage is exclusive, not only physically, but also emotionally.
And how does this affect our children and the next generation? I recently asked some young people: “How would you feel if your father or mother went out on their own with someone of the opposite sex?” They were aghast. They said it would make them feel very insecure. One girl mentioned that one time she was coming home from work and saw her mother with another man in the car. Her heart fell. She arrived home to find that her mother was taking the builder home who was working on the house! But just seeing another man in the car devastated her.
A few more thoughts in the next post.
Blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
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MemoriesI love this old painting. I just Had to share it has it brings back such memories. This is how we used to roll a hank of yarn into a ball. My father often held the yarn for my mother as she rolled the wool into a ball. We children also had to take turns of holding the wool for her. This dear old husband has drifted off to sleep. But if he was awake, he would be holding his hands in place and keep the wool tight to make it easy to roll without getting tangled. Is there anyone else old enough to have these memories?
~ Nancy
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JesusWayLiveDavid said in Psalm 4:6: “There are many who say, “Who will show us any good?” In other words, ”Where can I find true happiness?” Some look for happiness in material things, pleasures, entertainment, prestige, or the favor of people around them. David answered his own question. He replied that he found his happiness in knowing the presence of God and His friendship. The GW translation says: “Let the light of your presence shine on us, O LORD.” It is only God who can truly satisfy the longing and deepest desires of our heart. You cannot find it in “things.” You cannot even find it in your closest friend, your husband. Only in God.
But there is another thought in this Scripture, “Who will show us good?” Who in this world will show us the true way to soul rest and joy? God reveals Himself through His people. Can God use us to show His goodness to those around us? Acts 10:38 tells us “how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about DOING GOOD, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for GOD WAS WITH HIM.” Many of us just “go about,” but if Jesus Christ lives in us, we will go about our daily life “doing good.”
What a privilege we have as mothers. When we wake up each morning, we have a whole day ahead to “do good” and “say good things” to our children. We are the face of Jesus to our little ones. We can show them “good” all throughout the day.
And what about our husband? Proverbs 31:12 says the virtuous woman “will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.” Not just one day, but EVERY DAY of her life.
Dear wife and mother, may you have the most wonderful day today, going about doing, speaking good and doing good things to your husband and children and everyone else you come in contact with.
What a great way to live, the way of Emmanuel, God with us.
~ Nancy Campbell
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TimeToSayNoThe devil wants our children. He will take the souls, minds, and hearts of our children if we let him. He wants to take them down his road of destruction. We cannot give him an inch or he takes a mile. We must be fierce guarders!
Because the devil hates everything that God loves and planned for His creation, he robs women of their God-given home and mothering by wooing them into their careers. He robs children of being raised in the home which is their inheritance. He robs families of more children that God has eternally destined for them by contraception, sterilization, and abortion. He robs marriages through pornography and adultery. He robs our silver and gold by tempting us to spend it on wasted material pleasures instead of God’s kingdom.
We see an example in the life of King Ahab. Ben-Hadad, king of Syria sent messengers to king Ahab of Israel: “Thy silver and thy gold is mine; thy wives also and thy children, even the goodliest, are mine.”
And what did king Ahab answer? “My lord, O king, according to thy saying, I am thine, and all that I have.” He even stated: “I denied him not” (1 Kings 20: 2, 3, 7). Can you believe it? Because of the fear of man, or because he didn’t have the courage to stand up against king Ben-Hadad, he surrendered to him. He gave up everything that was precious to him.
How sad to read such a testimony? And yet we can so easily get caught. God gives us our children to raise for Him and for God’s destiny. And yet we give them to daycares and hand them over to the state education system.
Somehow, even some Christian parents don’t mind that their children are taught that Islam is a peaceful religion (while we watch Islamic terror on TV). Many children in state schools have been asked to draw posters of the Five Pillars of Islam and pictures of the Prophet Muhammad, sing Islamic songs, wear Islamic clothes, construct a 3-D model of a mosque, design an Islamic prayer rug, and do calligraphy for “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His prophet.” Yes, this is in American schools.
Some parents don’t mind that their children are openly taught about alternative lifestyles and that transgender is a choice for them. They may even be ignorant that the gay agenda now pushes their lifestyle in our state schools through books and curriculums (even on-line school). One of their latest books available to schools is “It’s Perfectly Normal” which contains material so sexually explicit that, according to the American Life League, it has been ruled inappropriate for prisoners by a Washington State court.
Some parent don’t mind that their children are taught that abortion is a woman’s right. They don’t seem to mind that their children are brainwashed in socialism.
Let’s not give in like Ahab. Let’s have the courage to rise up and say No to the enemy! No, to his robbing of all that God has given us.
Speak your confession out loud: “I will not give anything to the devil. He has no right over me. I am God’s possession. He has no right over my children, and I will not give him any authority over them. They are God’s possession, and I am their guardian.”
It’s time to say No.
Blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
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CanYouImagineCan you imagine what the world would be like if God’s people had not limited their families? The land would be filled with righteousness and the image of God. We would have a landslide for righteousness at voting time.

