Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


JumperJesus Christ was our supreme sacrifice. He became the sacrificial Lamb, slain upon the altar for our sins. His ultimate sacrifice gives us forgiveness of sins, victory over sin in our daily life, sweet fellowship with Him, and eternal life. Romans 12:1 beseeches us that our logical and reasonable response should be to yield our lives back to Him as a living sacrifice. What does this mean?

Because Jesus laid down His life to be our sacrifice, we should also lay down our lives to be a living sacrifice.

We face this principle every day as wives and mothers. Constantly we choose whether we will demand our own way, do what pleases us, or lay down our life for our husband, our children, and sacrifice our own selfish desires.

Sometimes this is a battle. We need to be constantly reminded of Psalm 118:27: “Bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar.” We willingly lay our life upon the altar as we feel the moving of the Holy Spirit in our lives. But then we get back to the challenges of daily life and mothering and off the altar we jump!

We need His cords to bind us. What are the cords? God says in Hosea 11:4: “I drew them with cords of compassion, with bands of love.” He says again in Jeremiah 31:3 “Yes, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”

Because Christ now dwells in our hearts (if we have been born again), we no longer live to ourselves, “but unto him which died and rose again” (2 Corinthians 5:14). This lifestyle of dying daily to our own selfish desires does not ruin our lives. Instead, it releases us into the joyful life of serving and sacrifice. This is the life of Christ that resides in us and the example He gave us to follow (Mark 8:35).

I read about a mission board that had an ox for its seal. On one side of the ox was an altar, on the other side a plough. Their motto was “Ready for either.” There are millions of Christians being martyred for their faith today (more than at any other time). They are literally dying upon the altar. Others (like you and me) become a living sacrifice as we take up the plough of the daily grind of life. Not doing it grudgingly, but with joy and exhilaration.

May God save us from being jumping jacks--jumping off the altar as soon as anything becomes too difficult, looms bigger than we can imagine, or does not work out the way we planned. Instead may it become our lifestyle to be bound with joy to the altar. This is the least we can do in response to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us.

Love from Nancy Campbell


Painting by Edna Hibel

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CharacTrainingThere is so much more to parenting than feeding and clothing our children, isn’t there? We are daily training their characters and their mindsets. A quote by George Barna says: “Whatever a child believes by age 13 is in most cases what he will die believing.” I believe it is the same regarding character.

To keep our word has always been a foundation of good character. However, this basic underpinning of life seems to have flown out the window. People today think nothing of not keeping to their word—in the little things of life, and consequently in the big things.

People say they will do something but don’t keep to their word. People inform a host they are coming to a function but never turn up (not even a call to inform them of the reason).

We all need reminding to keep to our word, don’t we? But we must also be faithful to impart this character into our children’s lives—and not let them get away with it. It should be a habit of their lives.

The Bible speaks about it in Psalm 15. The psalm begins with the question of who can enter into God’s presence and then gives give ten character qualities. One of them is: “He that sweareth to his own hurt, and CHANGETH NOT.”

Most translations say: “who keeps his word whatever the cost.”

The New Living Translation says: “who keep their promises even when it hurts.”

The Moffat says: “He keeps his oath, though he may lose by it.”

I believe it is important to always keep to our first commitment. Sometimes we commit our selves to something and then something far more exciting or enjoyable comes up that coincides with our first appointment. It’s very tempting to choose the second, but that’s not keeping to our word

I remember one time I committed myself to speak at a Ladies Seminar in California. They said it was only going to be small, about 12 – 15 ladies, but they desperately needed me to come. So I gave my word.

But then I received an invitation to speak at a big family conference on the same weekend where there would be thousands attending. I was very tempted to change my commitment thinking that it would be far more beneficial to get the word out to so many more people. But my faithful husband was right there to remind me: “No, Nancy, you have already given your word. You cannot change.” And so I kept to my word because it was the right thing to do.

Let’s teach this important principle to our children, even when it seems like a sacrifice to do it. Doing what is right, even when it is hard, works character in our lives.

Many blessings to you and your family today,

Nancy Campbell

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WhereUWorkingThere are many twins in the Bible? Have you noticed them? I love to look out for them—grace and truth, peace and righteousness, faith and love, resting and working, etc. Although God talks about living in His rest, we must also work. We don’t work for our salvation. We only receive salvation by God’s grace. But God has also created us for “good works” (Ephesians 2:10).

