BeMercifulExodus 34:6: “And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.”

We have written about knowing God in the last two posts. We now see in this scripture that God’s glory is revealed in His mercifulness, or we could say, fullness of mercy. Where would we be if I wasn’t for His mercy?

Lamentations 3:22, 23 say: “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”

What an amazing glory we discover in His mercies towards us. None of us have earned a single atom of His mercy--and that is the truth! What an insult to God it must be if we take His mercy for granted and we are not grateful.

Psalm 57:10: “Thy mercy is great unto the heaven.”

Psalm 37:21: “But the righteous showeth mercy and giveth.”

Men, considering God has shown us such great mercy, shouldn’t this motivate us to be much more merciful towards our wives and families? In fact, we should be merciful toward all men.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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PressOnMen, even though God answered Moses’ request to show him His glory, he was only allowed to see God’s back parts for God said, “There shall no man see me, and live” (Exodus 33:20). The actual seeing of God’s rear or back parts would have been very special to Moses. However, I am sure that when God proclaimed who He was in the essence of His character that this would have meant far more to Moses than anything else.

Moses realized that the full revelation of the goodness of God’s character would take more than a life time to comprehend. God’s glory cannot be limited to a moment of time. It will take the ages to come for God to show us “the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:7).

To know the glory of God is not just a onetime experience, but a life time and beyond experience. To know who God is in a daily experience is what it takes to know the glory of God. As the hymn writer says:

More about Jesus would I know
More of His love to others show,
More of His saving fullness see
More of His love who died for me.”

In Philippians 3:8-14 the apostle Paul mentions that the ambition of his life was to know Christ and then he states that he was PRESSING ON for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Hosea 6:3 says: ”Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord.” The moment we plateau or flatten out, thinking we know Him sufficiently, we are in a dangerous place. Knowing God and making Him known should be the greatest joy and fulfillment of our lives.

How can we possibly make known the glory of God if we do not increase in the knowledge of God? The glory of God is an inexhaustible treasure of the finest gold. There is no end to His glory.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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IAmToday we begin a new series, THE GLORY OF GOD’S NAME

We read in Exodus 33:18 that Moses BESEECHED God to “Show me thy glory.”

God replied: “I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I WILL PROCLAIM THE NAME OF THE LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy” (verse 19).

In Exodus 34:6 we see what God did: “And the LORD passed by before him and proclaimed, the LORD.” What was the proclamation of the name of the Lord?

In Exodus 3:13 Moses asked God: “Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?”

God replies in verses 14, 15: “I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, the LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.”

Take notice, men. The glory of God is associated with His name. God’s goodness is bound up in His name. We can only really know His glory as we press in to experience day by day His goodness and amazing grace.

To be continued. We have so much to discover about God’s name.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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VoteCountsMen, today we must continue to pray earnestly for the voters in the states of Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan, and Mississippi. Pray earnestly as people vote in each of these states that God, in His great mercy, will give Ted Cruz great favor. He is the most conservative, God-fearing, Bible-loving, constitution-upholding, and uncompromising candidate. This country desperately needs someone like this at this time.

~ Colin

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WhatsTruthProverbs 10:19: “In the multitude of words there wanted not sin: but he that refrains his lips is wise.”

The doctrine of Donald Trump is “flexibility.” During the No. 11 debate last night in Detroit, Donald Trump made it clear that he believed that it was okay to be flexible and change your mind, no matter what you may have said or believed in the past. Wow, I thought that this is what had made the people of America so angry. They want politicians who won’t change their minds.

Throughout his campaign Trump has reiterated over and over again that people are sick and tired of politicians who say one thing and when elected to Washington change their minds. This to me is plain, straight hypocrisy for he criticizes others for doing what he believes in doing himself.

He says he is not a politician. He is a business man who is very flexible in order to get a good deal for himself. If he is the nominee for the GOP, I think he will fit in perfectly with the Washington cartel establishment. To Donald Trump, what you say is not that important; what is important is what you get.

