Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


GodHealerIn response to my Dynasty post, some of you shared how you are suffering from different medical problems that have been detrimental to you in your pregnancy, birth, or continuing. I was so grieved to hear these stories and have been praying for you. In fact, I have been praying through the night for God to come and heal you and deliver you. I would encourage you to not give up in prayer either.

1. Ask the elders of your church to come and pray for you. If we are sick, this is what we are told to do in God’s Word, and yet often we forget to do it, don’t we? James 5:14-156 states: “Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

2. Ask your husband to pray over you daily. Your husband is your covering and God hears his cries for you. I believe it is a powerful thing for a husband to pray over his wife each day. I believe you will see great blessings through this.

3. Seek the Lord diligently, along with your husband, for God’s healing and also for the lifestyle He wants you to live. As we seek the Lord, He leads us into His ways. Often we have grown up on the SAD (Standard American Diet) which leads to disease and obesity. We must seek the Lord for the way He wants us to live and eat, not as a diet, but a lifestyle. God has natural ways of healing too that can literally transform our bodies. And the body is renewing itself every seven years and therefore your body can be renewed and healed. Of course, one of the most important things to do as a start is to eliminate all sugar from your diet. It is the cause of so many problems.

May God lead you into all His wisdom. Oh how we need it. May He pour our His rich blessings upon you, bring healing to your body, and peace and joy to your marriage and your home.

Much love,

Nancy Campbell

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WonderfulDaysDear Lovely Ladies, I omitted to share an important fact in my post, “I’m Done” yesterday. As I read your comments, I notice many precious young mothers feel very overwhelmed with their little ones. Yes, it is a fact that the most engulfing time of motherhood is when you have your first two or three children. You have to do everything for them. You don’t have any help and it is often exhausting. I remember when I had three children in 17 months (I cheated and had twins)! I hardly had time to go to the bathroom. Tiredness was like a pain. But I survived. I look back and remember these days with joy.

However, there is another fact that many young mothers don’t yet realize because they haven’t yet experienced it. And that is that it gets easier to have another child when you have older children. It’s not the mothers of six, seven, or more children who feel so overwhelmed.

What happens is your little children grow, and as you train them, they become such wonderful helpers. When a new baby comes into the home, instead of this little one adding a burden to the home, they bring more joy and blessing, not only to you, but the whole family. When you have children who are growing older, you have so many hands on deck to help--to hold the baby, to goo and gah at the baby and keep your baby smiling and laughing, to bring this and that to you while you are nursing, to help with the dishes and housework, to cook a meal, and to keep the home running smoothly. You are getting to the reward time of mothering.

Every baby brings more love into a home. Not just love for the baby, but a new wave of love for every child in the family. Many mothers of larger families have shared with me recently how when their new baby came into the home they were renewed with love for motherhood and for every member of the family. Every time you put your new baby to the breast, prolactin is released which makes you more motherly. The more a mother puts her baby to the breast the more motherly she becomes.

Currently I have two Above Rubies helpers in my home. What a joy they are. Both come from larger families. Shelby is the eldest daughter of nine children. This last weekend her mother and siblings came and stayed the night with us. Oh what utter joy to see the love between Shelby and all her little brothers and sisters. They adore her and she adores them. And what a joy to have this precious family sit around our table for our Friday evening meal. They were all so well-mannered, polite, and delightful. At Family Devotions they spontaneously answered questions from the Bible and prayed beautifully. And what about this mother of nine children? She looks like Shelby’s sister. No one can believe she is the mother.

Shelby was telling me that a neighbor’s three children played at their home every day. They would say, “We love being here because it’s more fun, there’s more children to play with, your mother is so calm, and there’s no stress.”

Lizzy is in the middle of a family of twelve. She says “I just love being part of a big family. There is so much goodness. I would hate to be in a small family (although I don’t know what that’s like).” She also has loads of cousins. Her mother is one of three girls-- one sister also has twelve children and another thirteen. I know these families personally--they are filled with love, joy, and life even in the midst of difficulties and sorrows.

