Jul 27 2012 (HealthDay News) -- Women who have their last child after age 30 have a reduced risk of endometrial cancer, according to a new study.

Endometrial cancer occurs in the tissue lining the uterus (womb) and is the most common gynecological cancer in the United States.

Researchers examined data from more than 8,600 women with endometrial cancer and more than 16,500 without the disease. The analysis revealed that the risk of endometrial cancer decreased after age 30 by about 13 percent for each five-year delay in last births.

Compared to women who had their last child before age 25, those who had their last child between ages 30 and 34 had a 17 percent reduced risk of endometrial cancer, those who gave birth to their last child between ages 35 and 39 had a 32 percent lower risk, and those who gave birth at age 40 or older had a 44 percent lower risk.

This protection persisted for many years and was the same for both types of endometrial cancer: the more common type 1 endometrial cancer and the more rare and aggressive type 2.

"While childbearing at an older age previously has been associated with a lower risk of endometrial cancer, the size of this study definitively shows that late age at last birth is a significant protective factor after taking into account other factors known to influence the disease -- body weight, number of kids and oral contraceptive use," principal investigator Veronica Setiawan, an assistant professor of preventive medicine at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, said in a Keck news release.

However, when the researchers looked at the women by race/ethnicity, they found that association between older age at last birth and protection against endometrial cancer was evident among white and Hispanic women, but not among the small number of black women in the study. This finding warrants further research with larger groups of black women, Setiawan said.

The study was published online July 23 in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Endometrial cancer is the fourth most common cancer diagnosed in American women. In 2012, more than 47,000 U.S. women will be diagnosed with uterine cancers and more than 8,000 will die of such cancers, according to the American Cancer Society. -- Robert Preidt

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How does the virtuous woman treat her husband? Proverbs 12:31 says, "She will do him GOOD and not evil ALL THE DAYS OF HER LIFE." What does it mean to "do him good"?

The Hebrew word for "good" is translated by 43 different words in the Bible. In fact, it is not only "good," but "goodlier," and "goodliest!" As we look at some of these other words we get more of an idea on how to do good to our husband.

It is translated "best" eight times and "better" 72 times. You are to be the best wife for your husband, better than any other wife. Seek to always be the best for him--the best lover, best helper, best encourager, best cook, best homemaker, and the best at making him the happiest man in the world.

It is translated "cheerful," "glad," "joyful," and "merry." This sounds like a happy home, doesn't it? A cheerful attitude will make a happy husband. A nagging and complaining wife sends a man running and certainly doesn't do him any good (Proverbs 15:15; 19:13b; 21:9, 19; 25:24; 27:15). Don't load him with all your problems the moment he walks in the door. Welcome him with a happy smiling face.

It is translated "kind." Can you think of kind things to do for your husband? Can you lavish him with kind and loving words?

It is translated "please, pleasing, and pleasure." Seek to be pleasing to your husband in the way you serve him, submit to him, respect and honor him, dress for him, and love him. Delight to give him pleasure.

It is translated "sweet." Will you be s-w-e-e-e-e-t to him today?

Here are a few more of the 43 words for you to think about--"beautiful, bountiful, loving, pleasant, and precious." And what about "most"? Seek to be the MOST wonderful wife your husband could ever dream about. Be the MOSTEST!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Did you know that when you conceive you receive a visit from God? Isn't that amazing? Conception is a divine visitation.

When Sarah conceived the Bible tells us God "visited" her (Geneses 21:1). After Hannah dedicated Samuel to God and took him to the temple 1 Samuel 2:21 tells us that God "visited" Hannah and gave her five more children.

Who would want to stop God visiting them? Wow! You never know what purposes God has planned with the birth of each new baby. And just think how we can actually hinder God's divine plans and purposes when we don't want Him to visit us?

Love from Nancy

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Yesterday I talked about how back in Bible days it was expected that sons would be strong and courageous. But, that's only half the truth. David continued to exhort his young son Solomon to "Keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimonies" (1 Kings 2:3).

