Are we a "seeking first" family? I'm sure you can repeat Matthew 6:33 by heart, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."  We know the Scripture well, but do we act it out?

I think that if we are a "seeking first" family, we'll begin the day seeking God, don't you? Not only individually, but as a family. How paramount it is to start the day with FAMILY devotions, gathering the family together to hear the living Words of God and to pour out our hearts to Him. Of course, we'll want to end the day this way too. If we are too busy to come together as a family morning and evening, we cannot call ourselves a "seeking first" family. There must be other things we are seeking first.

The word "first" in the Greek means "firstly in time, place, order, and importance." Therefore He will have first place with our time, first place in our home, first place in the order of our day, and He will be our first thought in everything we do.

We'll seek His righteousness instead of the blaring secularism that pours through the TV and questionable movies. We'll seek His truth in order to discern the deceptions of this world. We'll seek His wisdom and knowledge instead of leaning on our own understanding and we'll seek to fill our home and our children's hearts with the "exceeding great and precious" truths of His Word (Colossians 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:4).

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Further thoughts on my post below:

(This recipe is guaranteed infallible).

Think about yourself,
Talk about yourself,
Use "I" as often as possible,
Mirror yourself continually in the opinion of others,
Listen greedily to what people say about you,
Expect to be appreciated,
Be suspicious,
Be jealous and envious,
Be sensitive to slights,
Never forgive a criticism,
Trust nobody but yourself,
Insist on consideration and respect,
Demand agreement with your own views on everything,
Sulk If people are not grateful to you for favors shown,
Never forget a service you may have rendered,
Be on the outlook for a good time for yourself,
Shirk your duties if you can,
Do as little as possible for others,
Love yourself supremely,
Be selfish!
~ Source unknown.

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We are constantly bombarded in society today that we must take time for ourselves. Mothers are encouraged to take time for self-pampering. Does this make them happy? Unfortunately, no. I find that women who are so concerned about having time for themselves are usually more miserable than those who forget about themselves in the joy of serving their family.

It is a God-given principle that never fails to work. When we try to pamper self we lose our life. When we lay down our own life to serve others, we find our life. Jesus said in Mark 8:35, "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it."

In fact, when Peter tried to pamper Jesus and advise him not to go to Jerusalem and face suffering and death, Jesus rebuked him, "Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's" (Matthew16:23 NLT).

Pouring out your life in self-serving love for your family will not impoverish you; it will empower you.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Do you have bills you cannot pay? Is your washing machine broken and you can't afford a new one? Is your husband working long hours and you are looking after the children all by yourself? Is your husband out of work and things are really tough? You feel overwhelmed with all your little ones around you. These situations happen to us all at different times. But, what do you do? Do you grumble and complain? Get into a self-pity trip?

The memory verse in our home this last week is Habakkuk 3:17-18, "Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation." Wow, that's a total wipe out! And yet the writer STILL REJOICES IN THE LORD!

What a challenge! It sure is to me! What is wrong with us? We gripe and groan over the slightest little problem. We have no fortitude or backbone. We don't know what is ahead of us in the future. It may not be as easy as it is currently. Let's get into the habit NOW of rejoicing in the Lord, no matter what is going wrong. Rejoice in the small "difficult" things that happen in your life now. You'll then be able to continue rejoicing even if everything falls down around you (Isaiah 32:18-19; 2 Corinthians 4:17-18).

Let's get practicing.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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This is a poem I wrote for my grandchildren as it is the prayer and vision of my heart for them. I share it with you as I am sure you will love it for yourself and your children, too. Nancy

The morals of this world are going downhill,
Against God’s Holy Word and His divine will,
No longer black and white, it’s now mushy gray,
God’s eternal absolutes many shun today.

Will you stand against this tide when others are crumbling?
Will you stand on God’s Word when many are stumbling?
Will you stand against sin and the devil’s deceptions?
Making no excuses or subtle exceptions?

Never be intimated, never be fooled…
Or your fire be cooled!

