TakeMyYokeAre you weary? Overburdened? Feel you can't cope? Jesus invites you to come to Him. He promises to give you rest. It's a refreshing rest. The word "rest" Jesus uses is translated "refresh" in other passages.

But Jesus doesn't give you rest by taking away your burdens and all the work you have to do. Instead He asks you to take on another yoke. Really? Yes, but this time it is His yoke. He yokes Himself to you and amazingly takes most of the burden upon Himself. I read about an old farmer using oxen to plough his fields. However, this pair of oxen were most unusual--one was big and one small. How could they possibly function when the yoke was so uneven? It was all to do with how the traces were hooked to the yoke in order for the large bullock to pull the weight for the little bullock that was being trained. In fact, the little one hardly pulled any weight at all as the big bullock took the strain

This is what happens when we take Jesus' yoke. We still have to face our challenges and difficulties but He takes the burden. He refreshes us even in the midst of all our overwhelmingness. He knows you can't pull the weight yourself. When two oxen are yoked together, they can do what is impossible for one ox to do.

Of course, you'll have to give up your pride and self-sufficiency. When you take Jesus' yoke, you are yoked to One who is "gentle and humble in heart." You won't fit too well if you are proud and stubborn and pull off in your own direction.

And when you take His yoke, He teaches you at the same time. He shows you how to do it His way, rather than your way. He not only invites you to come, but to come and LEARN. Little by little He changes you to be more and more like Him as you submit to Him. He leads you into a deeper rest, a rest in the very depths of your soul.

Dear mother, you don't have to stay in your stressed state. Jesus waits for you to COME. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. "And His commandments are not burdensome" (1 John 5:3).

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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HaveNoFellowshipAre you wrestling against the devil and his evil works, or nestling in his camp? Ephesians 6:12 says that we are to wrestle against the rulers of the darkness of this world. We have evil and deception all around us. What are we doing about it? Are we acquiescing or fighting? To wrestle means to fight hard to win.

We cannot be neutral. We cannot be tolerant towards evil. We must stand against it. We must fight and wrestle. If we don’t, we eventually succumb to the evil itself. Why are the evils of materialism, worldliness, feminism, socialism, progressivism, abortion, homosexuality encroaching on our nation? Is it because God's people are not fighting against these powers of darkness?

Ephesians 6:13-14: “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, too stand. Stand therefore…”The words “withstand” means more than stand. It means to “stand against, to oppose, to resist.”

Let’s fight, and teach our children to fight. Stand up and speak out at every opportunity. Pray together daily as families and fight these principalities and powers in prayer. If we don’t, the next generation will be assimilated more and more into the ways of the enemy.

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StrongTenderGod gives mothers an anointing of strength and gentleness. These attributes come from God himself, for we are made in His image and likeness. We see a picture of this in Isaiah 40:10-11: “Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him . . . He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.” God comes to rule with strength and might but He also comes as the personal and tender shepherd who holds the lambs close to His heart.

Tenderly shepherd your little flock day. Speak gently to them. Keep them close to your heart. But, also take authority over all disobedience and rebellion. The shepherdess must have sheep that listen to her voice and are obedient to her. Guard your flock from the enemy who wants to steal their souls.

God chose David to be king of Israel because he had a shepherd’s heart (Psalm 78:70-72). He loved his flock and fiercely protected them, sacrificing his life to kill lions and bears that sought to attack his little lambs. Such was his courage that he would take a ferocious lion by its beard and rescue his lamb from its mouth (I Samuel 17:34-36).

You are a caring and courageous mother.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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GodSpeaksGod speaks to us individually, but did you know that He also wants to speak to us as families? God is vitally interested in our individual lives, but He also sees us collectively as families. He designed us to live as families. Jeremiah 2:4: "Hear the word of the Lord, O house of Jacob, and all the FAMILIES of the house of Israel."

God wants not only you and your husband, but also your children to hear His words. This is why it is paramount to come together as families, evening and morning, and listen to God speak to us as a family as we read His Word.

