Time magazine recently stated that the birthrate in the U.S. is the lowest in recorded American history. From 2007 to 2011, the most recent year for which there's data, the fertility rate declined nine percent. A 2010 Pew Research report showed that childlessness has risen across all racial and ethnic groups, adding up to about one in five American women who end their childbearing years maternity-free, compared with one in 10 in the 1970s.

This is completely OPPOSITE to God's plan and His Word. In the midst of a world of deception that despises God's way, we who are His people must shine with His light and truth. God plan is for us to embrace His children and raise more shining lights for His kingdom. We should be like the children of Israel in Egypt. Although they were in distress and serving under hard bondage they continued to embrace children. Consequently they filled Egypt with God's children and became "MORE AND MIGHTIER" than the Egyptians! In fact, the more the Egyptians afflicted them, "THE MORE THEY MULTIPLIED AND GREW" (Exodus 1:7-12).

What are we doing? Conforming to society or God's eternal plan?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Warm all my kitchen with Thy love and light it with Thy peace,
Forgive me all my worrying and make my grumbling cease,
Thou, who didst love to give men food, in room or by the sea,
Accept this service that I do, I do it unto Thee.

~ Unknown

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This morning at Family Devotions we read the Scripture we know so well, "Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2). I was reminded again that if we follow the way of society, we will not be in the PERFECT will of God, no matter how much we think we are. God's way and the world's way are opposite. To do what everyone else is doing is usually the broad way that leads to destruction. The narrow way, that few choose to take, is the way to life.

Society encourages mothers to leave their home, put their children in daycare, and get a job! How boring! How insignificant! They are put in the "box"! God's PERFECT will for mothers is to embrace children and raise them to be mighty men and women for God, children who know God, know His Word, and who will influence society for the kingdom of God. That's powerful living. It's what our quote at the top of this page says.

I originally come from New Zealand, a sheep a country. No wonder God calls us sheep. They always follow one another. Huge flocks of sheep contentedly chew their grass on the green paddocks of New Zealand. However, if one sheep finds a hole in the fence and goes through, it won't be long before other sheep also follow through the hole into the next paddock. The sheep that are away on the hillside are unaware of what is happening. But, they also gradually gravitate towards the hole in the fence. It may take a day or two, but eventually that whole flock of sheep will land up in the next paddock. And they have no idea why they are there or where they are! They just follow each other.

Isn't this what happens to us? We assimilate to what everyone else is doing. Let's be those who seek the truth and line up with God rather than fitting in with society.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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What would we do without God's Word to keep us in check? I am sure I would get completely out of line. God leaves nothing unsaid in His Word. and in Ephesians 4:1-3 He clearly shows us the way to live in our marriage and with our children. In this great calling that He has given us He wants us to walk "With ALL lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love." Did you notice that it doesn't say with "some" lowliness and meekness, or with "a little bit" of lowliness and meekness, but with "ALL" lowliness and meekness? That sounds like a lifestyle to me. It sounds like every day and all day.

It grieves my heart o hear of more and more marriages falling apart. This is not God's plan. He has given us the plan to make it work. I'll admit it is opposite to man's way, but it is the way that works. It takes yielding to the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Our flesh reacts with pride, stubbornness, and rebellion but as we yield to the Holy Spirit who lives within us, He works in us humility, gentleness, patience, and bearing with and accepting our husband.

Does this happen easily? Oh no. We have to work at it. This same passages says, "ENDEAVOURING to keep the unity of the Spirit in the body of peace." To keep unity in your marriage relationship, and in your home, you have to make an effort. You have to strive earnestly and diligently to make it happen.

We either build or tear down. Let's pick up our building tools of humility and patience and go to work.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Motherhood Is Not Temporary

Oh the awesomeness of nurturing an eternal soul!

Motherhood is Not Temporary

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When Ruth was waiting to see if Boaz would be her husband, her mother-in-law, Naomi said to her, "Sit still, my daughter" (Ruth 3:18). She didn't mean, "Now you sit on that chair and don't move until we see what happens." Rather, she was talking about keeping her spirit quiet and in a state of rest. Some translations say, "Be patient, my daughter."

It's so easy to be anxious when we are waiting for God to move or something to happen in our lives, isn't it? Sometimes it seems as though the answer never comes. But, God comes to you and says, "Sit still, my daughter." You are not going to accomplish anything by getting anxious or allowing your stomach to get tied up in knots. Sit still in your spirit. Wait for God. Don't boycott God's answer and ruin everything. Wait for His timing.

Isaiah 28:16 WEB says, "He who believes shall not act hastily." I like the HCSB translation which says, "The one who believes will be unshakable."

Remember God's answer to the children of Israel when the Red Sea was in front of them and the Egyptians pursuing behind them? He said, "Fear ye not, STAND STILL, and see the salvation of the Lord" (Exodus 14:13). God did not fail them and He won't fail you. Sit still and wait.