I think of my daughter, Serene (Trim Healthy :Mama). Serene recently gave birth to her eighth biological baby (although there are 13 in the family because she also adopted five). Her testimony is the same: “Oh mother, I have even more love for all my children since little Remmy was born.” And it certainly isn’t without difficulties and challenges. Remmy was born with a tongue tie (since cut) and an extraordinary high pallet which makes it impossible for him to suc.k milk from the breast. Not to be outdone, she continues to nurse Remmy at her breast, pumping her milk so he can receive milk from a tube while he tries to suc.k at the breast. But, in her big family, with also so many other things at her beck and call, such as releasing their two new books (Trim Healthy Mama PLAN, and Trim Healthy Mama COOKBOOK), interviews, and filming, she is fulltime “Mrs. Pump.” She pumps her milk for every feeding and then feeds him in the way mentioned. She couldn’t do it all without the older children.

Is she complaining and miserable because of all this extra load. No, joy fills this home. There is no greater joy for Colin and I to pop over to them in an evening and bask in the peace, joy, and love that fills their home as they all sit around every evening and fellowship together as a family. The atmosphere is “rich” with delight.

Forgive me for going on and on. I could keep going on and on and on with hundreds of testimonies of mothers of larger families. But what I really want to do is encourage you dear lovely young moms. Don’t give up in these trying times with little ones all around you. The season changes. Your children will grow. And it becomes easier and easier.

And remember that Jesus grew up in a large family. If God thought that it was best for children to only have a couple of siblings, He would not have chosen for His beloved Son, the Creator of the worlds, the One who was very God, to be part of a large family. Mark 6:3 tells of Jesus’ four brothers and his “sisters.” If there were only two sisters, it would be a family of seven. However, “sisters” is plural and he could have had three to five sisters. He may have been part of a family of ten!

Be encouraged dear young mothers.

Love from Nancy Campbell

P.S. The picture is of Bonnie Ailshie’s family of twelve children on the wedding day of their daughter.

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ImDoneDear ladies, I would like to comment on some of the comments regarding the post below. Just one for this post. I noticed a number of mothers saying, “I’m done!” Meaning of course that they “are done” with having children. I wonder where this statement comes from. I think it is important to check the root of all our attitudes to see if we have picked them up from our humanistic society or if they are really embedded in God’s Word. Do you think we could get to the bottom of it together? As I think about it, I cannot see that it comes from:

1. God’s heart. God’s heart is a heart of blessing. In fact, the very first thing God did after creating Adam and Eve was to bless them. And how did He bless them? By blessing them with the blessing of fruitfulness (Genesis 1:28 and so many other Scriptures). Let’s just read one: “God shall keep unto thee the covenant and the mercy which he sware unto thy fathers: and he will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee: he will also bless the fruit of thy womb” (Deuteronomy 7:12-14). How does God show His love, blessing, and mercy upon us? By blessing us with children, and of course many others blessings too. Read again about God’s heart for families in Psalm 127 and 128.

2. God’s Word. You can order the book from our website, BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY to discover all the Scriptures God says in His Word about this subject. To say, “I’m done” is contrary to the Bible that reveals God’s plan for godly children to come into the world. Malachi 2:15 tells us that He looks for godly children from each marriage.

3. Our own femaleness. This refers to the physical way God created us, plus the transcendence of our innate mothering anointing God has put within us. God created us as females with a womb and breasts. They are not just appendages of our body, but for the purpose of embracing and nurturing babies, plus many other blessings. Genesis 49:25 speaks of the “blessings of the breasts, and of the womb.” Notice it doesn’t say “blessing,” but “blessings.” Plural!

