Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


NeverFightOne day we will live in a world where there is no sin. What a glorious day that will be. But we don’t live there yet. We live in a world of unrighteousness. Deception and corruption are all around us, from our government on downwards. Unrighteousness creeps into our homes and even our heats.

2 Peer 3:13 says: “We look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.”

We long for the new earth. But in the meantime, we are in this world to overcome. We dare not succumb to the evil around us. We cannot be apathetic, mediocre, ordinary, or middle of the road. We dare not be tolerant of evil as so much of the church is today. If we accept the status quo we will become victims.

Instead, we are to be overcomers. We must fight the good fight of faith. Fight against the darkness and deception. Constantly fight against evil. Hate it. Abhor it. Never be tolerant of it.

What did Jesus say? “The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12).

Jesus came to “destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). He now dwells in us to continue to destroy his works.

Dear mothers, it begins in our homes. As mothers we must walk in the beautiful anointing of the gentle nurturer and nourisher. But there is another side to motherhood. It is the mother who fights like a “mother bear” to protect her children from the enemy. She does not sit idly by and let her children be taken captives by the devil. She is a watch dog. She is on the war path. She stands up against all unrighteousness. She pushes back the darkness and deception from her home. She is “awesome as an army with banners” (Song 6:10).

We cannot give up this fight until we meet Jesus and enter the world where there is no unrighteousness. But we prepare for this world by overcoming evil now. The promises and the crowns are for the overcomers.

Be encouraged, dear mother. Don’t give up. You are gentle, yet strong. You are a nurturer, yet a warrior. You are the heart of your home, but a devil destroyer.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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BlessingShowerWhen Sharon Johnson had her Blessing Shower for her seventh baby, her husband wrote her an accolade. What a beautiful thing. It is most biblical for husbands to praise their wives, and for children to rise up and bless their mothers. God wants wives and mothers to be blessed and encouraged.

Proverbs 31:28 states: “Her children arise up, and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praiseth her.”

Her husband Ricardo wrote (8/1917):
“I know this is your friends’ time to heap spiritual accolades upon you, but as your husband I wanted to also say a few words. We have taken on a big assignment — soon we will be blessed with our seventh child. It is amazing to think about!

“When I look back to September 4th, 2004 when we began this journey in Westlake, Ohio I never dreamt life would have taken us to this point. Proverbs 16:9 (NLT) states: “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” So true. God put in our hearts a great love for children that wasn’t there when we were first married.

“You have taken on the mantle of motherhood and you wear it well! The hard work and sacrifice you display everyday has not gone unnoticed. Each day you are imparting eternal nuggets of truth to our children that will be played back to them over and over again during their whole life time.

“I go about my current job as a Youth Advocate and work with so many dysfunctional families, and mothers who have checked out on their motherhood. Then I come home in the evenings to a home of order and a nurturing mother and realize how truly blessed I am! What an honor it is to have you as my wife raising our soon-to-be seven children.

“You are the right woman, serving the right God, at the right time, raising the right children, for the right future. As your husband, I bless you in Jesus name! And look forward with anticipation to what the future holds! You are a mighty woman of God. “

~ Your Husband, Ricardo
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Photo: Ricardo and Sharon Johnson with their children: Ezra (12), Nissi (10), Tasimba (8), Titus (6), Elliot (4), Malachi (2) and Catherine (8 months).

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SuperiorOur humanistic society seeks to make mothers feel inferior as they mother their children in their home. They are educated to think they could accomplish more by taking a job outside the home.

I have a question to ask. Is it an inferior thing to leave your home and motherhood, the highest career God has given to women, and give this divine commission to a wage-earner? Someone who will do their duty, hopefully diligently, but will never have the heart, compassion, and love you have for your children? No wage-earner truly feels for your child like you do. Or understands their deepest needs like you do. It’s only a job to them.