In 1 John 3:8 it says: “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil.” The “works” of the devil? Yes, the devil works. It’s the same word that’s used in Titus 2:5 where we are exhorted to be “keepers at home.” Many versions of the Bible translate this Scripture as “workers at home.” It comes from two Greek words: “ergon” which means “to work” and “oikos” which means “home.” This literally means “WORKERS at HOME.”

The challenge to us is that if we do not work to guard our home and family, the devil will outdo us with his works. If mothers would rather work outside their home than in their home, they give room for the devil to work in their home behind their backs! This is one of the reasons the devil woos women out of the home. He can then get his hands upon the minds and hearts of our precious children.

If mothers are not protecting, guiding, teaching, and nurturing their children in the home, who is? Who is that person? Are they godly? Are they righteous? Are they anointed from God for the task? Are they teaching our children the truth?

We must work to keep our home a place of love, joy, delight, and holiness—and truth! It takes work to keep deception out of your home. The enemy always looks for a foothold where he can get in.

Keep working dear mother. Don’t let up. Don’t let the devil work havoc in your marriage or your children while you are busy with other things.

One of the greatest ways we destroy the “works of the devil” is through the work of fervent prayer. How much are you praying for your children? Your home? Future generations?

Keep the devil at bay from your marriage and home.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell


Painting: “A Mother’s Joy” by Bessie Pease Gutmann

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SignMySoulWe love to sing the hymn:
“This is my story, This is my song,
Praising my Savior, All the day long.”
Is this your testimony as you mother your children in your home?

Or maybe you have a different line?
“Grumbling and groaning
All the day long.”

It’s easy to get into a grumbling mode, isn’t it? But this not only makes your husband and children miserable. It makes you miserable too! Groaning and self-pity and the worst things we can do to ourselves. They bring us down to despair. They make us look ugly. And we are no good to anyone! Why do we bother doing it?

Or perhaps you have another line?
“Frowning and fuming
All the day long”

Once again, these negative attitudes are easy to fall into. Mother, your children look at you all day long? What do they see? A frowning and downcast mother? Or a smiling mother? Your children will become what they see in your face?

Let them see a smiling happy face. You may not feel like smiling, but that’s not the point. You don’t live by your feelings. That’s a terrible way to live. Feelings comeand feelings go, but they are not the real truth. Instead, by faith, put on a smile. Look at your children and smile at them. You’ll be amazed how your attitude catches up with your face. And you won’t believe the difference it makes to the atmosphere of your home.

Are you upset about something and fuming inside? Forget it. You are only destroying yourself and everyone around you. Give your problem to the Lord and look to Him. He is BIGGER than any problem you face.

Has someone said something unkind and untrue about you? Don’t worry. It’s not the end of the world. Forget thinking about yourself all the time. Bless and pray for the person. Instead of stewing over it, bless them instead!

You’ll soon be praising your Savior all the day long again!

Have the greatest day of your life,

Nancy Campbell

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AllTheSmilesYesterday I had an appointment in a different town than I usually shop. I popped into a store to get some groceries. Colin and I, and two other people, were the only ones without masks. Nobody looked at one another. Everyone’s eyes were downcast.

I entered another shop. I saw only one other lady without a mask. We gave each other a big smile. Oh it was delightful. I could not get eye contact with anyone else.

Oh dear ladies, this is not the way God intended us to live. It’s the devil’s way. God intends us to interact with one another. To smile at people. Give a kind word where we can.

Those of us who are believers should be revealing the image of God wherever we go. That’s God intention for us. We are God’s letter to the world, “known and read of all men” (2 Corinthians 3:2). And how do we reveal His image? Through our faces. Of course the devil knows this and he’s making sure it doesn’t happen. And you can just feel the depression.

We cannot go on living like this. And the interesting thing is that we don’t have to. The only reason that governors and mayors and businesses can do this is because the majority are caving into their tyranny. Total submission.

I can’t believe it. For so long submission has been a dirty word. There are many Christian wives who don’t like submitting to their husbands. They are all in for egalitarian marriages. But the mask comes along, and they willingly submit! I simply can’t believe it!

Now I know I’ll get feedback from the people who say I’m not caring about others. Oh please, that’s one of their great brainwashing slogans. If I was sick, or coughing germs, I would not go out. I wouldn’t think of spreading my germs over anyone. But I am not sick. I am healthy. I don’t have a thing wrong with me. I diligently and daily boost my immune system and I have the Spirit of God living in me who raised Jesus Christ form the dead! Read Romans 8:11.

