ChosenIsn't it amazing to think that Jesus chose His own mother? He was the Creator of His mother. The angel who came to her called Mary "highly favored" and three times she is referred to as "blessed art thou among women" (Luke 1:28, 42, and 48).

Catholics have canonized Mary, but protestants tend to ignore her. But although she was not divine and not a saint, but human just like us, she must have been very special. Let's face it, Jesus Christ who was God chose her. Some women are just born with a nicer temperament than others (some are more sweeter and others more prickly), but I am sure Marry was one with a beautiful disposition, especially to be THE chosen one. A. W. Tozer writes of Jesus, "Was there anything lovelier than to be the Creator of His own mother, to have made the very body that gave Him protection and bore Him at last into the world?"

There must have been times when she got angry, became frustrated, and gave into the flesh, but I am sure she had a more beautiful nature than I was ever born with. I am sure she was sweet-spirited and filled with compassion, patience, and longsuffering. We know she was humble and that is the most precious attribute God looks for (Luke 1:48 52, Psalm 34:18; 51:17; Isaiah 66:2; and 1 Peter 5:5).

She was a busy mother like us with many children. No, she was not a virgin all her life. She bore the weight of raising an average large family of at least seven children, could have been ten or more (Matthew 1:25 and Mark 6:3).

I cannot say "in exactly the same way" as Mary, but it is a truth that God has also chosen you to be the mother of your children. Our Omniscient God who knows the beginning from the end, who knows not only what you are thinking right now, but what you will be thinking this time next year, and who has known from eternity every child He has given you and will give you CHOSE YOU to be their mother. Yes, even the mother of that "difficult" one.

Because God chose YOU, you are blessed by God. Because God chose YOU, your children are blessed.

Mother your children today with the awesome understanding that you have chosen by God for this greatest of all works. And because you have been chosen, God is backing you all the way. He will never leave you or forsake you.

God bless you, "chosen one."

Nancy Campbell


After reading my post above, YOU ARE CHOSEN, I am sure you will love to listen to Serene and Pearl sing their song, CHOSEN. I know you will be blessed. For a free listen, go to:

It comes from their album, PEACE ALL OVER ME. You can download the whole album by going to:

Love from Nancy


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