ShineBigDid you read the Day 2 Hanukkah Scriptures “Jesus is the Light of the World” this morning? We read them at our Family Devotions, each one taking a turn to read a Scripture. We were so blessed to be reminded again that Jesus is the One who brings light into the darkness of this world.

Did you notice the Scriptures tell us that Jesus was not only a light, but a GREAT (Isaiah 9:2 and Matthew 4:12-17)? The Greek word is “megas” meaning huge! Yes, exceedingly! I guess this is where we get the word mega.

Jesus was not a flickering little light. He came to shine a huge light into the darkness of this world. And this is where He came--to those who “sit in darkness.” It was a dark and sinful time when Jesus entered this world. Sometimes we despair of what is happening in our country at this time. Darkness and evil is increasing. But this is when Jesus wants us to shine even GREATER! He has chosen us to bring light to the darkness.

Every child, born in the image of God, especially born into a godly home is another opportunity to reveal the light of God to the darkness of this world. The more lights born into this world the more God’s plan is fulfilled. Don’t hold back having children because you may think this world is too evil to bring children into. This is the reason we need more children-- to bring more of the light of God into this world.

Jesus still wants to be a GREAT light in this world, and now His plan is to SHINE BIG AND BRIGHT through our lives (Matthew 5:16). Ask Jesus to expose all darkness in your life and in your home. Repent of anything that grieves the Holy Spirit. And then, filled with the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, shine MEGA. When you go out with your children be conscious of SHINING A HUGE LIGHT for the glory of God in this dark world.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

STAND FOR TRUTH (Day 2 of Hanukkah)

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