And I didn’t notice anyone who was sick in the shops I entered. Well, if they were, they should not have been there. They should stay at home because masks don’t stop the virus. The size of most cloth coverings range from 20 – 100 microns whereas the virus is 200 and up to 1,000 times smaller at 0.1 microns! The mask is a fraud.

More people die of the seasonal flu each than have died of this virus (except for those with one, two, or even three other medical issues).

Don’t you think we should be living how God wants us to live? Breathing freely. Enjoying the sunshine. Smiling at one another. Bringing happiness and hope wherever we go instead of gloom and despair. Revealing the image of God through our radiant faces.

Love to you all,

Nancy Campbell

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PrayerSticksRecently I posted an idea from Jennifer Corcoran called A GREAT IDEA FOR YOUR FAMILY MEAL TIMES. Scroll down to find it if you missed it Jennifer has now sent another lovely idea you may like to incorporate into your family too about Prayer Sticks.

“We have this box of sticks. As I sit down with each child for our individual school time, I have them pick a stick. I then hold their hand and pray with them, including a prayer for the subject written on the stick. I like this reminder to daily pray individually with each child daily and they really enjoy picking a stick.”
~ Jennifer Corcoran * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I think the Prayer Sticks are a wonderful idea. Jennifer also sent her list of subjects which I’ll post in the next post. If you would like to do this too, you could print out this list.

Be blessed from Nancy Campbell

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NotJustOneLifeWe often forget that when a mother aborts a baby, or even stops the life of another baby coming into the world through contraception, it is not only one baby she stops! It is a dynasty! For that baby would most likely grow up to get married and have babies and her children would have babies and continuing down the generations.


May people’s eyes be opened to truth.
~ Nancy

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FruitfulFlourishingThe Bible is full of allegories and beautiful pictures of how he wants us to live. God paints one of these pictures in Psalm 128:3(CSB) describing a blessed family life: “Your wife will be a like a fruitful vine within your house, your children, like young olive trees around your table.”

Dear mother, you are not literally a vine, but the Bible says you are LIKE a vine. Your children are not literally olive plants, but they are LIKE olive plants And so God teaches us from the way He describes us.

God wants each one of us to be like a fruitful grapevine in the heart of our homes. Where does He want you to be fruitful? In the heart of your home.

But how does a vine become fruitful? It has to be pruned and watered. Sometimes we are not fruitful in our homes because we resist the pruning. And we don’t take time to be watered in His presence and in His Word.

Vinedressers who want a fruitful harvest are RUTHLESS when pruning their vines. They cut back the branches until they look as though there is nothing left on the vine. They look quite ugly. But from this cutting back comes a glorious harvest.

Vines that are left to grow without pruning may look fine but when you get close up you see very little fruit. I think of Hosea 10:1 where it says: “Israel is an empty vine; he bringeth forth fruit unto himself.” Israel looked luxuriant and lush but instead of bringing forth fruit for God, he brought forth fruit for himself!

Fruit for yourself but empty for God. That’s sad, isn’t it?

It’s like the picture above. My garden gave us a wonderful harvest this year, but has now finished producing except for my pepper plants, They are still growing. Don’t they look luxuriant and wonderful? But guess what? They have no fruit! I have never seen anything like it. I have these beautiful, big, healthy looking plants but they are bearing no fruit. I usually have a harvest of peppers, but none this year! There must have been something wrong with my soil! What a waste of garden space.

It shows that you can look good and still not be producing fruit. But it is the fruit that God wants. When talking about the Vinedresser and the vine in John 15 Jesus says that He wants more than fruit from us. He wants “MORE FRUIT” (John 15:2). But even that is not enough. Two times Jesus says that he wants “MUCH FRUIT” (John 15:5, 8).

Sometimes we have to take the “bull by the horns” and cut back branches ourselves. Stop running here, there, and everywhere. Stop getting involved in too many things outside the home. The Shulamite woman in Song of Songs 1:6 confesses: “They made me the keeper of the vineyards: but mine own vineyard have I not kept.”

“But how can I be fruitful stuck here in my home?” you cry out. Dear mother, to embrace the children God wants to give you is an eternal work. You are bringing into the world eternal souls who will live forever. You give to a child the privilege of enjoying the glory of eternity forever. How amazing.

As you pour your life into building your home, making it a holy home for God in this sinful and deceived world, you are a light shining on a hill for all to see. As you make your marriage and family life strong, you help to make this nation strong. As you take up your charge to get God’s Word richly into the hearts and mouths of your children to prepare them for life, you will not only be salt in this world, but you will be sending out powerful, salty, God-fearing, truth-speaking, devil-defeating young people into this world to take dominion for God. That’s incredible fruit for God’s kingdom.

