bwmomdaughtercooking wI have been thinking about our great role of "serving" in motherhood. As a young mother I remember feeling "I'm just a jolly servant around this place." I was still filled with selfishness, and although I loved my children and loved motherhood, I still wondered why I had to be the servant.

As the years have moved on, I realize more and more that it is a privilege to serve. It is innately in us as mothers to serve. We only reject it because of our selfishness, and in the end we miss out. For God blesses us when we serve. We are fulfilled when we serve. We are born to serve.

Of course we all want to "serve the Lord." That's our greatest ambition in life. But, dear mother, when you mother your children and pour your life into making your home a sanctuary for God, for your husband and children, and all who come in to your home, YOU ARE SERVING THE LORD! This is your service to Him.

Yes, I know it's hard work. But, Psalm 100:2 tells us to "Serve the Lord with GLADNESS." That means "exceeding joy." The Hebrew for "serve" means "to work, to labor," the same word as "six days shalt thou labor."

The one who serves will be blessed. Don't expect to be waited on. Be happy to serve. Even as Jesus, the Son of God, "did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life" [Matthew 20:28].

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Here are some more lovely pictures for your to ooh and aah over as you end your lovely Mother's Day. Mothers and babies from all over the world.

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How would you like to look at some beautiful motherhood paintings?

They are all so beautiful.

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Dear Mother, As you come to the end of Mother's Day, you may like to take some time out and be refreshed by beautiful pictures and quotes about mothers.

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The Ultimate Career


 The Homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only - and that is to support the ultimate career. - C.S. Lewis

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Dear mother, You are blessed to be called MOTHER. What a beautiful name given to you by God. It is not only what you do, but it is WHO YOU ARE! However, I would like to remind you on this Mother's Day, of all the titles you have in your great career of MOTHERING. YOU TRULY ARE THE GREATEST! You are an . . .

Accountant, Arbitrator, Art Appreciator, Arrow Polisher, and Ambassador for the King of kings.
Bodyguard, Bookkeeper, Bible Teacher, and Bulk Buyer.
Career Consultant, Chauffeur, CEO of your Family Clan, Cheer Leader, Children's Pastor, Children's Best Friend, Childhood Psychologist, Creative Designer, Cultivator of "olive plants," Customer Service Representative, Coach and Child Development Specialist and Counselor.
Dietitian, Discipler, Director of Home Affairs, Driving Instructor, and Domestic Engineer,
Encourager, Entrepreneur, Entertainer, and Educator.
First Lady of the home, Fashion Consultant, Finance Manager, and Food Tester.
Gardener, Generation Builder, and Guidance Counselor.
Hairdresser, Happy Homemaker, Historian, Home Builder, Home Executive, Home Manager, Hostess, and Hygienist.
Influencer of Nations and Future Generations, Intercessor, Interior Decorator, and Investigator.
Janitor and Judge.
Lapidary (polisher of precious stones), Librarian, Life Giver, and Launderer.
Master Story Teller, Mender of Hearts (and knees!), Memory Maker, Mentor, Missionary, Molder of Children for Heaven, and Movie Critic.
Nation Changer, Nurse, Nutritionist, and Nurturer.
Personnel Manager, Professional Baker, Professional Chef, Professional Cleaner, Pediatrician, Photographer, Project Manager, Protector, and Purchasing Agent.
Queen of the home.
Recreation Director, Referee, Repairer of breaches (and britches!), and Restorer of peace.
Safety Instructor, Schedule Coordinator, Sculptor, Seamstress, Security Guard, Social Coordinator, Speech Therapist, Shepherd of your flock, and Switchboard Operator.
Taxi Driver, Teacher, and Time Management Expert.
Vacation Coordinator, and Visionary.
You are a Walking Encyclopedia, and of course, you are a WONDER WOMAN!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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MothersdayDear Wives and Mothers,

May you be blessed today and EVERY DAY as you pour out your life, strength, and wisdom to nurture and raise your children for God. You are doing such a great job. You have chosen the greatest career in the land. You couldn't be doing anything greater.

You are determining the destiny of this nation. Every day your pour into mothering your children, you are helping to build a strong and godly nation. And you are building for eternity. Your hours of motherhood, even though they may at times feel tedious and overwhelming, are never lost.

Motherhood is an eternal career. BE ENCOURAGED TODAY AND EVERY DAY. God is on your side. He is your Employer. You are working for Him and He is the One who will give you your reward.

Much love from Nancy Campbell

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Watch this amazing story. It is in English, by the way!

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It's time to brave and courageous in this hour. Are we going to sit back and condone evil, or will be brave enough to stand up against it? Are we brave enough to stand for our convictions? Are we prepared to be ridiculed for standing for truth?

Psalm 94:16 says, "Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" And Ephesians 5:11 says, "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather REPROVE them."

Love from Nancy

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lonely childI read some time back that "During the day the emptiest place in America is the home." Isn't that sad? Home is God's idea. He created the home to be a nesting place for families. He created the home for the mother to build a sanctuary to Him, to fill her home with love and joy, and to nurture her children in His ways.

