Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


RESTFULLYBUSYDid you know that God has a resting place for you? Our 21st century lives are so frantically busy that often we live in a state of turmoil instead of a state of rest. God says in Jeremiah 50:6: “My people . . . have forgotten their resting place.”

Your Savior, Jesus Christ, wants you to live and abide in Him, which is a place of rest because He lives in rest. Nothing takes Him by surprise. Nothing gets Him upset. He doesn’t get into a stew and worry Himself sick. He is in control of all things and every detail of your life. And He dwells in you by the power of His Holy Spirit.

In the midst of the whirlwind of life all around you, your soul can live in rest. They hymn says,

There is a place of quiet rest,
Near to the heart of God,
A place where sin cannot molest,
Near to the heart of God.

He calls your home a resting place. Proverbs 24:15 says: “Lay not wait, O wicked man, against the dwelling of the righteous; spoil not his resting place.” God doesn’t want anything or anyone to spoil your resting place, your home. Guard against it happening.

I read about a man of God who used to sign his letters, “Restfully busy.”

Facing all we have to accomplish today, do you think we could live a restfully busy life instead of a frantically busy life?

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: “Mother and baby” by Gertrude Käsebier, 1900

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ViewOfMarriage"There never has been a generation whose view of marriage is high enough."
~ John Piper

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TrueEssenceAs women we have the privilege of showing to the world what God’s maternal heart is like. By the way we embrace our mothering anointing we reveal or dampen the image of God. Dear mother, you are the manifestation of God’s motherly heart in this world. #mothering #powerofmotherhood #influenceofmotherhood #aboverubies

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RewardComingDo you feel as though you are overworked and underpaid? Sometimes you can feel like this as a mother. But don’t despair, you will receive your pay.

But let’s talk about one thing at a time. Firstly, the work! Yes, mothering is work. Hard work. Sleepless nights. Never letting up. Always available. It’s real labor. The word the Bible uses for labor in the New Testament is “kopos” and it means “toil which reduces the strength, labor, trouble, weariness.” Do you relate? I know you sometimes feel so weary at the end of the day. Praise God, He gives His beloved sleep. He gives us the night to be refreshed.

Can I encourage you not to complain about work? Work is good for the body and good for the soul. We accomplish things when we work. We become creative when we work. We think of new ways of doing things. We get new ideas.

Get a good attitude about work. Confess, “I love work.” When you work with a positive attitude or sing while you work, you are healed and uplifted. If you do it with a despondent and complaining attitude, you’ll feel week. Everything hinges on our attitude. And your children will learn the right attitude to work. One of the important things we do as mother is teach our children the value of work. How to work hard. How to work efficiently. How to love work.

It saddens my heart to see the lazy attitude in many young people today. They don’t know how to get “stuck in.” When they work, they do a shoddy job. They only do what they must. They don’t go the second mile. They don’t do the extra. We must prepare our children to face the real world. We teach them to arrive at their work before the allotted time and never leave on the dot of 5.00 pm! Always give that extra!

You see, we show our love by our work. 1 Thessalonians 1:3 calls it a “labor of love.” And God never forgets our “labor of love” (Hebrews 6:10).

The most important thing to remember is that each one of us will be rewarded according to our labor. God notices our labor.

1 Corinthians 3:8: “Every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor.”

As you toil and labor with the joy of the Lord in your heart, not one tiny bit of your labor will be wasted. God is watching it all. 1 Corinthians 15:58 encourages us to be “ALWAYS ABOUNDING in the work of the Lord (which is our mothering mandate God has given to us), forasmuch as ye know that your labor IS NOT IN VAIN in the Lord.” The NLT says: “for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” You are not useless, dear mother.

You are not receiving a weekly paycheck for your powerful work in the home. That would be just too shameful. You are not working for wages as a hired laborer. You are doing something far greater. You are working for an eternal reward. Far greater than monetary value. And it’s going to be big. You better believe it.

If you are still feeling sorry for yourself, read how Paul worked for the Lord. In 2 Corinthians 112: 23-28 he mentions 30 different areas he suffered and labored for the Lord including “weariness and painfulness.” And he gloried in them all.

