Many of you have got to know my lovely granddaughter, Meadow, Pearl’s daughter. Recently Meadow and her husband, Kendall celebrated their third wedding anniversary. As usual, I love what she wrote, and she has given me permission to share it with you. Kendall and Meadow are currently living in Japan as Kendall is an engineer with Nissan. They are looking forward to their second baby in April 2020.

“Three years ago we entered this covenant relationship called marriage . . . how much growing has happened since then! While the honeymoon season was exciting and sweet and filled with so much joy, I'm so glad I'm not the same person I was back then.

I was an insecure wife. I had the most affectionate and loving husband who adored me, but that did not cure my insecurity. This was because my identity was in the wrong place. No matter how much my husband assured me, I kept buying the lie that many women believe these days that I will never "be enough.”

This past year, God has been showing me where my true identity lies. Even though it's wonderful that my husband finds me beautiful and loves me, my value does not come from what my husband or others think of me. It comes from what God says about me, and who He created me to be.

Now that I don't have to look to my husband to find my value and worth, I can just love him, truly love him. Insecurity is so selfish. Sometimes we think it's humility, but it's really keeping our eyes on ourselves, instead of becoming love.

A few months ago, I told my husband, "I'm so sorry I've been insecure for so long. That wasn't loving to you."

Marriage isn't about having your needs fulfilled by someone else. It isn't about finding your value. Marriage isn't even 50/50. Marriage is "I love you." It isn't "I love you; do you love me too?"

My husband is such a blessing to me. I'm still amazed that I got to marry him. I think about how much God must love me to give me such a wonderful gift as him, but that's exactly what he is for me. He's my gift. But I am only fulfilled by Christ. And when two people are fulfilled by Christ, there are no more false expectations you put on your spouse.

I'm so thankful God is showing me how to love Kendall more. I know I have more to learn, but He is creating a work in me.

Facebook: Meadow Hall
Instagram: _m_e_a_d_o_w_
Photo: Celebrating their wedding anniversary at the New York Grill in Tokyo.


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