When there’s no justice and only confusion,
And God’s people are hiding their light in seclusion,
Will you rise up and be counted, open wide your mouth,
And proclaim God’s truth to the north and the south?

Will you be strong in the Lord and the power of His might?
Always standing up for that which is right?
Rich in discernment, wisdom never ignored,
And walking daily in the fear of the Lord?

When you are tyrannized, never cower…
Or terrorized,
Before the enemy never bow!

Will you stand the test when you are wronged and hurt?
When you are persecuted and treated like dirt?
Will you have backbone when the pressure comes on?
Or be a spineless jellyfish with purpose all gone?

Will you keep on standing if you’re the only one?
Lifting up the name of Jesus, God’s only Son?
Will you stand true now, holding on to the end?
No matter what it costs, God’s truth to defend!

Never be wimpy or crumble at the knees…
And the devil never appease!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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On Not Coveting...

Be the keeper of your own vineyard, not someone elses vineyard (Song of Solomon 1:8).


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How do we take possession in the land? By increasing. When God told the Israelis to possess the land, He said, "I will not drive them out from before thee in one year... by little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be INCREASED, and inherit the land" (Exodus 23:30 and Deuteronomy 7:22-23).

If they drove out the enemy all at once, but did not have enough population to till the land and inhabit the cities, the wild beasts would take over and the land would become wild. It takes people to fill the land, and this is God's plan.

God told His people to INCREASE MIGHTILY (Deuteronomy 6:3). Even when the Jews were taken to Babylon as captives, God told them they must not diminish, but INCREASE (Jeremiah 29:6). Even in a land of captivity!

God's will is always for His people to increase and fill the land with the godly, revealing His love and truth.

God loves increase. Are we in line with God's plan?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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evangeline-StevenWould you like to hear the story? Throughout the pregnancy, no one ever detected I was having twins. That was back in the days when we didn't have ultrasounds. I conceived the twins in the Philippines where we doing missionary work. We came back to New Zealand when I was eight months pregnant and at last I went to a doctor. He checked me, but didn't detect twins! He said he was off to England and so when I began labor to go to the hospital and the doctor on duty would attend to me (I knew nothing of homebirths back then). I went to the hospital on a false alarm a week before the twins were born, and still no one detected twins!

It wasn't until the day I came into labor again (on my due date) and went to the hospital again that a nurse, listening to the heartbeat said, "I hear another heart beat. But, it could be an echo. We'll wait and see!"

And so we waited to see! Evangeline was born--breech birth, which is quite normal for twins! I didn't notice any difference than a normal birth. They felt my tummy! Yes, there was another baby still there! That was the first inkling we had that we were going to have twins! Although I have to admit that I wondered what was growing inside me and secretly thought that if it wasn't twins I would have trouble birthing this "baby!" I hardly felt any movements as they were packed in so tightly!

Anyway, five minutes later, Stephen arrived. He was a gentlemen and allowed his sister to go first. Evangeline was 6 lbs. 13 oz. and Stephen was 7 lbs. 5 oz! I was carrying around nearly 14 lbs. of baby, plus everything else, and no one ever guessed I was having twins! The blessing of being tall!

Colin and I were ecstatic. We enjoyed these glorious moments of elation before we faced the hard work--going home to care for twins and a 17 month old, with no help. We had just arrived back from the Philippines and were living out of suitcases. I had three in "nappies" (what we call diapers in New Zealand). I used to lay them down in a row to change their nappies. However, I look back on those when I was so tired that it was painful. And yet they were such wonderful years, full of joy and fun as we watched them grow, along with their other siblings as they came along. When the twins were little I used to say, "There's only one thing better than having a baby, and that's have two babies!"

I read the following words at that time and can truly say they were wonderful years. "These are the never years. Never enough money, never enough time, never enough sleep--but always enough love. The sweetest kiss of a baby the tooth-paste-flavored kiss of a child and the sleepy kiss of a husband who is just as tired as you. These are the busy years, the wonderful, hectic, impossible years. Soon the children will be grown and I'll have plenty of time to organize my house, to sew and to cultivate outside interests. I wonder if it will be as wonderful as I sometimes dream it will? Or am I in the middle of the wonderful years... right now?"

