Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


LoseRewardIt seems that many mothers find cooking for their families a chore. “Oh no, not another meal to cook for this hungry family.” “Here I go again, day after day, day after day, with no let up!”

Dear mother, can I encourage you that preparing meals for your family is not insignificant? Do you remember what Jesus said in Mark 9:41? “For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink IN MY NAME, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.”

These are the words of Jesus. They will never fail. If Jesus says that we will not lose our reward if we give a cup of water in His name, what about preparing a whole meal?

Every time you prepare a meal for your family—breakfast, lunch, and supper, God is watching. When you do it with the right attitude, when you do it as unto Him, when you do it in His name, He promises that you will not lose your reward.

Oh what a blessing to be a mother. Just think of how many rewards you are going to receive from cooking meals day after day for years! Of course, we do it in His name, not with a bad, complaining attitude.

And what a blessing to prepare each meal for our family, but at the same time “as unto the Lord, and “in His name.” It takes you to a whole new realm. Because you are doing it for the Lord, you will want to make each meal special, knowing that Jesus desires to sit with you at your meal.

Don’t you love these words?

Christ is the Head of this home,
The Unseen Guest at every meal,
The Silent Listener to every conversation.

Many people have these wonderful words hanging on their wall. It’s a great reminder isn’t it? Jesus wants to be included at your meal table.

Many blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

Picture: Interesting observation: when I look for a picture of a mother cooking in her home, it is nearly impossible to find a contemporary one—they are all vintage. What has happened to mothers cooking homemade meals? Or maybe you have a picture to send me. That would be wonderful.

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ChristIsHeadDon't you love these words? So true.

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MayYouBeBlessedThe greatest blessing you can have in your home is the presence of the Lord. When the ark of the Lord (which represents the presence and glory of God) was in the house of Obed-edom the Gittite for three months, the Bible says that “the Lord blessed Obed-edom, and all his household” (II Samuel 6:11).

Don’t you want to be blessed? Don’t you want your home to be blessed by God?

More than material possessions, more than making sure every school subject is finished each day, more than keeping up with the Joneses, the greatest thing we can do is to seek the manifestation of the presence of God in our homes.

God’s presence will impact the lives of your children more than anything else in this world.

Will the atmosphere of the presence of God that permeates your home be the greatest memory your children take with them into their future?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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TopFiveThe other day my lovely daughter-in-law, Simone, sent me this idea.

“After being with my wonderful husband for 30 years, I’ve found the following are great conversation starters for when are alone together. They are also great to encourage reluctant teens to open up. It feels like a game but gives insight into what makes them tick.

Top five people who have influenced you outside your family and why.
Top five places you have visited and why.
Top five places you want to visit and why.
Top favorite moves.
Top five favorite books.
Top five favorite songs.
Top five favorite smells.
Top five favorite articles of clothing.
Top five favorite Bible verses.
Top five favorite foods.
Top[ favorite historical figures.
Top five pets.
Top five wedding days.
Top five childhood memories.
Top five goals for your life.
Top five habits you’d like to make or break.
Top five things you would take a desert island.

I’d love to hear some more ideas from you."
~ Simone Campbell

It’s worth printing these off and having them in a handy place. I have found that it is such a great idea to bring a subject or a question to the table when the family gathers to eat together each evening. If we don’t do something positive like this the conversation can often go nowhere or add up to nothing at all. Bringing a conversation starter gets everyone talking. We usually go around the able and make sure each person has a turn, no one left out. You can gradually go through the whole list and add more of your own.

If you have a bigger family you could make it the Top Three or if you have an extra big family, make it the Top One!

I have already prepared two sheets with ideas for table conversations which I keep to refer to if I run out of ideas (I’ll give you the links below), but I’ll be printing these off too.



Have a blessed day,

Nancy Campbell

Photo: My son, Stephen, and his wife Simone of 30 years.

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Discipline Is Training

DisciplineIsTrainingDiscipline is training. And training is a daily process. It’s not just for the moment, but for the future. You are preparing your children for their success, for marriage, to fulfill God’s destiny upon their lives. Therefore, you cannot let the little things go unattended. Deal firmly with negative attitudes and moods and laziness as well as disobedience and willfulness so these things do not become habits in their lives. #godlydiscipline #training #trainyourchildren #ilovemotherhood #powerofmotherhood #aboverubiestag

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BestThingever“The greatest thing you will ever do in your life is to be a part of the creative act of God by giving birth to a brand new, refreshing, sweet life. It is the greatest privilege and glorious honor ever bestowed upon women. I now look at my children and tell them, ‘You’re the best thing I ever did.’”
~ Joanie Stahl