It takes a young man of strength to seek the truth and walk in it. It takes a man of courage to stand against the tide of public opinion and walk in God's ways, no matter what the ridicule.

I talked to a young man recently who favored Obama, not because of his stand for abortion and gay marriage, but because of his handouts! Oh my. God is looking for young men who are not one of the "uninformed voters" but who seek truth and stand for truth, no matter what cost to themselves.

Let's raise young men with who will keep the charge of the Lord and walk in the ways of the Lord in the midst of a deceived society.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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As he was nearing death, David encouraged his son, Solomon with these words, "Be thou strong therefore, and show thyself a man" (1 Kings 2:2). The HCSB translation says, "Be strong and be courageous like a man." I like the Knox Version. Wherever it talks about being strong and courageous, he translates it, "Play the man." In other words, to act like a man means to be strong and courageous.

How old was Solomon when he became king? Some commentaries say 12 years old. Josephus says he was 14 years old. And other commentaries say 20 years old. Whatever is correct, he was a very young man, and yet expected to be strong and courageous and take on the governing of a nation.

We have lessened our expectations for young men today. In fact, it seems this nation wants to dumb them down. They are frowned on for doing manly things and babied into their twenties. Yes, mothers, we'll mother and smother our little baby sons, but as they grow, we'll take our hands off, let go of fear, and allow them to grow into men--at a young age!

Why do so many young men get into trouble in their teens? There's never meant to be a teen stage. By the time they are 12, they should be training in manhood and have opportunity to do manly things and act like a man. They should face difficulties with courage and strength. They should be preparing to provide for a home.

Let's raise men, not wimps!

Love from Nancy

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What is the first thing you do when you start the day as a family? 1 Timothy 2:1-3 tells us. I shared about it yesterday and I have been thinking more about this Scripture. It tells us that the FIRST THING we should do is pray. Well, my husband and I pray for our family before we do anything else. But, I have to confess that we eat breakfast before we pray as a family. At least we all pray together before we get on to our plans for the day!

If we really mean business, if we are truly desperately concerned for our nation, if we truly have a burden for prayer, it will be TOP PRIORITY to start the day. I think we have to change our mindset, don't you? The Bible says, FIRST OF ALL! Is this how we feel about praying together as a family? Is this what we do? Do our children see that prayer takes precedence and first priority in our home?

And what are we to do? It's more than saying a little prayer each. We have to be earnest. We have to pour out our hearts to God. This Scriptures tells us to get into "supplications, prayers (EARNESTLY PRAYING), intercessions, and giving of thanks..."

And it's all so we can live a QUIET AND PEACEABLE LIFE! We have the answer so let's do it.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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I do, and I am sure you do, too. However, we have to do something to make it happen.

1 Timothy 2:1-2 says, "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may LEAD A QUIET AND PEACEABLE LIFE in all godliness and honesty."

We know this Scripture, but do we do it? We have to be faithful to the prerequisite if we want the promise.

When you gather your family together for Family Worship each morning and evening, don't forget to pray for your nation, pray leadership (which is in desperate need of prayer) and for all those God lays upon your heart. Get everyone in the family to pray, right down to the littlest one who is learning to talk. God hears the sincere prayers of children.

When Judah was taken captive to Babylon, the prophet came to them with a word from the Lord of Hosts reminding them that if they wanted to live in peace they must pray for their city in which they live (Jeremiah 29:7).

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Motherhood is Not For Wimps!

There are those who would spurn the vocation of
And say of careers, it’s inferior to others,
I'll have to admit that it's not easy work,
It's relentless and from it you cannot shirk.

It takes all your energy to be a mother and wife,
It requires daily commitment and a disciplined life,
It demands all your resources of patience and love,
Longsuffering and wisdom from the Father above.

It takes self-control and continual endurance,
It needs constant faith and great perseverance,
It means total sacrifice, forgetting your self,
Sometimes you think you are left on the shelf!

And what about time? It’s no longer yours,
It belongs to all those who are within your doors.
Claim your own rights? No, they're all gone, too,
Like your right to sleep the whole night through!