Now they are 48 years old and have been influencing the world for God all these years. Truly, there is no greater thing we can do as a woman than to bring a little life into the world, destined to reveal the image of God, push back the enemy, light up the darkness, and expose the deceptions of Satan with God's eternal truths! There is absolutely nothing more powerful. And they have only started. I trust they have at least another 48 years to serve God!

Not only have they blessed the world, but have begun many other dynasties--Evangeline and Howard have begun 10 dynasties (at 48 she is still desperately praying for another baby, or hopefully twins). These dynasties will continue as their children have children and their children have children, continuing a godly generation in this world. Stephen and Simone have begun three dynasties with their wonderful children. And so their influence continues--all from one birth 48 years ago!

Dear young mothers, never under-estimate the power of the birth of a child! I love the quote by Frank Boreham, "We fancy that God can only manage His world by big battalions abroad, when all the while He is doing it by beautiful babies at home. When a wrong wants righting, or a truth wants preaching, or a continent wants opening, GOD SENDS A BABY INTO THE WORLD TO DO IT. That is why long, long ago, a Babe was born in Bethlehem."


P.S. Someone asked if Stephen is as much fun as Evangeline. Those of you who know Evangeline know that there is not another person in the world quite like her. Stephen is also a magnetic personality, the life of the party, and loved by all. But they don't look alike. Evangeline is golden-haired and brown-eyed, usually in jeans with knives hidden in amazing places, ready for an emergency (although when she dresses up for a special occasion, she comes out looking like a New York model). Stephen, blonde and blue-eyed is always dressed perfectly--Mr. Cool!

P.S. Another interesting thing. In the beginning of my pregnancy I was violently ill. My husband was concerned and found a Chinese doctor to diagnose me. He diagnosed that I was pregnant! But, he then injected with me with Vitamin B and I didn't have another day of feeling sick from that day onwards. With my future pregnancies I always took big doses of natural Vitamin B or Brewers' Yeast tablets which helped a lot with sickness.

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On a cold day, isn't it nice to sit by a window where the sun is streaming through. You feel warmed and comforted inside and out. A cloudy day may cause you to feel dismal; a sunny day fills you with joy and positivity.

What kind of an attitude do you have as you mother your children in your home? Is it a cloudy attitude, filled with frowns, sighs and grumblings. Or do you have a sunny attitude, filled with joy and happiness? This is the kind of attitude that makes your home a place where everyone loves to be. Your children are content and happy. Your husband can't wait to get home to enjoy the loving atmosphere.

How do you keep sunny? Smile continually. Smile at your husband and children each time you look at them. Laugh lots. They say that children laugh 300-400 times a day whereas adults only laugh an average of 15 times a day. How boring. Change that statistic in your home. Praise the Lord in every situation and look up to the Lord instead of dwelling on your problems and challenges.

Enjoy a sunny day, today.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Our God, the God of the universe, is the eternal KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS.

The instructions He gave us are written in the eternal BOOK OF BOOKS.

Do we really believe this?

How does it affect our daily lives?

How does it play out in our family life?

Does it cause us plan our whole day around gathering our family together morning and evening to come into His presence to worship Him and listen to His words?

Or, do not really believe who He is?

Love from Nancy

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"The only institution that man brought as he stumbled, sad and guilty, out of the Garden of Eden after sin came in was marriage and the home... Marriage is a divine institution. Marriage is older than the church, older than Mosaic law, older than any sacrifice, older than any religious rite or duty. The institution of marriage and home is more more important than the church, is more important than government or school, and older than either."

~ John R Rice.

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It is difficult to survive without encouragement, isn't it? Our husband needs encouraging. Our children need encouraging. And MOTHERS NEED ENCOURAGING. I believe mothers need to encourage one another.

A weekly, or even monthly, Mother's Bible Study can be a great blessing in the lives of mothers. I found it a great blessing when raising our children. I ran a Mother's Bible Study in our home for years, with little ones around me, and often nursing a babe at my breast.

