Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


How often does the name of Jesus fall from your lips during the day? How often do your children utter the name of Jesus? His name brings salvation. His names brings healing. His name brings delieverence. Acts 4:12 says, “Neither is there salvation in any other:  for there is none other name under heaven given among men, where by we must be saved.” I love the words of the old hymn by John Newton,

How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds in a believer’s ear!
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, and drives away his fear.

It makes the wounded spirit whole, and calms the troubled breast;
’Tis manna to the hungry soul, and to the weary, rest.

Speak His name often today.

Love from Nancy
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God says, “I will come!”

Do you want God to come to you? He comes into your life when you invite Him (Revelation 3:20). He comes to deliver you when you cry out to Him (Romans 10:13). He is coming again to take us to His eternal home (John 14:1-3).

But there is another way He comes. Romans 9:9 says, “For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sarah shall have son.” Sarah did not have a son of her own accord. God had to come first! We cannot have conception without God coming! God comes to you when you conceive a baby!

How amazing, awesome and incredible to think back on the times when God visited you and you conceived a baby by His will and power. And He may come to you again!

Love from Nancy
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“His name shall be called… Wonderful” (Isaiah 9:6). God cannot be fathomed. He is mysterious (Job 11:7-10). Judges 13:18 says His name is “secret.” We should always be in awe of God and teach our children to have this awe and wonder of Him. May God save us from ever putting Him in a box or allowing our children to put Him in a box.

“Wonder” is an emotion that God has given to us. Firstly in relation to Him, and then regarding creation and life. Even daily life. Sadly, many have lost the emotion of “wonder” today. Their brains have been so stimulated with the media and iphones, ipads, and ipods that they have no room left in their brains for “wonder” and expectation in life. Little children are born with this wonder. Encourage it in your children, and give daily opportunities for it. I love the lines of Sara Teasdale, “Children’s faces looking up, Holding wonder like a cup.”

Live in the expectation of wonder today.

Love from Nancy
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John 1:14 tells us, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” What an amazing fact that Jesus Christ, the Son of God became flesh and lived in this world. Even more amazing is that Jesus Christ still wants to become flesh and dwell in this world. He now dwells in His redeemed saints.

How did He reveal His glory? Jesus came “full of grace and truth.” He wants to manifest His grace and truth through me. And through you--in your home, as you daily interact with your children. He wants us to be messengers of His truth, never compromising. But He also wants us to walk in grace, showing compassion and undeserving love even when people do not accept the truth.

Dear Mother, ask God to show you how to walk in “grace and truth” as you train your children. Truth on its own can become legalistic; grace on its own becomes sloppy and does more harm to our children. Ask God to give you the balance and to work these

Love from Nancy
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Although Ruth the Moabitess was a foreigner to Israel, she earned the testimony of being known as a “virtuous woman”—a woman of valor, strength and courage. Boaz confessed, “All the city knows thee for a bride worth the winning” (Ruth 3:11 Knox).

Mother, we have the privilege of training daughters to be a “bride worth the winning.” What a wonderful vision. Many young women today are not ready for marriage. They have been educated for the market place instead of the high calling of motherhood and managing a home. But we can prepare daughters who understand their destiny and know that embracing children and establishing a godly family is the highest privilege upon which a woman can embark.

We are not only preparing a “bride worth the winning”, but a “nation strengthener.”

Love from Nancy
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Would you like to know my favorite Scripture? It is Isaiah 26:3-4, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.” Because it is a favorite, I have memorized it, so it is always with me.

What is perfect peace? The true Hebrew rendering is “peace, peace,” meaning a double portion of peace. It is God’s peace which is undisturbable. Don’t you love that? Nothing, no matter how traumatic, disturbs God! And because He is your God, and dwells in you, you can also live in this kind of peace.

But there are two things you have to do:

1) Focus your thoughts upon the Lord. If all your thoughts are upon your problem and the trauma you are facing, you will not experience peace.

2) Trust totally in the Lord. If your trust is in man or trying to solve your problem with your own limited capacity, you will continue to live in stress. Try God’s way.

Love from Nancy
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Proverbs 10:21 says, “The lips of the righteous feed many.” I long for this to be my testimony, but in order to have feeding lips, I must first feed my soul. I want God’s Word to not only be in my heart but in my mouth, ready to feed whoever is around me. All mothers need feeding lips. Not only do we have hungry bodies to feed, but hungry souls and spirits too.