It's not easy to crawl into bed with a book
Or go off and dream in some quiet little nook.
It seems like you're totally losing your life
To be a good mother and a submissive wife.

But oh, faithful mother, please do not despair,
In God's perfect plan you do have a share,
To fulfill your destiny planned from creation
Which is to nurture children and BUILD A NATION!

You’re walking in the footsteps of Jesus your Lord
Who sacrificed all, His life He out-poured,
He didn't cling to His rights with selfish futility
He didn’t claim any privilege but walked in humility.

He gave up His life to save millions of others,
This principle works in the lives of all mothers,
When you lose your own life you find it again,
A rewarding life, without guilt or shame.

So lift up your head, embrace your calling so high,
You're in God's perfect will, there’s no reason to
You may often feel worthless, don't listen to this lie,
Your influence goes higher than the clouds in the

As you nurture and train your God-given seed,
As you sharpen your "arrows" by word and by
You shape the nation, you determine its course,
Your mothering’s not wasted, it’s a great mighty

As your children leave home and go into the world
The proof of your training will soon be unfurled
You’ll influence countries where you've never been,
And down the generations its effect will be seen.

Your work is so powerful, no wonder it's tough,
But God is behind you, He's the GOD WHO IS
His strength and His wisdom He will give to you,
He stands by His promises which are totally true.

He'll always be with you right through to the end
As you follow His leading and deny the world's
Each morning you wake, your strength He'll renew,
He'll fill your home with His presence and His
blessed peace, too.

Nancy Campbell

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Further to my post earlier today, I must share with you a very important point. After the Holy Spirit came upon Othniel and he went out to war, God delivered the king of Mesopotamia into his hand, and guess what? The children of Israel had REST for forty years (Judges 3:11).

We will never have rest in our family life or any situation in our lives if we don't defeat the enemy! While the enemy is still having his way in our home, we won't have rest. While evil still remains, we'll never have rest! You have to wipe out the enemy before you have rest.

It's the same way with raising our children. If you allow your children to rule the roost, have their own way, or be disobedient, you'll never have rest as a mother. How can you enjoy motherhood when your children are out of control?

God intends us to teach our children to be obedient and submissive so we can enjoy a restful home and enjoy our great career of motherhood. Proverbs 29:17 is a powerful Scripture, "Correct thy son, and he shall give thee REST; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul."

Hope you are enjoying a state of REST.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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I am sure I don't have to remind you that we are in a war. We are in a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan, between light and darkness, truth and deception. Every day we wake up we go out to war against the enemy. Praise God, we don't go on our own. The Lord of hosts is with us to give us the victory.

The children of Israel had become servants in the land God had given to them because they gave up warring. After eight years of servitude, they cried out to the Lord, and in His mercy He gave them a deliverer called Othniel (Caleb's younger brother), a man who loved to face challenges (Judges 1:12-13). Judges 3:10 says, "And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he ... went out to war." The Holy Spirit who lives in you is ready to go to war and defeat the enemy!

When you face a battle in your home or in your life, call upon the Holy Spirit. In His power you will defeat the enemy. In the name of Jesus you will have the victory. Through the power of the blood of Jesus you will send the enemy running. Don't despise battles. They are for conquering. Every battle you win is another defeat for the enemy of our souls.

God is with you as you war in the battle (Deuteronomy 9:1-3; Zechariah 4Z:6; Ephesians 6:1; James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8-9; Revelation 12:11).

Love from Nancy Campbell

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I was reading in Judges 2:12, 17 and 19 how when the children of Israel came into Canaan that they bowed themselves down to other gods and "turned quickly out of the way which their fathers walked in."
We don't have literal pagan gods that we bow down today, and yet we still bow down to that which does not honor God. Anything that does not give God full allegiance is a god.

Because we are all prone to assimilate so easily, we often bow down to what society is doing. We get in the groove so we don't look out of place. However, when we tolerate things that God hates we are bowing down to them.