Keep your life trimmed and pruned so you will bring forth fruit for eternal life.

Many blessings from Nancy Campbell

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IfLordWillsWhen I was a young child growing up, it was common for people to say, e.g. We’re planning a vacation this spring, DV.” What were they saying? DV is short for the Latin words, Deo Volente meaning GOD WILLING. I rarely here people say these words today.

However, it is Scriptural. James 4:13-15 says: “Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain. Whereas ye know now what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For what ye ought to say, IF THE LORD WILL, we shall live, and do this, or that.”

Paul wrote to the Corinthian believers: “I will come to you shortly, IF THE LORD WILL” (1 Corinthians 4:19). And again: I trust to tarry a while with you, IF THE LORD PERMIT: (1 Corinthians 16:7).

Proverbs 27:1: “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.”

Proverbs 16:9: “A man’s heart devises his way: but the LORD directs his steps.”

Our sovereign God knows the way He has planned for us. It is already written in His book. He wrote our life story before we were born (Psalm 139:16). Amazing, isn’t it?

We make our plans, but let’s always be ready to say DV and be open to God changing and leading us in His ultimate plan. Read Psalm 37:23; 48:14; Proverbs 19:21; and Jeremiah 10:23.

This takes all the sting out of life. When things don’t go our way, we know that God’s way is better. I’s not always easier, but it’s always better. Even the most difficult, despairing, and terrible things God works out for good. Read Genesis 45:6-8; 50:20; and Romans 8:28.

You can trust God in EVERY situation.

God be with you today,

Nancy Campbell

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GoodQuestThe education of our children is a big part of our mothering. It is a responsibility that God has given to us as mothers. It’s not something we can hand over to someone else, unless we know that person is teaching our children a biblical worldview and the understanding of God’s ways for mankind from the Bible. We are responsible to oversee the education of our children from God’s point of view because we are nurturing and educating them on His behalf.

William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, challenges us to ask this question regarding every opportunity of learning for our children: “‘Will this learning help my children to love God more, and to serve their generation better?’ If it seems likely to do so, to quality them more effectually for saving souls, fighting the devil, mastering sin, and following Jesus Christ, secure it for them, if possible.”

He goes on to say that after we have taught our children all that is necessary to carry on the duties of everyday life and business affairs, we should then decide that “they shall learn nothing that cannot really be pressed into the service of God, and used for the salvation of souls.”

Psalm 1:1, 2: “ Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, not sits in the seat of the scornful, But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.”

Does this picture the education of your children?

Have a great day,

Nancy Campbell

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LookBeyondDear mother, you are not mothering only for today.

Are you having a frustrating day? Nothing is going right. You feel like a failure. You’d like to give up. But of course, you can’t!

Get this truth. Your mothering does not hinge on one bad day. You have another day tomorrow. Give your problems to God instead of stewing on them yourself and thank God that He is with you as you mother your children with all the accompanying frustrations and challenges.

Believe God for a great day tomorrow. Confess you are going to have a great day. And even when things go wrong, laugh instead of getting upset! Your little problem is not the end of the world. It’s just a little hiccup and we all have loads of them every day. They don’t have to be a problem at all if we trust God with them.

Even more than tomorrow. Think of the future. Dear mother, you are mothering for the years when you will no longer be here. Your mothing impacts future generations.

Get a vision beyond today—beyond the next few years to generations ahead. You are influencing generations to come, for better or for worse!

I was reading the other day about Achan who disobeyed God and took silver and gold and Babylonian garments which God told them they were not to touch. I find it challenging to read that when the Bible pinpoints Achan as the culprit that it doesn’t only mention his name, but his father, grandfather, and even his great-grandfather (Joshua chapter 7). His great-grandfather’s name was marred because of his great-grandson’s sin!

Conversely, we read in Zephaniah 1:1 about Zephaniah who was a prophet to the nation. As it introduces him, it cites the names of his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and his great-great-grandfather! Wouldn’t you love to know that your great-great-grandson was a prophet of God to the nation?

How we need to pray for future generations. Do you do that? When Colin and I pray for our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, we also like to pray for future generations beyond that. We want our progeny to keep walking with God down the generations “FROM NOW AND FOREVER” as it says in Isaiah 59:21.