What a tragic thing to be faithful to feed our children’s bodies so they are robust and strong and yet they grow up with tiny starved souls and spirits. Our children’s “inner man” needs feeding as much or more than their “outer man.” I like to tell my children the statement I read of a great Chinese Christian who confessed, “No Bible; no breakfast!” He would never feed his physical body until he first fed his spirit.

Be a “lip feeder” today. Richly feed your children and those around you with wisdom and truth.

Love from Nancy
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How much laughter fills your home? I’m sure the children are always laughing, but what about you and your husband? Statistics say that children laugh up to 300– 400 times a day whereas most adults only laugh about 15 times a day. I wonder if some adults laugh that much!

I know that the stress of each day limits laughter, but is it because we are taking the stress on ourselves instead of walking in the strength and rest of the Lord?

The Bible is correct when it says in Proverbs 17:22, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” I am sure that the more we laugh, the healthier we’ll be.

Laughter reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, boosts the immune system and releases endorphins. Laugh at your children. Laugh at the little things that happen. Laugh at yourself. Enjoy the life God has given you in your home.

Love from Nancy
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Did you know that God wants each new generation to learn how to fight? He left enemies in the land of Israel so that each new generation of Israelites could be taught the art of war (Judges 3:1-3).

While we are on this earth, we will always be in a battle. We are in a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness, truth and deception and light and darkness. We must know how to fight these daily battles, but we must also teach our children how to fight the enemy. If we do not teach the strategies of warfare against the enemy, they will fall prey to his attacks.

We want to raise children who can fight the enemy and will still be standing after the fight! Read 2 Corinthians 10:4-5; Ephesians 6: 10-18 and 2 Timothy 2:3-4.

Love from Nancy
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“Ye are the children of the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 14:1). What does that mean? I am a redeemed, blood bought child of the King of the universe. Not any king, but the King of kings. I am royalty. You are royalty. Therefore we should live like royalty. The Knox translation says, “Learn to carry yourselves as the children of the Lord your God.”

Do you speak like royalty--like a daughter of the King of kings? Do you walk like a daughter of royalty? Do you dress like a daughter of the King of kings? That means modestly, but also beautifully. You won’t see a princess in drab, dreary clothes. Do you live in every way like a daughter of the King?

Are you teaching your daughters to carry themselves as daughters of the King? Acknowledge who you are and live accordingly.

Love from Nancy
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I am sure I don’t have to remind you that mothering is hard work! It’s how it’s meant to be.

When God put Adam and even in the garden home, he gave them work to do—and that was before the fall of man. Don’t despise that your career takes work!

Work is a blessing. Work is therapeutic. Work releases creativity.

God told the first couple to “dress” the garden. The word in the Hebrew is avad and means to “work until weary, to be fatigued.”

God reiterates the same theme in the New Testament in 1 Timothy 5:10 where He tells us that feeding and raising children is a “good work.” The Greek word is ergon and means, “work that is not accomplished by a single act but by accumulated labor and continued work.” That sounds like daily mothering, doesn’t it?

Rejoice as you work. Sing while you work. You are in the perfect will of God.

Love from Nancy
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I was amazed to read about some of the sons of Israel. 1 Chronicles 12:14-15 NASB says, “The sons of Gad were captains of the army; he who was least was equal to a hundred and the greatest to a thousand. These are the ones, who crossed the Jordan… when it was overflowing all its banks and they put to flight all those in the valleys, both to the east and to the west.”

What a vision! To raise a son who is equal to a hundred men! Or even a son who is equal to a thousand other men! In 1 Chronicles 26:29-31 we read about “capable men” and also “men of outstanding capability.”

Don’t aim for raising sons and daughters that are status quo and like everyone else around. Aim your vision higher. Educate children who will think like God thinks instead of the “dumbing down” spirit of this world. Raise sons who will “know their God” and who will be “strong, and do exploits” (Daniel 11:32).

Love from Nancy
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How blessed we are to have the gift of life. How blessed we are as mothers to have the privilege of bringing life into the world, not only life for this earth, but for the eternal realm. We were created to be life-givers. To cooperate with God to bring into this life an eternal soul who will live forever is a privilege beyond any other.

Life-giving is our glory. We teach our children the wonder of life. We teach them the preciousness and value of life, from conception to the grave. We teach them how to enjoy life. We speak life-giving words to our husband and children and everyone we meet. We prepare our family life-giving foods.

We delight in life because “Christ who is our life” dwells in us (Colossians 3:4).

Love from Nancy
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Nehemiah faced persecution on every hand. His adversaries tried every way to stop him build up the gates and wall of Jerusalem that were broken down.