Dear mothers, we are blessed with bodies that were created to bring forth children and nurse at our breasts. I would need to write another post regarding all the blessings we receive when we are pregnant and nursing. God gives amazing hormones to the pregnant and nursing mother that are not only for her blessing while she is pregnant or nursing but they affect her positively for life! One of the hormones, estriol, is elevated 1,000 times in a pregnant woman. And did you know that estriol is an anti-aging hormone?

Both prolactin and oxytocyn, prevalent in nursing mothers, are known as the love hormones and the stress-free hormones. STRESS FREE, ladies. Why miss out on these God-given hormones for your blessing? But they also have many more beneficial affects upon the body and the well-being of the mother.

1 Timothy 2:15 tells us that we will be preserved through the bearing and nurturing of children. Science has now caught up with the Bible and there are plentiful studies that show that the more babies a mother has, the less risk she has for female cancers. The longer she nurses babies from her breast, the less incidence of breast cancer.

4. The essence of true Christianity. Dear mothers, I know that it is not always an easy task to bear children and raise children. We face many difficulties and challenges (physically, emotionally, and financially), but this is the case with any nation-impacting career. But the blessings far outweigh any challenges. And every difficulty is waiting to be overcome. It’s not only mothers who have to overcome. Men with responsible careers have to overcome problems daily. Revelation tells us that the rewards go to the “overcomers.”

As I think about this issue, dear mothers, I believe the very root of this phrase is wanting our own way. Or perhaps thinking we know best. Do we really know what’s best? Oh no. Our understanding is so limited whereas God’s understanding is beyond measure (Psalm 147:5). I am constantly challenged to come up to God’s thinking and His ways, rather than bringing God down to my level and putting Him in my little box where I can manage Him. Dear mothers, we cannot manage God. He is unmanageable! He is incomprehensible! His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. His ways our higher than our ways. We have to come up to Him.

Isaiah 40:25 says, “To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.” We dare not bring God down to our level.

And another thought. Isn’t the very foundation of Christianity to daily die to ourselves, our own thoughts, our own ways, and to take up our cross and follow Him? Mark 8:24, 35 has always been a challenge to my mothering all through my life: “Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me, For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.”

2 Corinthians 5:15 states: “And that he (Jesus) died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.”

I understand where many of you are at in your thinking, because I was there too. God had to deal with me. He had to expose my deceptions and show me His ways, and I had to do lots of repenting. Let’s always be open to God leading us ever upward in His path.

In His love,

Nancy Campbell

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GoodCheerDear mother, God wants to cheer you up today in the midst of all that is going on in your life. Perhaps you don’t feel like being cheerful. You are going through too much and feel depressed, discouraged, or disappointed. Listen to these words from Jesus in John 16:33: “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but BE OF GOOD CHEER; I have overcome the world.” Jesus says these words to you when you are going through tribulation, not just when everything is rosy. He is able to say them to you because He has already overcome the world! So, be of good cheer today! Not just cheer, but GOOD CHEER!

God is an affirming God. He is always encouraging us through His Word. Psalm 27:14 says: “Wait on the LORD: BE OF GOOD COURAGE, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.” Do you feel weak and inadequate today? Not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually? Look up to the Lord. Wait on Him. He will bring courage and strength to your heart. Not just courage, but GOOD COURAGE!

2 Corinthians 13:11 states: “BE OF GOOD COMFORT.” And please read 2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17: “Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts, and establish you in every good word and work.” Are you sorrowing or grieving? Have you lost a loved one? Have you suffered a miscarriage? Who can comfort the ache in your heart except God? He is able. Let Him comfort your sorrowing heart today.

Are you cheered up yet? Just in case you haven’t taken hold of God’s wonderful promises to you yet, here is another one. 1 Peter 5:7 says: “Casting ALL your cares upon him; for he careth for you.” Why can you give Him all your anxieties and troubles? Because, dear one, He cares for you. The word “cares” means “interested in.” God is interested in everything that happens in your life. He is Omniscient. He knows your every thought. He knows your thoughts next week and next month, even though you don’t know them yet. He knows what is happening in your home right now. And He cares about it. But He can’t do much about it until you give Him your anxieties. Instead of clasping them to yourself and constantly worrying about them, give them to Him. Will you please say Amen with me?

