KeepOnToesTen of our grandchildren sat around our supper table the other evening. And as usual, we end our meal with family devotions—reading God’s Word and praying together. It was such an exciting time. Family Devotions do not need to be boring.

My husband loves to ask questions as he reads the Bible. It helps to keep them on their toes. Interested. Interactive. If he only reads, the children can soon get into dreamland! Even I can get into dreamland.

And the great thing is that children love to answer questions. The biggest problem is getting them to put up their hand rather than them all calling out at once as they are so eager to be involved.

I’ll give you a little sample as he read from THE DAILY LIGHT ON THE DAILY PATH which we use each day. We love this book as it is only the pure Word of God with Scriptures put together on a certain theme. My husband read about 10 Scriptures, but this is just a few of the questions:

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD; though your sins be as . . .” “What’s the word?” “Scarlet” one of them remembered. “They shall be as . . .” “White as snow” answered another. “Though they be red like . . .” “Crimson” yelled another. Oops! They were meant to put up their hand! “They shall be as . . . “ Something starting with ‘w.’” Yes, one of them got it – “Wool.” (Isaiah 1:18).

The children love to fill in the blanks. And they remember the words far more than if you only read the words to them. And if your children know the words you know they are getting the Word into their hearts. If they don’t know the words, they need a lot more FILLING of the Word.

“I, even I, am he that . . . out thy transgressions.” “What does God do with our sins when we repent of them? It’s starts with B.” Yes, one of the older ones knew it. “Blotted.” (Isaiah 43:25). You could then ask the children what happens when God blots out our sins.

“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the . . . (three words).” Yes, one of the older ones knew it. “Washing of regeneration.” And something else. “and . . .” “Another three words. It starts with ‘r.’” Yes, they were doing so well. One of them got it: “renewing of the Holy Ghost.” (Titus 3:5, 6).

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, who . . .” “What comes next?” It begins with “f.” Yes, Isaiah got it: “Forgiveth all thine iniquities.” (Psalm 103:2, 3).

I wish you could have been with us to see their excitement. They were all so eager and trying to be the winner. And they will remember so much more of the reading by participating than sitting like stuffed ducks!

Make your Family Devotions exciting.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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