People are fickle and believe that what he says he will do. But the big question is, especially after his backing down when faced with questions and answering that he will be flexible is: will he really do what he says he will do?

Behind closed doors he secretly explains to others his flexibility who agree to a gag order. Could it be that he doesn’t mean to carry out what he said about sending all illegal immigrants back? Will he be flexible on the issue? He will not allow us to hear what was said in the secret meeting. What’s he got to hide from us?

One thing for sure from last night’s debate is that Donald Trump stated with his own mouth that he will be involved in current court battles over his business deal with Trump University for a number of years to come. There could be other legal battles over his business dealings. The question is: if elected, would this affect his work as president of the United States?

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell…/ny-court-rules-fraud-charges-again……/news/donald-trump-university-lawsuit/

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DontBeDupedIsaiah 28:5, 6 says: “In that day shall the LORD of hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, unto the residue of his people, And for a spirit of judgment to him that sitteth in judgment, and for strength to them that turn the battle to the gate.”

Washington DC is the gateway of this nation. We must fervently pray for the coming president to be a truly godly man, not just one who says he is a Christian. Jesus said in Matthew 7:16: “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”

Because Donald Trump is doing so well in the primaries, there is now a great concern, to the point of a great divide among the Republican establishment. Many may think this is a good thing because the GOP needs to be shaken up. This of course if true. However, because of Trump’s past record, he proves himself to be more a liberal democrat than a conservative republican. He most definitely is not a conservative. Check the following:

1. Many fear that he will turn Obama Care into a single payer system wholly supported by the government. This of course is what Obama wanted in the first place.

2. Many fear that he will support Planned Parenthood because he constantly tells the public that they do “Many wonderful things for women.” But they are the biggest abortion provider in the country and even sell body parts of unborn children.

3. Many fear his foreign policy. It is one of great concern because he originally supported the Iraq policy of George W. Bush, but as the war dragged on, he took the side of the democrats and denounced it.

He professes to have a neutral stand on the Palestinian/Israel conflict. This is a dangerous stand for the protection of Israel.

4. Many fear his stand on the right to bear arms.

5. Many fear his proud stand for the gay/homosexual agenda.

6. Many fear that although he makes great boasts about building the wall between Mexico and USA, there is now a big question as to whether he will keep his word about sending illegals back home. Although this has been his big campaign speech, there are now rumors of a change of mind.

7. Many fear and have great concern as to who he would nominate to the Supreme Court to replace Judge Antonin Scalia. Since Trump himself is not a conservative and is weak on abortion, Planned Parenthood, and same sex marriage, will this affect his own judgment in this huge matter?

8. Many fear that if Donald Trump gets the nomination that many, many republicans will not vote in the final election. I am hearing more and more conservatives who say they will not vote in the final elections if Donald Trump is the nominee as he is far from a conservative. Therefore, sad to say, that would give Hilary Clinton the presidency. I myself could not in good conscience cast a vote for Donald Trump.

Although Trump is a successful business man and showman, is he any better than George Soros or Warren Buffet or a lot of the wealthy elites in the democratic party? Why is it that so many democrats are voting for Trump? Is it not because they know he is one of them at heart?

God can still turn the battle at the gate. We must pray more fervently than ever. Christians should vote according to the past fruit of a man, not only by what he says now.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

A few extra links for you to read: ( a well-researched article). about Jerry Falwell Jr.…/hc-dear-donald-trump-20160217-stor……/christians-cringe-at-donald-…

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Proverbs29 2Today is Super Tuesday, the biggest day of the 2016 presidential primary season. Voters in 13 states will determine the fate of our nation today: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming, and American Samoa.

I have been seriously fasting and praying that the candidate who is the most conservative, the most God-fearing, and who will never negotiate with his enemies by bribes, lies, or false promises will be favored by God to win the GOP nomination.