I was just reading this morning: “I will give them one heart, and one way, that they may fear me forever, for the good of them and of THEIR CHILDREN AFTER THEM” (Jeremiah 32:39).

Look beyond today, dear mother. You are doing a great work.

Love from Nancy Campbell


Picture from Claudia Tremblay Studio.

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CourtJudgeMany people today belong to the “tolerant” church. They believe they must be tolerant of all things and never judge. This is ridiculous. We all judge every day. If we didn’t judge between right and wrong, we wouldn’t even know how to live properly—individually, in our families, or in this world.

Have you read 1 Corinthians 6:2, 3? “Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the SMALLEST matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? How much more things that PERTAIN TO THIS LIFE?”

Aren’t these amazing words? Dear mother, this word tells you that you are going to judge the world and angels! But don’t wait until them. You must also judge the things that pertain to this life. Even the SMALLEST matters. This gets right down to the nitty gritty of mothering in your home. Every day you judge matters with your children. In fact, you are a court judge!

Motherhood is a powerful career. It is not easy to be a judge. We need wisdom from God for every matter, even the smallest matters. We often judge wrongly and make wrong decisions. But as you seek God daily for His wisdom, He will give it to you liberally (James 1:5-8).

In Jeremiah 9:24 God says: “I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment (justice), and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.” God is fully all lovingkindness, all justice, and all righteousness. Sometimes we find it hard to exercise these attributes together. Either we are too merciful or too judgmental. But as we seek God, He will help us. As we cry out to Him, He will pour out His Spirit upon us and teach us how to judge correctly.

God says of Abraham in Genesis 18:19: “For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment.” Our children will not learn to walk in justice and judgment unless we teach them the way of justice and righteousness. This means teaching and training them daily in even the smallest matters of their lives. Small matters eventually become big matters.

We cannot teach them unless we judge between right and wrong, the clean and the unclean, righteousness and evil, truth and lies. Mother, please do not underestimate your high calling to judge your children.

Cry out to god for wisdom daily. Ask God for wisdom in judging even the SMALLEST matters. In this way, you will not only train your children in righteousness, but you will be practicing for the future when you will judge the world and angels. Wow!

Practice daily.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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HomemakingEsstentialAutumn Shenk writes:

With the world in such a state of uncertainty, I am reminded of the importance of homemaking. Whenever I fill out paperwork which requires my occupation, it burdens me to just write homemaking. Not because it is an insignificant occupation, but because I feel that it is so much more significant than that simple word denotes.

I want to write: “The most wonderful, effective, important job I could possibly do, requiring multiple tasks and skills that demand growth and development. I have worked hard at this and I love it! I don’t just sit at home and watch TV because I’m not capable of doing anything else. I chose this! It’s hard and its wonderful!”

But that statement doesn’t fit in the little two-inch blank provided, so I remind myself that God sees what I do. He called me to this wonderful career and constantly shows me grace and gives me wisdom as I figure out the ever-changing dynamics of my job.

At this unusual time in history when people are being encouraged to stay home more and don’t have the schooling and daycare options they usually have, people are being forced to do things differently. I have noticed different responses to this. There are a lot of ads for curbside pick-up for food or “no touch” pizza delivery. Things like puzzles and bicycles are selling out. Craft supplies and educational websites are marketed toward the parent who is home with their child and isn’t sure what to do with them.

I have also heard of a rise in domestic violence and parents going crazy because circumstances force them to be with their children more than they are comfortable with. It makes me smile to think that even the movie stars must step back from the spotlight and turn their attention to their children.

The homeschooling family with a stay-at-home mom doesn’t feel quite the same jolt as the average family. Cooking, teaching their children, coming up with valuable activities, and dealing with relationship issues are all part of the job of homemaking. It has made me realize all the more how vital homemaking is.

It is my chosen profession. Years ago I got a vision for a family that lived and learned together and found a consistent, safe, loving refuge in their own home, where there would always be love. We are far from perfect, but God’s grace is evident in our lives and our homelife is a lighthouse for His love.

Besides the foundational values of a homelife, the actual homemaking skills have proven to be so useful. Many go through life never learning to scrape together a meal with whatever is on hand. Or how to get by for a few days without disposable diapers. Or learning that you can teach a child to read yourself. There are endless skills that are acquired when a mom stays home with her children, devoted to working through all the challenges of raising a family, while continually seeking God for new direction. God is a creative God and there is joy in allowing Him to use you to love and teach your family.

