HalfMastWhat do we do with banners and flags? We hold them high. We don’t let them trail in the dust. A banner is a battle threat to the enemy. It is a statement of truth. It is a sign of victory.

Isaiah 13:2 (GNB) says: “On the top of a barren hill raise the battle flag!”

It’s time for us to lift up our banners. For too long we have allowed our banners of truth to drag in the dust. We have been silent while the Deceiver has used his operatives to brandish his deception across our nation—

• In the media (we are bombarded with more fake news than ever in the history of the nation).

• In our education system (our college students are brainwashed with extreme socialism and alternative lifestyles).

• And even in the church (where now even Christian couples often limit their families to two children and God’s mighty home army have left their post in droves).

We’ve got to live the truth. Speak the truth. And wave the banner of truth. This is the picture God paints of the bride of Christ in Solomon 6:10: “Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and TERRIBLE (AWESOME) AS AN ARMY WITH BANNERS?”

Psalm 20:5: “In the name of our God we will set up our banners.,”

Psalm 60:4 says (NET): “Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth.”

The NET translation says: “You have given your loyal followers a RALLYING FLAG, so that they might seek safety from the bow.”

Let’s rally to the truth, God’s word which is the banner of truth. Let’s not lower it to half mast, but wave it high. Speak it out at every opportunity. Write it to the world. You are on Facebook if you are reading this post. Don’t waste time on Facebook but use it to herald the banner of God’s truth.

No wonder Psalm 119:48 says: “My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved; and I will meditate in thy statutes.” We lift up our hands in awe of God’s Word, and we also lift it up for the world to know.

We are never ashamed of the banner of God’s truth.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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