Some people may think that a pastor should not be political. I strongly disagree. I feel strongly that we should do all we can to further the cause of righteousness in all areas of life and political leadership for this influences the nation for good or evil.

Personally, I am disgusted with many Christian leaders who endorse Donald Trump. This reveals just how shallow their Christianity is. Trump upholds Planned Parenthood because they do “wonderful things for women.” But Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in this country and even selling the body parts of unborn babies that have been aborted.

He uses bad language when it suits him. He boasts about how many women he has slept with and his casinos have adult sex clubs and who knows what goes on in them. He boasts that he led the gay parade rally in Israel. If that’s all he thinks of Israel, may God have mercy on us.

Trump calls himself a good Christian. I believe that he is a deceiver and we are told in Matthew 7:15, 16: “Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.” I believe that Donald Trump is a wolf, parading as a conservative in sheep’s clothing.

Ted Cruz is disliked because he is a strong Christian who will not be bribed by lobby groups or anyone else. He is the strongest defender of the constitution of any of the candidates and will never compromise godly values. He will keep his promises and has a track record for doing so.

You will not go wrong voting for Ted Cruz because it is a vote for righteousness and integrity.

2 Chronicles 31:21: “And in every work that he (Hezekiah) began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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BENJAMINNETANYAHU“After serious consideration and looking over a very deep and qualified field of potential candidates, I have decided to give my support, my personal endorsement if you will, to Senator Ted Cruz. Ted has been a stalwart supporter of Israel and our people. He is one of the few leaders in the U.S. government with the intestinal fortitude to call terrorism ‘terrorism’, and directly address the threat of radical Islam and a nuclear Iran. Ted has proven to be fearless in fighting against the odds when he must, something I as the leader of a tiny nation surrounded by enemies can relate to.” He concluded, “Over the last two years Ted and I have been in regular contact, we have worked closely together on policy. To say the least, he (Cruz) has been an unwavering ally; and what’s more he’s been a true friend. I would ask the American people, and the freedom loving members of the world community to join me in supporting Ted Cruz as the next U.S President.”

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WatchmanWalls"I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, and give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth" (Isaiah 62:6, 7).

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LoseFoundations4We continue to asks ourselves some sober questions.

3. Does the nation of Israel have a place in our foundations? And from where do our ethics and values come?

There are people who will always cry out, “Peace, peace; when there is no peace” (Jeremiah 6:14). Many of the wealthy Jews in Europe did not believe those who told them that Hitler would try to exterminate them all if he could. They regarded those who warned of approaching danger as alarmists and doomsday extremists. Those who fled Europe by whatever means they could saved themselves, along with their families. Those who believed they would survive by continuing to stay were fed as fuel to the concentration camp oven fires and mass graves.

The main reason why we elect a new president once every four years is primarily for our own protection. However, being the rich, powerful, and blessed nation we are, with a foundation based on biblical values, we need a president who will stand with the little nation of Israel which is the cradle nation for our Judeo/Christian ethics and values.

God has blessed our so-called “Christian nation” because we have stood with Israel over the years--until this last administration. God has promised to bless those who bless Israel. God said to Abram in Genesis 12:3: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

We are almost the only nation in the whole world that has stood by Israel, but now much of the liberal press, the liberal government, and even the liberal church have been deceived by Palestinian propaganda.

Throughout the President Obama era Israel has been snubbed and threatened, especially the area of the West Bank, along with their amazing Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel is surrounded by nations that hate her with an unholy vengeance and they want to destroy her from off the face of the earth.

I believe God will remove our protection if we do not stand up for Israel’s protection. We must have a president at this time who will not force Israel to surrender any more of its ancient boundaries that were given by God’s divine mandate, and which they also won back as a result of being attacked. We cannot have a president who is pro-Palestinian because they hate Israel and want to completely destroy it.

