MyPhoneThe following are some ideas that I have found helpful in maintaining togetherness at our family meal table.


I believe it is important to train our children to come to the table the moment we call. Of course, they will know the approximate time of the meal and can anticipate it. They should also be in the kitchen at this time, helping with the meal and setting the table, so they shouldn’t be too far away.


The Bible speaks about SETTING the table. Proverbs 9:2 (CJB) says: “She has prepared her food, spiced her wine, and she has set her table.” A lovely set table draws the family to come. Use a tablecloth. Maybe even add candles or a centerpiece. This is not extra work for you if you train your children. Organize them to take turns and have competitions to see how attractively they can make the table.

If you are in the stage with little toddlers and can’t imagine the thought of washing an extra tablecloth, purchase a pretty one and cover it with clear plastic. All you have to do is wipe it down at the end of the meal.


Have you noticed that if you don’t prepare something to talk about, the conversation goes nowhere? It is often quite boring and shallow. When I prepare the meal, I like to also think about what we will discuss at the evening meal.

Ask the children a question (and make sure everyone at the table gets an opportunity to share their point or view). Or bring a subject to the table for them to discuss (and once again, make sure each one takes a turn to speak, even the youngest child). This changes your table time from nothingness to wonderful memories—or even a riot or a revival! I can remember when sometimes one of the children would stand up on their chairs with their fingers waiving to make sure they got their point across! Our table was never boring.

If you are at a loss to think of subjects, go to DINNER TIME CONVERSATIONS: http://aboverubies.org/…/797-family-meal-table-dinner-time-…


Although we allowed our children freedom to speak, we only allowed one at a time. We never allow separate conversations to carry on at the table. Everyone must be focused on the subject the whole family is discussing. It is not etiquette for some people at the table to personally speak to each other when there is a family discussion in progress. Children should also learn this etiquette for when they visit other families. They should give undivided attention to the focus of discussion at the table.


I do not allow iPhones at the table. The table is a time of family togetherness. We come to interact and communicate with one another, not other people who are not at the table. This is the height of rudeness!


I expect everyone to stay at the table until the meal is finished. That means staying until we have enjoyed Family devotions together—the reading of God’s Word and prayer. Interestingly, in the Netherlands, they call Family Devotions “Finishing up the Meal.” Reading God’s Word and praying together is how they finish up their meal! This also means not popping up and down throughout the meal.

I have found that if we begin to clear the dishes away from the table before devotions, it is difficult to get everyone back to the table again. Once they are up, they start disappearing. Therefore, we do not clear the plates away until we have enjoyed our reading the prayer together.

Many blessings to you from Nancy Campbell


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WheresFamYesterday we talked about the first question God asks in the Bible, “Where are you?” God didn’t come to Adam and Eve the moment they sinned. He came at the end of the day. The heat and toil of the day is over and a gentle breeze is now blowing. It’s the time to rest. It’s the time for fellowship.

Genesis 3:8 says: “And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.”

This is the time of the day God still wants to visit us and fellowship with us. It’s the time when we gather to eat together as a family. It’s the time when we sit around the table to fellowship and discuss things together. It’s the time when we invite God’s presence to our table. And we wouldn’t leave the table without opening His precious Word to allow Him to speak to us and to spend time praying and calling out to Him.

God longs to come to us. Do we long for His presence? Or do we hide? Just as Adam and Eve hid from the presence of the Lord, I believe many families continue to hide from God’s presence. This is the time of the day God established to specifically communicate with His created ones. We should make sure we are not hiding.

Unfortunately, the enemy of God and of our souls seeks to keep us from this daily appointment. He makes sure that all our extra-curricular activities are scheduled for this time of the day when we should be home preparing the evening meal and gathering our family together to not only eat together, but enjoy His presence. Sports and lessons all vie for this time. Instead of preparing for a meal with God and our families, many mothers and children are still away from home and fighting the traffic. No time to prepare a meal. Grab some fast food. Eat it while looking at the head of someone in front of you in the car!

