IHaveHiddenIn Matthew 13:10-17 Jesus says that not everyone who has eyes will see and not everyone who has ears will hear, but then He says to His disciples in verse 16: “But blessed are your eyes for they see: and your ears for they hear.”

Are you training your children to have blessed eyes and ears? I believe this is a principle that we as parents must get a hold of. We can’t glide over it. Unfortunately, many children grow up in Christian homes with eyes that don’t see and ears that don’t hear all that God wants them to hear.

Yes, they hear a lot of stuff. They hear big doses of the garbage of this world system which is all around them-- the media, their iPhones, school, and just living in this warped society.

Are we training them to see spiritual things and to hear God speak to their hearts through His living Word? I have just finished reading a wonderful book, “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus” by Nabeel Qureshi, a devout Muslim who came to Christ. He didn’t come easily or quickly. It was a long and painful process because he was so ingrained in the Quran and the Hadith from the time of his birth.

He mentions in this book how Muslim children are infiltrated with Islamic doctrines at “family devotions.” Yes, he used the word family devotions. And yet most Christian families don’t take time in their day for family devotions. He talked about how their faith is forged into their very beings around the family meal table. Help, so many Christian families don’t even sit around the family meal table. If they do, it’s just to eat a meal, with no thought to speak God’s truths into the ears and hearts of their children.

I was also challenged when he said that Muslim children are schooled in Muslim apologetics from young children. He was trained in all the answers against Christianity and was surprised when he talked to Christians that they didn’t know the answers to the questions he asked. They had no depth of understanding.

Are you consistently and daily filling your children with the word of truth (Colossians 3:16)? Are you teaching them to have eyes to see and ears to hear? Or are they dull and glazed to spiritual things?

For what reason do you raise your children? Do you allow them to be slowly propagandized by the spirit of this world or are you constantly, daily, diligently, passionately, and thoroughly teaching them God’s truths? The Amplified version of Deuteronomy 6:6-9 says: “You shall teach them diligently to your children (impressing God’s precepts on their minds and penetrating their hearts with His truths).”

Above all pray over your children. Don’t allow the enemy of their souls to blunt and deceive them. Don’t allow them to grow up with insipid eyes and ears to God’s truths.

Amen and amen.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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