LordIsKeeperWe are the only creatures who have the privilege of bearing the image of God (Genesis 1:27). In so many aspects of our parenting we show what God is like. Some of them we take for granted, but if only we realized that we were being like God Himself, we would embrace them more eagerly.

As we nurture our babies and children we unveil to the world His nurturing and mothering heart toward us. God is a feeder and loves to feed His people, both physically and spiritually. In the same way it is inherently within us to feed. We want to nurse our baby. We love to feed our children healthy food. We love to feed visitors and people who come to our home. If we don't, it is because we have been conditioned in a wrong direction.

God is our Keeper. "Behold, he that keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep" (Psalm 121:4, 5). We are also keepers of our home and children. The word is "shamar" and means "to hedge about, protect, guard." The instructions God gave for the first home were to work hard in it and to guard it (Genesis 2:15). It is a beautiful thing to be a keeper, guarding and protecting our marriage, home, and children. But above all, we reveal what God is like to our children and the world.

We constantly have to exercise justice to teach our children the way to live and to keep a sane and safe home. Once again we are showing who God is to our children, a God of true justice and mercy. Oh to be more like Him. We often find it difficult to know when to show mercy and when to show justice. But God is always just and His justice is perfect. God is always merciful and His mercy is perfect. The more we allow Him to teach us the more we will parent the way He wants us to (Genesis 18:18, 29).

God bless you today,

Nancy Campbell


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Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