We know the quote of William of Wykeham, "Manners maketh man." I was blessed to see this portrayed in our home last night. A lovely family have come to stay with us for a couple of days. When they arrived the eight year old immediately shook hands with each person in our home and introduced himself, "My name is Jeremiah." Then the five year old put out his hand to shake hands with each one saying, "My name is Samuel." And even the little three year old did the same, introducing herself as "My name is Wonder." Yes that is her name. Isn't it WONDERful?

I also read yesterday, "Good manners will often take people where neither money nor education will take them." I guess you have found, as I did, that children are not born with manners! They don't seem to have a clue about etiquette without faithful training. But, oh how important it is to train them in etiquette.

Teach your children how to sit and eat correctly at the table. Teach them to walk with their head high and soldiers back. Teach them to speak CLEARLY AND POLITELY and look people in the eye. It is sad that the majority of children mumble answers when spoken to by adults and have no idea of looking at the person's face.

We as mothers determine the manners of our children. Let's keep on the job.

Love from Nancy Campbell

A Little Poem About Manners

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PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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