This is not how we are meant to eat meals. We are meant to sit around where we can see one another’s faces and truly communicate. And even more than sitting together, Satan makes sure we don’t have time to read God’s Word together. He makes sure we won’t be home to pray together as a family, the most powerful, nation-changing, and world-changing thing we can do as a family. Nothing we can do is as powerful as praying together.

Don’t let good things prevent you from doing the most powerful thing. Don’t let Satan trick you to hide from God’s presence when He comes to be with your family in the “cool of the day.”

Love from Nancy Campbell

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DavidDaleidenDo you remember the fearless reporting of David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt who helped expose Planned Parenthood selling baby parts? Now, California Attorney General, Zavier Becerra has filed felony charges against them which could put them in prison for years. All for standing up for life and justice. Please pray for them and please sign the petition in their defense.

Go to: https://secure.giveworks.net/o…/save_pro_life_heroes/HUM6299

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StandLifeLike me, do you love to stand up for life, truth, and justice? Proverbs 31:8, 9 says: “Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.” Here is a petition you may like to sign to stand up for life. (I’ll send you two more inn separate emails).

Tragically, over 4,000 babies are aborted every day in our nation. That's over 1.6 million every year!

The Supreme Court admits in Roe that once Congress establishes the personhood of unborn children, they must be protected by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution which explicitly says: "nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property." Therefore, the passing of this LIFE AT CONCEPTION ACT can end abortion in America!

To sign, go to:

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FirstQuestionGod loves to ask questions. We notice that when Jesus came to earth that He loved to ask questions too. Of course, God always know the answer, but He wants to hear a personal answer from us.

The first question God asks in the Bible is “Where are you?” After Adam and Eve took of the forbidden fruit, they realized they had sinned. When they heard the LORD God walking in the garden they freaked out and hid themselves among the trees. Genesis 2:9 says: “The LORD God called to the man and said to him, ‘Where are you?’" God knew where they were, but He wanted to hear from Adam and Eve.

God still asks this question to you and me. “Where am I?” “Where are you?”

Are you hiding from My presence? My sweet fellowship? Are you too busy to hear My Word? Do you think My thoughts? Are you obedient to My ways or are you more in sync with society around you (Isaiah 55:8, 9)?

God knows the answer, but He wants you to answer Him. He keeps calling to us in the midst of this distorted and deceived society in which we live. He constantly calls us back to Him, His truth, and His ways.

What is your answer?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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A 15-year old schoolboy in Minnesota wrote this prayer:

For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.

If scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.

And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.

Our hair can be purple, orange, or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.

The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.

For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.

In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the State.

We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues, and cheeks.

They may outlaw guns, but FIRST the Bible,
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the “unwed daddy,” our Senior King.

It's “inappropriate” to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such “judgments” do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires, and totem poles.

But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.

It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns, the school's a mess.

So, Lord, this silent plea I make,
Should I be shot, my soul please take!


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LuckiestMy father was one of five boys who have now all passed away. I remember my Uncle Eion, the eldest son. He faced many challenged in his life. At one time, he owned the biggest house and biggest car in the small New Zealand town in which we lived. One day, this home burned to the ground. Later he became bankrupt. He also got diabetes, which resulted in the amputation of first one leg and then the other leg. During all these trials, along with many others, and no legs, he continually confessed with a smile on his face, “I’m the luckiest man alive!”

What problems are you facing today? More importantly, what’s your attitude? We determine our lives, not so much in the circumstances we face, but our attitude to them.

I remember one time seeking to comfort my eldest son who had just lost millions of dollars in a big project he planned. “How are you getting on with all these problems?” I asked. His reply? “Mother, I don’t have problems, only challenges!”

Be encouraged today from 1 Thessalonians 5:18: “In EVERY THING give thanks; for this is the WILL OF GOD in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

You certainly may not feel like thanking the Lord during your difficulties, but no matter what you feel, God’s way always works! And giving into your feelings never helps.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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SweeperWhat’s happening in your home today? Is everything piling on top of you--laundry, dishes, and teaching the children all waiting to be accomplished? Don’t despair, dear mother. Don’t look at everything waiting to be done. Just tackle one job at a time. Priorities first. But do each task with ALL YOUR MIGHT. Not half-heartedly, grumblingly, or lazily.  And teach your children to do their chores with all their might, too. Inspire this attitude in them as they see the way you begin each responsibility.

