greatest thingThe following are the qualities of a man who would lead the church of God. However, they should also be the qualities of all men, especially husbands and fathers. Each one of us have our own little church, our family. God shows us the way to lead our families. Let’s check list our lives against God’s Word:

“He must be a man whom no one can criticize. He must be the faithful husband of one wife. He must be abstemious, wise in the art of living, with an ordered beauty in his life.

He must be hospitably inclined and he must be skilled in teaching. He must not be too fond of wine. He must be gentle and not pugnacious. He must be peaceable and money must have no attraction for him.

He must preside well over his own family, with children who give him complete obedience and perfect respect. If a man does not know how to preside over his own household, how can he look after one of God’s congregations?

He must not be a new convert, in case he should become inflated with a sense of his own importance, and so incur the same judgment that was passed on the devil for his pride.

He must have a good reputation among those who are not members of the church, for he must never incur the risk of making himself a target for abuse, and he must never pride ammunition for the slanderer” (1 Timothy 3:1-7 William Barclay translation).

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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