We discuss together what He is saying to us a family. We learn together as a family. We press on in the ways of God together as a family. We pray together as a family. We do not leave our children behind.

As you pray together and hear God's Word together, you will be cemented strongly as a family.


Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Preserved1 Timothy 2:15 tells us that we will be “saved in childbearing.” Does this mean that we will be saved from having a painless childbirth experience? Some women experience this but it is not what the Scripture is saying.

The word “saved” is “sozo” and has a wonderful rich meaning. It comes from a root word, “saos” which means “safe.” That’s nice, isn’t it? But it also means “to be healed, preserved, protected, delivered, and made whole.” On a number of occasions Jesus said to people, “Thy faith hath made thee whole.” The word “whole” is “sozo,” the same word used in 1Timothy 2:15.

How blessed we are when we embrace the plan God has for us as women. We will be saved from deception, and we will be preserved and protected physically. Science is now catching up with God’s truth and more and more studies reveal that the more babies a mother births and nurses at her breast, the more physical blessing she receives. She is also protected from the epidemic of female cancers.

Thank you, Lord for your protection and care and for the perfect plan you have for your female creation.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

To check out studies relating to my post below, go to:

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FinishingLineSometimes you feel like fainting and giving up along the way. Zerubbabel felt like that too when he came back from Babylon to rebuild the house of God. The prophet continued to encourage him in Zechariah 4:9: “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it.”

You have begun building a godly home and godly dynasty. Don’t give up until you finish. God is with you now and will be with you all the way through! His plan is for you to finish your task and He will not forsake you until you have finished--and finished in triumph!

Are you overwhelmed with homeschooling? You’re tempted to send them back to school? That’s the adversary tempting you! Cry out to God for His help and don’t give into the enemy. You are going to finish your task! Do you feel you can't have any more babies? Why stop before the finishing line? God may have one more special baby for you. Finish your race!

I love the Living Bible translation of this passage: “Therefore no mountain, however high, can stand before Zerubbabel! For it will flatten out before him! And Zerubbabel will finish building this Temple with mighty shouts of thanksgiving for God’s mercy, declaring that all was done by grace alone” Zechariah 4:7). You won’t finish your great project in your own strength; it will be all by the grace of God.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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BuildingToolsI have always been convicted by Proverbs 10:19: "In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise."

The New Living Translation is even more challenging: "Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut."

How true it is that the more we open our mouth, the more we tend to say the wrong thing. It pays to watch our words.

After all these years I am still trying to get into the habit of shutting my mouth. This is my plan: if I can't reply with something kind or positive, I shut my mouth and don't say anything at all.

Can you join with me in this habit of shutting your mouth? On the other hand, don't be silent all day. Open your mouth to say kind, positive, loving, and building up words to your husband and children.

Blessings from Nancy

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GodIsCloseDear sweet mother, why do you cry?
Don’t you know that your God is nigh?
He is closer to you than your very breath,
He will never forsake you, not even in death.

He created you for His joy and pleasure
And has chosen you as a special treasure,
He has graven your name on His very own palm,
He’ll come to your aid with His mighty right arm.

He is your Source, He will fill your cup,
When you are down, He will lift you up.
You don’t have to stay sad for He is your Joy,
He’ll help you conquer those things that annoy.

God has given you children, which are your glory
To enrich your life and help write your story.
You’re in God’s perfect will, this is your calling,
He’ll help you each day and keep you from falling.

You can’t do it alone, your strength is weak,
Trust in the Lord and things won’t seem so bleak.
Look to the Lord, not the problems you face,
And you’ll be amazed how He’ll give you His grace.

A joyful mother is what He wants you to be,
Filling your home with gladness and glee.
Counting your blessings and praising the Lord
For His daily mercies and love out-poured.


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GodHealsThere are so many hurting people, not only poor people who are struggling, but those who are affluent, and yet their lives are broken and crushed. Their marriages are tearing apart. And again, some of these are in the church, and sometimes even in leadership.

