EveryDayDo you remember reading about Asaph in the Bible? He was in charge of the music and was the lead worship singer and cymbalist in the reigns of David and Solomon. Heman and Jeduthun and all their families were also involved. In 1 Chronicles 16:37 it tells us that they were "to minister before the ark continually, as every day's work required." 2 Chronicles 8:14 tells us that it was their duty of every day.

As the priests performed the daily sacrifice every morning and evening, the singers and musicians praised and worshipped the Lord. It was their duty, but it was also their joy and privilege. These things all happened as an example and type for us today (1 Corinthians 10:11). It is our privilege to worship our great God, the Potentate, King of the universe. And yet it is also our duty for He is worthy of our praise.

Is this part of your every day's work in your home too? As we come together as a family morning and evening to pray, read the Word, and worship, I always feel that it is the very least that we can give to God. How small are these two times a day in comparison with the rest of the day and all that we do? Isn't our God worthy of our morning and evening sacrifice of praise the worship?

Let's not hold back the worship due to the great I AM, the Everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth and each one of us. Anything less and we are not doing our duty before God.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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