Israel wants peace with is neighbors, but cannot afford to give them the strategic West Bank which makes them more vulnerable to attack from the heights of these mountains.

All the nations that once blessed Israel and have enjoyed great prosperity and peace had better not forsake her. If they do, they forsake their blessing. Sadly, many Christian nations have already become pro-Islam, pro-Palestinian, and anti-Israel and now their angelic defense is departed from them. Now they are under ISIS attack, plus many forms of spiritual attack.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

P.S. Have you check out this link? It is important to get your understanding from the Scriptures rather than the media:

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LoseFoundations3Why are many young people and students voting for Bernie Sanders and his extreme socialist/communist policies? He believes that even Obama and Hilary Clinton are not far enough left in socialism and makes no apologies that he is an outright socialist. This reveals how far the USA, one of the most blessed countries of the world has, and still is, drifting away from our biblical, conservative foundations.

The other night I listened to Trump on Hannity where he stated that because he is a great deal-maker he would use his skills to try for a peace treaty between the Palestinians and Israel. He admitted that it would be a great challenge, even to him. “But I will give it one hell of a shot,” he said (Trump language!).

To be honest, this is one of the things that scares me most about Trump. We should all be aware of the natural disasters that have hit the United States of America every time we have forced Israel to give up the West Bank, which is THE HEARTLAND OF ISRAEL and includes part of Jerusalem. (Have you read the book, “As America has Done to Israel?” by John P. McTernan?)

Ezekiel, chapters 36 - 37 are prophetic promises to His people, Israel. (Take time to read these amazing chapters). They are God’s specific promises about the mountains and waste places of Israel which are all in the West Bank. They have all been prophetically promised to be restored and populated with God’s ancient people.

Will Trump seek to negotiate with Israel to give the West Bank back to the Palestinians, as if it always belonged to them? The Heartland of Israel is filled with the evidence of certain tribes of Israel living there. They also took it back by a miraculous war after they were attacked by Arab armies coming at them from strategic parts of the West Bank.

Israel needs these center of their land, firstly because it was given to them by God for an “everlasting possession,” and secondly, because when Israel controls the West Bank it lessens their vulnerability from enemy attack .

We must pray for our own sakes that America will not go against God’s will for ALL of Israel’s promised land. The United Sates of America is a big and powerful nation, but like banks and motor companies, is it too big to fail? I think not.

If we meddle with the foundations of little Israel we could find ourselves fighting against our God who is still the God of Israel! God can easily take America down from its pedestal. * **

We need a president who understands these biblical truths. Our own foundations have been seriously eroded under Obama. We must be prayerful and careful who we chose this time.

May God have mercy on us for we have become deceived by glamour and surface popularity. Foundations are meant to be deep and solid, not glitzy, showy, prideful, and deal-making. These things are just surface, building on the sand.

Be encouraged Colin Campbell

P.S. Check out this link:

* Genesis 12:3; Psalm 129:5; Jeremiah 51:24; Ezekiel 25:7; 35:1-15; 36:1-7; 38:18-23; Joel 3:1, 2; Obadiah 15; and Zechariah 12:1-9.

** Our God is called THE GOD OF ISRAEL 203 times in our Bible, although He is also called THE GOD OF JACOB and many other similar names. If our God is not the God of Israel, we worship a different God from the Bible. And if He is the God of Israel, as He is, we had better have His understanding of Israel and the land.

The picture for this post is of vineyards growing on the Mount of Blessing, Har Brakha, on the West Bank of Israel. This area is where the Israelites first came into Israel when they came into the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 11:29-32). This picture is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy as these luscious and fruitful vineyards grow out of stones and barren dirt. Only according to the Word of the Lord which states in Ezekiel 36 that when God brings His people back to the land that these barren mountains will “shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are at hand to come”

The picture for this post is of vineyards growing on the Mount of Blessing, Har Brakha, on the West Bank of Israel. This picture is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy as these luscious and fruitful vineyards grow out of stones and barren dirt. Only according to the Word of the Lord which states in Ezekiel 36 that when God brings His people back to the land that these barren mountains will “shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are at hand to come”

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LoseFoundations2No one in their right mind would build a house on the ground without a solid foundation or the storms, floods, and severe winds would quickly destroy it.