Love from Nancy Campbell

P.S. More Scriptures to encourage you:

Psalm 37:4-7; 46:10; 62:1; 112:7-8;

Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 26:3-4; 30:15; 40:31; 41:10, 13; 59:19b;

John 11:40 and 16:33.

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We talked yesterday about how the greatest way to rule is to serve. Not only did the elders advise Rehoboam (the future king) to be a servant to his people, but to "SPEAK GOOD WORDS to them" (1 Kings 12:7). To lead our children, we must also speak good words to them. This means kind, lovely, joyful, cheerful, pleasant, convenient, excellent, righteous, and encouraging words.

It is easy to forget to do this. In the midst training and correcting wrong behavior we can often forget to speak kind and loving words. This is another aspect of serving. We have to get out of our own comfort zone and actually DO IT! Speaking good and encouraging words to each one of your children every day. Make it a habit. Check yourself at the end of each day to see if you have encouraged each one, otherwise the days go by and it won't happen!

Prophecy over your children. This doesn't mean you have to be a prophet. 1 Corinthians 13:3 tells us that prophesy is for "edification, and exhortation, and comfort." To edify mean "to build up, to embolden, to encourage." I think that children will do far more in life by prophetical encouragement than any other way. The patriarchs saw this as a responsibility to their children.

We love to bless and speak into the lives of our children at our weekly Shabbat meal. But, once a week is not enough. Let's get into the habit of doing it daily.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Do you complain that all you seem to do is serve everyone in your home? Oh forgive me. I have been guilty of making the same complaint! However, did you know that serving belongs to rulers? It belongs to kings and queens.

When Rehoboam (King Solomon's son) was about to become king of Israel he asked advice about how he should rule. The elders who had advised his father said to him, "If thou wilt be a SERVANT unto this people this day, and wilt SERVE THEM, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants forever" (1 Kings 12:7). These words were not spoken to a servant, but to one about to rule the richest kingdom on earth at that time.

God has also given mothers a kingdom to rule. He has put into our hands the task of managing our family and household. As the Managing Director of our home, we should also have this same attitude, the attitude of serving. It is the spirit of serving that will make you a great ruler. It is the secret of leadership.

Sadly, Rehoboam didn't take this advice and instead lost 10 of the tribes of Israel. Don't lose your authority. Embrace the spirit of serving.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Yesterday I was in town and went to a wholesale health shop. As I walked around the produce area I couldn't help thanking God for my home garden.

Jalapeños were $1.99 lb. which wasn't too bad, but my garden jalapenos were of course much fresher. But, the habaneras where $5.99 lb. and were small and wizened up. Mine are big and fresh and free! Another similar pepper to my garden peppers were $4.99 lb. And the okra were $3.99 lb. and once again not as fresh and perfect as mine growing in the garden. And it was the same with all the produce.

I must save hundreds and hundreds of dollars each season, apart from enjoying a much higher quality of produce.


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You don't have to tell how you live every day;
You don't have to say if you work or play;
A tried, true barometer serves in its place,
However you live, it will show in your face.

The false, the deceit that you bear in your heart
Will not stay inside where it first got its start
For sinew and blood are a thin veil of lace,
What you wear in your heart, you show on your face.

If your life is unselfish, if for others you live
For not what you get, but how much you give,
If you live close to God in His infinite grace--

~ Author unknown.

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The kitchen is where we do a lot of testing, isn't it? Especially taste testing! We have to taste the meals we create to make sure they are palatable.

However, the kitchen is also a place where we test who we really are! It's easy to live a patient and sweet life when we are talking with friends or when everything is quiet and peaceful. But, what about when everything is in a turmoil? What about when the baby needs you, your toddler is crying, you are trying to get breakfast for everyone, the phone is ringing, and your husband needs last minute help as he leaves the house. You hardly know where to turn first? What about when the children are cranky and whining or bouncing off the walls? How do you react then?

2 Corinthians 13:5 challenges us with these words, "Examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith, prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that JESUS CHRIST IS IN YOU, except ye be reprobates." We need to examine our faith in the midst of trials and difficulties. This is the true testing.

However, we need to despair that we cannot live up to God's holy standard. We can't! Do you notice the words "Jesus Christ is in you"? It's not your trying to be perfect in your little world of mothering your children. It is allowing the life of Jesus Christ, who lives within you, to live His life through you. Say No to the flesh. Say No to anger and frustration, and instead thank Christ for His patience and love that IS IN YOU BECAUSE HE LIVES IN YOU!

Your greatest test in your kitchen is not trying to be more perfect, but yielding to the life of Christ in you!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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So long as we have homes to which men turn
At close of day;
So long as we have homes where children are
And women stay;
If love and loyalty and faith be found
Across those sills;
A stricken nation can recover from
Its graven ills.
~ Grace Noll Crowell

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Mother, YOU are the HEART of your home!

Here is just some of the things you do in your powerful role as HOMEMAKER!