Can you imagine what this nation would be like if all God’s people would start embracing children now instead of aborting and stopping them coming into the world?

Can you imagine what would have happened if families had taken a stand for God when the public education system took payer and the Bible out of schools? What if they had taken their children out of the system? The worldly system would soon have had to change their ways.

Can you image what would happen in the nation if families gathered around their tables each evening to connect and dialogue together instead watching TV or everyone going their various ways? Families would be strengthened and cemented together instead of fragmenting.

Can you imagine what would happen if Bible-believing families gathered their children together each day to read God’s Word to them?

Can you imagine what would happen if every Christian household gathered their families together each day, preferably morning and evening to cry out to God for this nation? What would happen if they started praying for the situation we are in now! We are currently under tyranny? Is EVERY “Christian” family praying? We can quote 2 Chronicles 7:14 by heart, but do we believe it or do anything about it?

Can you imagine what would happen if people would turn off the Fake News and listened to the voice of God instead?

Can you imagine what would happen if every mother began to embrace her divine calling of motherhood and come back to her home to raise God-loving, God-fearing, Bible-adhering, devil-defeating, truth-speaking, holy and upright sons and daughters? Mothers determine the destiny of the nation.

Can you imagine what would have happened if God’s people had not given in to the tyranny we are currently facing. The socialists can only enforce what we bow to. God’s people wear masks and social distance through fear.

Can you imagine what would have happened in the nation that even in the face of lockdowns and tyrannical mandates against God’s people that Christians would have NEVER stopped going to church? Can you imagine that instead of disobeying God’s Word and staying away from their churches, they had instead FILLED and over-filled EVERY church building in this nation? The authorities could have done nothing to the millions standing up for their God and a great move of God would have happened. Instead many hid away, and the churches weakened.

I read that even the “elite” were surprised that there was not more resistance to their demands! Help! What a challenge. Instead we have cowardly submitted.

If only we would get back to God’s ways. Gross darkness of deception and evil is covering the land. It is time for God’s people RISE AND SHINE WITH HIS GLORY (Isaiah 60:1-3).