Be encouraged. Much love from Nancy Campbell

Painting: “Spring Wash Day” by Trisha Romance.

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PaintingI love this picture Evangeline painted for her wall of her and Howard and their ten children. They were at the ocean, all praising God together. The children now now range from 25 - 8 years. They had longed for more, but no more came. Although at nearly 53 years she still keeps believing! And chides me if I don’t keep believing with her! Fertility is a very special gift from God. We should always be open to God for His gifts in the time of our visitation. We never know how long it will last. #be fruitfulandmultiply #fertility #fertilityisprecious #visitation #godsblessing #aboverubies

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NancyGirlsHave you got on to the new podcast yet? At last I am doing a podcast for you. It’s called FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS. Each week I share with you treasures from God’s Word that will encourage you in your high calling of being a wife and mother. From time to time I will introduce you to members of our family and other special guests.

Today, my webmaster posted the THIRD episode which I know you will enjoy:


Recently I enjoyed a lovely Ladies Luncheon with my daughters, daughters-in-law, sister, and sister-in-law. At our table, we always discuss and share stories. You’ll listen to an amazing story today. It’s something I don’t think would happen in hospitals today.

You can also catch up on the last two episodes and enjoy all future episodes. They are sent out each Tuesday morning at 6.00 am CST.

The following places are where you can pick up the podcast, so far.
Above Rubies website:




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Be encouraged by the practical advice and rich revelation from God’s Word about your great role as wife, mother, homemaker, and nation changer.

Love from Nancy Campbell

PICTURE: With my daughters, Pearl and Serene. This is not at the Luncheon I am talking about in the Podcast. We were too busy talking and listening, laughing and crying to take pictures that day. Here we are making a luncheon for a THM YouTube. I am sure you know that Pearl and Serene of TRIM HEALTHY MAMA are my daughters. How blessed I am. I am sure you already listen to their Poddy.

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NoLongerMeThe message of the cross is not a popular message, is it? When we are faced with the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God on the cross, it challenges us to give up our own lives. The great missionary, C. T. Studd wrote: “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”

To speak or write about the cross doesn’t grab people’s attention. It was conspicuous how few people looked at Friday’s post about the cross, “What is the Predominant Theme in Your Home?” And yet without the truth of the cross and learning to lay down our lives, we will not learn how to truly live.

On Saturday we hosted a lovely wedding at our home. Colin married the young couple and spoke about the power of the cross working in our marriages. It is the message of the cross that teaches us how to build a marriage that lasts.

I often think that if we only had one Scripture in the whole of the Bible to teach us how to live as married couples, we would find blessing and success from Philippians 2:5-8 (NASB): “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death.”

What an attitude! And we are to have the same attitude. Not hanging on to our own rights but laying them down for others.

2 Corinthians 5:15 always challenges me: “And he (Jesus Christ) died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.” Jesus showed us the way in laying down His life for us. We no longer live to ourselves, but to Him. And we show that we live to Him when we lay down our life to live for others. This works out in the one who is closest to us--our husband.

We have the answer. Now, it’s just putting it into practice, not in our own strength, but through the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

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WhereFindStrengthVicki Goldby, an Above Rubies mother in England posted this in response to my post below, WHAT’S THE PREDOMINANT THEME IN YOUR HOME? I have met Vicki and her lovely family on many occasions when ministering in England. I can’t count how many Above Rubies retreats she has attended. I loved what she wrote and want to share it with you here:

“It’s at the cross that we find the strength for each new day. As we mother our children we struggle because of our sinful nature and that of our children. But the cross changes everything. It impacts every aspect of our lives and eternity.

It’s not us that finds the patience to endlessly cook, clean, and care, but Christ in us. It’s not us that finds the strength to get up after another broken night, but Christ in us. It is not us that finds the joy in every moment, but Christ in us.

When I struggle, when I fail, I look to the cross and know that I am not alone. My burdens are carried in the body of Christ and, because of His death and resurrection, He has given us His Holy Spirit to enable us to do all that He has called us to. Whatever place we are in on our mothering journey we can call on the One who saves and He will be faithful to show us the way.