Cheer up today,

Nancy Campbell

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CollossalBurstDid you have a kind day yesterday? Oh my, I have to confess I blew it. Even after writing a post to you about kindness!

My husband and I were traveling in the car and making the most of the time to pray for many people who were on our hearts. The phone rang for me and I was quick and impatient with the person because she interrupted our praying!

Right away, my husband put me in my place, “Nancy, you must speak kindly and patiently.” I was immediately convicted by the Holy Spirit and had to confess my impatience. Wow, how bad can it get that I should sin even in the middle of praying! The enemy is subtle.

Praise God for the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. And how we (am me especially) need to constantly remember that Jesus Christ, who is filled with kindness, dwells in me. Therefore, as I allow His life to live through me I will speak kind words and always be doing kind things.

I trust, by God’s grace, I will be kind and sweet today.
Nancy Campbell

Scriptures about the kindness of Jesus: Ephesians 2:7 and Titus 3:4.
Scriptures about our being kind to one another: Romans 12:10; 1 Corinthians 13:4; 2 Corinthians 6:6; Ephesians 4:32; Colossians 3:12; and 2 Peter 1: 7.

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JonnyGuess“I love you, Johnny,” said mother one day,

“I love you more than I can say.”
Then she answered his questions with,
“Don’t bother me now,”
And just didn’t have time to show him how
To tie his truck to his tractor and plough.
But she washed her windows and scrubbed the floor
And baked and cooked and cleaned some more.

“Bring the boy next door in? Well I should say not!
You’ll mess up the floors and I don’t want a spot!”
“No, we don’t have time for a story today,
Mother’s too busy cooking, so run out and play.
Maybe tomorrow,” she said with a sigh.
And Johnny went out almost ready to cry.

“I love you, Johnny,” again she said,
As she washed his face and sent him to bed.
Now how do you think that Johnny guessed
Whether ‘twas he or the house that she really
loved best?

~ Unknown

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PeopleSayI love to hear about people's lives at funeral services, don’t you? I think every funeral service should be a CELEBRATION of a person's life. At this funeral celebration a close family friend shared that the testimony of this woman’s life was KINDNESS. What a wonderful label to have over your life. This was reiterated by many others.

And the best speech of the day was the little grandson who courageously got up to speak about his grandmother. He had to be held up to look over the lectern, but he spoke with animation and boldness.

"She was so KIND to me," he said. "She was kind to everyone. She loved me and I loved her. And she loved everyone." What a great eulogy.

Proverbs 31:26 says: “She opens her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.”

What type of words are coming out of your mouth today?

Be blessed as you scatter and speak kindness today,

Nancy Campbell

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PrunedAnd here is another poem for you:


It is the branch that bears the fruit,
That feels the knife;
To prune it for a larger growth,
A fuller life.

Though every budding twig be lopped,
And every grace
Of swaying tendril, springing leaf
Be lost a space.

O thou, whose life of joy seems reft,
Of beauty shorn,
Whose aspirations lie in dust,
All bruised and torn,

Rejoice, though each desire, each dream,
Each hope of thine,
Shall fall and fade; it is the hand
Of love divine

That holds the knife, that cuts and breaks
With tenderest touch,
That thou, whose life has borne some fruit
May now bear much.

~ Annie Johnson Flint

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O U C H . . .

PruningHave you read the devotion for this week? Here is a poem that will also bless you:

O U C H . . .

“Ouch!” says the lump of clay as the Potter throws it back on the wheel.
The wheel spins faster and faster as the firm hand of the Potter begins to
shape the clay. “Stop it, I can’t take any more,” cries the clay.
The Potter: “I am creating a vessel of HONOR--an instrument of great unsurpassed
beauty to be of service in the courts of the King.”
The lump of clay: “Not my will, but thine be done.”