No, you are leaving the superior and most powerful career for a lesser one. One that will pass away. You are involved in an eternal mission. You are mothering eternal souls who will live forever!

Jesus shows us the difference in the parable He told about the shepherd and the sheep in John 10:1-18. Read it over again when you get a chance. Here’s a little excerpt from the New Living Translation (vs. 10-15): “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep. A hired hand will run when he sees a wolf coming. He will abandon the sheep because they don’t belong to him and he isn’t their shepherd. And so the wolf attacks them and scatters the flock. The hired hand runs away because he’s working only for the money and doesn’t really care about the sheep. I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep, and they know me . . . So I sacrifice my life for she sheep.”

What’s the difference? The wage earner does a job for money. The true shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. Shepherding is picture of mothering. Like a shepherd, the true mother does not leave her little flock. Instead, she sacrifices her life for her flock. Her children are her passion and her life. She does not try to get away from them. She does not try to save her own life, but lay down her life.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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BigHouseI often hear mothers complaining about their home . . .

“I’m wasting my life at home. I could be doing so much more with my life.
“I’m bored at home.”
“I love my children, but I don’t love being at home.”
“I’m miserable.”

Hang on a minute. Dear precious mothers, be careful of your confession. When you confess negative things about your home, you are complaining about yourself. Home is not the problem; it’s the mother’s attitude. You see, it is we mothers who determine the life in our home. Nobody else but us!

You determine what your home life will be like. If you want an exciting, stimulating, fulfilling, productive, loving, peaceful, and fruitful life, you can make it happen in your home. Forget all the negatives. Forget your miserable thought life. Forget your self-pity.

Come on now. Start thinking of how you can make your home the most exciting place on earth. Start thinking of how you can make your marriage more exciting and fulfilling. There are so many things you can say and do. Think of something lovely to do with your husband this evening. That doesn’t you have to go out somewhere. Think of something amazing to do together in your home!

Think of how you can make life more happy and joyful for your children. There are a hundred and one things you can do to make this happen. You just need to change gears from the negative to the positive. There is a world of stimulating ideas waiting for you to enter as you start thinking about it and ask your creative God to give you new ideas.

You home is meant to be the most delightful place on earth. The first home, which is the prototype for all homes, was called the Garden of Eden. Eden is the word for DELIGHT in the Hebrew.

Your world is your home. Make it delightful and pleasing to yourself, your husband, and your children.

Don’t become a victim. Instead, make your home, marriage, and family life what you want it to be!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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GrowingGardensTodd and Paula Smith and their sweet children sang this song to us at the Family Concert at our Above Rubies Family Retreat in Tennessee a couple of weekends ago. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the words. Wish you could hear them sing! And by the way, we enjoyed an amazing concert.

Sometimes in this fast-paced world things get topsy-turvy,
Many question why they’re here and what their goals should be,
In Christ we have the answers that they’re looking for,
Lord, help our lives to show His reality.

For we’re not just growing gardens, we’re growing children,
We’re not just building houses, we’re building men,
We’re not just making music, we’re making memories
And glorifying God with our family and friends

We’re not merely making meals, we’re making mamas,
We’re not merely making a living, we’re making a life,
Our goal is not comfort and security,
In the end it will all be worth any struggle or strife (Refrain)

For God doesn’t just value the product, He values the process,
We who are made in His image should do the same,
More than just obedience, He wants a relationship
With those He created to glorify His name

We’re not just prepping for tomorrow, we’re preparing for eternity,
We’re not just changing behavior, we’re transforming minds,
Lord keep us from love of the world or pursuit of vanity,
For we’re trusting Holy Spirit to prepare Christ’s bride. (Refrain)

~ Paula Smith (July 2017)
Pleasantville, Tennessee
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Picture: Todd and Paula with their five T’s: Tevya (11), Tiveria (10), Tikvah (10), Teshuvah (8), Thor (6), and Tirzah (4).