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WholeWorldIs this an outlandish statement? No, it is the truth. Everything that happens in this world, the workforce, the great inventions, the amazing feats all happen through people. And everyone of these people come to the world no other way than through the womb of a mother! The womb of the mother is a powerful place. It is a place if destinies. I wonder who God has planned to bring into the world through your womb? How sad to forfeit plans that God has for this world. #thepowerofthewomb #amotherswomb #ilovemotherhood #powerofmotherhood #aboverubies

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higherheightYou’d better believe it. Why do we do last that which we should do first? You have no greater weapon in your hand than prayer! #yourgreatestweapon #passionateprayer #mothersofprayer #aboverubies

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GodsWordDailyHave you read God’s Word to your children today? And if they are of reading age, have you taught them the habit of reading God’s Word themselves each day? I love the quote of the Chinese man who said: “No Bible, no breakfast!” He would not feed his body until he had first fed his soul and spirit. Don’t let the souls and spirits of your children starve! #readgodsworddaily #nobiblenobreakfast #familydevotions #familybiblereading #personalbiblereading #godswordisalive #aboverubies

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WiseWomanAre you building today? We build with every word and every decision we make. Make every moment a building moment (Proverbs 14:1). #proverbs141 #buildyourhome #donttearitdown #aboverubies

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HavenSecurityHome is where God loves children to be. Make your home a place where your children love to be, filled with peace, love, righteousness , contentment, and happiness. #ilovehome #ilovehomecooking #happiness #joy #contentment #peace #aboverubies

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WantSuccessThe next question we need to ask is: “what are you teaching your children? It's easy to get into the mode of packing information into your children's brains, the more the better! But "information" is not education. "Right thinking" is education. Unless your children know how to think correctly, information won't do them a lot of good.

Right thinking comes from God's Word—even though it is often contrary to how society thinks and what is taught in the public education system. Isaiah 55:8, 9 says: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

To truly educate your children, you must give them the right foundation, which is GOD-THINKING, not humanistic thinking!

Are your children more accustomed to the thinking of our humanist, socialist society, or are they more familiar with God’s living and eternal words? Sadly, I find that most children and teens, even from homeschooling families, know very little of God’s Word. They don’t even know familiar Scriptures.

Your greatest teaching is what God thinks. Therefore, dear mother, what are you doing about it?


P.S. Read these Scriptures again: Deuteronomy 6:5-9; 11:18-23; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1-4; 119:97-99, 148; Isaiah 59:21; Romans 15:4; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; Hebrews 4:12; 1 Peter 3:15; and 2 Peter 1:4.

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WavesRoughAre you facing a storm in your life? This is when God delights to come to your aid. Do you remember when the disciples were in the midst of the storm and battered by the waves? Jesus came walking on the water and what did Jesus say to His terrified disciples? “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid” (Matthew 14:27). The meaning of the word “cheer” is to “take courage.”

If someone tells you to “take courage” in the storm, you may feel indignant and think, “What do you know about what I am going through?” But when Jesus says “Be of good cheer,” you can take courage because He, the Creator of the universe, is backing His words.

No matter how fierce the storm in your life, God is bigger. You may drown on your own, but when God comes and brings His cheer and courage, you’ll weather the storm! You don’t need to fear when He is with you.

Have a blessed day,

Nancy Campbell

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RottenPotatoeI am sure, like me, you have found a rotten potato in your bag of potatoes. Isn’t it such a foul smell? There’s nothing worse. I found one the other night in my bag. The only trouble with a rotten potato is that it contaminates all the other potatoes around it! I had to throw out a few others that were beginning to rot around it. And then wash all the others!

If only we would realize that we too can be like a rotten potato. When things don’t go your way, what do you do? Do you say, “Oh well, praise the Lord anyway. Or do you get into a mood? Begin to pout? Or give the “silent treatment” to your husband. We know these reactions come from our rotten flesh. And it stinks!

Actually, our flesh is meant to be dead! The Bible tells us that when Christ died, we died with Him. When He rose, we rose with Him. When we come to Christ, we die to our flesh and instead yield to the life of Jesus Christ who dwells in us.

Galatians 2:20 says: “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loves me, and gave himself or me.”

A dead person doesn’t react! When we react with anger or get into a mood, we show to everyone around us that our flesh is still very much alive.

The problem is that one rotten potato doesn’t stay to itself. Because it is part of a bag of potatoes it begins to pollute all the potatoes around it. It’s the same with us. We live in a family. When we react negatively, live in self-pity, “fly off the handle,” or put on a miserable attitude, we affect everyone around us. We make them miserable too. They have to smell the stink of the rottenness.

Are you giving off bad smells or the beautiful aroma of Christ?

Love from Nancy Campbell

Read Romans chapter 6, Galatians 2:20; 5:24; 6:14; Ephesians 4:22-27; and Colossians 3:5-9.