The Bible always shows us the way:

Ecclesiastes 9:10: “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy MIGHT.”

Colossians 3:23, 24: “And whatsoever ye do, do it HEARTILY, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for ye serve the Lord Christ.”

Colossians 3:17: “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.”

1 Corinthians 10:31: “Whatsoever ye do, do all to the GLORY OF GOD.”

Philippians 2:14: “Do all things WITHOUT MURMURING.”

Matthew 25:21, 23; Luke 16:10: “He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much.”

What a great day you will have in your home today as each one does everything with all their might.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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DemolishIt’s so easy to get burdened down with negative thoughts, isn’t it? I find that if I don’t discipline my thoughts they tend toward self-pity, “poor me, why do I have to put up with all of this?,” selfishness, and even my own pitiful thoughts about God which are not worthy of Him.

We must bring our thoughts into captivity for we live as we think. We mother according to how we think. The whole atmosphere of our home depends on how we think! That’s why God wants us to think correctly. That’s why He wants us to be transformed by the daily renewing of His living Word (Romans 12:1 ,2).

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (HCSB) says: “For though we live in the body, we do not wage war in an unspiritual way, since the weapons of our warfare are not worldly, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments (reasonings) and every high-minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to obey Christ.”

Are you ready for some warfare? We can’t hope our negative and unbelieving thoughts will disappear. We must take action against them. Demolish them! That’s right. The word literally means “to demolish, destroy, overthrow, and make extinct.”

Speak out: “I refuse these high-minded, deceiving, destructive thoughts in the name of Jesus. They don’t belong to me. I demolish them through the power of the blood of Jesus.” Now, go to God’s Word and speak His living words out loud. This is how Jesus overcame the enemy (Matthew 4: 3-11). Every time the devil put his thoughts into Jesus’ mind, He demolished them by saying, “It is written.”

Through the Word of God and the power of the name of Jesus you can have victory over your thought life.

Be blessed today.

Nancy Campbell

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insignificantI remember seeing a cartoon many years ago. It was a picture of a mother looking at the adverts in the newspaper. Around her were children out of control and the house in utter chaos. The caption read: “I’m looking for a job, I need a rest!”

This may be just how you feel sometimes. Dear mother, I want to remind you today that you already have the greatest career in the nation. I know it’s not easy. It has the longest hours. It’s full of challenges. Sometimes you feel so tired you can hardly see straight. But no job that is nation-changing, generation-influencing, and eternity-investing is easy.

And to top it all off, God is with you all the way through. He does not give up on you half way through your commission. He is with you to the end. David reminded his son, Solomon that “God will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD” (1 Chronicles 28:20).

God is also with you as you build your “house of the LORD” and daily serve Him as you mother and train your children. And did you get the message? He will be with you UNTIL YOU FINISH THE WORK! Yes, in all the serving in your home. Not half way through, but all the way through. You may feel exhausted along the way, but because God is with you. You will make it to the finishing line!

God’s promise to you in Hebrews 13:5, 6 says: “Be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Wuest’s Word Studies from the Greek New Testament reveal the full meaning of this Scripture: “I WILL NOT, I WILL NOT, I WILL NOT let thee down, leave thee in the lurch, leave thee destitute, leave thee in straits and helpless, abandon thee.”

Lift up your head today. You are not doing this on your own. GOD IS WITH YOU UNTIL THE FINSIHING LINE!

Be encouraged. Nancy Campbell

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12YrJesusDo you remember the account of Jesus when he was only twelve years old? The family came to the Feast of Passover at Jerusalem. On the way home, along with all the other hundreds of families returning from Jerusalem, his parents noticed Jesus’ was missing. They immediately returned to Jerusalem but it was three days before they found Him.

Where was he? In the temple, sitting among the teachers and doctors, asking and answering questions about his Father. What did Jesus answer to his frantic parents? “Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” (Luke 2:49).