You make your home a . . .

a House of prayer,
a Household of faith,
a Habitation of love,
a Haven of peace,
a Happening place of joy and laughter,
a Hub of activity,
a Home of Hospitality,
a Home of Happiness,
a Home of Harmony,
a Home of Holiness,
a Home of Honesty,
a Home of Humility,
a Home of Hugs,
a Home of Health and Healing,
a Home of Hearty food and fellowship, and
a Hearthstone where all delight to come.

In your home you . . .

Hedge it about with truth,
Heal broken hearts,
Help one another,
Heap blessings upon one another,
Hold fast the Word of Life,
Honor the elderly,
Hate evil and love righteousness,
Encourage Hard work,
Provide an atmosphere to Hear the voice of God,
Fill it with Heavenly praises.
Love and appreciate your Husband,.
And of course, you seek to make it a little taste of Heaven.

Keep your MOTHER HEART beating strongly in your home.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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The ultimate devotion of our lives should be to love God with all heart, soul, mind, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5; Mark 12:38; Luke 10:27). The next love of our life should be for our husband and children and to build a home (a godly family) for the name of the Lord.

David confessed in 1 Chronicles 29:3, "I have set my AFFECTION to the house of my God." Affection is a beautiful word. In this passage the word is "ratsah" and means "to love, to be devoted to, to delight and take pleasure in."We cannot effectively build a family for God's glory if our heart is not in it. Many times our heart and mind is in other places and projects rather than our home.

Where are your dreams? Are they for building a home to the name of the Lord? Not for your name, but for His name. That means we have to do it His way. We can have dreams of success for our children, but often it can be for the glory of our name. God's plans may be different. Let's build to His name (2 Chronicles 2:4).

Can you bring your heart and your mind back to your home? If your affection is for your home and family, this is where you will DELIGHT to spend most of your time.

Our affection should also inspire in our children an affection for the home. They will not imbibe that affection if they spend more time at daycare or school.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Home - The Happiest Place On Earth

Is your home the happiest place on earth?

motherslabors w
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Popularity is not always a good sign. The popular way is not usually God's way. God's way is the narrow way (Matthew 7:13-14). Therefore, dear mother, don't expect the people around you to be excited about your having another baby or homeschooling your children. Rejoice anyway. You are walking in the perfect will of God.

Jesus said in Luke 6:26, "WOE UNTO YOU, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets." Notice the exclamation mark again! We are more likely to be on the wrong path if everyone around is happy with what we are doing.

Love from Nancy Campbell

Check out these Scriptures: Nehemiah 6:1-4; Jeremiah 6:16; 18:15; Matthew 5:11-12; Luke 6:22-23; John 15:18-21; 17:14-18; Acts 5;41; 1 John 4-6 and 1 Peter 4:14.

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The Highest Vocation

“God made mothers more special than anyone else.
He made them the bearers of life and in doing so, knew they had to be more exceptional than the rest of us.
He made them the cornerstone of the home,
the foundation of the family,
the backbone of society,
the ideal of all that is best in the human race.
They are the guardians of decency,
the preservers of peace,
the upholders of truth,
the protectors of morality,
the symbol of virtue,
an inspiration to all that is noble and good in life,
and love knows no great representative than that of a mother’s love.
Upon our earth, not title is more revered and no sound more beautiful or sweeter heard than the tender loving word – Mother.”

~ D. Haughian

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It is sad that many mothers today don't enjoy motherhood? And yet God's plan is for mothers to be filled with joy. Psalm 113:9 HCSB says, "He gives the childless woman a household, making her the JOYFUL mother of children. Hallelujah!" Notice the Hallelujah with an exclamation mark!

The full understanding of the Hebrew word is that we will be glee-FULL, merry-FULL, cheer-FULL, and of course, joy-FULL! It doesn't mean half filled, but filled to the top! I forgot to mention happy-FULL! Most translations of Psalm 113:9 translate it "a HAPPY MOTHER."

Why are we not filled with joy? I believe it comes down to our attitude. Mothers are conditioned by society that their role is insignificant and inferior. They think they would be better off somewhere else than embracing their land of motherhood. But, dear mother, you are in the perfect will of God. You are in the greatest career in the nation. Embrace it with all your heart and begin to enjoy your baby and your children. Don't waste these precious years with self-pity and pining for something that is vain and empty.

Enjoy your mothering today. You have a FULL life that is impacting this world and eternity.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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"The babe is a marvel of POSSIBILITY! The man who will sway thousands to his will as the whirlwind sweeps the forest lies sleeping in that babe. The organizer of the world’s industries, or the leader of the world’s thought, or the changer of the world’s life, and of the map of the earth, is in that wee morsel of humanity lying in his mother’s arms.

That cooing voice may compel the whole world to listen. Those fat dainty fingers may pen words that a world will be eager to read. A Wesley or a Faraday may Be there, only waiting the coming of his day of action.

And, far more than these, the man who will re-live Jesus’ life, with all its simplicity and purity and fragrance, in some humble corner, that will touch and tinge deeply the life of the crowd, may lie there all open to the impress of father and mother.”

~ S. D. Gordon

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PO Box 681687
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