“Ouch!” says the ruby as the Craftsman chips away at the unwanted matter.
The sharp instrument grinds deeper as the firm hand of the Craftsman
transforms the ruby. “Stop it, I can’t take any more, cries the ruby.
The Craftsman: “I chose you to be a priceless gem in the palace of the King, a radiant,
beautiful treasure of great worth.”
Ruby: “Not my will, but thine be done.”

“Ouch!” says the gold as the Refiner places it in the furnace.
The dross drips away as the Refiner turns up the heat. “Stop it, I can’t take any more,” cries the gold.
The Refiner: “You are being fashioned to shine forever in the King’s domain where you
will reign in spender and majesty.”
The gold: “Not my will, but thine be done.”

“Ouch!” says the tree as the Gardener prunes another branch.
The saw cuts away at the flesh causing great pain. “Stop it, I can’t take any more,” cries the tree.
The Gardener: “This must be done in order for you to bear more fruit in the
garden of the King.”
The tree: “Not my will, but thine be done.”

“Ouch!” says the woman as her Father prizes out a root of rebellion from her heart. The procedure is agonizingly painful. “Stop it, I can’t take any more,” she cries.
The Father: “My precious daughter, I need to do this to transform you into the image of My own dear Son. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Whom the Lord loves, He chastens. The loving discipline may hurt, but it is necessary, for the end result will be glorious.

“I must bring to your attention the things that hinder your maturity so that I can purge them from your heart forever. I am adorning My glorious bride to rule and reign with Me in My Kingdom. I am taking you from glory to glory, from strength to strength. I am stamping my own image upon your heart as you yield to My hand upon your life.”
The woman: “Not my will, but thine be done.”

~ Delwyn McAlister (after going through trials).

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GoldCrownDid you know that God wants you to wear a golden crown on your head each day? In fact, we can’t live without it. We learn this from the clothing God designed for the high priest. Everything that was written in the Old Testament was written for our learning (Romans 15:4 and 1 Corinthians 10:11). And of course, we are now called “kings and priests unto God” (Revelation 1:6; and 5:10).

We read that Aaron had to wear a miter (turban) on his head. God also commanded Moses to make a plate of pure gold into a crown and engrave it with the words, HOLINESS TO THE LORD. Aaron wore the golden crown, which was placed on blue lace and attached to the turban, on his forehead. And he had to wear it CONTINUALLY.

This golden crown was called “THE HOLY CROWN.” It speaks of keeping our minds pure and holy before the Lord. All evil comes through the mind. This is where we are first tempted. And therefore it is most important to wear our holy crown each day. We don’t wear it physically, but by faith we put on our golden crown reading, HOLINESS TO THE LORD.

When evil thoughts come to your mind, you don’t have to accept them. They hit the golden crown of holiness and bounce off. When grumbling, complaining, self-pitying, and negative thoughts come to your mind, you don’t have to accept them. You have a protective golden crown on your forehead. Resist them in the name of Jesus.

Not only did Aaron have to wear the crown continually, but it had to be saturated with the anointing oil, speaking of the HOLY Spirit. We cannot do this in the power of the flesh, but only by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Learn to wear your crown by faith each day. Teach your children this lesson and how to get into the habit of wearing it.

Be blessed as you wear your golden holy crown today,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. You can read all about it in these Scriptures: Exodus 28:36-38; 29:6, 7; 39:30, 31; and Leviticus 8:9-11.

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ImportantOrdinancesIn an earlier post, THE LAW OF THE HOUSE, we read Ezekiel 44:5 where we are told to give close attention to all the regulations and instructions regarding the house of the Lord. God established many statutes for His house, but one of them was the Morning and Evening principle.

God asked the priests to attend to the fire upon the altar every morning and every evening. He commanded them to trim the wicks and pour in oil for the light of the golden candlestick every morning and every evening. He commanded them to light the incense on the golden altar of incense (which speak of praise, worship, and prayer) every morning and every evening. He commanded them to sacrifice the lamb every morning and every evening. And every morning and every evening, the Levites who were appointed as singers and worshippers, sang and worshipped the Lord.