Charles G. Finney talks about the importance of mothers getting together, too. He says,

"Mothers must make the training of their children the subject of much consideration, study and prayer. If any mind should be well stored with knowledge, it is the mind of a mother. If anyone needs to understand philosophy – mental, natural, and moral – it is a mother. If anyone needs the wisdom of a serpent and the harmlessness of a dove, it is a mother. It is, therefore, all important that mothers should meet together, exchange views and books, and converse, pray, and devise every measure for training up their children in the way they should go."

In the next post, I'll give you some ideas you could use when getting together.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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"The finest gift you can give anyone (and especially your husband and children) is encouragement. Yet, almost no one gets the encouragement they need to grow to their full potential. If everyone received the encouragement they need to grow, the genius in most everyone would blossom and the world would produce abundance beyond the wildest dreams. We would have more than one Einstein, Edison, Schweitzer, Mother Theresa, and other great minds in a century."

~ Unknown

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Lift up your head today, dear mother. This day, with its challenges, and frustrations, goes beyond today. Your influence is powerful. Live this day with the hope of influencing future generations in the ways of God. Don't be part of pulling down or eliminating future generations.

Amazingly, God's Word says that two women built the house of Israel! Speaking to Naomi, the elders and people in the gate of the city said, "The Lord make the woman (Ruth) that is come into thine house like Rachel and like Leah, which two did build the house of Israel." That's a powerful statement, isn't it?

And not only Rachel and Leah, but Ruth, although a Moabitess, became a mighty builder in Israel too. Her great-grandchild was King David, a man after God's heart. And the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, came from the lineage of Ruth and Boaz.

Do you have dreams for your future generations? Do you pray for your generations to come? Do you live each day in the light of building godly generations?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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I do. We can't fulfill this massive and life-stretching career of motherhood in our own strength, can we? We need God. Praise God, He has promised to strengthen us with "ALL his might, according to his glorious power." Isn't that amazing? And the word "might" is "dunamis" meaning "power, strength, and MIRACLES."

But, let's look a little closer to this Scripture in Colossians 1:11. God strengthens us for something very specific. And it's something we need every moment of every day as we mother our children. He gives us His power for "ALL patience and longsuffering with joyfulness." Wow! This is even more amazing. He doesn't give us this power to wield authority. Because He dwells in us, He gives us His power to be PATIENT and LONGSUFFERING. And to do it JOYFULLY!

If you start to lose your patience today, immediately call upon the Lord, "Thank you, Lord for your presence and power in me. Thank you for giving me your dunamis power to be patient with my children. Thank you for empowering me to be longsuffering. And thank you for your joy. Amen."

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Dear manager of the home, beloved of the Lord,
Your power as a mother cannot be ignored,
You are the heart and the Queen of your home,
Making a haven of love so your children won't roam.

As you nurture and teach your children each day,
Train them, discipline them, and oversee their play,
May you be filled with joy and overflowing with love
That God has given you these "gifts" from up above.

Each precious child is a blessing from the Lord,
You certainly never have time to be bored!
You have the greatest career in all of the land
As you teach your children to follow God's command.

Lift up your head; be proud of your calling,
It's an eternal work and totally enthralling.
I know that you often feel tired and worn,
But keep confessing God's Word, His truth He has sworn.

"The joy of the Lord is your strength," God has stated
And whatever He promises cannot be negated!
As you shine with His joy, you'll be a testimony to all
That embracing children is God's perfect will and call.

Don't be intimidated by those who haven't found God's way
And who limit their children and leave them each day,
As you receive God's "rewards" and at home with them stay
You'll be a beacon light to save others from going astray.

Your sweet, gentle spirit is precious in God's sight.
As you serve in your home with all of your might
You are revealing the spirit of Jesus the King
Who showed us His example to serve in everything.

May God bless you and strengthen you each new morning,
May you know His faithfulness each new dawning,
May God's presence be with you in a mighty measure
As you train your children for God's purpose and pleasure.