I have a feeling that in these times people will turn to families with these priorities for comfort and direction. Outside the home, things are ever changing, unstable and uncertain. But a well-established home, focused on God’s Word, and His call to bring up children in His way is a safe haven, not only for your own family, but for those around who feel overwhelmed by uncertainties.

I believe that more than ever, homemakers need to be strong and focused on their families but to also be aware of the importance of their position in society. They are a lighthouse and need to be ready to share their vision with others.

For those who haven’t tried the homemaking lifestyle, it’s not too late! Pray for a vision, share your thoughts with your husband, and seek out those who are already doing it. I’m sure they will be happy to share what God had taught them at home.

AUTUMN SHENK * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Picture: Gabe and Autumn with their nine children and grandmother, Dixie who lives with them: Eliza (20), Peter (18), Wesley (15), Annabelle (13), Jack (11), Ava (9), Bonnie (7), Matthias (5), and Philip (3).

Autumn’s update: “My husband was the guest speaker at the church where the picture was taken. We are so thankful we had the opportunity to meet the little church and its town. The town (including the parsonage and I believe the church) was destroyed by fire this past weekend. We have now had to evacuate our home too. The fire which is covering over 170,000 acres is five miles away from our house. The firefighters need prayer. It is still 0% contained.”

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RYourChildGrowWe love to see our children growing, don’t we? Right from birth we are excited to see each new development. It is so rewarding to see our daughters grow up to be graceful women of God and our sons to be strong young men who really know how to be men! All my sons are over six feet, my oldest son is 6’ 8.”. And now we have a grandson who is also 6’ 8” and all the grown ones are over 6.”

However, we don’t only want to see them grow in physical stature, but in spiritual stature. This is our greatest vision and longing, isn’t it?

I was reading about Samuel this morning and noticed how the Bible records the PROGRESSION of his growth. God does not want our children to become stagnant, but continually growing in the Lord.


1 Samuel 2:21 says: “And the child Samuel GREW before the Lord.” The phrase “before the LORD” in the King James Version means “in the presence of the Lord.” The HCSB and ESV and other versions translate it: “The boy Samuel grew up in the presence of the LORD.” Don’t’ those words really get to you? They certainly challenge me. It is not enough for our children to grow up in our presence. They should grow up in the presence of the Lord.

I love the Young’s Literal translation which states: “And the youth Samuel groweth up with Jehovah.” He grew up with God. Isn’t that amazing? Isn’t this what we want for our children?

Motherhood is far more than feeding and clothing our children. It is creating an atmosphere where the presence of God reigns in our home. Our children should feel and be aware of the presence of the Lord. It’s in this atmosphere that they “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 3:18).


2 Samuel 2:26 says: “And the child Samuel GREW ON and was in favor both with the LORD, and with men.” Isn’t this a wonderful testimony? We certainly want this for our children, don’t we?


1 Samuel 3:19: “And Samuel GREW, AND THE LORD WAS WITH HIM, and did let none of his words fall to the ground.” Oh, that our children will grow up knowing the power and presence of the Lord with them in every aspect of their lives. This is the ultimate vision for our parenting.

Of course, you know the story of how God came to Samuel and spoke to him in the night (1 Samuel 3:1-21). The historian Josephus says that Samuel would have been about twelve years old when God called him and spoke to him about Eli and his sons. It’s interesting that Jesus was also twelve years old when his parents found him “in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers” (Luke 2:46, 47).

Are we raising our children for maturity? Are they familiar with hearing the voice of God? Are they able to discuss the truths and doctrines of the Word? As we notice their physical growth, we should also see their spiritual growth. I am amazed that so many adult Christians don’t even know God’s Word. How will their children know if they don’t know?

How will our children become used to hearing the voice of God through His Word if we don’t read it to them daily in our family devotions time? If we don’t encourage them to also read it personally every day and listen for God to speak to them?

Let’s raise children who are not only growing up physically, but growing up spiritually—growing up in God, growing up in the presence of God, growing up hearing His voice, growing up familiar with His Word and familiar with prayer.

Amen! (With an exclamation mark)!

Love to you today,

Nancy Campbell

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ItsGloriousTo nurse a baby at the breast is instinctive. It’s natural. It’s normal. But did you know it is also glorious? Society disdains the beautiful role of mothers, but in the Bible, God the creator of mankind, reveals His ultimate plan.