There are many believers who bow down to our public education. There may have been a time when God was honored, but not any longer. Students are not allowed to pray, read God's Word, or OPENLY confess Christ. It is based on a humanistic agenda which is contrary to God's Word. It caters to Islam and other religions, but not Christianity. And now we face the continual intervention of the homosexuals who are trying to teach our children that their lifestyle is normal.

And we bow down to this? Help! May God save us from bowing down to anything in our lives, or society, that does not put Him first! Can you say, Amen? (Daniel 3).

Love from Nancy Campbell


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Did you gather your family around and pray together this morning? How important it is to do this morning and evening. Every God-fearing family needs to be praying for our nation. And just imagine what would happen if we all committed ourselves to this great task. Read 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Jeremiah 25:10.

Love from Nancy

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Isaiah 57:15 tells us that God is "the high and lofty One that inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy." And yet, God who is high above everyone else, wants to dwell with a certain kind of people. Who are they? He wants to dwell with those who have "a contrite and humble spirit."

Do you want God to dwell with you? Do you want Him to fill your home with His presence? Then we must keep a humble heart. We can think we're great when we stand up for our own rights, harden our hearts, stay full of pride, and resist the desires of our husband. Sadly, our attitude not only pushes our husband away, but it pushes God away! God runs from pride, but comes running to the humble heart.

The word "contrite" also means "crushed, bruised, broken in spirit and cast down." Don't despair, dear one, when you are going through this experience. But, remember, there is no excuse to stay in this state, because God has promised "to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones."

Psalm 34:18 says, "The LORD IS NEAR to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit."

Let's keep humble hearts today.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Is your burden heavy, is it weighing you down?
Do you no longer smile, all you wear is a frown?
Are you feeling stressed out? Your body’s in pain?
Are you confused, tormented, feel like going insane?

Hang on a minute! You don’t have to endure this strain,
There is a Burden-Bearer who will carry your pain,
He left the glory of heaven to come and die for your sin,
And carry your burdens, anguish, and sorrows on Him.

Give your heartache to God, He’s promised to carry it all,
To try on your own, you’ll only stumble and fall,
He’ll not only carry your burden, but sustain you too,
Holding you up in His arms to see from His point of view.

All you have to do is come to the foot of the cross,
Hand over your burden and all that is dross,
Give up your rights to do it your own way,
Trust your life to His hands and He’ll lead each day.

He is your Savior, Deliverer, your Resting Place,
Your Fortress, your Shield, and your Hiding Place,
Your Sustainer and Helper with everlasting arms
Who’ll carry you through storms and bring you to calm.

He is your Fountain, the fresh Eternal Spring
Who takes your sadness and makes you sing,
He is your Comforter, Healer, and He is the Dew
Who comes with His mercies each morning anew.

He is your Hope, your Refuge, your Song,
Strengthener, and Shepherd who carries you along.
He is Almighty God who bears your sorrow,
Give it to Him today, don’t wait ‘til tomorrow.

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you;
He shall never permit the righteous to be moved”
(Psalm 55:22).

Love from Nancy Campbell, Above Rubies

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Of all the animals in the world, God chose to liken His people to sheep and also to flocks. Psalm 107:41 says, "He makes him families like a flock."

In Ezekiel 36:38 He says that the waste cities will be "filled with flocks of men." God does not think of families as one or two children, but as a flock. A flock is more than one or two, isn't it? We need to have a God mindset, rather than a humanistic mindset.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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We are living in a time when "evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived" (2 Timothy 3:13).

What do we do in the midst of deception and lies, especially when it comes right down from the White House? The Bible never leaves us in the dark. It tells us in the very next Scripture what we must do, "But CONTINUE thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; and that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." Read the whole passage from v.13 - 17.

We must continue more than ever in reading and imparting God's Word to our children, right from when they are little! The word "child" is "brephos" and means infancy. It is also used of a babe in the womb and a newborn babe. Our children must be steeped in the Scriptures from infancy so they can detect deception. Many people have no clue they are deceived because they don't know God's Word which is the plumbline for truth.