Although this was part of the tabernacle and later the temple worship, it is still a type for us today (1 Corinthians 5:1-12 and 10:11). It speaks of the morning and evening altar we must establish in our home. As we gather as a family morning and evening to meet with the Lord (our altar unto the Lord) we keep the fire burning in our hearts. It’s where we ignite to keep the light shining from our lives. It’s where we commit to pray and be filled with God’s Word. It’s where we take time to remember our salvation and the precious blood of Jesus. It’s where we acknowledge that Christ is LORD of our home.

All these ordinances looked forward to Christ, the Lamb of God, who was scarified for us. We now look back in thankfulness and worship for our great salvation. We need our daily altar to strengthen us to be burning lights in this dark world of deception.

Let’s keep the ordinances of the house.


To read more about establishing ordinances in your home, go to this link:
Establishing Ordinances

To find out more and read the Scriptures regarding the Morning and Evening Principle, go to: http://bit.ly/MorningEveningPrinciple

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ClosetPantryYesterday we talked about the LAW OF THE HOUSE. How do we make rules and laws for our home? Do we copy what other mothers do? Do we get ideas out of a book? No, we get it by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

How did David get the pattern for building the house of the Lord? God gave it to him by His Spirit. 1 Chronicles 28:11-13 tells us that he received “the pattern of all that he had by the Spirit . . . for all the work of the service of the house of the LORD, and for all the vessels of service in the house of the LORD.” Isn’t that wonderful?

God is interested in every detail of your home. Everything that is involved in the running of your home. Even the pots and the pans and how you should order your kitchen (1 Chronicles 9:-32). God will show you how to set everything in order and how to order your days.

Ask God to show you and He will give you the plan by His Spirit. Wait for His plan. When He gives it to you, it will work. Sometimes you try to follow the ideas of others. It may work for them, but it doesn’t work for you. The way God shows you will work for you.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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LawHouseYes, this is an actual Scripture. Ezekiel 43:12 says: “This is the law of the house; Upon the top of the mountain the whole limit thereof round about shall be most holy. Behold, this is the law of the house.” It is talking about the temple, the place of God’s dwelling. God had laws for His house. He established many ordinances to make it run smoothly. In Ezekiel 44:5 it says: “Son of man, mark well, and behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears all that I say unto thee concerning ALL THE ORDINANCES OF THE HOUSE OF THE LORD, and ALL THE LAWS thereof: and mark well the entering in of the house with every going forth of the sanctuary.”

Because I am also building a house to the Lord, a sanctuary for the living God and for my husband and family, I believe I can’t do better than God’s plan. If it was important for God to have ordinances to run His house smoothly, I think I also need laws and ordinances to make my home function effectively. God’s house had order and established daily times for certain functions. I need to make this happen in my home too. I believe in flexibility because every day of every year is different and we never know what is going to happen. However, we need to institute a basic plan to keep order.

And do you notice the ultimate vision? That God’s house will be MOST HOLY. Not only the house, but all around the house. This should be our ultimate passion and vision, to build a holy home for God’s glory. We seek God’s holiness on and in our home, but also on our land--the backyard, frontyard, and all around our house. It is all to be holy to the Lord. We should pray this every day upon our home and allotment or acreage, whether it be large or small. We must guard what goes on in our home AND around our home!

“Holiness adorns your house, O LORD, forever” (Psalm 93:5). Does holiness adorn our homes?

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

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Once a man came upon three rock masons at work. “What are you doing?” he asked of them.
“I am carving these stones into the different sizes wanted,” answered the first.
“I am earning six dollars a day,” replied the second.
“I am helping to build a great cathedral,” commented the last.
Only he had caught the vision of the great work that he was helping to do!