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Deception is such a subtle thing, isn’t it? It is so subtle that we usually don’t know we are deceived. We can not only be deceived by the encroachment of our humanistic society, but we can be self-deceived.

William Barclay’s translation of James 1:22 says: “You must not only listen to the word, you must act on it. Otherwise, you indulge in self-deception.” This is very challenging to me. To daily read God’s Word and yet not put it into action is self-deception. The more I do this, the more I deceive myself. I pray that the power of the Holy Spirit working within me will keep me from this deception.

But mothers, we face another challenge. This challenge is not only for ourselves, but for our children. God has given us the responsibility to train our children to obey when we speak to them. This trains our children into the habit of obeying God when He speaks to them through His Word. If we are lazy about training our children to obey, we set them up for the habit of continually disobeying God’s Word.

One of the secrets of teaching your children to obey is to first of all teach them to listen.
If we do not teach our children how to listen, they will not learn to obey. Make sure your children hear what you tell them to do. Make eye contact with them. You may need to get them to repeat it back to you. Then expect them to do it! True hearing results in actions.

When your children learn to listen, they will learn to obey.
When they learn to obey you, they will learn to obey God.

Get them into the “obeying habit” now so that when they hear God speak through His Living Word, they will automatically respond and obey.

What kind of ears do you train your children to have? Lazy ears? Dull ears? Defiant ears? Resistant ears? Gullible ears?

Or are you training them to have diligent ears that are quick to hear and obey you, and ultimately God’s words?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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LookingJesusA young man recently shared this testimony with us. He was driving to our home, came to the lights which were red, and obediently followed the car in front of him. All of a sudden he realized he was going through a red light! Why? Instead of looking up at the lights, he followed the person in front of him. This nearly got him into a lot of trouble.

Isaiah 53:6 is so true isn’t it? “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

How easy it is to do this in life. We subconsciously follow people around us. We assimilate into the ways of our humanistic society. Unless we diligently keep our eyes on Jesus and follow Him, we follow the crowd around us without realizing it.

Where are your eyes today? Are you looking to Jesus? Or are you influenced more by the pressure of family, friends, and society?

Let’s be Jesus followers, not crowd followers.

Romans 12:2 says: “LOOKING UNTO JESUS the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the hem, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Keep your eyes in the right place today,

Nancy Campbell

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CrawlingJesus Christ was our supreme sacrifice. He became the sacrificial Lamb, slain upon the altar for our sins. His ultimate sacrifice gives us forgiveness of sins, victory over sin in our daily life, sweet fellowship with Him, and eternal life. Romans 12:1 beseeches us that our logical and reasonable response should be to yield our lives back to Him as a living sacrifice. What does this mean?

Because Jesus laid down His life to be our sacrifice, we should also lay down our lives to be a living sacrifice.

We face this principle every day as wives and mothers. Constantly we choose whether we will demand our own way, do what pleases us, or lay down our life for our husband, our children, and sacrifice our own selfish desires.

Sometimes this is a battle. We need to be constantly reminded of Psalm 118:27: “Bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar.” We willingly lay our life upon the altar as we feel the moving of the Holy Spirit in our lives. But then we get back to the challenges of daily life and mothering and off the altar we jump!

We need His cords to bind us. What are the cords? God says in Hosea 11:4: “I drew them with cords of compassion, with bands of love.” He says again in Jeremiah 31:3 “Yes, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”

Because Christ now dwells in our hearts (if we have been born again), we no longer live to ourselves, “but unto him which died and rose again” (2 Corinthians 5:14). This lifestyle of dying daily to our own selfish desires does not ruin our lives. Instead, it releases us into the joyful life of serving and sacrifice that is the life of Christ (Mark 8:35).

I read about a mission board that had an ox for its seal. On one side of the ox was an altar, on the other side a plough. Their motto was “Ready for either.” There are millions of Christians being martyred for their faith today (more than at any other time). They are literally dying upon the altar. Others (like you and me) become a living sacrifice as we take up the plough of the daily grind of life. Not doing it grudgingly, but with joy and exhilaration.