I notice that even many homeschooling children know more about movie and music stars than they do of the Word of God! Unless they know the Word, they won't stand strong for God in a deceived world. Instead, they will be sucked into the deception.

However, it comes back to us, mothers. It's our responsibility! How did Timothy KNOW the Scriptures? Because of a faithful mother and grandmother! And we are still reading about them over 2,000 years later!

It wasn't mothers who were trying to make a name for themselves who were recorded. It was two women who were faithful to impart God's Word! Will you be recorded in history like them?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Do you feel as thou you don't have much strength to fight the battle against evil? In the nation? And sometimes it may even be in your home. Be encouraged.

Even with a "little strength" you can stand your ground. The angel wrote to the church at Philadelphia, "I know you have little strength, but you have OBEYED MY WORD AND NOT DENIED MY NAME" (Revelation 3:8).

Keep standing strong for righteousness. Never give in to evil. Never compromise. Do not tolerate what God hates. Never deny the holy name of God. Even with your little strength, you can be a voice for righteousness.

Did you know that God chose you before the foundation of the world to walk a holy life for Him (Ephesians 1:4)? God is with you to keep you standing strong, even with your "little strength."

Love from Nancy Campbell

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It's not enough for us to know a few Scriptures of the Bible? It's not enough for us to rely on a Sunday sermon each week. God wants His words to dwell in us RICHLY (Colossians 3:16). He wants His words to LIVE IN US!

In other words, our children should not only hear God's Words from us, but they should SEE THEM LIVING OUT IN OUR LIVES (Psalm 40:3). His Word should show forth from our countenance and from the way we act and speak. This was the testimony of Lois and Eunice.

Paul writes to Timothy, "I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which FIRST LIVED in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded now LIVES IN YOU also" (1 Timothy 1:5 NIV). Can we make this our heartfelt prayer? That God Words will LIVE IN US and will therefore have such an impact upon our children and grandchildren that they will also LIVE IN THEM! Amen.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Do you remember reading the wonderful testimony of the Waller family in the last issue of Above Rubies # 86 (they serve the vineyard farmers on the West Bank of Israel)?

This last weekend Colin and I looked forward to attending the wedding of their daughter, Victoria to Aaron Hood. Everyone was invited to come for the whole weekend to Kenlake State Park in Kentucky. We did not know the exact time the wedding would take place. It was to be a surprise-- a picture of waiting for the Heavenly Bridegroom who comes for His bride, but we know "neither the day nor the hour" (Matthew 25:13).

Colin and I drove up Saturday morning, thinking they surely wouldn't have the wedding before then! However, we arrived to find we missed the wedding! They blew the shofars in the night and the wedding was held at midnight, down by the lake in the moonlight--a glorious two and a half hour ceremony! We were slumbering and sleeping in our bed at home when the cry came, "Behold the bridegroom comes, go ye out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6)! Can you believe it? We missed!

However, although the ceremony was at midnight, we learned they were going to have the wedding feast at 3.00 pm on Sunday. We drove home again Saturday, and then drove up just in time for the feast after our Sunday service. We were glad we could at least be part of this wonderful celebration.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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This was Serene's recent post on TRIM HEALTHY MAMA, but I thought you may like to cash in on what's happening in our neck of the woods...

How are all my THM Sistahs? Is your summer season shaping up well? Yes, the pun was intended… it thrills us to pieces to hear about how far and wide the message in our book is reaching and of the fantastic shape ups that are happening all over THM Nation.

As we mention in the book, Pearl and I live in rural Tennessee. Our children’s summers are all about creek fishing and swimming. Pearl and I take our children to our local fishing/swimming hole and sit in the shade together. We keep busy praising all their aquatic acrobats, (some more graceful than others) and cheer on the fishing experts as they reel their beauties back to shore. In between this wonderful splashing chaos we try to get our noses back down to our research papers and writing material that we bring to the creek to keep all our sisters at THM in the know.