Once a woman came upon three mothers at work. “What are you doing?” she asked of them.
“I am doing the weekly washing,” answered the first.
“I am doing a bit of household drudgery,” replied the second.
“I am mothering three young children who someday will fill important and useful spheres in life, and wash-day is a part of my grand task in caring for these souls who shall live forever,” replied the third.
Only she had caught the vision of the great work she was doing!

P.S. The painting is by Jim Daly.


Forgive me, but I couldn't help posting this picture to add to the message below. I love the combination of daily tasks with schooling.


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FavoritePlaceHow do you feel about your home? Is it a prison? Is it a place you know you have to be because your children are little, but you can’t wait to get on to something different? Or is your delight in your home? Is it your favorite place to be? This is God’s plan for you.

Psalm 106:24, 25 says: “Yea, they despised the pleasant land, they believed not his word: But murmured in their tents, and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD.“ The “pleasant land” was the home God chose for His people, but they despised it and murmured and complained.

God has chosen a “pleasant land” for you too. It is your home. The first home, which was the prototype of all homes to come, was called the garden of Eden. Eden means “delight” and this is God’s plan for your home. The word “pleasant” in Psalm 106:24 also means “delightful, plus desirable and precious.” When God spoke to Daniel in Daniel 10:11, 19 He called him “greatly beloved” which is the same Hebrew word.

Dear sweet mother, I know life is not always easy in your home as you care for your little ones and face all the challenges of each day. But can I let you in on a secret? It is delightful or burdensome according to your attitude. Nothing influential or powerful in this life is easy. It takes hard work and commitment. It’s the same with mothering in your home.

If you are in the grumbling and despising state, change your attitude today. Embrace your home. This is where you are in the perfect will of God for you. Delight in it. And commit to making your home a delight--for your husband, your children, and even for yourself.

Love to you today, Nancy Campbell

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RUInfertileYou are well aware that on the Above Rubies Facebook we stand with God that babies are His blessing and His truth of the “blessings of the breasts, and the blessings of the womb” (Genesis 49:25). However, we don’t live in a perfect world and there are many precious women who long for a child and yet are infertile. They do not know the answer and they cry with anguish.

Dear mother, if you are one who waits and waits for a baby, I want you to know that my heart aches with your heart. I know the ache and yearning in your heart is so strong, many times unbearable. You are not strange for feeling this way. It is God-ordained. God created the womb to cry out for life (Proverbs 30:15-16). But never give up. God hears your groaning and He has His perfect time and He has His perfect will for your life.

Here is a prayer for you to pray. However, I would encourage you to ask your husband to lay his hands upon your womb and pray over you every day. Your husband is your covering and God hears his prayers on your behalf. The prayers of a husband are powerful and you can also claim the wonderful promise in Matthew 18:19: “That if TWO OF YOU shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask it shall be done for them of my Father which is heaven.”

"Dear Father, the Life-giver, You know the yearning and ache in my heart for a baby. I cry out to You to fill my womb with life. Please cleanse my womb. I confess any negative word I have ever spoken over my womb or my female cycle. I renounce any negativity or curse over my womb that could have come from past generations on both my mother's and father's side.

I ask that You will clear my fallopian tubes. Please heal every part of my womb. Make it ripe and ready to receive conception. I wait in anticipation. I come to you in faith, acknowledging that You are the Life giver. I will keep trusting You and never give up hope.

And I yield myself to Your sovereign will. Thank you for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Blessings from Nancy

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They'reWatchingDear mothers, Your children learn far more from watching you than anything else. They watch your attitudes, the look upon your face (smiling or grouching, happy or sour-faced, sweet or bitter, frustrated or content), your words, and your actions. This is what they will be. What are they seeing?

~ Nancy

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GodImmutableJames 1:17 gives an amazing description of God: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the FATHER OF LIGHTS, with whom is NO VARIABLENESS, neither SHADOW OF TURNING.”