You are also in a building program and the adversary, the devil does not want you to succeed in building either. He wants your marriage and family weakened.

But what did Nehemiah do? In Nehemiah 6:9 he says, “They all made us afraid, saying, Their hands shall be weakened from the work, that it be not done. Now therefore, O God, strengthen my hands.” Instead of caving in to their plots against him, he cried out to God for strength to continue.

The Knox translation says, “I pressed on the harder.” The more his enemies came against him, the more he determined to finish the task. The Moffat’s translation says, “I applied myself with greater energy.”

When everything is coming against you, don’t give in. Press on harder in God’s strength.

Love from Nancy
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Psalm 53:5 says, “There they were in great fear, where no fear was.” The margin of my Bible says, “They feared a fear.”

One of Satan’s greatest tactics is to bind us up with fear even when there is no valid reason for the fear. These deceptive fears immobilize you from fulfilling God’s plan for your life. They debilitate you.

Society fills women with deceptive fears. “It would be dangerous to have a baby in my forties!” I beg your pardon. You are in your child-bearing years until you reach menopause.

“I may have a Down syndrome baby.” And you may not, so what are you fearing? And if you did (which can happen to a mother of any age), this child would be your greatest blessing.

“I’ve had two c-sections and my doctor says I can’t have any more.” There are many mothers who have seven and eight c-sections and their womb is still as great as ever.

The “fears of a fear” keep coming. Will you give into them or trust in God?

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Michelle, thank you for your great post.

I have just read William Barclay's translation of Romans 8:5-6, "Those who have allowed their lower nature to become the rule of their lives have an attitude to life which is dominated by their lower nature; those who have taken the Spirit as the rule of their lives have an attitude to life which is dominated by the Spirit."

Oh to let the Holy Spirit dominate our lives. When the Holy Spirit dominates our lives, our marriage will be dominated by the Holy Spirit and our home will be dominated by the Holy Spirit. How wonderful.

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Moses prayed in Psalm 90:17, “Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us.” We would all like to be beautiful, wouldn’t we?

We imagine our self beautiful, even if we aren’t. Beauty is delightful to behold. In fact, “delight” is the meaning of this word in this Scripture.

More than anything else, God wants His beauty to be upon us. He wants our children to learn of His beauty and character as they watch our lives. He wants the world to see His beauty through us for this is the way He has planned for them to get a glimpse of Him.

His beauty is His presence in our lives. I love to pray these lines…

"Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me, All his wondrous passion and purity. O thou Spirit Divine, all my nature refine, ‘Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me."

Love from Nancy
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You are pregnant! But you are scared to tell your parents or parents-in-law! You know you’ll get a negative reaction (or maybe even a violent reaction)!

Can I encourage you that you only have to get through the next few months, for when your precious baby is born, their hearts will change. No one can resist a baby!

Your parents and friends have this negative reaction because they have been educated to have this response.

Society, the media and the education system all teach that you shouldn’t have too many babies and should instead give your lives to careers and jobs that you will leave behind and will have no impact on the nation or eternity! Their minds have been conditioned to believe lies from Satan who hates life.

But don’t despair. They’ll love your baby when he or she comes.

And every new baby is a revelation of God’s truth and God’s kingdom which is a kingdom of life. You are helping to establish the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven.

Love from Nancy
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The Bible gets it right every time. Before science ever discloses a truth, God has already established it. Here’s another maxim that God established from the beginning, “For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23).

You can’t get away from it. What you think is how you live. Are your thoughts full of self-pity? Don’t expect to rise up out of your pit.

Are your thoughts filled with selfishness and how everything should revolve around you? Expect to stay miserable.

Do you harbor anger and bitterness in your heart toward your husband or anyone else? You are on the way to self-destructing.

There’s only one way out. Change your thought patterns. Change them to what God says about you. Meditate in God’s Word and make it your confession. Think love. Think forgiveness. Think of blessing people. Think of how to make your husband and children happy. Think joy. Think peace.

Think God’s thoughts and you are on the way to life and victory.

Love from Nancy
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One of God’s attributes is kindness.

The Hebrew word is chesed which is one of the most powerful words in the Old Testament. The meaning is much bigger than our English word of kindness. It means unfailing love, benevolence, goodness, grace which we don’t deserve, mercy, loyalty and strength.

The amazing thing is that God wants us to reveal His same chesed kindness to one another. It gets even more personal when we read the description of the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31:26, “She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.” Yes, the word is chesed.

Can you imagine what our homes would be like if we daily, and constantly, demonstrated and spoke words of kindness to our husband and children?

Love from Nancy
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Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