May God save us from being jumping jacks--jumping off the altar as soon as anything becomes too difficult, looms bigger than we can imagine, or does not work out the way we planned. Instead may it become our lifestyle to be bound with joy to the altar. This is the least we can do in response to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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SheepFoldI have been thinking much lately about the word “folding.” I’m not talking about folding clothes, although I know we do plenty of that in our homes. I’m not talking about folding papers, although we often do this when preparing for a celebration or doing a project.

I’m talking about folding our flock. The word “fold” is a noun and a verb. Our home is our fold. And in our home, we fold our flock. In Ezekiel 34 God uses this word allegorically. He talks about the literal people of Israel but likens them to sheep in a fold. He wants them to be in a “good fold” and “a fat pasture” (Ezekiel 34:14).

The word “fold” is the Hebrew word “naveh” and is used 36 times in the Bible. It is used to describe home—God’s home, His temple. His holy habitation. A home for families. A home for flocks. A home for wild animals. God wants all His creation to enjoy a home. A lovely home. Yes, this word means, “lovely, pleasant, satisfaction.”

It calls Jerusalem “a habitation (naveh) of justice,” which it will be one day (Jeremiah 31:223). The mother who “tarries (naveh) at home” receives God’s blessings (Psalm 68:12). One lexicon calls her “the inhabitress of the home.”

Are you making a lovely fold? A fold where your children are safe. A healing home. A feeding home—feeding them good food, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We cannot fold our flock part time. It is a full-time work. The true shepherd does not leave his flock. He is always with them—watching over them, protecting them, and feeding them.

God was angry with the shepherds of Israel because they did not feed their flocks. He says: “Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! (notice the exclamation mark!) should not the shepherds feed the flocks? . . . the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock” (Ezekiel 34:2, 8).

Where is your focus, dear mother? Are you feeding yourself? Feeding your own desires and ambitions? Feeding on material things? Feeding on that which is temporary? God wants you to put your emphasis on feeding your flock.

He warns again in verses 3-8:
You have not fed your flock,
You have not strengthened the weak,
You have not healed the sick,
You have not bound up the broken,
You have not brought back the strays,
You have not sought to go after the lost,
You have let your flock be scattered,
Your have let your flock become a pray, meat to every beast of the field.
All the above are part of our mothering and folding anointing.

Today, many precious children and young people are becoming a prey to all that is false and deceptive. They are brainwashed with feminism, humanism, and the anti-
God liberal agenda. They may have prayed the sinner’s prayer, go to church, but they think exactly like the secular humanists. All because we are not folding our flock.

Dear mother, among hundreds of descriptions, you are a nurturer, a nourisher, a feeder, a healer, and a FOLDER. Rise up in this anointing. Fold your flock today. Gather them around you. Gather them to your table to communicate with them, feed them, and pour God’s heart into them. Heal the gaps. Strengthen the weak areas. Draw them back from deception. Protect your gates.

Blessings and love from Nancy Campbell

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MotherhoodGigantic“How can it be a large career to tell other people’s children about the Rule of Three, and a small career to tell one’s own children about the universe? How can it be broad to be the same thing to everyone, and narrow to be everything to someone? No; a woman’s function is laborious, but because it is gigantic, not because it is minute.”

~ G. K. Chesterton

Painting: "The Alphabet" (also known as Jean and Gabrielle), Pierre Auguste Renoir (1897).

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URMessengerWhat is God’s purpose for you? Isaiah 43:21 says “This people have I formed for myself; they shall show forth my praise.” This Scripture is primarily speaking about Israel. God’s purpose for Israel was, is, and will be to show forth His praise in the earth. Through the Jewish people God brought forth the promised Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Through God’s ancient people He gave us His precious Word, the Bible. And they are yet to show forth His praise in magnificent ways (Romans 11:15).

