I Have overcome the worldThe overcomers are those who overcome. We often lament the problems and difficulties we constantly face, but if we didn't have troubles and tribulations we'd have nothing to overcome.

I remember when my oldest son set out on a huge new venture and unfortunately lost millions of dollars. I remember asking him in the midst of these difficulties, "How are you getting on with all these problems?" He looked back at me and replied, "Mother, I don't have problems, only challenges!"

I think of all the cheerful challenges we have been facing this week on the Campbell land. On Monday, Arden (Serene's son) had an accident on his four-wheeler and hurt his leg very badly. He is currently unable to walk which it makes it difficult when he is responsible to haul the water for their home (he comes twice a day to our place to get the water), get the hay, care for the animals, and now that Sam is in China, be the man around the house.

Tuesday at our home no water came out of taps. When that happens we know there's a serious problem. But what a problems for? To overcome. Our water comes from a spring about a mile away. It took most of the day, with four helpers on the job, trying to find the problem. At 74 years, Colin was climbing up and down cliffs and all manner of things. Praise the Lord by the end of the day they had fixed it temporarily.

Tuesday night (of course it happens while Sam is away) the Allisons lost two of their cows. They found one Wednesday morning bloated and upside down with its eyes rolling back in its head--and its innards coming out. It looked as though there was no hope for this poor beast. But with Arden out of action the cousins (Zadok, Sharar, and Crusoe) got on the job. You've never seen anything like it. Crusoe put his hand right up its butt about four different times to relieve the pressure and put all the intestines back in the appropriate place.

They dragged the cow up the steep hill on a tractor, used a winch to lift the cow up and eventually get it back on its feet (all this taking a good long time). By the mid-afternoon this cow (that most would have given up for dead) miraculously stood up and is now walking and eating! All because some boys would not give up! They were overcomers.

I have also faced my challenges this week--and the week is not even over! What does Jesus say about all this? "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). We should not be surprised at tribulations. They are part of living in this imperfect world. We can be full of cheer in the midst of them because. . .

1) we have another opportunity to overcome, and
2) because the One who has overcome the world lives in us!

This is the greatest victory of all. How can we go under when Christ who dwells within us has already overcome?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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