HappyNYI have never been one to make New Year's resolutions. I just keep plodding on from one year to the next. I know my purpose and it doesn't change from year to year. Of course, it often changes in the way I implement it, but the vision is the same:

To know God in a more intimate way,
To receive more understanding and revelation from His Word, and
To reveal and publish His truth in whatever way I can.

The above is not only my vision, but my greatest longing. I am sure this is also the longing of each one of you mothers--to make Christ known to your children, and then to all you meet. There is no higher calling than this, is there? But we cannot make Him known to our children unless we know Him first. It's not enough to know about Him; we must know more and more of Him. We will find more and more of Him in His presence and in His Word.

It's when we know Him that we can trust Him. It's when we know Him that we can endure whatever challenges we may face in the coming year. We hear conflicting information. I am sure you receive emails and information telling you that USA is in for a huge financial recession. That could happen, I don't know. Then again, George Friedman, a leader in the field of global intelligence states that the United States "grew at a rate of five percent in the third quarter of 2014" whereas Europe, China, and Japan have no growth.

Things could better, or they could get worse. Whatever is ahead, we must seek to live close to the Lord and to truly know Him. When things are difficult, we run to the Lord. When life is easy and affluent, we can often forget Him. I think that prosperity is a greater challenge than adversity. Whatever situation we face, let's press in to know God. Let's take our families with us pressing in to know God.

Good times or bad times, we will not be moved, for we know our God.

May each one of us come to know God in a greater way in this coming year.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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