When we model this for our children and they see Christ in us, they will be more likely to desire Him. When they see us broken, but seeking Christ, this will be their “go to” response in adult life. The message of the cross is lived out in the daily lives of Christians, who despite the difficulties of their circumstances, desire Christ beyond everything, and here we find our strength.”

Thanks, Vicki. Did you get her underlying message? THE CROSS CHANGES EVERYTHING!

~ Nancy

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FertilityGod loves fruitfulness. His first words to mankind were “Be fruitful.” Sadly. We don’t live in a perfect world and there are those who cannot at this time conceive (never give up hope). Our God is a God of miracles. The important thing is to have the right heart and attitude and always be open to fruitfulness. Intended sterility is the opposite of God’s way. #befruitful #godlovesfruitfulness #godsfirstcommand #godlovesbabies #aboverubies

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GodForbidWhat is the preeminent theme of your home? In some homes it is sport, or education, or perhaps being realistic today, social media! We reveal what is preeminent by the time and number of hours we spend on it each day.

However, if we are a Christian family, a God-fearing family, shouldn’t the central theme of our home be the cross of Jesus Christ? The cross of Jesus Christ and His precious blood that He poured out for us is the central theme of the Bible. Shouldn’t it be our central theme also? Or do we rarely think about it or talk about it?

Paul said in Galatians 6:14: “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” He also confessed: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain . . . That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings . . . “ (Philippians 1:21 and 3:10).

How can we make His cross more predominant in our homes? We draw closer to His cross as we spend time in His presence and in His Word. Not only individually but gathering our families into His presence each morning and evening. This is surely the least amount of time we can give as a family each day to honor Him. As we open God’s Word and read it to our families, we are brought back to what is truly important. We are drawn to the most important theme in the world—our great redemption through the cross and the blood of Jesus.

We also do this as we pray. Each day at our Family Devotions each one around our table prays. When it comes to my turn to pray, I pray about different needs, especially as I take two different cards from our Prayer Boxes each day. But there is one thing I do before I intercede for the needs of the world and that is to thank Jesus Christ for the cross and for my redemption. I cannot let a day go by with thanking Him.

The whole of the Old Testament led up to Jesus shedding His blood upon the cross. Every morning and every evening the priests sacrificed the lamb to atone for their sins, pointing to THE LAMB OF GOD, Jesus Christ, the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. No longer do we need sacrifices, because Jesus died ONCE and for all for our redemption.

Now we look back to Calvary. I love to look back in gratitude, thankfulness, and worship for my great redemption. I am brought back to the cross as I thank Him every morning and evening. If they could spend all that time with sacrifices each day, surely the least I can do is look back in gratefulness and praise.

We also bring our families back to the cross as we sing worship songs and hymns about the cross of Jesus. We love to sing at our Family Devotions, but you can play these songs in your home all day long. Some families love to sing the current worship songs. Some like to sing the hymns. There are so many wonderful songs to remind us of the cross. If you don’t know them, look them up on the Internet and play the tunes so you can sing along with them. We have hymn books and song sheets which we choose every morning and evening as we sing praises to the Lord. I will list a few choices below.

What are some other ways you keep the cross of Jesus central in your home. I’d love to hear from you.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

A few samples of current worship songs about the cross:
The cross has the final word (Cody Carnes)
Lead me to the cross (Brooke Ligertwood
At the cross (Chris Tomlin)
The power of the cross (Keith and Kristyn Getty
Nailed to the cross (Rend Collective)
Your royal blood (Rend Collective)

A few samples of hymns about the cross.
Are you washed in the blood?
Jesus keep me near the cross
When I survey the wondrous cross
The way of the cross leads home
And can it be that I should gain?
There is a fountain filled with blood
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Alas! And did my Savior bleed
Blessed be the fountain of blood (Whiter than the snow)
I will sing of my Redeemer
There was One who was willing
Lead me to Calvary

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BeTheBestI am sure that when you teach your children to a task that you teach them to do it well. You don’t stand for shoddy work. You teach them to do it to the best of their ability. Of course, the best way to teach them is to show this example yourself. Isn’t that so true? How can we teach our children excellence if we do shoddy work ourselves?

