BindingChainsThe traditions of men are strongly spoken against by Jesus in Mark 7:1-13. Jesus states in verses 9 and 13: “Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition . . . Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.”

The washing of hands (v. 1-5) is not a bad tradition in itself because it can save the body from destructive contamination. However, to allow the washing of hands before eating food to become such an emphasis that it overtakes other matters of doctrine and conduct which are far more important is a serious problem. Hand washing, if neglected, is not a sin that will damn the soul, but fault-finding of the brethren and judging one another that breaks fellowship and writes others off is a chain that destroys the unity of the spirit. It hinders the commanded blessing God talks about in Psalm 133.

It is a far greater blessing to pray for one another than to constantly find fault with one another. Fault-finding causes our prayers to be hindered and revival to be squashed.

Fault-finding is a serious sin and many Christians do not realize how destructive it is. Of course, major sins must be addressed and rebuked in the spirit of meekness and love. However, many Christians find fault over so many non-essential matters with one another and this makes us no better than the scribes and Pharisees.

In Mark 7: 14 - 20 Jesus told us that it is not what enters into a man that defiles him, but the things which come out of his heart.

In Verses 20-23 Jesus lists the sins of the heart, that when spoken or acted upon, cause a man to be defiled: “And he (Jesus said), That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, and evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.” Many get so concerned about clean hands, yet are not so concerned about these soul damning sins of the heart.

How sad it is that we make God’s Word of none effect by the rituals and ways that we run our church services and family lives. As Christians, we need to examine the rituals and traditions with which we have been raised to see if they hinder the river of God from flowing freely. They can often negate and stop God’s Word from having full impact in our lives.

Is my knit-picking critical eye, which I regard as spiritual, hindering the flow of the Holy Spirit?

The question the Pharisees and scribes should have asked themselves is: Is there any real evidence that God is moving in my life other than the fact that I wash my hands? Are the sick healed? Devils cast out? Blind receiving sight? Deaf people hearing again? The dead raised up? People being saved and brought closer to God? If not, why not?

God did all these things through Jesus, but the scribes and Pharisees were more concerned about eating with unwashed hands. How petty can we be? Why do we get upset over so many trivial things?

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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ChainsPride“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).

Pride is another chain that seeks to bind Christians and render us ineffective and powerless. The blessing of John 8:36 is conditional upon John 8:31, 32 “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

By continuing in the truth of Christ we learn how important it is to repent of all pride. Jesus speaks about this subtle sin that binds Christian in His opening remarks in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-15): “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” These are the followers of Christ who do not have an inflated ego concerning themselves. They are not proud about their intelligence, their financial strength, their good looks, their opinions as opposed to others, their education, their self-made accomplishments, the high regard others have for them, and especially religious pride which is insidious because it gets in the way of being able to flow and fellowship with other Christians outside their own circle.

Paul said in Philippians 3:7: “But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.” It is only embracing of the cross of Christ that enables us to break this weakening chain. To repent of our pride allows the anointing of the Spirit to set us free.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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FearMan“The fear of man bringeth a snare” (Proverbs 24:21).

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).

The fear of man is another chain that each individual follower of Christ must shake off. This chain hinders the operation of faith. It causes us to fear persecution by those who do not hold to our faith. This persecution can take many forms such as the fear or being imprisoned, tortured, or even martyred which is happening right now in many countries around the world.

Jesus addresses this fear in Revelation 2:10: “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall be tribulation ten days; be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.”

There is also the fear of losing family and friends for the sake of exercising faith in Christ in a manner that your family or church are not used to. In order to step out and exercise faith it may even cost you your job. One can easily be afraid of losing financial support.

In some cases, in order to step out in faith regarding healing, the medical profession could really make it hard on you and your family.

Hebrews 11 describes the “heroes of faith.” In order to exercise faith there were many difficult and challenging battles to overcome. Exercising faith is a fight of goodness against unbelief, all manner of human logic, and often times pure evil.

A revival of the anointing of the Holy Spirit will strengthen us to break free from the chains of fear.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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AnoitedBreaksIsaiah 10:27: “And the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.”

The church must face the following question. How can the world have its chains broken while the church in general has not by faith appropriated the anointing of the Holy Spirit to cast off its own chains? We know that much of the world outside of Christ is bound up with chains of drug abuse, sexual perversions, violent tempers, mental oppressions and disorders, and all kinds of addictions. Our health experts do their best to try to help with all manner of drugs but they often have their own dangerous side effects.

