LiftHandsBattleYesterday we talked about lifting up our hands in prayer and praise. I am always challenged by the incident of Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’ hands to win the battle. Do you remember reading the story in Exodus 17:8-13?

The children of Israel went out to fight against the Amalekites? Moses was up on the hill, holding up his hands with the rod of God. When his hands were up, the Israelites prevailed. When he got tired and let down his hands, the Amalekites prevailed.

Therefore, his brothers, Aaron and Hur, came and stood beside him and held up his hands. While they continued to hold up his hands they won the victory over the Amalekites.

We have “Amalekites,” haters of God and all that is pro-life, pro-constitutional, and righteous in our land. When Trump came to the presidency, I felt such a burden to raise my as we pray for him each day. I feel like Aaron and Hur who held up the hands of Moses. It’s only as we pray for our president that we can expect victory. We must hold up his hands. He cannot do it on his own. He is a mere man. It’s not my might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of God (Zechariah 4:6).

Can you just imagine what could happen in our nation if every God-fearing family prayed for President Trump and our nation every day? We would see mighty victories. We would see the down fall of the “Amalekites.” These great miracles can only happen by prayer.

So, why don’t we pray? Don’t we want God to move? Don’t we want righteousness exalted in this nation? Don’t’ we want our college students to be saved from the deception of extreme socialism and turned back to the truth and the original intention for our nation? Don’t we want a great revival of people turning back to God?

Let’s encourage one another in this greatest of all ministries.

Be encouraged.

Nancy Campbell

P.S. In our home, we have nine different PRAYER BOXES We use our Family Prayer Box each time and choose one other box such as our Israel Prayer Box, Persecuted Christian Prayer Box, Nation Changing Prayer Box, Salvation and Restoration Prayer Box, etc. We find these a great help in prayer.

Also, I have prepared a list of prayers that David prayed against his enemies. These are biblical prayers that you can pray against the enemies of this nation and the enemies of Donald Trump as they seek to make traps for him. If you are interested, email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I’ll be happy to send them to you.


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