WellDiggersWe begin a new series today, WELL DIGGERS.
Matthew 5:6: “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."

Isaiah 44:3: “For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring.”

Prayer, waiting upon God, and meditating in God’s Word deepens our wells. Men, the patriarchs of Israel were well diggers. They did not live close to a great river--the Nile that flowed through Egypt or the Euphrates river that flowed through Assyria. Canaan relied heavily on rains and the small Jordan river for its main water supply. In order to have water in the dry seasons for their own needs as well as their stock, they dug wells to make use of the water under the ground.

God promised the patriarchs numerous times that the land of Canaan would be their own inheritance for ever. God gave it to them for an everlasting possession (Genesis 12:5-8; 13:14-18; 17:8; 26:2-5). However, when they lived in that land they were sojourners, living as pilgrims and strangers.

Wells were not easy to dig in those days compared to how we dig them today with steel bits that can drill through rock as if it were butter. Back in those days they used specially designed iron or wooden staves, or a combination of both, a possible primitive form of our spades and shovels. If they dug and did not find water, their animals as well as their families would die of thirst.

Ever believer in Christ is a well to be filled over and over again with the water of life, but God looks for deep wells where the water is not contaminated by the decay and filth of the surface flotsam. It takes effort to deepen the wells.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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