Let’s rise to be the people He wants us to be. Wow, we can only imagine!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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NamePlacesI hope you picked up some ideas from yesterday’s post, BLESS YOUR FAMILY. Here are a few more ideas for you today.
Can you think of four rhyming lines? There is something about rhyme that helps your children to remember. You will also remember them and can recite them to your child/children when you are sitting with them or riding in the car. For example:
A beautiful girl who is a delight to the eyes,
From the hand of the Lord she is a special prize!
With her long golden curls and her soft white skin,
She radiates loveliness which comes from within!
These will take a little more thought to write, but worth it for a special occasion. I love to write limericks for the children. Your children will keep them as memories.
There’s a lady with flowing red hair
Who always makes everyone stare!
She is so outrageous
And even dangerous
This girl with the flowing red hair!
A great mother lives in this home
Who brings love and joy and shalom
She shines with glory
As she writes her story
With each precious child in her home.
I saw a wonderful and happy sight,
It was like a bird that is taking flight,
A mother skipping,
Her feet a-tripping,
A mother happy and filled with delight!
The Meaning of their Name
Leading many to righteousness!
Pointed in the right direction toward God!
Thank You
Sometimes you may like to write a “Thank You” underneath their name, some character trait for which you are thankful or for something they have done for you, e.g.
Thank you for the privilege of being your mother!
Thank you for watering my garden every night!
Thank you for being my faithful and loving husband!
Trust these examples will be of some inspiration to you in your family. You can use the different ideas on different occasions.
You can write these not only for your family, but for visitors when they come to your home too.
Love from Nancy Campbell
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BlessURFamI wonder what you have planned for your family meal table tonight? It’s good to hink of different ways you can bless and encourage your husband and children. One nice idea is to get your children to write a card to their father with all the great things they love about him. They can also draw a picture and make it very special. If you have little ones who cannot write yet, get them to draw a picture for daddy. You can then put them by his plate when he comes to the evening meal. During the meal he can read them aloud. The children will be excited to hear him read them and your husband will be blessed.
Every now and then I love to make place cards for each member of the family. This is a lovely way to encourage your husband and children. I keep colored cardboard and paper on hand for this task. I type the name and comment on the computer, print it off on colored paper, and then paste it on a folded cardboard that can stand on its own when folded in half. There are lots of ways you can do this:
Encouraging Phrases
Type or write their name and underneath their name write an encouraging phrase that starts with the first letter of their name. Here's some examples that I have used with my children and grandchildren over the years.
Obedient Son
Resolute for God
Rhyming Couplets
Type, or write their name and underneath write a rhyming couplet. It doesn’t take too long to think of these, and they will really bless your family. Here are some examples I have written for the grandchildren over the years. As you can see, they are very simple rhymes.
A very fine boy who can read so well,
We all think that you are real swell!
The boy with the beautiful, big blue eyes,
There’s no doubt about it, he’ll take the prize!
Industriously planning ways to make money,
But no matter how busy, she always looks sunny!
And some for our grown children, one of the many I have written for her!
Wild and outrageous, but she is a true sage,
The best researcher on curriculums for any age!
And don’t forget your husband. I have written many for Colin over the years, e.g.
He has a great big, kind, and loving heart,
He likes things big and he likes them smart!
Are there any faithful left in the land?
Yes, he is one of God’s mighty band!
That’s enough for today. I’ll give you some more ideas for place cards tomorrow.
Love from Nancy Campbell
P.S. Miraculously I am still here! Thank you, Lord.
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GreenNightHave you, or are you planning to have a “Color Night” at your table. Yesterday I shared about a Red Color Night. Today, I am sharing a testimony from Val Stares about when she planned a “Green Color Night” at her table. Val Stares is the Director of Above Rubies in Australia. Val has been with me in the vision of Above Rubies from its very inception when we began in New Zealand over 43 years ago. She and her family moved with us to Australia and after 10 years when we moved on to live in USA, she took over the managing of Above Rubies in Australia. Val is now a great-grandmother like me, and this story happened a number of years ago. But I am sure you will enjoy it.
I was inviting my daughter and son-in-law and family for a meal. I decided on a theme, a color night. I decided to make it green because I could use lots of green vegetables for a nutritious meal.
First, I wrote each member of the family a personal invitation in separate envelopes, steamed old stamps off letters and used them, walked down the drive and “posted” them in the letter box when no one was watching (they lived next to us). The next morning I could hear the squeals of delight, as each child discovered their own letter. I instructed each person to wear green, to bring something green and to prepare an explanation to be shared at the table on what their ‘thing’ reminded them of about God.
Calais, my 10-year-old granddaughter at the time, wanted to help me set it all up. We went shopping together. It was more fun than it would have been alone, even if it did spoil some of the surprises. I was aware of teaching her true hospitality at the same time. We purchased green plastic cutlery, plates, bowls, serviettes, balloons, streamers, sweets (for a little treat), green drink (yuk) and plastic tumblers. My daughter lent us a green tablecloth and we had the greatest fun setting the table. We raided the garden to put greenery in the center of the table. Calais made green name place settings.
I made a special rice dish and colored the rice green. (We normally have brown rice but for this occasion I used white). It included green peppers, parsley, peas, and beans. The men like their meat so it included chicken, which didn’t go green though no one seemed to notice.
For dessert I made a lovely healthy steam pudding but colored the custard green! It looked yuk, but if you closed your eyes, it didn’t taste any different.