And yet God is waiting to heal. He is the healer of broken lives. When Jesus went into the synagogue at Nazareth, He picked up the scroll and read from Isaiah: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he that anointed me . . . to heal the brokenhearted” (Isaiah 61:1-3 and Luke 4:16-19). The word “brokenhearted” talks about those whose lives are shattered and broken to shivers.

You may be feeling utterly crushed. Your life is broken in little bits and you can’t imagine how to get it back together again. Dear hurting one, God is waiting to heal and restore you. Lay your life before Him and let Him come in with His light, His love, His healing balm, and His restoring anointing. He will do it, little by little, if you let Him. Allow His living Word to heal you. Your circumstances may not change right away, but God will heal your soul.

You cannot cope unless your soul is whole. Let Him come in and flood your life. His love will enable you to forgive, to let go of hurt and bitterness, and to be healed and restored. He only is the “restorer of your soul.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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GodOrdainedDestinyIsaiah 49:1 is a prophecy concerning Jesus Christ, the Messiah: "Listen, O isles, unto me, and hearken, ye people, from far; The Lord hath called me from the womb, from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name." What a beautiful thing that a Messianic prophecy uses the words WOMB, BOWELS, and MOTHER. God is not ashamed to declare that He called His beloved Son from the WOMB of a MOTHER.

Just as Christ Himself was called and spoken by name from the womb of his mother, so God continues to call sons and daughters from the womb. From the womb they are created and called to a life of fellowship with God and service to Him. Life and destiny begin in the womb.

God has a plan and destiny for each one of your children, including one you may now be carrying inside you. What a privilege to carry God-ordained destiny in your womb. Isn't it sad when some mothers deny a life to come to being for whom God pre-ordained plans and purposes (Ephesians 2:10)?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell
This beautiful painting "Let Live" is by Krystal Dixon

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BlessingWombGenesis 49:25 talks about the "blessings of the breasts, and of the womb." Blessings? Yes, God says they are His blessings to us as women. But they are ultimately His blessings to the whole world for without them mankind would come to a screeching halt!

One of the meanings of womb is "a place where something originates and develops." The womb is the commencement of life, the beginning and continuing of generations, the origin of dynasties to come, and also the filling of eternity. Every precious life that is conceived in the womb is an eternal soul who will live forever. The power of the womb is eternal.

Woman is a compound of two words, womb and man. Every woman is a "womb man." Her womb differentiates her from man. Why, then do many women deny their womb? Close off their womb? Makes sure it cannot function? It is the deception of Satan who hates life.

Not only is the womb a nesting place of life, it is also the source of our emotions and our compassion. It is amazing that the word womb in the Bible is interchangeable between the physical womb of a woman and God's compassion, tender love, and mercy. When we embrace our womb, we not only have the privilege of embracing children, but the honor of revealing God's compassion and love to the world.

Embrace the blessing of your womb. It is very much who you are as a woman. Ask your husband to pray for God's protection over your womb.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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OutdoIsn't it the most boring thing in the world to get into a rut? You're stuck. You're going nowhere. This often happens in our marriage relationship. We go from day to day in the same old fashion. We are quite happy with one another and there are no problems. But there's no spice.

Sometimes we have to be stirred out of this rut. We don't even realize we are in it. The great thing is that you don't have to stay in the same old routine. Nothing ever happens without making it happen, but you can start making it happen. Hebrews 10:24 (NIV) says: “SPUR ONE ANOTHER ON toward love and good deeds.” THE LIVING BIBLE says: “LET US OUTDO each other in being helpful and kind to each other.”

I am sure you tell your husband every day that you love him. Even this can be a rut. Think of more exciting ways to remind him that you love him. Don't say it once a day--perhaps ten times a day and in all different ways. Prepare his favorite meals. Do and say loving and kind things to him that you never have before.