~ Nancy Campbell, Above Rubies

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Here are the last two blessings:


I think that the worst thing we can face in life is to be on the wrong track and not experience the presence of God with us. Sometimes we can get so deceived that we are unaware that God's presence has left us. Moses cried out to God, "If you yourself don't go with us, then don't send us away from this place" (Exodus 3:15 NCV). He wouldn't go unless God was with him.

2 Chronicles 12:11 says, "Deal courageously, and the Lord SHALL BE WITH THE GOOD."
Amos 5:14 says, "Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the Lord of hosts SHALL BE WITH YOU."


We can choose "life and good" or "death and evil" (Deuteronomy 30:15). God exhorts us to "Choose life, that both you and your descendants may live."

When we choose the "good old ways" of God's eternal Word, we not only reap blessing ourselves but on our children and children's children. We are not an island unto ourselves. It is a powerful fact that should keep us living in the fear of the Lord, that the decisions we make affect future generations to come.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Here are some more blessings when we choose the "good old ways." (Make sure you read Point 4).


Deuteronomy 6:18 says, "Thou shalt do that which is right and good in the sight of the Lord: that it MAY BE WELL WITH THEE."


Read Deuteronomy 6:19. When we choose our own path, we side with our enemies. When we choose the "good old way" God is with us to give us power over our enemies.


I love that God's ways are always for our ultimate blessing and good (Deuteronomy 6:23 and 10:12-13). They may not be the easy way. They may be tough and challenging. They may be the hard choice. They will most probably be counter culture to our current society. We may face persecution. But, in the end we will be blessed, plus reap an eternal reward.

God's way for Joseph were years of suffering and full of heartache, but in the end he reaped a triumphant reward. He confesses in Genesis 50:20, "But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive." Read also Genesis 45:5-8.

Be brave and trust God's timeless ways. They always bring blessing.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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A) GOD'S WAY IS THE BLESSING WAY (continued from yesterday).

We discovered yesterday that the good way is the old way. And, even more wonderful, when we choose the "good old way" we will walk in blessing. God has five blessings for you:


Jeremiah 6:16 reminds us that when we choose God's old "tested by time and eternity" principles that we find "rest for our souls." Oh what bliss. We long for rest, don't we?

When we choose God's way, we don't need Prozac (with its side affects) or other drugs to keep us calm. Our peace comes from doing it God's way, which is embracing what we were created for, to mother and nurture children and raise them in the home.

Stick to your home more. When you are involved in too many things and gadding about here and there, you become more and more stressful. Create a life for yourself and your family in the home. This is where you are meant to be and this is your peace. The Knox translation of Hosea 11:11 says, "And in their own home, says the Lord, I will give them rest."

I remember talking to a mother who complained of being totally stressed out and overwhelmed. I asked her about her weekly plan. She was involved in taking her children to so many extracurricular activities. I encouraged her that it was quite unnecessary and to cut back. "Oh no, I can't do that," she answered. I had no more advice to give.

It's the same response the children of Israel had in Jeremiah 6:16. God promised them rest if they embraced His way. But they said, "No thanks. We'd rather do it our way." Read also Proverbs 24:15 and Isaiah 30:15.

What are you choosing?

Love from Nancy Campbell (more to come).

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Which way do you want to walk? Your own way, or the good way?

Jeremiah 6:16 tells us that the good way is the old way. It says, "Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls."

The old way is that which God spoke forth at the beginning of time and God hasn't changed (Genesis 1 and 2). He doesn't have to adjust or improve on His ways, because they were perfect from the beginning. They are perfect for every generation, including this 21st century.

Some seem to think that the humanistic ways of our modern society are better than God's ideas, but they never work out in experience. We see the fruit of them with the epidemic breakdown of marriage and family life.

The Hebrew word for "old" is "olam" which means "from time immemorial, everlasting." God does not only want us to accept His "old" ways, but to ask for them. He wants us to seek them out and understand them more.

My daily prayer is that God will show me the paths He has planned for us to walk in as wives and mothers and to understand more and more revelation of what it means to walk in them. I am sure this is your prayer too.

Let's seek the "good" way.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