I have to tell on Pearl though. Yesterday a beautiful balmy breeze blew across the bubbling, cool creek. Earthy scents of mossy rocks and wet river grass and the intoxicating, almost magical fragrance of wild honeysuckle and jasmine vines danced around our happy gathering. I could have stayed all day accept for the fact that “Miss Princess prima donna Pearl” didn't want to go pee in the bushes and had to go home to her civilized toilet.

But, this is just a good example of how it takes all different types to make the world go around.

Trim Healthy Mama embraces all types of Mamas and approaches to food. There are lots of purists like me but plenty of relaxed short cut queens like my sister Pearl. You don’t have to be a “Granola Mom” to be a THM and it is even more an enjoyable and entertaining journey knowing that we are not all cookie cutters of each other. But, sometimes Pearl can drive me a bit nuts when she decides to leave me at the creek alone just for the loo and the way she uses her dreaded microwave! (Hey Pearl... love you heaps, mate!)


However, I have some more news about my yesterday. I was in my room about to start my “Spew Session.” You know, the quick exercise routine I tell you about on page 558 of our book. I cinched up my vibram five finger shoes and checked for my proper form in our bedroom mirror as I began my set of jump squats for my "spew" session. In the upper corner of the mirror I noticed a reflection of the wall right next to me and a shadowy dark apparition that swung back and forth. The head of a huge snake… (did I mention HUGE) jutted back and forth, slithering down the pictures on my wall. Horror movie worthy!

An unconscious surge of adrenaline catapulted me into the air. I have never jumped higher in any of my spew sessions. If I was participating in the Olympic Games as a high jumper I may have brought home a gold medal and a world record jump.

Snakes are my creepy thing. I mean, I hate snakes! I would rather have seen a crocodile or huge guerrilla in my room than a slithering, slippery, SNAKE.

I screamed and shouted for all the children to run outside. I grabbed the baby, dashed outside and did a head count while dialing my husband’s number and sputtering about the snake.

My husband who was working an hour away told me to get my Dad quick (he lives close by), find the snake and kill it, or we would never sleep soundly again. Good news is that after much searching in my bedroom, the snake was found. It had slithered under my bed… Ahhh!

This summer in our county has been labeled as one of the worst in a long time for snakes. Our children love to run in and out to the trampoline and then in for a snack and then out to play with their puppy and then in again. I suppose with the door left open half the day it was a welcome mat for our snake.

My children who play outdoors so much (we make them wear big leather cowboy boots) and see snakes more than I do, were not as bothered by the whole fiasco. I am still checking behind every door and bed and even behind the toilet before I can relax enough to pee! But all this is just part of the fun of summer in the country and now that the snake is dead I can appreciate the funny side of it.

Love, Serene Allison


Serene does not know this.... but I came home from selling our organic produce at the best Farmer's Market ever and took the children and cuzzies down to the creek.

Well folks, there swimming in the water over to the rocks where Serene had been was a Copperhead! Being more of a kiwi (New Zealander) than my sisters, I did a "kiwi snake-terror freak-out" and called them all out of the water. The snake went under some rock where most probably millions of them live there!

The children couldn't care two hoots and went back in after I realized we were not all dead! Now... don't tell Serene this either, BUT, I just heard from my neighbor down the holler that they released Timber Rattlers into the Natchez Trace--a stone's throw or two from us!


Once my daughter went to the bathroom with a flashlight and came out saying there was something big and black in there. I went to look and there was this humongous snake doing the dance! Howard was away and I did not know what to do-- shoot, stab, or scream! If I shot, I would shoot the plumbing out of the floor, screaming would freak the tiny children all night, and I could only quickly find a broom to hold the thing at bay.

I called Serene's husband who grew up with snakes and he came a running. He stood there bewildered, as I was, with the huge thing continuing to do its dance.

We decided to stab it with a sword so we would not destroy the plumbing. I held it with the broom and Sam stabbed and stabbed, then I tried stab - stab! Finally, we pierced the thing and I went to sleep safely. But I always, ALWAYS check bathrooms for snakes ever since!

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