We manifest this attitude in our great career of mothering. When people choose a career, they determine to give it their best. Because motherhood is the greatest and highest career God has given to us we should also give it out best. Aim for excellence.

Dear mothers, don’t think of getting by with the minimum you have to do. Embrace motherhood with all your heart. Give it all you’ve got. Hone your art because mothering is an art. Just as breastfeeding is an art. Birthing is an art. Homemaking is an art. We can be average, or we can excel.

What is the testimony of the Proverbs 31 woman? Proverbs 31:29 says: “Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou EXCELLEST them all.”

The Hebrew word for “excellest” is “alah.” It is often translated “arise up,” “let us go up,” ascended,” “climbed up,” “exalted.” As you can see, it’s not below average or average, but over the top.

1 Corinthians 15:58 exhorts to “ABOUND in the work of the Lord.” The “work” (notice that it is “work,” not play) that God has given us to do is mothering and training the next generation to be godly young men and women who will fill this earth with God’s glory. How do we do this work?

The word is “abound.” The Greek word is “perisseuo” and it means “to EXCEL more than, to exceed, to superabound, to be over the top, over and above, overflowing, abundance.”

Don’t stand for the status quo. Go beyond the necessary as you become the greatest wife your husband could ever dream about. As you mother and train your children. As you stand watch over your home and guard it from the sneaky entrances of the enemy. As you manage your home efficiently. As you prepare meals for your family.

Be the best!

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

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HungerFoodWe usually think of food being only for the body, but the Bible tells us that food is also for our hearts. Acts 14:17 tells us that God loves to fill our HEARTS with food and gladness. He doesn’t even mention our bodies.

I think we need to starting thinking like God thinks, don’t you?

The Passion translation says: “For he blesses us with rain from heaven and seasons of fruitful harvests, and he nourishes us with food to meet our needs. He satisfies our lives, and EUPHORIA fills our hearts.” Is this translation getting a little carried away? No. The Greek word for “gladness” in the KJV is “euphrosune.”

Euphoria is associated with the hormone oxytocin and it is well known that we release oxytocin (joy, happiness, and love) when we sit at a table to eat and fellowship with others.

Therefore, dear mother, as you think about what you will prepare for your family this evening, don’t only think about their bodies. Think about their hearts. Think about how to make your table a place that will draw your family to the table. Think about things you could talk about at the table that will release joy, laughter, and happiness. Think about how you could enjoy a little euphoria. Maybe you could ask each one to share the funniest thing that has happened to them this last week.

As persons made of body, soul, and spirit we hunger for more than physical food. We hunger for nourishment for our soul. David confesses in Psalm 63:5: “My SOUL shall be satisfied with marrow and fatness.”

He’s talking about his inner man. He wants to satisfy it with marrow. Do you know what marrow is? Have you ever sucked marrow out of a bone? Most people haven’t today, but we grew up doing this. There’s nothing like marrow. We all competed to get the bone with the marrow. It is so rich and satisfying. But we need marrow for our souls as well as our bodies. Psalm 107:9 says: He satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.”

And our spirits hunger too. Does your spirit cry out to be fed? I long for spiritual food. Don’t let the spirits of your children starve each day. Make sure you give them a nourishing portion of God’s Word at your table this evening.

Much love,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: The Dining Room (oil on canvas), Ryder, Susan (b.1944) / Private Collection / Courtesy of Manya Igel Fine Arts, London / Bridgeman Images

Although I am sure you’ll have more around your table than this table shows.

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MakesTheHomeSo true. We have the power to make our homes a place of healing, joy, peace, creativity, productivity, hospitality, and loveliness and whatever you want it to be. But the home also has the power to make us. As we embrace the vision of our home it makes us into the woman God wants us to be. God does not intend mothers to compete in the rat race of the career world, but to be queens of their home. Building strong homes that ultimately build a strong and great nation. #homebuilders #homemakers #homelovers #homelife #queenofyourhome #mothering #aboverubies

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EduSystemEach one of our children are unique. Never has there someone like them before and there will never be someone like them again. We don’t have to let our children become victims to the public school system. They don’t all have to learn the same thing and every one will do something no one has ever done before.