One of the first things we do when purchasing a house that has already been built is to employ a qualified building inspector to check its foundations. Even though the house may be of the finest design, expensive trimming, superb paint work, and the surroundings look like a beautiful park; if the foundations are weak, cracked, or compromised, who would be foolish enough to purchase it?

During the 2010 Tennessee floods, a house approximately half a mile down the road from us was completely carried away overnight. There was no trace of it to be seen in the morning. It was a relatively new double wide trailer that had not been adequately tied down to a firm foundation. Fortunately, the occupants got out just in time before it was destroyed.

One cannot help but wonder why people who want to live in a safe house fail to build their own lives on a solid foundation. The teachings of Christ are the only foundations upon which we should build our lives. All other teachings are seriously flawed. Jesus Christ alone is the Solid Rock as the old hymn says:

“On Christ the solid rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.”

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

P.S. We ourselves were affected by the May 2010 Tennessee floods. The Duck River close to us exceeded its record level by almost 10 feet, flooding or destroying homes, roads, and agricultural land. The road down to our spring was completely washed away. To this day we cannot drive on it. Although we live on a hill and a secure house, the water came up through the concrete floor, squirting through the tiles and thoroughly flooding our downstairs. The Cumberland river crested at 51.86 feet, a level not seen since 1937. Twenty-one deaths were recorded in Tennessee.

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LoseFoundationsIf America is to hold its stand of being a powerful and leading nation of prosperity, it will need to have leadership that God approves.

I take no pleasure in any type of negativity or judgment upon this great country. Even though I was not born in this country (although I now have American citizenship) I have been blessed to live here for the past 25 years. I have loved every minute of the freedom and liberty this nation affords, as well as the great largeness of heart that is inherent in most of the citizens of this great land.

However, honest Christians can’t help but ask ourselves some very sober questions:

1. Why is this nation losing its greatness?
One of Donald Trump’s campaign slogans is “I will make the United States of America great again.” Obviously this resonates with a lot of Christian people who realize we are already losing our greatness. But can a worldly man, who has little, if any respect for the reverential fear of God, make America great again? God always blesses godly leadership as He did when His servant David ruled over Israel.

2 Samuel 5:12 says: “And David perceived that the Lord had established him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom for his people Israel’s sake.” Is it possible for the USA to have a David in the White House?

We read of a 16 year old king called Uzziah. 2 Chronicles 26:5 says: “As long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper.”

Proverbs 29:2 states: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”

The question is: who amongst the three leading republican contenders for the White House would be the most righteous? Trump, Cruz, or Rubio? Who would be most likely to humbly seek after God so that God would enable them to prosper? The answer is obviously Cruz or Rubio.

In 2 Chronicles 31:21 we read of the great revival in Israel under the leadership of King Hezekiah: “And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered.” In 2 Kings 18: 1-7 we read that Hezekiah “Did that which was right in the sight of the LORD . . . For he cleaved to the LORD, and departed not from following him, but kept his commandments, which the LORD commanded Moses. And the LORD was with him; and he prospered whithersoever he went forth.”

We read in Genesis 29:2-3 about Joseph who served in Potiphar’s house: “And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand.”

Why do many Christians vote for Trump instead of righteous candidates? Why do Christians think that a worldly man who has a history of immorality, and does not believe he should ever ask God for forgiveness, could give them prosperity? It boggles my mind how fickle we can be. Is Trump a biblical example of a righteous man?

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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StakesHighThe framers of our constitution were undoubtedly inspired by God. The constitution is an amazing foundation stone that has been tried and tested over 200 years with great success and prosperity. The nation began operating under this constitution on March 4, 1789.

