ThankfulAttitudeWe’ll all be enjoying Thanksgiving tomorrow with our families. What a blessed time. I absolutely love Thanksgiving, don’t you? It is always another opportunity to be thankful for all God’s wonderful goodness and blessings to us through this last year. Of course, we should never limit giving our thanks to the Lord and one another for Thanksgiving. It should be a daily habit.

The Bible tells us it is a GOOD thing to do. Psalm 92:1-2: "IT IS A GOOD THING to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: to show forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night." And Psalm 147:1: "IT IS GOOD to sing praises unto our God."

To cultivate an attitude of thanks toward the Lord is so much better than an attitude of negativity and complaining, isn't it? Don't wait to thank God for the big things, but instead get into the habit of thanking the Lord for each little thing that happens throughout the day. Encourage your children in this habit, too.

Although a thanking heart should be our attitude all the day long, this Scripture specifically states that we should thank the Lord EVERY MORNING AND EVERY EVENING. Gathering our family together each morning and each evening for Family Devotions provides a foundation for us to do this faithfully.

What a wonderful time we enjoyed as we prayed and gave thanks this morning. I am so grateful for these very precious times in our home each day. I know that without these specified and committed times, we would not take this time to thank the Lord and sing praises to His name. God knows that we need specific times to remind us.

Be blessed today as fill your home with thankfulness.

~ Nancy Campbell


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