By the power of the anointing of His Spirit, Jesus Christ is more than able to break all their chains. However, the Lord wants us to use His own people to set the captives free. But how can the church operate in His power when we have not applied His truth to break the different type of chains that bind us in weakness and impotence?

What are some of the chains that bind the church?


Unbelief causes us to say that God is able, but hesitates to say He will. The chains of unbelief hindered the release of miracles of healing in Jesus own home town (Matthew 13:58). Unbelief is a big chain which continues to bind much of the church. This chain must be cast off. cross of Christ has already broken its power to bind us.

Will we continue to allow this chain to stop miracles from happening?

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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“He bringeth out those which are bound with chains” (Psalm 86:6).

Men, in whatever time we have left in this dispensation of grace, we must earnestly seek God for a powerful release of the anointing of God’s Spirit to break every chain of the enemy of our souls. We must break the power of his strategy to hold us down and make us ineffective.

God has called us, chosen us, and anointed us with power from on high to set the captives free. Yet so few of us actually walk in this power. Most of us, myself included, need a great break through, far greater than we have ever known. We need this in order to break the chains that bind us to the normality of the present church.

Are we aware that time is running out? There are multitudes all around our communities that are bound with the chains of drug addiction, alcohol addictions, sexual perversions, and life-destroying diseases of all types. More and more are bound with spirits of violence and unforgiving spirits.

I believe we need a tidal wave of power from on high that will break our own status quo religious chains so that we will be able to melt the chains of the multitudes.

David said in 2 Samuel 5:20: “The LORD hath broken forth upon mine enemies before me, as the breach of waters.” In this passage he describes a tidal wave of flood waters coming against the enemies who wanted to bind and kill him.

There comes a time when the enemy comes in like a great flood, but the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him (Isaiah 59:19). The Spirit of God has to tidal wave us first, sweeping away all confining influences and breaking the chains of our own unbelief. He has to lift up a standard in us first.

God wants the anointing of His Spirit to roar out through His people. We must not be apathetic in seeking the floods of His spiritual waters.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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PleadMercyI cannot help give praise to God for the victory for Ted Cruz in Wisconsin. The country needs a man with a proven track record of standing up against the liberal agenda of the Washington establishment. We simply cannot afford to put in another president just because he seems to say some good things, but has little if any history to back it up. We must continue to earnestly pray that God will continue to give Ted Cruz great favor in all of the remaining states, no matter what the polls or pundits say or think.

We certainly do not deserve a righteous president to lead us. As the old saying goes, “A nation gets what it deserves.” Nevertheless, as we have been sharing God’s revelation concerning His glory to Moses, we note that God loves to show mercy. Judgment is His last resort. Because of God’s great mercies, we must continue to plead before God this wonderful attribute of His character for our nation and for these elections.

Shallow Christians, who have no great insight and depth of understanding, can easily be tricked and fooled into believing false promises at election time. This is why a track record of standing against the crowd and the compromising status quo is so important. The man who does this is Ted Cruz.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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SinsFatherMen, we should never underestimate the great doctrine of grace. Where would any of us be without the grace and love so lavishly poured upon us through our Lord Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection on our behalf? At the same time, we must never underestimate the consequences of God’s wrath and judgment upon those who refuse to follow Him according to His terms.

The doctrine of judgment upon those who reject and rebel against God’s laws, His truth, and His love is indeed a strong doctrine in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Yes, even in the New Testament. I cannot help but applaud the teaching on the grace of God. At the same time I cannot help but disapprove of many Bible teachers who refuse to speak of the strong warnings given throughout Scripture on those who are willing to accept God’s grace, yet are not willing to forsake the world, the flesh, and the devil.

2 Timothy 219 says: “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”

Jesus said in Matthew 7:26: “And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.” These words apply to all who hear the gracious teachings of Christ.

Bible teachers, who for whatever reason, refuse to warn people with the abundant warnings given in Scripture do God’s people an injustice. Many of God’s people only hear the truth that is easy to listen to which has greatly weakened the church.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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SinsofFatherExodus 34:7: “Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.”

How do we reconcile this statement by God concerning His judgment upon the offspring of fathers to the third and fourth generation? God has just stated in the same context that He is merciful, gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. Why is this beautiful picture distorted by His judgment upon the the children’s children?

I believe the answer lies in two choices each man has to make:

1. It is man’s responsibility to avail himself of God’s great goodness and grace. Man must choose to repent of his sinful ways in order to discover God’s abundant forgiveness.