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BeatitudesParentsBlessed are the parents who make their peace with spilled milk and with mud; for of such is the kingdom of childhood.

Blessed are the fathers and mothers who have learned laughter; for it is the music of the child’s world.

Blessed and wise are those parents who understand the goodness of time; for they make not a sword that kills growth, but a shield to protect.

Blessed and mature are they who without anger can say no; for comforting to the child is the security of firm decisions.

Blessed is the gift of consistency; for it is heartsease in childhood.

Blessed are they who accept the awkwardness of growth; for they are aware of the constant perilous choice between marred furnishings and damaged personalities.

Blessed are the teachable; for knowledge brings understanding and understanding brings love.

Blessed are the men and women who, in the midst of the unpromising mundane, give love; for they bestow the greatest of all gifts to each other, to their children, and— in an ever-widening circle— to their fellowmen.

— Marion Kinneman


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GodWorkingAwhile back we enjoyed showing hospitality to some dear friends. As we talked together, the guy shared a phrase that a friend of his constantly affirms. When facing problems, difficulties, when things are not going as planned, or some project is not as successful as he thought, he always says, “It’s too soon to tell.”

He doesn’t give up. He gives God time to work.

I think this is a good affirmation to add to our vocabulary, don’t you? We often give up too soon. Or despair. But God is not always in a hurry. The Scripture says: “Better is the end of a thing; than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit” (Ecclesiastes 7:8).

Zechariah 4:10 SAYS: “For who hath despised the day of small things?”

The beginning or the foundation of something is the most important of all. It often takes time. If we get it right, the rest will fall into place.

You haven’t seen the answers to your earnest prayers? Don’t give up. It’s too soon to tell. God doesn’t work according to our time factors. He knows what He is doing, and He sees everything from the beginning to the end.

Joseph must have thought that God had forgotten him. He was just a teenager, only 17 years, when his brothers old him into slavery. He was about 30 years when he became overseer of Egypt and many of those waiting years were in prison. But God had the perfect timing. He was working out great things for Joseph as well as his whole family, and a nation!

Joseph saw the hand of God and was able to say to his brothers: “God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you that sent me hither, BUT GOD” (Genesis 45:7, 8 and 50:20, 21). God was working behind the scenes in all his suffering, in all his long imprisonment, and in all his loneliness.

Be encouraged today. Remember, IT'S TOO SOON TO TELL!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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ForYouAll the good things that are in Jesus Christ are available to you right now. Not some day in the future, but for whatever is happening in your life now. I know that life is not always perfect when you are mothering your children. You don’t have enough fingers to count how many things go wrong throughout the day. But don’t despair. Jesus Christ is with you. He lives in you. You don’t have to react to these things in your flesh. Instead, allow Jesus to live His life through you.

Let’s look at some Scriptures that remind us that God is working in your right now.

1 Timothy 4:8: “For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the LIFE THAT NOW IS, and of that which is to come.” Most modern versions say: “this present life.” Godliness is not just for eternity, but for right NOW! Yes, right now—in your kitchen and with your children all needing you at once.

Are you feeling upset and you really want to let everyone know? Instead of giving into the flesh and hurting everyone around you, allow the life of Jesus to work through you. He is filled with patience and longsuffering and HE LIVES IN YOU! That means you are patient and longsuffering too! God puts His strength into you to give you “all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness" (Colossians 1:11).

Romans 5:17: “For if by one man’s offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall REIGN IN LIFE by one Christ Jesus.” We will not only reign in eternity. This Scripture tells us that we can REIGN IN LIFE RIGHT NOW. We can reign over the power of the flesh through the life of Christ who dwells in us. We can reign over our self-life.

Are you down in the dumps and depressed? You don’t have to stay there. You can reign over your depression in the power of the name of Jesus. He lives within you and He is Joy. Joy that is not dependent upon circumstances, but on who He is!

Appropriate by faith the loving, joyful, longsuffering, victorious, and overcoming life of Jesus Christ, who lives within us.