What vision do you have for your children at this age--twelve years and moving into early teens? It saddens me that when they get to this age many children become less interested in the things of God. This breaks my heart. Statistics reveal that children who grow up in Sunday Schools rather than being in the main service with their parents are usually not interested in church by the time they are twelve years of age. They are influenced and conditioned by their peers to worldly things rather than pursuing after God.

Some translations of the Bible say that Jesus replied, “I must be in my Father’s house?” The Greek allows for either translation as it is only a definite article, not a specific word. I love the words “be about my Father’s business,” or “my Father’s affairs.” Even at this young age He wanted nothing else than God’s will. This was His consuming passion for life.

I also love the words, “My Father’s courts” or “my Father’s house.” He loved to be in the house of God. He loved to talk with and learn from older men of the deep things of the Word of God. This was his home. Do your children love to come to church, love to pray, and love to listen to adults sharing the deep truths of God?

What is the spiritual temperature of your twelve-year-olds and teens? Let’s pray intently for our children that they will become more passionate for God with every passing year, rather than less and less.

Bless you today,

Nancy Campbell

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ImProudMomEphesians 6:8 tells us: “Whatsoever GOOD thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive the Lord.” Dear mother, I want to remind you that you are doing a GOOD work. God tells us in Titus 2-5 that the “GOOD” things the older women must teach the younger women are all about the home--loving your husband, loving your children, and being a keeper at home. When you embrace this lifestyle God planned for you, you are doing a good work. When you nurse your baby, teach your children, prepare the meals, clean, and keep your house in order you are doing GOOD things.

1 Timothy 5:10 also describes the woman in the home--embracing and nurturing children, showing hospitality, and ministering to the needy. Once again it says these are “GOOD works.”

And what does God say when you do the good things He wants you to do? You receive your reward from the Lord. Be encouraged today. As you pour your life into building your marriage and your family, it is never wasted. God sees every effort. And you will not miss your eternal reward.

Live in the joy of knowing you are doing a good work,

Nancy Campbell

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SingSoulAre you rejoicing today? “Help, I don’t have anything to rejoice about,” you exclaim! Sometimes you can feel like that when everything goes wrong, insurmountable problems confront you, or you feel just plain lousy.

However, Psalm 89:16 inspires us: “IN THY NAME shall they rejoice all the day; and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted.” It is true that you can’t always rejoice in your circumstances or what is happening in your life, but you can rejoice in the name of the Lord. His name never changes. It is always constant. His name is holy. It is awesome. It is glorious. His name is Jehovah-Jireh--the Lord who provides, Jehovah-Rapha--the Lord my Healer. The name of the Lord is a strong tower into which you can run. And on and on.

And never forget that God has given Jesus “a name which is ABOVE EVERY NAME, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:9-112).  Every name bows to His name!

We never have an excuse to not rejoice in the name of the Lord. No matter what your difficulty, by faith, rejoice in His name. Praise Him for His glorious attributes Rejoice that you are called by His name.

“Rejoice in the LORD, and again I say, rejoice” (Philippians 4:4).

Encourage yourself in His name today,

Nancy Campbell

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FeedFiveSensesI believe it is important to feed the five Senses of your children at each meal time.

Sitting down to a meal is far more than eating food. Eating not only feeds a hungry tummy but includes all the five senses--sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Can I encourage you to think about this as you prepare meals for your family? It will bring such blessing to your children.


To dish up a meal on an un-set table is, I think, a sacrilege. It is even worse to prepare a meal and let everyone eat it at different times and wherever they want-- even in front of the TV. You can spend time preparing a lovely meal, but if it doesn't minister to the sight, it doesn't have a great appeal. On the other hand, you can sit down to a humble meal, placed on a table that is prepared with dignity and love and it can be a spiritual experience. Proverbs 9:1-2 tells us that the wise woman PREPARES her table.

Even young children feel the atmosphere when they sit up to a delightfully prepared table.

Perhaps you are a mother of young children and you can't imagine one more task during the busy supper time. It takes all your effort to cook a meal without the extra work of setting a table! However, obstacles are only in our mind. It doesn't take long and you can teach young children how to set a table properly. It is a basic task for them to learn and they will love to do it. You can make it a competition, as they each have their turn, to see who can set it the most attractively.