God also wants to show forth His praise through you and me. 1 Peter 23:9 tells us: “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar (set apart) people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

The words “show forth” are the Greek word “exaggello” which means “to publish, to celebrate.” It comes from a root word “aggelos” which means “a messenger, or especially an angel.”

What does God want you to do? To be an angelic messenger! God wants to use you as His messenger to bring His Word, His truth, and His love to those you are with each day.

This means, of course, that you begin in your home. Mother, you have little ones, and maybe bigger ones around you every day. You are God’s messenger to each one of them. You have the opportunity to bring God’s Word and truth to them every day—when you are lying down, walking around, or sitting at the table (Deuteronomy 6:6-9). You are to light up their lives and little by little bring them from darkness to light.

You’ll continue to be God’s messenger when you leave the home too—when you go out to get the groceries or whatever you have to do. Remember you are God’s messenger to everyone you meet.

Have a lovely day being God’s angel to everyone in your home.

Blessings to you,

Nancy Campbell

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From J. R. Miller (written in 1882).


Parents! You are fashioning the destinies of immortal souls!

What we want to do with our children is not merely to control them and keep them in order, but to implant true principles deep in their hearts which shall rule their whole lives; to shape their character from within into Christlike beauty, and to make of them noble men and women, strong for the battle of life.

They are to be TRAINED rather than governed. Growth of character, not merely good behavior is the object of all home governing and teaching. Therefore, the home influence is far more important than the home laws; and the parents' lives are of more significance than their teachings.

Whatever may be done in the way of governing, teaching, or training—theories are not half as important as the parents' lives. They may teach the most beautiful things, but if the child does not see these things modeled in the life of the parent, he will not consider them important enough to be adopted in his own life.

Painting by Harry Anderson

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ProcessWhy do we correct and discipline our children? Because we want them to grow up prepared to be successful in life. Some parents scream at their children and lash our when their children irritate them and get on their nerves. This is opposite to training children. Responsible parents diligently and lovingly discipline bad behavior. They correct their children and bring them into line when they are out of order, disobedient, tell lies, talk back, pout, and have moods. They will not tolerate these negative habits.

Why? Because they are preparing their children for life--to one day be the best employee in the company, to have good attitudes, to be a vessel ready to be used by God, and also to enjoy a happy and successful marriage If we allow our children to grow up with negative habits, those habits can destroy their marriage.

Dear wife and mother, in the same way God diligently works in our lives. His wants to conform us into the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). This certainly doesn’t happen without some serious working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Paul said to the Corinthians: “Our one prayer is for the complete correction of your lives” (2 Corinthians 13:9 Barclay). The KJV uses “perfection” for the word “correction.” I checked my Lexicon and it says the word “denotes a process in the progress.” This can only happen through correction of what is wrong in our lives.

We must always be open to God’s gentle correction. He uses many ways to do this. He speaks to us as we read His Word and shows us what grieves the Holy Spirit in our lives (Ephesians 4:27, 30). He uses other people to correct us (sometimes our husbands). We don’t usually like it, do we? But we must remember that it is ultimately God who wants to correct us and conform us into His image.

If we don’t listen to God speaking to us through His word, or we don’t have a soft heart to receive correction from our husband or other people, He often allows difficulties and trials to come our way to wake us up, refine us, and bring us into line with His will.

Let’s keep soft hearts, always open to correction. If our children are stubborn and do not receive our correction, they become willful and rebellious. It’s just the same with us. We either have soft and tender hearts to God’s correction in our lives or we become stubborn and rebellious.

The Amplified version says: “And this we also pray for: your all-round strengthening and perfecting of the soul.” I want this, don’t you? It only comes through CORRECTION. For ourselves personally and in the training of our children.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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JesusFirstI love the line from the delightful children’s book by George MacDonald, “At the Back of the North Wind.” He says, “For our Selves will always do pretty well if we don’t pay them too much attention.” What true words. It is the same principle Jesus gave us in Mark 8:35: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.”