God loves to dwell in our homes. He isn't looking for empty homes, but homes that are filled with children. He loves babies coming into the home. It is the right and privilege of every child to be nurtured in the home. A woman shared with me how she asked her little boy why he didn't like going to day care. He replied, "Because I didn't have a mommy." A mommy is the heart of every home.

When the children of Israel were sent into captivity in Babylon, the first thing God told them to do was to "build homes and dwell in them" (Jeremiah 29:5). That means to make life in them. An empty home can be very boring. A home filled with people--little babies, children, and teens is full of life and excitement.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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daughtermomtalking wEvery woman wants to feel preserved, don't they? What's the secret to this womanly longing? God says we will be preserved by mothering! That doesn't sound like the answer most women want to hear, does it? However, God doesn't lie. His Word stands true. When you embrace childbearing and mothering you will be preserved physically, mentally, and emotionally. The word "sozo" not only means to be "preserved" but to be "saved, delivered, healed, and made whole."

Contrary to public opinion, you were born for this role. It is your blessing. It is your glory. It is your safety.

1 Timothy 2:15 says, "She will be saved through childbearing--if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control."

Love from Nancy Campbell
Check out this link which gives scientific evidence:

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Guard against fear, ladies. There is a healthy fear which God gives us for our preservation and safety. But, so often we are plagued with unhealthy fears which comes from the enemy. One of Satan's greatest ploys is to tyrannize you with fear. Not realistic fears, but unrealistic fears.

Palm 53:5 says, "There they were in great fear where no fear was." The literal meaning is, "They feared a fear!" This is what Satan wants us to do. Fear a fear! And he is good and getting us to do that. In Job 15:21 it says, "The sound of fears is in his ears." Not a true fear--only the sound of fears! Only the suggestion of what MIGHT happen!

Remember, God does not give you a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (1 Timothy 1:7). Don't give into the phony doubts and fears of the devil that he puts into your mind. He especially loves to put fears in your heart about having another baby. Or, wondering how you could ever provide for another baby.

Fear stops you from doing the will of God. That's why the enemy uses fear against you. It immobilizes you. Debilitates you. Paralyzes you. Instead, fill your mind with God's Word and His promise. HIS TRUTH LIBERATES YOU!

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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One of the biggest stumbling blocks in a marriage relationship is pride. Pride reveals itself when we are stubborn and not willing to yield. It shows its ugly head when we stay on our "high perch" or keep our "high look" and are not prepared to humble ourselves.

Conversely, one of the greatest building tools in establishing a happy and sweet marriage is to have a humble and contrite heart. We certainly don't have this in our own flesh, but as we yield to the Holy Spirit, He will work it in our hearts. And you will have the favor of God upon you. And when you have God's favor in your home, you will enjoy all kinds of wonderful blessings.

Over and over again God reminds us that He hates the pride. Psalm 101:5 NIV says, "Whoever has haughty eyes and proud heart, I WILL NOT TOLERATE." The CEB translation says, "I can't stomach anyone who has proud eyes or an arrogant heart." Wow! God runs from pride so we won't experience His presence anywhere near us when we keep our proud heart (James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5;5).

But, who does God want to dwell with? Those who have "a contrite and humble spirit" (Isaiah 57:15). When we follow the example of Jesus and humble ourselves (Philippians 2:5-8) God comes right into our marriage with His mighty presence.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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God has planned for us to live in joy. He equates weddings with joy. He associates motherhood with joy (Psalm 113:9). He relates fatherhood with joy (Psalm 127:5).

When Psalm 78:63 talks about God's judgment upon Israel it says, "Their young women had no marriage song." We understand as we read this that God equates marriage with singing and celebration. The actual word in the Hebrew is "halal" which means "to celebrate, praise, shine, and to give in marriage." The word is mainly used in the Bible to praise the Lord. I love to be at a wedding where their is exuberant singing and worship to the Lord. I feel sad when I go to a wedding and there is no singing, don't you? That's not a real wedding!

God loves to see and hear singing, praise, and joy at a wedding, when two people are united together to begin another family. God rejoices. And we should rejoice. When God speaks of the blessing of God on the land He talks about "The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the Lord of hosts" (Jeremiah 33:11).

When there are no marriages and no feasting, joy, and the marriage song we are experiencing the judgment of God (Jeremiah 7:34; 16:9; 25:10 and Revelation 18:23).

If you are planning a wedding, plan the wedding songs of joy and celebration.

And, dear fellow wives, let's keep the MARRIAGE SONG alive in our marriage.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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What awe! To think that we are created in the image and likeness of God! God reveals His glory through His creation--through His natural creation, but ultimately through His highest creation of male and female. Every new baby that is born is another revelation of God's handiwork and with all the possibilities of revealing His likeness to the world.

In Hosea 9:11 God is judging Ephraim because of their sin and tells them He will take away their glory. What is this glory? He states, "Ephraim's glory shall fly away like a bird--no birth, no pregnancy, no conception!" Wow! Embracing children is the glory of the nation.

Dearest mother, your greatest glory is in your home, nurturing and delighting in the precious children God gives you. Training them and preparing them to also be revealers of God's glory--His love, truth, compassion, and salvation to the world.