The liberals regard our founding documents as archaic, outdated, and non-applicable to our modern times. Liberalism, socialism (with its new name of progressivism) also regard the divinely inspired Holy Scriptures as outdated and restrictive to our 21st century appetites.

However, liberalism and socialism, with all its so-called liberating and anti-God philosophies, have been tried by nations dating back to Rome and ever further to Sodom and Gomorrah, with devastating effects.

When nations cast away biblical values, they erode and destroy their prosperity and protection. USA has risen to super-power status faster than any nation in the history of the world. I believe this is because they adhered to biblical values upon which our founding fathers framed our constitution and the Bill of Rights.

It seems an insanity to me that as we race down the track towards socialism, etc that in other parts of the world, nations that have been oppressed and depressed by these same philosophies are doing their best to rid themselves of such tyranny. They cannot understand that the most blessed country in all the world looks to an ultra-socialist like Bernie Sanders to take “America the blessed” to the delusion other nations struggle to be free of.

Obama and Hillary Clinton are really not that much different to Bernie Sanders. They are all communistic, Saul Alinksy disciples. Sadly, people who have no desire to follow God are easy prey to all their promises to take from the rich and give to the lazy, good-for-nothings who do not know how to do one day of hard work.

America was built on a hard work ethic and lazy people who look for hand-outs will quickly destroy it. Real money does not grow on trees. It is rightly earned by hard-working people.

Socialists are not at all concerned for the welfare of the masses. They want revolution and power they never worked for. Socialism and communism has a long track record or repression and poverty, e.g. China, Russia, North Korea, Vietnam, East Germany, and the list goes on.

It is very important that we pray for a God-fearing president at this time. America cannot afford to be deceived again. The stakes are too high. We cannot take the risk of appointing man that has no proven track record of honoring godly values, as well as conservative principles. Not only do we need a president who seeks with all his heart to protect us from enemies without, but also enemies within. He must also be one who will nominate conservative judges to the Supreme Court.

Psalm 2:1-5 exclaims: “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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ByTheirFruitsJesus said in Matthew 7:24: “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock." Matthew, chapters five to seven, gives the laws and principles of Jesus Christ’s teaching in a nutshell. The Mosaic law covered most of Exodus and all of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Jesus said that His teachings, which covered only three chapters, are a rock solid foundation on which all His true followers are to build their lives. Added to this, He promises in Matthew 7:11 (compare Luke 11:13) good things: “How much more shall your Father which is in heaven give GOOD THINGS to them that ask him?” Luke 11:13 says that He gives the Holy Spirit to enable us to keep His teachings.

The children of Israel meticulously sought to follow the law of Moses, but failed miserably. There was so much to do and learn that they often became weary of it all and fell away from God. However, with the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, we who are the followers of Christ, should not find it that difficult to keep only three chapters of Jesus’ teachings.

God has blessed our nation as God-fearing people sought to make serious application of the teachings of Christ. But sad to say, something has happened that has turned our hearts to elect a leader in this critical hour who is flashy, fleshy, speaks evil of good men, favors various aspects of Planned Parenthood, and so on. It burdens me terribly that certain Christian celebrities would dare to endorse him.

Jeremiah 6:16 says: “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the GOOD WAY, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.”

The democrat socialists offer new paths that have no foundational truths. They scorn the teachings of Christ and now we see a great deception threatening to deceive the followers of the old paths.

“We the people” should not blame the politicians we elect when we discover they were in fact RINOs. We should blame ourselves for being so naïve and gullible to elect them. Jesus said that we’ll know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:16, 20).

We must check out their past history and how conservative they have been over the years. We should never be so naïve to believe them when they say they recently changed from pro-choice to pro-life; that they were once on the democratic liberal side, but now have become conservative; that they a “good Christian,” but have never asked God for forgiveness.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 exhorts us to “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” The NLT says: “Test everything that is said.” The NASB says: “Examine everything carefully.”