When we focus on ourselves--our own problems, sicknesses, and how to make ourselves happy we end up self-serving. This invariably pulls us down into the slough of self-pity and delusion. It is an eternal principle that when you forget about yourself and pour out your life for others you become fulfilled. You are happier and more relaxed, peaceful, hopeful, and content.

“But what about ME? you cry. Of course, we have to care for ourselves--spiritually, mentally, and physically. That’s basic. But we don’t tune all our thinking on ourselves.

I’ll never forgot a moment in my life years ago. My children were all little and I had just come home from purchasing the groceries. As I walked over the threshold of my home, I felt the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking strongly to my heart, “Nancy, how can I reveal to you the needs of others if you are always thinking of yourself?” I have never forgotten those words. From then on I learned to give much more room in my mind and heart for others.

Will we be forgotten when we pour out our lives for others? No, the opposite. God makes sure that our “self” as George MacDonald puts it, will be blessed and comforted. God pours into those who pour out (Proverbs 11:24, 25 and 2 Corinthians 9:6).

Mothering is a liberating ministry into this eternal principle. Not on the odd occasion, but 24/7 we forget self as we pour out our hearts for our children—nurturing them, teaching them, training them, caring for them, cooking for them, praying for them, and often agonizing over them.

Let’s embrace this eternal principle and live in the fullness of the joy and life God intends for us. We teach our children to be joyful; we need to adhere to it ourselves.

J Jesus first
O Others second
Y Yourself last

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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HappyMDayMay you have such a lovely day as you are honored and blessed by your family. Make no mistake about it. You have the most high-powered career in the nation! It is not the most high-paid career in the nation, but it is the most influential.

Dear mothers, I want to remind you today, but also every day of the year, that your role is not insignificant. It is God-mandated. It is powerful. It is nation-changing. The devil knows the power of motherhood and that’s why he seeks to woo women out of the home and away from their children. When he can get mothers out of the way, he has the power to sway our children.

Conversely, God woos women into the home.

RISE UP today, and each new day, in the anointing which God has given you. God put this powerful nurturing heart in you. He also created you physically for motherhood. Don’t be deceived by the lies of society that tell you motherhood is inferior to other roles. It is the most IMPORTANT role.

Embrace it with all your heart. I want to encourage you again today that motherhood is more than loving your children. Every mother loves her children. But true mothering is not only loving your children, but loving motherhood. When you embrace your career of motherhood, you enter a new role of joy, authority, and anointing which comes from God.

It’s time for mothers all over the land to RISE UP into their powerful and influential calling! It will change the face of the nation!

And a little note to those who do not have children around you today or have not been blessed with children. Please be encouraged that you are no less a mother. God has put in you His nurturing anointing. As you pour out His nurturing heart to the needy and those whom God puts on your heart, you also walk in the realm of motherhood.

Love and blessings to you and your home today,

Nancy Campbell

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GreatWonderfulWe discovered in the post below, “Above the Normal,” that David wanted to build a home for God that was exceedingly magnificent. When Solomon begins to build the house, he uses more adjectives. He states that he is going to build a house that will be “GREAT and WONDERFUL” (1 Chronicles 22:9). We are either building a normal marriage or a GREAT marriage. We are either building a normal family, or a GREAT family.

And what about wonderful? I love this word. It is “pala” in the Hebrew and means “distinguished, extraordinary, miraculous, astonishing, marvelous.” Wow, what a word. God’s Word is extravagant. It not only uses adjectives, but when we look up the Hebrew or Greek, we find even more adjectives to help us understand the word.