Isaiah 66:10-14 likens Jerusalem to a nursing mother. As we read, we get a glimpse of God’s plan for breastfeeding mothers. This passage speaks of how the breast satisfies, comforts, consoles, delights, and gives peace. It also describes the nursing breasts as “the abundance of her glory.” The HCSB translates it: “Drink deeply and delight yourselves from her glorious breasts.”

Isaiah 49 speaks of the restoration of Zion. Allegorically, verse 23 speaks of nursing mothers and says that “queens” will be “thy nursing mothers.” Breastfeeding is elevated to queenship. You are a queen when you nurse your little babe.

I love the way Sarah describes her motherhood. She could have talked about playing with her baby, teaching her baby, and all the things required to care for him. Instead, she talks about breastfeeding. Genesis 21:7: “And she said, Who would have said unto Abraham, that Sarah should have given children su_ck? For I have born him a son in his old age.”

We also read a similar description about Hannah. After crying out in agony for a baby at the temple in Shiloh, God blessed Hannah and she conceived. The next year she didn’t go up to the temple because she wanted to stay home with her baby. 1 Samuel 1:23 says: “And the woman abode, and gave her son su_ck until she weaned him” after which she took him to the temple. It doesn’t say that she stayed home to care for her baby and enjoy all the lovely mothering moments. Instead the Bible describes these years (maybe three to five years) as a breastfeeding mother.

Are you nursing your baby? Dear mother, you are doing a great thing. A queenly thing. A glorious thing.

Enjoy the nursing moments (and hours) with your baby today (and tonight). Don’t try to wean your baby too soon. Nursing is mothering.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


Painting: La famille Jakob Smits, entre 1880 et 1928 Aquarelle (?) Musée Jakob Smits, Mol, Belgique

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VoteCountsDear wives and mothers, this is not a political post. It is a family post. I write this with such a burden on my heart for the protection of our children, our grandchildren, and future generations.

I believe that every God-fearing person must vote in this coming election. Your children and grandchildren depend on it. This election is not so much about President Trump. It is about whether we save our nation or lose it.

If President-elect Joe Biden Kamala Harris win this election it will be the end of America as we know it. It won’t take long before everything changes. All borders will be open. Terrorism will be rife. Police will be defunded all over this nation and there will be chaos. They will open the doors to China who will gradually influence every business and government office in this nation. They will take us down the road of extreme socialism/communism. This is their expressed agenda.

What will become of the “The land of the free”?

Dear fellow mothers, we can’t sit back. We can’t be silent. We must stand up for the country we want our children and future generations to enjoy

Already, because of Roe v. Wade, over 63 million precious babies have been murdered in the sanctity of the womb in this country. If Biden/Harris get in, the slaughter will become a greater holocaust. Their agenda is for abortion for any reason, even when the baby is born! Infanticide! Child sacrifice! God vomited the children of Israel out of their land for child sacrifice!

They have cast aside God’s mandate for a one man and one woman” marriage. Now they advocate transgender. Where will it end?

The democratic party do not stand for Israel. They would love to give this land to the so-called Palestinians, but it was given by God for an “everlasting possession” (Genesis 17:8).” As Bible believing people we cannot go against God’s Word.

And how can any person who confesses they believe in God vote against the very things that are so precious to the heart of God?

Please make every effort to vote. Prepare every one of your children who are 18 years and over to vote. There are thousands of university-brain-washed young people who will be voting for socialism. They are propagandized by socialistic professors and they don’t understand the truth. We must encourage our young people to vote for life and liberty and stand for a God-fearing nation that they want to live in.

Please don’t get into political arguments on this thread, dear friends. Look at the options. We either vote for the destruction of our nation (rioting, destroying our cities, anarchy, and socialism) or for life, liberty, and righteousness for our children now and future generations.

Nancy Campbell

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CanUBelieveItMembers of antifa “wholeheartedly support militant self-defense against the police and the targeted destruction of police and capitalist property.” They are Marxists, Leninists, anarchists, and social democrats.

But do you want to find out something really interesting? Type in www.antifa.com in your iPhone and see what comes up!
~ Nancy

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EnjoyGodLifeWho wants to live “the good life”? I am sure we all do. God wants us to live “the good life” too. That’s why He shows us how to live it. Titus 2:3-5 is the passage where the older women are told what to teach the younger women. J. B. Phillips’ translation calls it “the good life” and then it goes on to say that when we do it God’s way that it is “a good advertisement for the Christian faith.”

The good life is a lot about loving. We are to be . . .