The office of the president of the United States of America is a high office indeed and each candidate should be checked out thoroughly.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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WhatItTakesPsalm 11:3: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

We must beseech God as never before, that we, and the people of this country will not be deceived.

All of a sudden, with the passing of the Supreme Court Judge, Antonin Scalia, this election has taken on a whole new impetus. This election is now deeply rooted in the founding documents of our nation. Religious freedom protects the rights of the religious beliefs of all peoples. The Christian citizens of this nation should not have to bow down to the demands of the homosexual agenda. I myself feel very deeply about this and I do not believe that someone’s business should have to serve the homosexual community by being forced to bake them a wedding cake, etc.

Likewise, Christian hospitals should not be forced to provide against fundamental beliefs. The Catholic Sisters hospital being forced to provide contraception, sterilization or abortions, or pay fines etc. is against the religious rights of these people’s beliefs.

The financing and support for Planned Parenthood groups is taken out of taxpayer’s pockets and multitudes of Christians find this offensive.

Our Supreme Court is all about the preservation and interpretation of the founding documents on which this nation was built. Because Supreme Court justices are appointed for life, a two-faced wolf in sheep’s clothing should not even be considered for election for the nation’s presidency. Donald Trump promises to make this country great, rich, and powerful again. Many shallow Christians put this before the foundational, conservative truths on which this country was founded. I ask the question: what is the point of voting in someone to make America rich, powerful, and great at the expense of losing our constitutional rights and liberties? What is the point of building a mansion or castle if the foundations are soon to collapse?

Donald Trump does not in any way have a proven track record on conservative values. In fact, his track record shows that he is a democrat. He states in public that he was always opposed to the Iraq war. However, Glen Beck shares that in one of his books he reveals the opposite, especially at the beginning of the war.

Both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are strongly for another Scalia type Supreme Court judge and both could be trusted to preserve the foundations of our nation. However, I definitely favor Ted Cruz to be the strongest of the two.

Our nation is being sifted by God to see if we still have what it takes to preserve the conservative values that have been the strong foundations of our past.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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BattleHeatsUpThe battle for our nation is heating up even more. Now that the Supreme Court Judge, Antonin Scalia, has passed away, it puts the conservative cause in a very precarious position. President Obama will undoubtedly seek to elect a liberal judge to take his position. This would tip the delicate balance of interpreting and making final judgment on the American supreme legal system in favor of liberalism. It would affect the very tenuous stand we already have on such important values as abortion, planned parenthood, the right to bear arms, the homosexual agenda on gay marriage, and the list goes on.

Even if the House and Senate were able to stall the election of a liberal judge, proposed and appointed by President Obama until a new president is sworn into the oval office, what happens if “we the people” vote in a liberal-minded president?

It is not only a democratic president that we should be concerned about, but a “wolf in sheep’s clothing,” republican president.

We, the citizens of this great country who confess we fear and trust in God must now intensify our fervent prayer, and even some fasting. We must pray that God will enable His people to have true, godly discernment and get behind a true, proven-by-experience, God-fearing, constitution-loving, uncompromising candidate who will lead this country with courage and godly wisdom.

Although I would not say no to Marco Rubio, I believe that the right man to get behind is Ted Cruz. I know it’s not politically correct to espouse any one candidate in the Christian community. However, I for one, do not believe in political correctness. It’s time for God’s people to put our antennas up to Heaven and seek God as to who we can get behind and support.

We must be very cautious that we do not get behind an unknown candidate who does not have a previous track record in conservative values. Why are “evangelicals” enamored with someone just because they are pushy, showy, rich, and successful in wheeling and dealing? Good talkers do not necessarily make good presidents as our current president proves.

We must be careful not to get behind a candidate because some religious celebrity has endorsed a certain man. I am very disappointed at the shallowness of some of our respected celebrities. The moral future of our nation hangs in the balances and we as a people need to draw closer to God and get His wisdom, right now.