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DontBeDisappDo you feel that no one wants to listen to the understanding God has given you about having children or other precious truths God has revealed to you? Don’t be disappointed. In II Chronicles 30:10-11 NASB we read: "The couriers passed from city to city . . . but they laughed them to scorn, and mocked them. Nevertheless, some men . . . humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem."

We don’t stop sharing truth because people ridicule the truth. We keep on testifying with sweetness in our spirit and a smile on our face.

Psalm 126:5, 6 says: “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubles come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” This is true in the natural, and also the spiritual.

You have “precious” truth that’s worth sharing and the principle is true that you will reap what you sow. As you are faithful to continually drop seeds of truth, there will be those who humble themselves and receive the truth.

Keep faithfully sowing the seed into your children’s lives and the people you meet each day. God does the watering.

Have a wonderful day, Nancy Campbell

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GreatWonderfulIn the last two posts I wrote to you we discovered that David wanted to build a house for the Lord that was exceedingly magnificent and of fame and glory. David never got to fulfil his dream because God wanted his son, Solomon to build the house. When Solomon began to build this house, he used even more adjectives. He confessed that he was going to build a “GREAT and WONDERFUL” house.

We are either building a normal marriage or a GREAT marriage. We are either building a normal family, or a GREAT family.

And what about wonderful? I love this word. It is “pala” in the Hebrew and means “distinguished, extraordinary, miraculous, astonishing, marvelous.” Wow, what a word! God’s Word is extravagant. It not only uses adjectives, but when we look up the Hebrew or Greek, we find even more adjectives to help us understand the word.
The first time "pala" is used is in Genesis 18:14 when God says: “Is (pala) anything too hard (pala) for the LORD?” Nothing is too hard for God. It was nothing for Him to give conception to Sarah when she was past the years of childbearing. Pala speaks of when God goes beyond the bounds of human powers or expectations (Exodus 3:20).

It is the same word used to describe the way God wonderfully and marvelously creates the baby in the secret place of the womb: “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: MARVELOUS are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well” (Psalm 139:14).

Psalm 111:4: “He hath made his WONDERFUL works to be remembered.” God’s works are wonderful in creation. They are miraculous in performing miracles. But His most marvelous works are the children He creates in His image.

Psalm 96:3: “Declare his glory among the heathen, his WONDERS among all people.” And so many more wonderful Scriptures.

The greatest wonders the world waits to see are harmonious marriages and happy, unified, strong families. When marriages and families are strong and stable, the nation is strong and stable. When marriages and family life are weakened the nation weakens.

Aim to build a WONDERFUL marriage. You’ll have to work at it. You’ll have to go beyond your feelings. You’ll have to press through into miracles. But with the power of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit you can see marvelous and extraordinary things happen. Proverbs 12:25 (TLB) says: “A word of encouragement does WONDERS.”

Aim to build a WONDERFUL family life. Don’t settle for the ordinary. Seek to make something marvelous happen in your home each day. Realize that often the little things are marvelous things—a hug, a smile, a forgiving spirit (even when you’ve been hurt) or making a “family togetherness” happen.

And remember, each one of your children reveal God’s "pala"—His marvelous, wonderful, and miraculous works. Your home is filled with the extraordinary wonders of the Lord.

Have a wonderful day in your home,

Nancy Campbell

PHOTO: Brooke Schultz | Portra 400 | Mamiya 645 AF

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LifeGardenIt’s easy to get hooked on negative and self-pitying thoughts, isn’t it? We must cast out these thoughts and acknowledge the truth, that Christ dwells in us. His life in us is love, rest, peace, joy, patience, and victory. In other words, we either yield to the flesh or the power of the Spirit who dwells in us. #nomorenegativity #nomoreselfpity #liveinvictory #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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AboveNormalYesterday we read how God wants us to build a magnificent home for him. But it’s not enough to build a magnificent home for God. Did you notice that we are to build an EXCEEDINGLY magnificent home? I love the way the Bible is filled with adjectives? Nothing about God is average and therefore the Bible needs adjectives to describe God’s plan for us.

The word "exceeding" in the Hebrew is ma'al and means "above, very high, the upper part." The word ma'al is translated "above" 53 times and "upward" 59 times! It means “above the normal.”

We must change gears in our brain from building a home that is like every other home around us. Instead, let’s build homes that are ABOVE the normal, above the mediocre, and above the status quo. Let’s build homes that not only subsist from day to day, but overflow in every area of our family lives. This is the lifestyle God intends for us (John 10:10). Let’s get out of the rut. Let’s get away from the boring and normal.

Sadly, in the average home today, members like to do their own thing. Each one going here and there, glued to their iPhones, or shut out from each another as they listen to other things on their earphones. But in the “above the norm” home, family members give time to one another—working, interreacting, and sharing together. They are a family unit, not fragmented from one another.

In the average home, there are more TVs in the home than children. The "above the norm" home has more children than TVs.