2. If a man refuses to repent and genuinely seek God’s gracious forgiveness, he remains uncovered in his sin. But more seriously, if he remains in his sin, hardness of heart, and prideful state, it passes on to his children. This also happens as a direct result of his failure to train them to fear the Lord. How will they know the truth which is able to set them free if the father does not instruct them concerning truth?

Isaiah 38:19: “The father to the children shall make known thy truth.”

To be continued:

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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ForgivenessWhat is the testimony of our God? “Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin” (Exodus 34:7).

Naturally, there are not many kings who forgive those who commit rebellion and sin against them. In fact, most kings, even good kings, either banish them like Pharaoh did to Moses or they kill them outright.

But out great King of glory is very, very forgiving to those who repent and are sorry for their sings. In fact, forgiveness is a major part of God’s great glory. Where would any of us fallen creatures be if there was no forgiveness in God for all the sins we have committed in one way or another?

How grateful we should be that the greatest and highest King is One who forgives all the sins of His repentant children. Not only is He willing to forgive, but He patiently waits for us and is longsuffering towards our sinfulness. What other King is like our great King? He even puts up with our foot-dragging and resistant attitudes towards repentance.

Before the world began He planned the only way possible for our sinful debt to be paid for the ransom of our lost souls. His forgiveness is so great that He sent His only beloved Son to a cruel, rugged cross to pay the full price for our redemption. What other King has ever done this?

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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ArkCovenantJames 2:13 (ESV) states: “Mercy triumphs over judgment.”

God gave the law through Moses. While the law was perfect in itself, its application to the human race which is “born in sin and shapen in iniquity” pronounced doom, guilt, and judgment.

Inside the tabernacle was the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. Inside the ark was the law engraved on stones. On top of the ark was the lid (known as the Mercy Seat) which was sprinkled with blood. Over the top of the Mercy Seat were the two cherubim, gazing down in awe and amazement on the blood-sprinkled ark.

I am sure their amazement and awe was that the condemnation of the law was overcome by the blood-sprinkled Mercy Seat. I am sure the Holy Spirit of God would have us, who are the guilty ones, to also be amazed and awed by the incredible mercy of God given to us through our Lord Jesus Christ who is also our Mercy Seat.

If the angelic cherubim, whose wings covered the ark and whose eyes were filled with awesome wonder at such amazing mercy (symbolizing creatures who knew no sin), how much more should we be filled with grateful amazement!

Let’s read the fourth stanza of Samuel Davies’ hymn, “Great God of Wonders”:
In wonder lost, with trembling joy,
We take the pardon of our God:
Pardon for crimes of deepest dye,
A pardon bought with Jesus’ blood.

Who is a pardoning God like Thee?
Or who has grace so rich and free?

Be encouraged again.

Colin Campbell

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KeepingMercyGod wants the whole world to not only know Him for the greatness of His power, but rather for the greatness of all His goodness.

Exodus 33:18, 19: “And he (Moses) said, I beseech thee, show me thy glory. And he (God) said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.”

When God proclaimed His goodness, graciousness, mercy, longsuffering, truth, and forgiveness He passed by, He hid Moses in a cleft of the rock and covered him with His hand (Exodus 33: 22,23 and 34:5-7). It was then that Moses understood what the glory of God really was. It was not only the majesty of His strength, power, and authority of His person and kingdoms, but rather the glory of His great goodness and benevolence.

In his hymn, “Great God of Wonders” Samuel Davies reveals what God showed Moses concerning the greatest glory of Who He is:

Great God of wonders! all thy ways
Are matchless, Godlike and divine;
But the fair glories of thy grace
More Godlike and unrivaled shine.

Who is a pard'ning God like thee?
Or who has grace so rich and free?

The last verse of this hymn states:

O may this strange, this matchless grace,
This God-like miracle of love,
Fill the whole earth with grateful praise,
And all the angelic choirs above.

Who is a pard'ning God like thee?
Or who has grace so rich and free?

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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FamilyWorship"If family worship is established in a home, it will be found that the following results will be apparent in that home. The father and the mother will be truer to Christ, for it will be quite impossible to pray in the presence of one's children and then to live inconsistent lives.

It will also be true that the children will have a sweeter and better memory of the home and if it be true that the father is able to provide few of the luxuries of life, he will make up for the absence of these things by the fact that he has put into his child's memory the consciousness that Christ was real in his early home, and that His influence was always felt, not only in time of sunshine, but quite as effectively when the shadows fell across the family life. In these days of stress and strain it is worth everything to a youth, or a man or woman of middle life, to have a memory that can hold when everything else has failed."