This is such an important time in our history and your prayers can make a difference.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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SHOULD WE VOTE? continued

ShouldWeVote21Timothy 2:1-4 states: “I exhort therefore, that, FIRST OF ALL, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior:
Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”

I cannot help think that it is narrow-minded for people to think that God is not interested in our nation’s politics. The above Scriptures says that “FIRST OF ALL” we are to pray “for all men, for kings, and for all that are in authority.” We have to some political knowledge in order to include them in our “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks.” And for very important reasons: “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” and that we will have an environment where people can “come unto the knowledge of the truth.”

Some say, “Yes, we should pray for them, but we should not vote for them.” I agree that we should not put our signature or vote toward an ungodly candidate. However, we can further the cause of righteousness by voting into office a God-fearing, praying, constitution-loving, and promise-keeping candidate.

In this great country, “WE THE PEOPLE,” have the privilege of having a say in how this country should be governed. If we cast our vote for a righteous leader, we help and assist the cause of righteousness. If we do not vote for the candidate who has the best track record of godly values, then we are fatalistic and irresponsible. There is something terribly wrong with a nation or its people when they become too religious to vote for the cause of righteousness and godly leadership.

It seems to me that the one man (I’m thinking of Ted Cruz) who many think is unelectable because he will not compromise his convictions is indeed the right man we should vote for. What does the Bible say? “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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ShouldWeVoteSome Christians think God is not interested in a nation’s politics. Therefore, they surmise that pastors and Christian leaders should not promote any particular candidate, nor should they voice their own political opinions to others in any way, shape, or form. They believe Christian leaders should keep their teaching and exhortations entirely to spiritual matters only. I personally respect these people’s opinions.

However the basis of their argument cannot be supported by Scripture. Spirituality and righteousness are required of all men, in every aspect of our lives-church attendance, our marriage, our family life, our career, the organizations we belong to, and our political persuasions.

It would not be scriptural to think that God was only involved with the spiritual laws of Israel, which would have centered around the priesthood and Mosaic covenant. Seeking and waiting upon God in order to live our lives according to His will is most important, but to say that the secular leadership of the kings of Israel, along with their governmental officials, was not important enough to be addressed by the spiritual leadership, is a far cry from the truth.

All the true prophets of God were used by God to exhort, encourage, and warn the kings and leaders of Israel whether they were in the priesthood, the secular, or judicial system of Israel. The leadership of the kings of Israel were addressed, even by the law, well before Israel decided to chose a king to reign over them (Deuteronomy 17:14-20). If God was not interested enough to be involved in secular leadership, why would He give such detailed instructions?

In Romans 13:1-7, followers of Christ are exhorted to be subject to the higher powers (governments). Verses 1-2 say: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.” In verse 5 we are exhorted to pay tribute or taxes.

As citizens of this country we are privileged to have a say in who will govern us as president for the next four to eight years. It is in our godly interests to vote into leadership those who will not oppose our Christian/Judea values. I believe it is of vital importance to have a president who opposes gay marriage, abortion, and all the things we as Christians hold sacred. If we have an opportunity to vote in someone who will uphold our constitution and govern the affairs of this nation in the fear of God, then we should encourage, by all means, others to get behind that candidate.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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ProlifeThe current GOP candidates all say they are pro-life. However, some are not totally pro-life, but compromise according to circumstances. They are happy to kill a baby in the womb because it was conceived through rape. And yet, if someone ended the life of that same person years later, they would be guilty of murder:

Ted Cruz: Opposes exceptions for rape and incest.
Marco Rubio: Opposes exceptions for rape and incest.
Ben Carson: Opposes exceptions for rape and incest.

Donald Trump: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
Jeb Bush: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
Chris Christie: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
John Kasich: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
Carly Fiorina: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.

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