sword drillsDo any of you remember doing Sword Drill as a child? I used to do it when I was a child and then I did it with my children as they were growing up. It's a great way to help them get used to looking up Scriptures and finding their way around the Bible. They love it.

I used to get all the children stand in a line with their Bibles on their heads and hands by their sides (that's good posture practice)! Or you could do it as in the picture, or get them to hold up their Bible like a sword. I call out a reference (e.g. 1 Timothy 3:16) and say, "Get set, r-e-a-d-y, GO." Or you could use the word, "CHARGE!" They immediately grab their Bible and look for the Scripture. The first one to find it reads it out loud. It 's good to give some references from the Old Testament and some from the New.

Have fun teaching your children to use to use the "sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Ephesians 6:17).

Love from Nancy


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