God is immutable. He does not and cannot change. I love what Arthur Pink says: “God has neither evolved, grown, nor improved. All that He is today, He has ever been, and ever will be. . . . He cannot change for the better, for He is already perfect; and being perfect, He cannot change for the worse. Altogether unaffected by anything outside Himself, improvement or deterioration is impossible. He is perpetually the same. He is altogether uninfluenced by the flight of time. There is no wrinkle upon the brow of eternity. Therefore His power can never diminish nor His glory ever fade.”

How is it that we think we can change God? I think one of the greatest sins in the church today is bringing God down to our level and humanistic understanding instead of worshipping Him as He is, “I AM THAT I AM” (Exodus 3:14).

James uses an amazing a scientific analogy to reveal this character of God. He calls God the Father of lights, meaning the Creator of the heavenly bodies and reveals how there is “shadow of turning” with the sun, moon, and stars. They have changes, literally “parallaxes,” eclipses of one another by shadows and so on, but there is not the faintest shadow with God.

But God is not only unchangeable in His essence, and His character, but also His counsel. Hebrews 6:17 tells us about the “immutability (unchangableness) of His counsel, in which it is impossible for God to lie.” What God said in the beginning is “forever settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89). It is perfect for all ages and all generations.

His plan for mankind, and His purposes for us His female creation are the same from the beginning. He has not made new rules for each new generation. God’s counsel stays the same because it has already been perfected!

Dear wives and mothers, let’s not think we know better than God. Lets embrace His life-giving ways. Let’s embrace the way He created us as females and the great purposes He has for us to nurture our children in the home, that each new generation will be nourished and taught in the ways of God.

Jeremiah 6:16 says: “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.”

Love from Nancy Campbell

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WhereUShineIn the post below we notice that God is glorified when those around us see our good works. Who are going to see our good works first? Our husband and children of course. If we can’t show our good works in our home, it’s not much use starting outside the home.

The wonderful thing is that God explicitly shows us what kind of good works He wants us to do. He doesn’t leave us in the dark.

In Titus 2:3-5 where it tells the older women to teach the younger women, the plan is very specific. The older women are to teach “GOOD things.” Do you notice that it says GOOD things? What are these good things? “To be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands.” These are GOOD things. And therefore when we do these things with a joyful heart unto the Lord we GLORIFY the Father.

In another Scripture speaking about women it tells us the same thing. 1 Timothy 5:10 says that women are to be “reported of for GOOD works.” What are these GOOD works? “If she has brought up children, if she has lodged strangers, if she has washed the saints’ feet, if she has relieved the afflicted, if she has diligently followed every good work.”

We see here a picture of a nurturing mother, firstly embracing, nurturing, and feeding her children. But she never gives up her nurturing heart. Instead, it gets bigger and bigger. She continues her nurturing anointing as she reaches out to the needy and opens wide her home for hospitality.

These are the practical good works that glorify our Father in heaven.

Are you glorifying God in your home today?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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RUShining“You are the LIGHT of the world. . . . Let your SO SHINE before men, that they may SEE your GOOD WORKS, and GLORIFY your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14-16).

Notice the words in caps. There are so many words to affect our lives in this Scripture.
LIGHT: Jesus is the light of the world. Therefore, when He comes into our lives we are filled with LIGHT. Light exposes the darkness. Light brings forth life. Light brings forth revelation and understanding.

SHINE: We not only to SHINE the light of Jesus through our lives, but to SO SHINE!

SEE: People must SEE the light of Jesus in our lives. Who will see it first? Our husband and children. If we can’t shine the light in our home, how can we do it outside the home?

GOOD WORKS: We reveal the light of Jesus by our GOOD WORKS. We are not saved by good works, but when we are born again and the light of Jesus fills our lives, we show it by our good works (Ephesians 2:10). Where will we show our good works first? In our home.

GLORIFY: We GLORIFY our Father in heaven when those around us see our good works.

Not only shine, but SO SHINE today! May your children exclaim, “You are shining, Mommy.”

Love from Nancy Campbell

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