GodBiggerWhen Jesus was moved with compassion towards the hungry people who came to listen to him, he asked Philip where they could buy bread to feed them all. Philip replied that eight months’ wages would not buy enough bread for all the thousands of people (John 6:7).

I think that would have been my reply too! Like me, Philip looked at the situation—they had no money, and even if they did, where could they get enough food to feed this multitude? Philip hadn’t yet learned to look past his situation and circumstances and look to his God.

Do you think we could change our thinking too? We are so prone to look at the difficulties or trauma we face. We think of the worst. But God wants us to look to Him. He is bigger than any situation that looms in front of us. When we look up to Him and trust Him, it’s amazing what happens. Our circumstances may not change but our attitude does! And that makes all the difference.

When you cast your burden upon the Lord, He will sustain you. When you can’t see your way out, don’t despair. Keep trusting God. Have patience. God is working all things out in His wonderful way.

Psalm 78:19 says that the children of Israel “spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?”

Can we change our confession from “Can God?” to “Thank You, Father. I trust You. I know You are in control.”

Have a blessed day,

Nancy Campbell


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