It adds a touch of class and delight to use a tablecloth. If you haven't time for washing tablecloths, purchase some clear plastic which you can place over a pretty tablecloth, or purchase some attractive plastic cloths you can wipe down after the meal. Add a candle, some flowers (even if they are wild flowers or weeds that your children find around), or a centerpiece to your table. Encourage your children to set the table beautifully, not haphazardly. It will make all the difference to your meal.

Did you know that we taste with the eyes as well as the mouth?

Make your food look attractive, too. Arrange it appealingly on the table in serving dishes, or on individual plates if you do it this way.


If you do happen to have TV in your home, make sure you turn it off during mealtime. Put on lovely peaceful music which you can have quietly playing in the background. Create a soothing atmosphere.


Hold hands together as you give thanks to God at the beginning of the meal. Create an atmosphere of togetherness and love.


This is a very important part of each meal. Use herbs and spices to enhance your food. It will not only taste better, but fill your home with tantalizing aromas. There is nothing like smelling the food that is cooking for supper. It really makes home feel like "Home, sweet home."

Did you know that God loves smells? The meat that burned upon the altar was a "sweet smelling savour" to God (e.g. Genesis 8:21; Exodus 29:18, 25, 41; Leviticus 8:21 and 2 Chronicles 13:11). I don't think there is any more wonderful smell than lamb cooking in the oven! God loves it too. I guess I say that because I am a New Zealander. It may not be the favorite smell of an American! However, you will have your favorite cooking aromas that you love to have in your home.


We wouldn't want to eat food if we couldn't delight in the flavor, would we? Make your food palatable and tasty. Be creative and make different kinds of tastes. Delight in the flavors of the foods God has created. We like to ooh and aah over the tastes of food in our family. I think God is happy about that. He likes us to appreciate what He has created.

You can also train your children's taste buds from a young age. Don't give them sweet foods when they are young and they won't clamor for them when they are older. Feed them healthy food, rather than junk food and that's the kind of food they'll enjoy. Don't even bring junk food into your home and you won't have trouble trying to stop your children eating it.

As you prepare your meal each evening, think about how you can impact the five senses of your husband and children. They will take these memories with them for life.

Enjoy making your meal table more special,

Nancy Campbell

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ColorNightWhen raising our children, I would try to do something different at the meal table one night a week. One of the things the children loved was COLOR NIGHTS. For example, I would choose a color and put up a notice:

"Tonight is RED Night! No admittance unless wearing something Red. Supper at 6.00 p.m. Please knock before entering."

I set the table with a red tablecloth, adding red candles, napkins, and centerpiece (red flowers if I could find them). I prepared red foods. There are plenty of foods from which to choose, e.g. beets, radishes, red beans, red hot dogs with tomato sauce, tomato soup, potatoes or rice colored with red food coloring, etc. For dessert, you could have lovely red fruits such as pomegranates, blood oranges, cherries, strawberries, watermelon, or red grapes.

You can also purchase red paper plates and knives and forks, etc. I would often wrap a little gift (something inexpensive) in red paper and put it beside their plate. The children loved these nights and we tried every color of the rainbow!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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MakeTableInvitingWhat are some ways you can draw your family around your table for meals?

1. Use herbs and flavors to spice up your meal so the aroma draws everyone to the kitchen.

2. Put a lovely tablecloth on the table. Change the colors of your plates and tablecloths from time to time so you don't get bored. Your table should look attractive. It may be difficult to have time to wash tablecloths when you have little children. But, you can purchase clear plastic to put over the tablecloth so you only have to wipe the plastic.

3. Set the table attractively and teach your children how to set a table properly.

4. Use candles, flowers, or a centerpiece. Create a lovely ambiance.

5. Holds hands together as you say grace at the beginning of the meal.

6. Turn off the TV and all other distractions. Talk and communicate together.

7. Seek to make every meal a LOVE AFFAIR.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

Painting by Polina Luchanova, born in 1977, The artist having tea with her family.

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EatTogetherIn a day when many families eat on the run, around the TV, or at different times, why is it important to gather together as a family and SIT AT THE TABLE FOR FAMILY MEALTIMES? Because...