The first time “pala” is used is in Genesis 18:14 (AMP) when God says: “IS anything too hard or too WONDERFUL for the LORD?” Nothing is too hard for Him. It was nothing for Him to give conception to Sarah when she was past the years of childbearing. “Pala” speaks of when God goes beyond the bounds of human powers or expectations (Exodus 3:20).

It is the same word used to describe the way God wonderfully and marvelously creates the baby in the secret place of the womb: “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: MARVELOUS are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well” (Psalm 139:14).

Psalm 111:4: “He hath made his WONDERFUL WORKS to be remembered.” God’s works are wonderful in creation. They are miraculous in performing miracles. But His most marvelous works are when He creates each new child in His own image.

Psalm 96:3: “Declare his glory among the heathen, his WONDERS among all people.” And so many more wonderful Scriptures.

The greatest wonders the world waits to see are harmonious marriages and happy, unified, strong families. When marriages and families are strong and stable, the nation is strong and stable. When marriages and family life are weakened the nation weakens.

Aim to build a WONDERFUL marriage. You’ll have to work at it. You’ll have to go beyond your feelings. You’ll have to press through into miracles. But with the power of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit you can see marvelous and extraordinary things happen. Proverbs 12:25 (TLB) says: “A word of encouragement does WONDERS.”

Aim to build a WONDERFUL family life. Don’t settle for the ordinary. Seek to make something marvelous happen in your home each day. Realize that it’s often the little things that are the miraculous things—a hug, a smile, a forgiving spirit even when you have been hurt, or making a “family togetherness” happen.

And remember, each one of your children reveal God’s pala, His marvelous, wonderful, and miraculous works. Your home is filled with the extraordinary wonders of the Lord.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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AboveNormalYesterday we talked about building a magnificent home for God. But there’s more! Do you notice that the Bible constantly uses adjectives? Nothing about God is average and therefore the Bible needs adjectives to describe God’s plan for us.

It’s not enough to build a magnificent home for God. We should build an EXCEEDINGLY magnificent home. The word "exceeding" in the Hebrew is "ma'al" and means "above, very high, the upper part." This word, "ma'al" is translated "above" 53 times and "upward" 59 times! It means “above the normal.”

We must change gears in our brain from building a home that is like every other home around us. Instead, let’s build homes that are ABOVE the normal, above the mediocre, and above the status quo. Let’s build homes that not only subsist from day to day, but overflow in every area of our family lives. This is the lifestyle God intends for us (John 10:10). Let’s get out of the rut. Let’s get away from the boring and normal.

Sadly, in the average home today, members like to do their own thing. Each one is going here and there. Each one is geared to their iPhone. But in the “above the norm” home, family members give time to one another—to work together, interreact together, eat together, and share together. They are a family unit, not fragmented from one another.

In the average home, there are more TVs in the home than children. The "above the norm" home has more children than TVs.

In the average home, most families don’t sit together at the family meal table. In the “above the normal” home, they delight to meet at the family table each day—to eat and communicate together.

In the average home, most families are so busy that they don’t get time to have family Bible reading and worship together. In the “above the normal” home, they make everything else fit around their morning and evening times to pray and read God's Word together.

In the average home, there is often bickering and fighting. In the "above average" home, the siblings are friends rather than fighting with one another.

In the average home, most families live to themselves. In the "above average" home, they love to open their home in hospitality. They love to invite others to share their meals. They enjoy food, gladness, and laughter as they share with others.

In the average home, they spend much of their time running here and there to sports and extra-curricular activities. In the “above the normal” home they spend more productive time at home. They are continually thinking of ways to strengthen their family unit, rather than weaken it.

It’s so normal to be average. Are you ready to go a step further and build an “ABOVE THE AVERAGE” home?

Be blessed, Nancy Campbell

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ABigVisionKing David had a passionate vision to build a house for the Lord His God. It wasn’t a little vision, but a huge vision. He used some amazing adjectives as he described the house he wanted to build. In 1 Chronicles 22:5 he confesses: “The house that is to be builded for the LORD must be EXCEEDINGLY MAGNIFICENT, of fame and glory throughout all countries.”