I love 2 Peter 1:3: “According as his divine power hath given unto us ALL THINGS that pertain unto LIFE and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.” Dear precious mother, you have EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN CHRIST to live a reigning and godly life in your home. No matter what the chaos. No matter the disappointment. No matter the challenge. Christ, the hope of glory, lives in you (Colossian 1:27). And He is with you right now.

2 Corinthians 6:2: “Behold, NOW is the accepted time, behold NOW is the day of salvation.” The Greek word for salvation is “soteria” and means “safety, deliverance, health, salvation.” Jesus Christ is health and salvation for you NOW!

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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GodHasJoinedI have just received a desperate request for prayer. It is for a marriage that has been falling apart for some time. But today is the day. Will she stay, or will she leave?

The husband has pleaded with me to ask every believing Christian to pray with him TODAY that God will touch his wife and draw her heart back him, her children, and her home TODAY.

He asks that we will claim the words that Jesus Himself spoke in Mark 10:9: “What God has joined together, let no one separate.”

Will you pray for a miracle for this marriage and beautiful family?

Thank you, Amen.

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BeStrongCourageousEven when it’s hard to be strong for ourselves, we must be strong for our children and others around us.

When Joab (the captain of King David’s army) faced a mighty battle with the Ammonites he said to his warriors: “Be of good courage, and let us play the men for our people, and for the cities of our God” (2 Samuel 10:12). The phrase “play the men” means “to be courageous, valiant, to conquer.” The word is used mostly in the context of battle.

Do you notice that Joab encouraged his men to be strong and courageous, not just for themselves, but “FOR OUR PEOPLE, AND FOR THE CITIES OF OUR GOD”?

God is with you, dear mother. Even when you feel week in yourself, you can call on God’s strength in the battle. He is with you. He is the One who gives you courage. And He gives you courage to be strong for your family.

I believe we are in a time when we not only have to be strong for our families, but for our cities, and our nation! We must stand strong for righteousness. We must stand strong for the life of the unborn. We must be courageous to oppose all evil, wherever we face it—in the home and out of the home.

Let’s be courageous in this hour, not just for ourselves, but for your children, our children’s children, and the destiny of this nation.

Nehemiah 4:14: “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.”

Fight on your knees. Fight in prayer. Fight against all evil.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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UBestTeacherAnother job description God gives to you as a mother is Teacher.

You are the best teacher of your children. From the day your baby is born you begin teaching. You begin singing, cooing, and talking to your baby. You soon begin teaching them all about their body. You play with their little toes and say “toes.” You touch their little nose and say, “nose.” You can’t help yourself. It is inherit within you to teach your child about the world.

Why is that suddenly when your child gets to the age to read and learn from books you think are no longer good enough to teach them? That’s a lie. You are the best teacher. You were born to teach.

I love the words of G. K. Chesterton: ““How could it be a grand thing to tell someone else’s child about one thing and a small thing to tell one's own child about the universe?

Proverbs 1:8 (RSV) says: “Reject not your mother’s teaching.” Do you notice it doesn’t say the school teacher’s teaching? It doesn’t even say the Sunday school teacher’s teaching. It says the MOTHER’S teaching.

Again, in Proverbs 6:20 (RSV) it states: “My son, keep your father’s commandment, and forsake not your MOTHER’S TEACHING. Bind them upon your heart always; tie them about your neck. When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you. For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life.”

Your teaching is the most important of all. They may forget the school teacher’s teaching, but they must never forget or forsake your teaching. It is your teaching that keeps them through life. It is your teaching that watches over them. It is your teaching that keeps them on the path of righteousness.

Never underestimate the power of your teaching, mother. Of course, your greatest teaching is by example. You prepare them to face life as they see how you face your problems and challenges. They observe how you stand fast and trust God rather than falling into a pit of despair.

You prepare your children to enjoy a good marriage by the way they behold your loving relationship with your husband. They notice your submissive heart. They see how you delight in him. They watch how you talk sweetly to him.

You prepare them for motherhood as they see your love for babies and family life. You teach them how to manage a home. In fact, you can’t help teaching them all your life (although when they become older they start teaching you!).

Embrace your teaching role. It is who you are as a mother. And forget the lies of the enemy. You are the best.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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