It all looked amazing! There are so very many different colors of greens that we don’t even think about on a daily basis. Everyone joined in and looked the part. After we had eaten, while still seated at the table, we started our sharing time, going around each one at the table.
First was Jaeger (8). Firstly he shared his disappointment in not being able to bring the green frog he longed to because he couldn’t find one. He had rather ‘defeatedly’ settled for his green toothbrush. He told us how important it is to keep our teeth that God gave us to chew our food with clean, otherwise they too will turn green! Keeping things clean is part of our Christian duty, especially our hearts.
Natalie (the mother) shared next. brought parsley and explained how wonderful God is that He created something so amazing. The parsley roots go down into the brown dirt and draw from the earth nutrients to make it grow. It grows and flourishes in the light of the sun and is watered by the rain, which only makes it grow greener and healthier. The parsley is full of goodness and it was God who provided us with this wonderful food to garnish our meals and bless us with health.
Next came Kaylah (3) and Jace (18 months). Kaylah was chosen as the spokesperson. They showed us their handfuls of grass. She explained that God made the grass for the horse to eat. Jace echoed the word horse and grass a number of times and it was evident they were in agreement.
My son-in-law was full of enthusiasm. He had stripped a green vine off one of their passion fruits. Yes, you guessed it. This vine reminded him of abiding in the vine. He had a fine message backed with Scriptures and everyone listened attentively.
By now it was Calais’ turn but for some reason she wanted to go last, so we skipped to granddad, my husband Bill. He had a green sock! He held it high and asked who it belonged to. The guilty person owned up and then was asked; "Did you know that God tells you to pick up after yourself and not to leave your things lying around in other people’s places causing them to have to pick up after you?” Some of us weren’t quite clear where that Scripture is found but the message came across loud and clear.
Anais (5) had a green plate for which she had found two popsicle sticks, which became hands to make a green clock. She wasn’t quite sure what it reminded her of about God except that God made the time!
Paige (7) had a zucchini, and her message was similar to her mother’s but lacking a little detail. Sadly, her closing comment was that she didn’t like them. She confessed she doesn’t know why God makes some things that we don’t like? Her brilliant smile, which she constantly wears, didn’t seem to convince any of us that it was a problem.
Then it was Grandma’s turn! (mine). I showed them the money in my hand. Everyone protested. "That’s not green. You said we had to bring something green.” (We don’t have any “green” money in Australia). I just sat there saying nothing while everyone berated me by saying how unfair it was that I should get away with not bringing something green. The verdict was that I had cheated. Finally they settled down and allowed me to speak.
I shared that even though the money wasn’t green; it actually was capable of causing an emotion that is likened to “green” when you have it. Could they tell me what that emotion is? The adults were encouraged to give the children a chance to guess.
“You see,” I explained, “mine is a ‘hidden green’ and it’s not a good one. This money reminds me to always be thankful to God for His provision and not to rely on other securities such as money or be envious when others have money, and I don’t!”
At last it was Calais’ turn. Surely, she must have something brilliant for her to want to wait till last. To our disappointment she produced a green cup and some green cutlery that was left over from setting the table. Like the rest of us she stood up to share. She cleared her throat then proceeded to fire questions at us.
“Why are we all here tonight? “ A few weak answers came filtering through. Calais continued in a strong voice, “Because grandma invited us, right?” We nodded our ascent.
“What did we have to do?” was the next question. We’re starting to get the hang of it now, so we joined in by answering that we had to wear and bring something green along with a little message.
“Right!” said Calais, and then she went round the table commenting on each person’s offering and what they had to say about it. She tied everything up, pulled the whole night together and summarized every one’s offering. We were amazed at this little girl’s ability to do this. We had no idea she had this skill. None of us have it, and because she is home-schooled it isn’t something that she has picked up from others. God has given her this gift and when the opportunity afforded, being comfortable amongst her family, she let herself go.
In the shock of the moment I have no idea what she had to say about the cup and utensils. I think that it just paled into insignificance as it dawned on us what God had revealed to us right there at the table.
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Nerang, Gold Coast, Australia
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ColorNightWe talked yesterday about making every meal a love affair. This won’t just happen. You need to take time to think about your family meal table. Think about creative things you can do to bless the children. When raising our children, I tried to do something different at the meal table at least one night a week. One of the things our children loved when growing up were COLOR NIGHTS. For example, I would choose a color and put up a notice:
“Tonight is RED Night
No admittance unless wearing something Red.
Supper at 6.00 p.m. Please knock before entering.”
While they rummaged through drawers and wardrobes to find red clothes (children love to dress up), I set the table with a red tablecloth, adding red candles, napkins, and centerpiece (red flowers if I could find them).
I prepared red foods. There are plenty of foods from which to choose, e.g. beets, radishes, red beans, red hot dogs with tomato sauce, tomato soup, potatoes or rice colored with red food coloring, etc. For dessert you can choose red fruits such as pomegranates (when in season), blood oranges, cherries, strawberries, watermelon, or red grapes, etc. Or you can make red jelly or a lovely healthy dessert with red berries.
You can also purchase red paper plates and knives and forks, etc. I would often wrap a little gift (something inexpensive) in red paper and put it beside their plate. The children loved these nights and over the years we tried every color of the rainbow!
Have fun with your family,
Nancy Campbell
P.S. I’d also love to hear from you about creative ideas that you love to do at your family meal table. You can share in the thread of this post or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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