Revel in your glory. Don't give it up for something lesser.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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LoveBeingMotherI know you love your children. But, do you love being a mother?

There's a big difference. Let me tell you a little secret. When you love and embrace your great calling of motherhood, you will begin to enjoy motherhood like you never have before.

Make this confession, I LOVE BEING A MOTHER, every morning when you wake. Say it out loud throughout the day. Tell your children, "I love being your mother."

Your positive confession will change your attitude and also the atmosphere of your home.

Love from Nancy

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Dear Ladies, In response to my post yesterday, THERE'S A DIFFERENCE, one mother wrote, " I love all the positivity about motherhood I read here, but it seems to outweigh the blurbs about loving wifehood. As a young mama who tries to keep my priorities of God, hubby, and children in that order, do you have any thoughts?" It's a very good question so I will address it.

Yes, it is our privilege and responsibility to be a cheerful, encouraging, grateful, sweet, and submissive wife. However, it's hard to have this kind of an attitude if you are not happy about your role as a mother, which takes up the biggest part of your day. If you have a negative attitude about every little problem, you are sighing and unhappy, and then complaining about everything as soon as your husband gets in the door, can you image how he feels? He'll be depressed and he won't want you to have any more children.

However, when you understand that you were created for this high calling, that you have been commissioned by the Ruler of the Universe to nurture these precious souls He has given into your hand, that you are employed in the greatest career in the nation, and you are embracing and loving motherhood, you'll have a different attitude. Yes, you'll sometimes feel overwhelmed and wonder how you can get through the day. But, instead of sighing, you'll rejoice and you'll confess, "Thank you, Lord, for this great task you have given me. I am working for You and for Eternity! I thank you that you are my Strength. You are my Joy. Hallelujah!"

You'll be absolutely amazed how your confession of truth changes your attitude. And when you have a smile on your face, your children will get a smile on their face, and guess what, your husband will get a smile on his face when he comes home! Praise the Lord!

Embracing motherhood is a prerequisite to being a joyful and happy wife for your husband. Just do the best you can. You won't get everything done in a day you would like to do, but do what you can with joy. All your husband wants is a happy, joyful, and smiling wife, but you'll have to be a happy mother first.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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1 John 5:19 GNT tells us, "We know that we belong to God even though the whole world is under the rule of the Evil One." We live in a world that is morally warped and spiritually perverted. That's why we need the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. That's why we need to learn to constantly yield to the Holy Spirit throughout the day.

Being born again is only the beginning of our salvation. God's purpose is to conform us to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29) and to transform us by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2). It is possible to have a "born again" heart but a "humanistic" mind. In fact, it is normal to think humanistically for we live in an unbelieving society and are indoctrinated by a godless and humanistic education system. The only way we can get our mind to catch up with our heart is to be renewed by the Word of God and the Spirit of God.

Do you think like God thinks? Or like society around you? Often we don't even know that we think like society because we are not filled with God's Word which exposes the deceptions.

What about our children? Are they being educated by our public education system? If so, they will be daily and subtly programmed to think oppositely to God's Word. It amazes me that believing parents are happy for their children's minds to be "renewed" in humanistic ideologies. Shouldn't it be our consuming passion for our children to be "renewed" in the ways of God so they will be confirmed to the image of Jesus? They will be "renewed" one way or the other.

What is our goal? To train children to be humanists? Or train children who will live according to Romans 12:2, "Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Love from Nancy Campbell

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whatsyourstoryWe love to sing the hymn, "This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior, all the day long." Is this truly our testimony? Or would it be more correct to sing, "Groaning and moaning, all the day long"?

It's easy to find things to complain about, isn't it? But, if we cultivate the right attitude we can finds loads to be thankful about. Let's look for things to be grateful about. Let's get into the habit of praising the Lord for every little thing, not just the good things, but the difficult things, too. We can have a praising heart even in the difficult things because these are the circumstances that cause us to grow, mature and become strong.

Which story will you have today?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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1 Peter 2:21 tells us, "For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps." We have been called to follow in the steps of Jesus. We love doing this when His steps lead us into easy paths where the sun is shining and there are no adversities. But, oh when His steps lead us into paths of suffering and hardship, that's another story. We are so prone to leave His steps and go our own way, aren't we?

Job, who went through so much heartache and suffering confessed, "My foot has HELD FAST to his steps. I have kept his way and have not turned aside" (Job 23:11 ESV). May we be those who will HOLD FAST to God's ways, even when nothing seems to be working out around us.

Often dear mothers complain to me about the negative comments they receive for homeschooling or receiving more of God's precious babies into their home. Some feel they can't go on because of the negative pressure. And yet, dear ladies, there are more than two million Christians being persecuted for the name of Jesus as this time. And they are not just receiving some negative comments. They are being tortured and thrown into prison--100,000 are martyred for their faith every year.

And yet they HOLD FAST in the steps of the Lord. May we be HOLDING FAST mothers, training our children by example to also be HOLDING FAST children in the ways of the Lord.

In His love, Nancy Campbell

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Above Rubies Address

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PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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