OUTDO ONE ANOTHER. If he is especially loving to you, find a way to be even more loving back to him.

Begin this fun stimulating one another to love and good deeds amongst your whole family. Encourage the children to be competitive in showing love and doing nice things to their brothers and sisters.

Can you imagine the change of attitude in your marriage and family life?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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MeasuresLifeGod measures every inch of your life. Not one tiny thing is overlooked. Even every hair of your head is counted.

God is not haphazard. He is not forgetful. God is perfect in all His ways and He measures everything. He is a measuring God. We read how God "measured" over and over again in Ezekiel chapters 40 - 47. I love reading about our awesome God in Isaiah 40:12: "Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?"

Dear mother, you can trust every tiny aspect of your life to God. Every little thing that happens in your kitchen or in the lives of you family. God has already got it all measured out. Nothing takes Him by surprise. It's all accounted for.

Forget worrying. You are wasting your time. God has it all in His hands.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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WhatIsMarriageOne man and one woman
Fused into one.
God’s plan! Is there a better?
There is none.

One body, one flesh—
One purpose, one vision—
One soul, one spirit—

What is the foundation?
Praying together—
Highest priority!
Reading God’s Word together—
Paramount for success.

What does it take?
Sacrificial love.
Yielding and submission.
No longer “me” but “you.”
Laying down my life.
Delighting to serve.

What is the fruit?
A union that cannot be broken.
A union that survives the storms of life.
A union that forges a path for God in this world.
A union that builds a godly generation
for now and generations to come.

What is the power?
A God-fearing family that is
formidable to the adversary!

~ Nancy Campbell

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StrongTowerWhere do you go when you need help and support? Where do you go when you don't understand why you experience hardships and problems? We usually resort to people for help, but the Bible tells us the ultimate source--the SANCTUARY.

Psalm 20:2 (ESV) says: "May he send you help from the SANCTUARY and give you support from Zion." The sanctuary speaks of God's divine presence. In Old Testament days God dwelt in the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle. Today we have direct access into His presence through the blood of Jesus. Let's get into the habit of going directly to Him for our strength and support--spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

We must do this individually, but we must also do it corporately as a family. We must lead our children to the Sanctuary. We must lead our children to the family altar each morning and evening. This is where they also find God's strength to fight the battles in this life.

Sometimes you feel confused and even in despair at what is happening in your life. You can't understand why you have financial problems and difficulties and yet everything is dinky dory for those who don't walk with the Lord. The psalmist wondered about this too until he went into the SANCTUARY. It's in the sanctuary that we see the eternal picture.

Psalm 73:16, 17 says: "When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me; until I went into the SANCTUARY OF GOD; then understood I their end."

When you go into the Sanctuary you will find your answers for God's way is in the SANCTUARY (Psalm 77:13).

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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BeABlessingWhat is the first thing God did to Adam and Eve after creating them? He blessed them Genesis 1:28). Our God is a blessing God. He loves to bless. And He wants to bless people through you and me. This was the task of the priests in the Old Testament, to "bless in his name" (Deuteronomy 10:8; 21:5; and Numbers 6:23-27). Through Christ's redemption, we are now holy and royal priests (1 Peter 2:5, 7) and we still have the same task. To bless.

Think of a special way you can bless your husband today. Think of ways to bless each one of your children. And if you have any more time after that (hopefully) think of someone else who needs blessing outside your home. Give them a call, write a beautiful card and send it to them, text an encouraging message, or make something special for them.

Make today a blessing day. And every day a blessing day in your home. Look for blessing moments.

Be a blesser.

Blessings to you from Nancy Campbell

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GetUpAgainDid you fall yesterday? Perhaps you yelled at the children or got angry with your husband. You may have blown it already this morning. You feel terrible. You didn't want to do it.

Dear friend, don't stay in the doldrums of self-pity. God is with you to lift you up again. He knows you are frail. He is a loving Father. In fact, our parenting instincts come from God. What do you do when your little ones are learning to walk? You stretch out your arms and encourage them to walk to you. But they fall. Are you disappointed? No, you pick them up and encourage them again, until eventually they run into your arms.