Every couple is in love with one another on their wedding day. However, marriage is all about keeping on loving one another, even when we face all the habits, idiosyncrasies, and annoyances we didn’t know about them before. We don’t love because we feel like loving. We love because that’s what we’re meant to do.

We love through the hard times. We love through the unlovely times. And amazingly, the more we love the more we fall in love. We must be proactive about loving. Speaking words of love. Writing words of love. Showing our love by our actions. Did you passionately kiss your husband as he left for work this morning?


It’s easy to love our children, isn’t it? Or most of the time! The Greek words for husband-loving and children-loving in Titus 2:4 are friendly and affectionate love. It’s love we express with our hands by touching and caressing. However, I think we need to realize that there’s something even greater than loving our children. It’s loving motherhood. Every mother loves her children, but not all mothers love motherhood. When we finally embrace motherhood—accept it and love it, knowing that we are in the perfect will of God, even loving our children becomes greater.


The J: B. Phillips’ translation says we are to be “home lovers.” Too many mothers want to get away from the home. They would rather be in their careers than at home. I’ve heard mothers say: “I can be a better mother if I have time away from my children.” That’s not “hands on” mothering. And that’s not being a home lover.

God created the home for the woman and He wants us to be lovers of our homes. That’s not talking about our décor. It’s talking about making our home a place for the presence of God. A place where we love to be with our children and where we make it an exciting place for them. It’s where we manage and rule our home well with all efficiency and order. It’s hard to love living in a messy home. Therefore, we make it a place where we love to be.

Enjoy “the good life” today.

Love from Nancy Campbell

Painting: Georges Moreau de Tours (1848 – 1901, French)

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IdeasFamMealTimeJennifer Corcoran writes: “As we sit down for dinner, we each close our eyes and pick a spoon from the jar. Each color represents something different, e.g.: “pick a stick,” get the first bite, blow out the candle, say the prayer, person on the right of you says why they love you, and the sought after one - do a funky dance (which has become quite amusing over the years!)

When you get “pick a stick,” you get to choose a stick from the jar, and we talk about the meaning of what is written on the stick. Each stick has words that describe our identity in Christ. It’s a great way to discuss the gospel each night.

And the third thing is we have is a bucket full of cards we printed out with questions that help steer our conversations.

The above picture shows an example of some of these powerful words that are written on the sticks. I will gladly send you a list of the words that are on the sticks if you are interested."

Jennifer Corcoran
Slaughter, Louisiana, USA

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SunshineRainDo you want to be blessed? Of course you do. God tells us in Psalm 89:15 that those who walk in the light of His countenance will be blessed. The word countenance in the Hebrew is “paniym” which means face. God wants to have a face to face relationship with us. He loves us to look at His face and He loves to behold our faces. He wants nothing to come between us.

The HCSB (and other translations) say: “They walk in the light of your presence.” There is no greater blessing in life than to live in God’s presence. In His presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). The Knox translation speaks about living under God’s smile.

The Bible expositor, by Alexander MacLaren, calls it living in continual sunshine. You’ll enjoy reading what he says:

“There is only one thing that breaks the continuity of that blessedness, and that is our own sin. We carry our own weather with us, whether we will or no, and we can bring winter into the middle of summer by flinging God away from us, and summer into the midst of winter by grappling Him to our hearts.

“There is only one thing that necessarily breaks our sense of His Presence, and that is that our hearts should turn away from His face. A man can work hard and yet feel that God is with him. A man can be weighed upon by many distresses and yet feel that God is with him and loves him; but a man cannot commit the least tiny sin and love it, and feel at the same time that God is with him.

“The heart is like a sensitive photographic plate, it registers the variations in the sunshine; and the one hindrance that makes it impossible for God’s light to fall upon my soul with the assurance of friendship and the sense of sweetness, is that I should be hugging some evil to my heart. It is not the dusty highway of life nor the dark vales of weeping and of the shadow of death through which we sometimes have to pass that make it impossible for this sunlight to pour down upon us, but it is our gathering round ourselves of the poisonous mists of sin through which that light cannot pierce.”

Were you challenged by those words, “We carry our own weather with us.”? It’s not our circumstances (good or bad), but our relationship with God that enables us to live a blessed life.

Dear ladies, your life does not depend on the difficulty or hardship you are going through. Or even the frustrations and overwhelmingness you are facing in your home today. You can experience God’s sunshine even when life is tough. Look up to Him. Thank Him for His presence with you. Thank Him that He is smiling upon you.

May you live in the sunshine of God’s presence,

Nancy Campbell

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