~ J. Wilbur Chapman

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StrengthenInnerMan“Our daily devotions are the most needful of our daily works, and the most pleasant of our daily comforts. Prayer time must be kept up as duly as mealtime.”

~ Matthew Henry

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FamilyBibleReading“If the incense of prayer is to glow all day, it has to be renewed and kindled daily. The modern talk about being independent of times and seasons, so not needing definite periods of worship, is worse than rubbish. No man will have reverence diffused through his life, unless he has a consecrated reservoir of worship in the background of his life.”

~ Alexander MacLaren

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greatest thingThe following are the qualities of a man who would lead the church of God. However, they should also be the qualities of all men, especially husbands and fathers. Each one of us have our own little church, our family. God shows us the way to lead our families. Let’s check list our lives against God’s Word:

“He must be a man whom no one can criticize. He must be the faithful husband of one wife. He must be abstemious, wise in the art of living, with an ordered beauty in his life.

He must be hospitably inclined and he must be skilled in teaching. He must not be too fond of wine. He must be gentle and not pugnacious. He must be peaceable and money must have no attraction for him.

He must preside well over his own family, with children who give him complete obedience and perfect respect. If a man does not know how to preside over his own household, how can he look after one of God’s congregations?

He must not be a new convert, in case he should become inflated with a sense of his own importance, and so incur the same judgment that was passed on the devil for his pride.

He must have a good reputation among those who are not members of the church, for he must never incur the risk of making himself a target for abuse, and he must never pride ammunition for the slanderer” (1 Timothy 3:1-7 William Barclay translation).

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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YourTruthGod reveals His glory in the fact that He is abundant in truth (Exodus 324:6). God is full of truth and He never holds it back from those who really want it.

John 8:32 says: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

John 1: 14 says: “(And we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

The world does not like people who speak the truth. Perhaps that’s why so many Christian people do not want to vote for the most truthful. They prefer someone who does not really speak the truth and thus people are deceived.

The Bible is full of the real truth and those who love God’s Word enough to read it daily will be the bearers of the truth.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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abundantlyGod’s abundant goodness is His glory that He revealed to Moses, but also to us. (Exodus 34:6). God’s goodness toward us is lavish. God does not give sparingly, but exceedingly and generously.

Annie J. Flint writes:
His love has no limits, His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

It does us well and good to think and dwell upon the abundant goodness of the Lord toward us.

May we also be abundant in goodness toward our wives, families, and fellow man.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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LongsufferingGod’s glory is revealed in His longsuffering (Exodus 34:6).

Psalm 86:5: “But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.”

In Numbers 14:18 Moses reminds God of His longsuffering when he stands in the gap and makes intercession for the children of Israel who had rebelled against God because of their lack of faith to go in and possess the land. God reveals just how much longsuffering He had toward them, especially when they came out of Egypt. They murmured, grumbled, and complained.

Numbers 14: 11, 27: “How long shall I bear with this evil congregation, which murmur against me? I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against me.”

Verse 22 tells that they tempted God ten times! And thus He says: “Surely they shall not see the land which I sware unto the fathers, neither shall any of them that provoked me see it” (v. 23).

This is a sobering passage to all Christians, teaching us not to take our salvation too cheaply. Some think they can tempt God and get away with it, but there comes a time when God says Enough is Enough!

The truth is that we can praise God for His amazing longsuffering towards us all. This is an amazing aspect of the glory of God.

Men, we also should know our heavenly father and show great longsuffering towards those who provoke us and offend us.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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ForByGraceGod’s glory is revealed in His graciousness (Exodus 34:6). The Hebrew word “gracious” means “to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior, to favor, to bestow.”

The graciousness of our God is amazing and beautiful because He stooped and bent down so far to save us. In fact, He humbled Himself and stooped all the way down from the heights of heaven to the old rugged cross in order to save us from our sins and lift us up into heavenly places with Him.

When Jesus spake, the people all “wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth” (Luke 4:22).

They hymn writer says:
O the love that drew salvation’s plan,
O the grace that brought it down to man,
O the mighty gulf that God did span
At Calvary.

Men, we ought to be the most gracious men that walk on planet earth because His grace lives in us by His Spirit. Does your wife, your family, and your friends know you as a gracious man?

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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NoFrownHow do you arrive home to your family? Like a wet blanket with a frown and a gruff voice? Or do you bring joy and happiness to your family the moment you arrive home? Come home with surprises. Come in with an encouraging word and a smile for everyone. What a difference you can make to your wife who has been home with the children all day! Let your wife and children anticipate your homecoming with joy and excitement.

~ Colin Campbell

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