This is the attitude God has to you. Psalm 37:23, 24 says: "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholds him with his hand."

When you fall, He says to you: "Come on, get up again. I am with you. I am helping you. You are not doing this on your own." He waits with open arms for you to walk into His arms, into His strength and His enabling. He woos you to little by little change into the image of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29).

Proverbs 14: 16 says: "The just man falls seven times, and rises up again."

Blessings to you in your home today, Nancy Campbell

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TeachChildren"He who comes forth fresh form beholding the face of God will never fear the face of man. If we dwell with Him, we shall catch the heroic spirit, and to us a world of enemies will be but as the drop of a bucket. A countless array of men, or even of devils, will seem as little to us as the nations are to God, and He counts them only as grasshoppers. Oh, to be valiant for truth in this day of falsehood."

~ Spurgeon

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MySpiritGod established the family unit before anything else--before church and before government. God wants His Word to go forth into the world for it is only His truth that enables us to live in the full blessing of all the God has planned for us. How should this word go forth? The first way is through families.

How do we do this? Firstly by richly implanting it in the minds, hearts, and mouths of our children.
Secondly, by speaking it forth from our families into the world. In Isaiah 59:21 God tells us that He wants His word to not only be in our hearts, but in our mouths, and in the mouths of our children, and in the mouths of our children's children, and throughout all generations. This can't happen without speaking it out loud. We don't hide God's words to ourselves. God wants families to share His truth with the world--through the way the live as a family and through parents and children speaking God's truths wherever they go.

We are to be truth-spreading families. This is what we are training our children for. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians : "For from you SOUNDED OUT the word of the Lord . . . in every place" (1 Thessalonians 1:8). The NLT says, "The word of the Lord is RINGING OUT from you to people everywhere."

What do you talk about most in your family? Do God's words fill every mouth? Just imagine what could happen in the nation if Bible-believing families became living and speaking truth-spreading families?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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ByMYSpiritYes, you can. Not in your own strength but by the power of the Holy Spirit.

How do we raise godly children in the midst of an evil world? The Bible gives us many examples. We think of Moses who was brought up to worship the pagan gods of Egypt. For 40 years he lived in luxury and all the worldliness of Egypt. History tells us that he would have been raised in the royal harem along with other children of royal blood and trained to become one of the high ranking nobles of the land (or maybe even a Pharaoh). And yet the Bible tells that Moses "refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt" (Hebrews 11:24-27).

The early years he spent with his mother (three to five years), as she nursed him from her breast and daily instilled him with the knowledge of the God of Israel influenced his future life. Such is the power of a mother.

I think of Joseph who became next to the Pharaoh of Egypt in power. He married the daughter of the priest of On (one of the most influential and noble families in Egypt) who led the people in worshipping pagan gods. And yet, in the midst of idol worship, wealth, fame, and prosperity, he never forgot his family and his God--the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. His final destiny was not in Egypt, but with the people of God. When dying, Joseph took an oath saying, "God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence" (Genesis 50:24, 25). He did not want to be left in Egypt but wanted his bones to be buried in the Promised Land with his people.

I think of Noah who in the midst of corruption and violence raised children who refused to succumb to the temptations of evil around them (Genesis 6:9-13 and Hebrews 11:7).

We are raising our precious children and grandchildren in the midst of widespread deception, evil, and corruption where abortion is considered normal and homosexuality is being promoted as a "normal" lifestyle. Judgment is turned backward and justice stands afar off (Isaiah 59:13-15). But as you seek God for the anointing of His Holy Spirit to mother and train your children, to daily fill them with God's Word, and to pray fervently for them, you can also raise righteous young men and women who will not be lured by the deceptions of the father of lies. You can train godly children who will not be tempted by the gods of this world, but will stand true to the God of the Bible.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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