What vision do you have for building your home for the Lord? I am sure you are building it for Him. I’m not talking about building a mansion with elaborate and expensive décor. There are far more important things to build in our home than materialistic things.

Do you think we could seek to build a home that is . . .
EXCEEDINGLY MAGNIFICENT in the beauty of order and simplicity,
EXCEEDINGLY MAGNIFICENT in family togetherness,
EXCEEDINGLY MAGNIFICENT in the disciplines of prayer and love for God's Word,
EXCEEDINGLY MAGNIFICENT in peace and harmony,
EXCEEDINGLY MAGNIFICENT in joy, gladness, happiness, and laughter,
EXCEEDINGLY MAGNIFICENT in the manifestation of the presence of God.

The word "magnificent" is “gadal” in the Hebrew and means, "to make large, advance, exceed, excellent, great, grow up and increase, lift up, magnify, promote." Our family life should never become stagnant. We should always be advancing and thinking of better ways to intensify the manifestation of the presence of God in our family life.

Always increasing and strengthening the quality of our family life. Alwys pen to the increase of children. This is what makes a home magnificent—not the adding of things, but babies and growing children. They are the true riches of our home. Isaiah 54:2-3 says: “Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; for thou shalt break forth on the right and on the left."

Daily promoting our marriage relationship. Doing something to make it more magnificent and amazing each new day. Of course, this won't just happen. David worked hard to make preparation to build God's home. The Bible says he prepared abundantly (1 Chronicles 22:3-5).

Are you building an ordinary marriage or a magnificent marriage? Are you building an ordinary family life or an amazing family life?

Let’s get a big vision.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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TurnYourEyesWhat’s your heart attitude today? Upset and brooding because things aren’t going your way? I believe it is important to cultivate a “turning attitude.” It’s not enough to turn once to God. It is a daily, hourly, and moment by moment turning our hearts to Him. Hosea 12:6 says: “Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgement, and wait on thy God continually.”

How do we turn to the Lord? It’s not enough to turn once to God. It is a daily, hourly, and moment by moment turning our hearts to Him. It’s a habit of continually turning to the Lord in every situation and every moment of the day. This should not only become our lifestyle, but the lifestyle we teach to our children.

• Turning to God in thankfulness for all the good things He does for us and the little blessings of each day. Noticing and acknowledging a kind word, smiles from our children, a hug from our husband, the provision of food, a beautiful bird we notice in a tree and all the delightful little blessings of life.
• Turning to God in repentance when we sin, have a wrong attitude, speak angrily, and so on. Keeping a soft heart to constantly turn back to the Lord is the same as repentance. Repentance is not only being sorry for our sin, but turning in the opposite direction to follow God’s ways.
• Turning to God’s Word. If our days are full and busy with children and responsibilities, we can place a copy of the Bible on the windowsill in the kitchen, in the bathroom, where you nurse the baby, etc.
• Turning to righteousness. Not sitting on the fence, but turning towards God’s way which is always holiness.

We not only turn to God, but turn away from that which displeases Him.

• Turning away from evil. But more than that. It’s turning away from that which is permissible to do only that which is profitable and will last for eternity.
• Turning from the negative to the positive.
• Turning from discouragement and despondency to thankfulness and gratefulness.
• Turning from walking in the flesh to walking in the Spirit.
• Turing from conforming to the pattern of this world and instead fixing our hearts on the real world which is the eternal world.
• Turning our attention to the needs of others instead of only thinking of ourselves.
• Turning from our puny thoughts and understanding to God’s thoughts and ways, which are higher than our ways.
• Turning our hearts to our home and children instead of the passing glory of careers and outside activities.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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WillNotBowAmen. Let's be women of truth. Let's be women of strength. Let's not be intimidated by the lies of the enemy.

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