In the average home, most families don’t sit together at the family meal table very often. In the “above the norm” home, they delight to meet at the family table each day—to eat and communicate together. They understand that true fellowship is eye to eye and face to face.

In the average home, most families are so busy that they don’t get time to have family Bible reading and worship together. In the “above the norm” home, they make everything else fit around their morning and evening times to pray and read God's Word together.

In the average home, there is often bickering and fighting. In the "above average" home, the siblings are friends rather than fighting with one another.

In the average home, most families live to themselves. In the "above average" home, they love to open their home in hospitality. They love to invite others to share their meals. They enjoy food, gladness, and laughter as they share with others.

In the average home, they spend much of their time running here and there to sports and extra-curricular activities. In the “above the norm” home they spend more productive time at home. They continually think of ways to strengthen their family unit rather than weaken it.

It’s so normal to be average. Are you ready to go a step further and build an “ABOVE THE AVERAGE” home?

Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell

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WhatKindHmBuildDear mother, one of your great career credentials is that you are a builder. Proverbs 14:1 says: “Every wise woman builds her house.” What kind of a home are you building? Our aim should be more than building a home for a family but building a home for God. David had a vision to build a home for God and his desire was to make it “exceedingly magnificent” and “of fame and glory.” 2 Chronicles 2:5 says: “The house that is to be builded for the LORD must be exceeding magnificent, of fame and glory throughout all countries”

What vision do you have for building your home for the Lord? I’m not talking about building a mansion with elaborate and expensive décor. There are far more important things to build in your home than materialistic things.

The word "magnificent" is “gadal” in the Hebrew and means, "to make large, advance, exceed, grow up, increase, lift up, magnify, and promote." Our family life should never become stagnant. We should always be advancing and thinking of better ways to intensify the manifestation of the presence of God in our family lives. Always increasing and strengthening the quality of our family life. Always open to the increase of children. This is what makes a home magnificent—not the adding of things, but babies and growing children. They are the true riches of our home.

Every day we seek to grow our marriage relationship. Doing something to make it more magnificent and amazing each new day. Of course, this won't just happen. David worked hard to make preparation to build God's home. The Bible says he prepared abundantly (1 Chronicles 22:3-5).

Do you think you could aim to build a home that is . . .
EXCEEDINGLY MAGNIFICENT in the beauty of order and simplicity,
EXCEEDINGLY MAGNIFICENT in family togetherness,
EXCEEDINGLY MAGNIFICENT in the disciplines of prayer and love for God's Word,
EXCEEDINGLY MAGNIFICENT in peace and harmony,
EXCEEDINGLY MAGNIFICENT in joy, gladness, happiness, and laughter,
EXCEEDINGLY MAGNIFICENT in the manifestation of the presence of God?

Are you building an ordinary marriage or a magnificent marriage?

Are you building an ordinary family life or an amazing family life?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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ScreentimeI think that must be one of the greatest challenges that modern parents face. It is becoming the norm for even young children to have iPhones and iPads, etc. How do you handle this in your home?

I know some families don’t allow their children to have iPhones, period! Others allow them but seek to curb their time. But this can be difficult as it can be addicting. The trouble is that many mothers are addicted. I believe that parents themselves must guard the use of their digital devices or how can they be an example to their children?

A 2015 survey by AVG Technologies reorted hat one third of children said that they felt unimportant when their parents looked at their smartphones during meals or when playing together. Even replying to a quick text message sends your child the message that your phone is less important than he or she is.


I trust that you never allow digital devices at your family meal table. I think it is sacrilegious. Family meals times are some of the most important times in our homes. They are our “together” times when we all gather around the able to share and fellowship together. To allow our children to use their iPhones and communicate with others outside the home when they should be dialoguing with their parents and siblings is very disrespectful. I will not allow iPhones at our family table.

Many secular articles advocate lessening time on digital devices. Amy Morin from verywellfamily suggests:

1. No digital devices during family meals
2. No screens allowed in bedrooms
3. No electronics use during family fun nights


She suggests that families consider a digital detox for the whole family—perhaps a screen free night once a week, or even unplugging one weekend a month!

I think this can be a very good idea (for parents and children). It helps to save them becoming totally addicted. And remember, everyone survived quite well before iPhones. For generations! And they actually survived better—physically, and mentally. You don’t have to answer every text or message. You don’t have to check every ding on your device! You can use it to serve you, but never becomes its victim!


The Center for Parenting Education states:
1. Children under two years should have NO SCREEN TIME! That means any time in front of a digital screen, TV, video game players, household digital devices and computers.
2. Children 2 – 10 should have only one hour of supervised time.
3. Tweens and Teens should have no more than two hours each day, after all homework is completed.
Dr. Nicole Beurkens proves that screen time can be dangerous for our children’s mental and physical health. You can read her article by going to this link:

I’d love to hear what you do in your home.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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