1. The table is a GATHERING PLACE. There is nothing like food to gather the family together. And when we gather together, we relate together. And when we relate together, it binds us closer together.

2. The table is a COMMUNICATING SPOT. It's where we interact with our children and talk heart to heart and soul to soul. Fellowship and food go together. God didn't intend us to eat on the run. When Jesus fed the 5,000 plus, He made them first sit down in groups before He fed them.

3. The table is an ENQUIRING PLACE. It's where the children can ask us questions and we can ask them questions. We become part of one another's lives.

4. The table is a DISCUSSION ASSEMBLY. I believe it is as important to prepare what you are going to talk about at the table as what you are going to eat. Think about topics you can discuss when you sit down for your evening meal --biblical, spiritual, geographical, or political, etc. Ask fun questions and get everyone involved. Or, you can ask each person to come to the table prepared to share about a book they have been reading recently. Or, share about a person who has impacted this world. Sometimes, we have a general knowledge quiz at the table. Use your imagination to make your family table fun and exciting.

5. The table is a RELAXING OASIS. Ooops. I know that it's not often like that when you are still training little ones. However, be diligent to keep training for you will eventually reap wonderful blessings. Food releases oxytocin which is a calming hormone. Therefore as you gather together as a family to eat and share together, you relax. Isn't that great?

6. The table is a SPIRIT-FEEDING PLACE. We have to get a new mindset. The table is not only a place to feed our children's hungry tummies, but a place to feed the whole man--body, soul, and spirit. If we let our children leave the table before we have fed their spirit, they leave half fed. The physical food fills us up, relaxes us, and prepares us for the most important feeding, the feeding of the spirit--Family Devotions. A friend in The Netherlands told me that when she grow up her family called Family Devotions, "Finishing up the Meal." They didn't leave the table only half fed, but finished up their meal by feeding their spirit. Don't starve your children.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell, www.aboverubies.org

For further encouragement about your family meal table go to:





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AllStoriesThe moment of conception is the beginning of a human being and this great miracle begins in the womb of a woman.

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RightPeaceJoyIt is the rule and reign of Christ in individual hearts, families, the church, and the nation. Does your home and family belong to the kingdom of God? You will know if you are at odds with the kingdom of Satan. God’s kingdom is opposite to Satan’s kingdom. Neither the two do meet. If we fit in nicely with the world, we better check carefully which kingdom we truly belong to. We can only belong to one or the other and belonging to God’s kingdom will not make us a favorite with the world.

Satan’s kingdom is one of lies and deception; God’s kingdom is a kingdom of truth. When we are part of God’s kingdom we passionately seek after truth. We discern what are lies and deception and depart from them.

Satan’s kingdom is a kingdom of death; God’s kingdom is a kingdom of life. When we belong to God’s kingdom we embrace life. We open our hearts to the children He wants to give us (Matthew 19:14). We are life-givers and not life-stoppers. Life-stoppers are antithesis to God’s kingdom.

God has laws and commandments for His kingdom and we can only enter His kingdom on HIs terms (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). The devil’s kingdom loves to compromise God’s ways and preaches we must tolerate evil and never judge.

God’s kingdom is an unshakeable kingdom (Hebrews 12:28). When things in our lives begin to shake and fall apart around us we continue rejoicing because we belong to an unshakeable kingdom that will never pass away.

When we live in God’s kingdom we will not be moved by our circumstances or in a continual state of self-pity or depression because God’s kingdom is “righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Romans 14:17).

The kingdoms of this world will all pass away but we belong to an everlasting kingdom! Hallelujah! Doesn’t this make you shout for joy? Read Psalm 145:13; 146:10; Daniel 4:34; 7:27; 2 Timothy 4:19; and 2 Peter 1:11.

God’s kingdom is glorious and majestic (Psalm 145:11, 12). Because we belong to a royal kingdom, we are no longer normal. Because Christ dwells in us we bear the image of the heavenly. We walk in majesty and dignity. We die to our flesh and live the life of Christ which abides in us. God has “delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son” (Colossians 1:13).

May we each allow God to rule and reign in our lives and in every room of our homes.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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