MonetaryGainMy husband and I married March 2007 and discovered we were pregnant the very next month with our honeymoon baby. Those first two years of marriage had many challenges: the deaths of two close relatives, an out-of-state move, another in-state move, two job changes, an economic downturn, two babies, and a lot of disappointment and failure. But through all the turmoil, the biggest and most important way the Lord provided was HIS GRACE to press forward and hope in something better.

Of course, the Lord provides for physical and temporal needs through monetary gain. Yes, we have been blessed with positive job changes that brought an increase in money, benefits, and respect. Our family has gone from renting a townhouse in a bad neighborhood to buying our own home in the mountains with acreage. What a wonderful God we serve!

But monetary gain is just the tip of the iceberg to the ways I've seen God provide personally. He is limitless and so are the ways in which He gives. He gives us WISDOM AND INSTRUCTION in His Word. This includes parameters for financial stewardship, debt-free investments, real estate and property values, the importance of work ethic, making personal sacrifices, discerning needs versus wants, delayed gratification, and dependence on the Lord.

Sometimes we forget too, that most of the world does not live as luxuriously as most Americans. It can be helpful to lower our standards of living to stretch the budget.

The Lord has moved in the hearts of others through COMPASSION AND GENEROSITY. Jobs that might have gone to someone else fell instead to us. Families with older children blessed us with hand-me-down clothes and shoes. There have been many random, anonymous acts of kindness.

We're expecting our seventh child and have never gone without food on the table, a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, or transportation. We are rich because He is rich!

Ultimately, He provides the REDEMPTION SALVATION for which we could never have hoped to accomplish for ourselves. And there is no greater need for mankind than that.

When I'm tempted to fear, be anxious, and doubt, I remember what He has taught me in His Word.

1. God is OMNISCIENT. He knows everything, and nothing escapes His notice. There's always more going on than what I know about.

2. God is GOOD. His desire for me is good. The circumstance may not be pleasant, and often it isn't. But in the end, it makes me more holy, which is always good.

3. God is FAITHFUL. He never fails to give His people exactly what they need when they need it.

4. God NEVER CHANGES. He isn't fickle like so many people today. He is always the same.

5. God is TRUSTWORTHY. I can lay everything in His hands. He knows what He's doing. I do not need to be anxious. I do not need to not fear. I don’t have to doubt. If all we have is Christ, then we have everything we need, both now and eternally!

Waleska, Georgia, USA
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Picture: Jeramy and Meggan with their six children: Moriah (10), Lily (9), Shiphrah (8), Joseph (6), Daniel (4), Tabitha (2) and new baby due September 4th.


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