Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


mom reading to kidsLife is not perfectly calm when you have little ones around you. Sometimes they get beside themselves and begin to act out very negatively. The worse they get, the more frustrated you get until you are ready to shout and yell, or spank them all!

But wait a minute. Before you scream, try an alternative. There are better options to calm them down.

"Children, Mommy is going to give you a surprise! I want you all to hide behind the sofa and wait. No one looking!" Then arrange a little plate for each one with perhaps cut apples, pieces of cheese, raisins, a cookie you have made, or whatever they like. Make them into the shape of a smiley face.

"Okay, children, come for your surprise!" Although it is only simple, a little surprise and a little food in their stomachs makes a huge difference.

"Come children, let's read a story." Gather the children all around you, cuddle them up tight, and read a couple of stories to them. I found that this never failed to calm my children. Can you guess that we had story time quite frequently throughout the day?

"Children, let's go outside for a little walk." Take them all out to look at the birds, the butterflies, or any insects, lizards, or salamanders you can find. Ten to fifteen minutes outside will also change their behavior and they'll come inside with refreshed spirits.

Sometimes when a child, or all the children, are bouncing off the walls, we forget that they may be tired and no longer know how to control themselves. Perhaps they just need a sleep.

With most of these little alternatives, you have to stop what you are doing! That's the secret. Children become more difficult to handle when you are engrossed in something you are doing. To stop and spend a little time with them makes all the difference.

Love from Nancy Campbell

readingMomYou may have tangible wealth untold;

Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.

Richer than I you can never be--

I had a Mother who read to me.

~ The Reading Mother by Strickland Gillilan

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Having A BabyIt’s been confirmed! How exciting!
This is the most wonderful experience that can ever happen to you.
Check out what God says about you and your baby.

1. You have been VISITED BY GOD. Conception is a divine visitation. When Sarah conceived the Bible tells us God visited her (Geneses 21:1). After Hannah dedicated Samuel to God and took him to the temple 1 Samuel 2:21 tells us that God visited Hannah and gave her five more children.

2. You are the recipient of a PRECIOUS GIFT from the hand of God. It is God who has begun the life of this child with in you. It is His gift to you (Genesis 33:5; 1 Chronicles 25:5; Psalm 127:3 and Isaiah 8:18).

3. You are CHOSEN by God to be the one to nurture this child within your womb and to bring it forth into the world. On God’s behalf, He has chosen you to prepare and mold this life for heaven (Malachi 2:15).

4. You are receiving a REWARD from the Lord (Psalm 127:3).

5. You are BLESSED and will continue to be blessed as this child is born and brings you great joy and delight (and especially as you fill your quiver and the chairs around your table!) (Genesis 1:22,28; 49:25; Deuteronomy 7:12-14; 28:4,11; 1 Chronicles 26:4-5; Psalm 112:1-2; 127:5 and 128:3-4).

6. Your body is the sanctuary where a life is being “fearfully and wonderfully” made and “intricately fashioned.” You are the nurturer of a life that God is CREATING (Psalm 139:14-15.)

7. God CARES for your unborn baby. He has already written a book, planning and recording every day of your child’s future life (Psalm 139:16).

8. You have an ARROW in the making to put in your quiver (Psalm 127:4). And God has chosen you to be the one to polish and sharpen this arrow to accomplish great things for Him

9. You have a little OLIVE PLANT growing in your womb, who will one day bless and grace your table (Psalm 128:3).

10. You are FRUITFUL which is always a sign of God’s blessing. (Genesis 1:28; 9:1,7; Leviticus 26:3,9; Psalm 128:3—cf Genesis 17:6,20; 28:3 and 35:11).

11. You have within your womb a potential PROCLAIMER of God’s testimonies and ways (Psalm 78:5-7).

12. You are preparing a CROWN to give to your parents (Proverbs 17:6 and Ruth 4:14-17).

13. You are WELCOMING God Himself to your life (Matthew 18:1-6; 19:14 and Mark 9:36-37).

14. You are embarking on a GOD-HONORING LIFESTYLE (1 Timothy 5:9-10).

15. You will experience great JOY (Psalm 113:9).

16. You can relax! God doesn’t expect you to keep up your usual pace now that you are nurturing His child. He promises to GENTLY LEAD you (Isaiah 40:11).

17.You are bearing an ETERNAL SOUL within your womb. You are now beginning an eternal mission. All the possessions you spend time procuring on earth will one day have to be left behind. The only thing you will take into eternity is your redeemed soul and the redeemed soul of your child. Motherhood is an eternal career.

18. Above all else, you are being OBEDIENT, which invokes God’s blessing. (Genesis 1:28; 9:1,7; 1 Samuel 15:22; Psalm 112:1,2 and 1 Timothy 5:14).

Therefore Rejoice!

“He will love you, bless you, and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your womb” (Deuteronomy 7:13).

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momnbaby1. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO BLESS YOU (Genesis 1:27-28; 9:1, 2, 7; Psalm 128:3-4 and loads of others). There is a whole chapter on these blessing Scriptures in the book, Be Fruitful and Multiply.


3. BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU (Deuteronomy 7:13).


5. BECAUSE HE REJOICES OVER YOU (Deuteronomy 28:63).

6. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO DO YOU GOOD (Genesis 32:12; Deuteronomy 28:6; and 30:5).

7. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO HONOR YOU (1 Chronicles 25:4-5 and Psalm 127:5).




11. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO GIVE YOU JOY AND GLADNESS (Psalm 113:9; 127:5; and Luke 1:13-14).

12. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO FILL THE EARTH WITH HIS IMAGE--AND FILL ETERNITY (Genesis 1:28; Malachi 2:15 and loads of others). Check out Be Fruitful and Multiply.

How many more reasons do you need?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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earnestly contending for the faith"Tolerance" is the popular word of the day, not only in the secular world, but in the church. Consequently, sin and immorality are often overlooked. People come along to church while still living in fornication and adultery! No wonder we are a weak and anemic church.

But what does the Bible say? Jude warns the believers to "earnestly contend for the faith" because "some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches, saying that God's marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives. The condemnation of such people was recorded long ago, for they have DENIED our only Master and Lord, Jesus  Christ" (Jude 1:4 NLT). Read the rest of the chapter.

This is the truth. This is what we must teach our children. To live in immorality is to DENY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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find safetyWhen Jude wrote his letter to the believers, he called them "those who are called, wrapped in the love of God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ"(Jude 1:1 NET). Think of yourself wrapped in the love of God today.

Not only are you wrapped in His love, but His everlasting arms are underneath you. When you fall they are waiting to catch you (Deuteronomy 33:27).

And even more. God's mighty hand which speaks of His great power is always ready to strengthen you and deliver you (Exodus 32:11; Joshua 4:24; and Psalm 89:13, 21).

What more do you need?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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love heart shining lightI experienced one of our nation’s biggest, flashiest, liveliest cities earlier this year. When asked how I enjoyed it, I explained that I had two very strong emotions. The first emotion was that my mind was overwhelmed that there was so much to do. My eyes constantly shifted to be able to see all the sights. I was excited. I was thrilled. I was amazed.

The second emotion was that I was getting the wrong vibes . . . bad vibes. I wanted to go home. No, not just go back to my earthly home, but to my heavenly home. I didn’t even know if I wanted to live in this world if it was all like this.

We will have moments of fun and happiness in this life, but times are getting darker. Once I was back home, I realized that it’s not just that big city I went to that’s full of evil; there are struggles, sadness, and sin everywhere. I can barely go anywhere without being exposed to it. To Christians, this may make us want to escape the world itself. But that’s the wrong mindset.

Yes, we are to flee sin (see 2 Timothy 4:22 and James 4:7). We are to flee so that we won’t sin. We are to flee the ways of this world. But we are not to flee from this world. Why do you think God put us here? What else is our purpose on earth, but to be lights?



meadowMeadow is the first one to write some thoughts for you. I know I don't have to introduce Meadow to so many of you. You have looked at pictures of her in Above Rubies since she was a baby (anyone been reading Above Rubies that long)? Meadow is Pearl's daughter, author, along with Serene, of Trim Healthy Mama.

Many have got to know Meadow over the years as she has come to Above Rubies retreats and blessed you with her beautiful songs and voice. But the years roll on and now Meadow is a beautiful young woman of 19 years old. She loves the Lord and loves God's Word. And she loves to write, and so everyone now and then (or hopefully as much as I can) I will post meditations from Meadow.

Call in your teens and young people. Tell them to like the Above Rubies Facebook too. They will be blessed, encouraged, and challenged by her writings.

Love from Nancy


I have been thinking about asking my daughters, and even granddaughters, to write to you from time to time. I know you will love to hear from them, too. It will be hard work--I'll have to crank them up to do it, but let's see what I can do. Keep checking the Facebook in the next few days, weeks, and months!

Love, Nancy

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iraqi-christiansI was just forwarded this email which I feel to pass on:

Dear Friends,
Just a few minutes ago (11 August) I received the following text message on my phone from Sean Malone who leads Crisis Relief International (CRI). We then spoke briefly on the phone and I assured him that we would share this urgent prayer need with all of our contacts.

"We lost the city of Queragosh (Qaraqosh). It fell to ISIS and they are beheading children systematically. This is the city we have been smuggling food too. ISIS has pushed back Peshmerga (Kurdish forces) and is within 10 minutes of where our CRI team is working. Thousands more fled into the city of Erbil last night.

The UN evacuated it's staff in Erbil. Our team is unmoved and will stay. Prayer cover needed!"

For more information on what is happening in Northern Iraq:

ISIS Fighters Overrun Iraq’s Largest Christian Town Qaraqosh, Residents Flee:

Email Prayer Bulletin from International Prayer Council (John Robb):

Iraqi MP Breaks Down in Tears Pleading Parliament to Save Yazidis from Genocide: http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/4406.htm

Please pray sincerely for the deliverance of the people of Northern Iraq from the terrible advancement of ISIS and its extreme Islamic goals for mass conversion or death for Christians across this region.

ISIS Fighters Overrun Iraq’s Largest Christian Town Qaraqosh, Residents Flee
Iraq’s biggest Christian city is now under the control of the ISIS
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This-Little-Light-of-MineWhat do you think is one of the greatest things we should have in our homes? I'd love to hear your response.

I think it is the light of God. God is light and the very first thing He spoke into being was light. Jesus came to this earth to be the light of the world. He confessed in John 9:5: "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

He is no longer physically in the world, but now He lights the world by dwelling in us. Therefore, if Christ dwells in you, He wants you to light up your home with His light.

Mothers certainly need to be filled with the light of God. The light of God in you exposes all darkness, danger, and evil in your home. You are a darkness exposer! While you are around, it can't hide. The light of God in you measures up everything, and every decision, with God's character and His Word, just as people such as surveyors use light to measure distances and angles.

God wants to shine His light through you to your husband and to your children. Can you confess these words, "As long as I am in this home, I am the light of this home"?

How big is your light today?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Your To Do ListHave you written you list for today? I write lists most days, but can I tell you a secret? I rarely ever accomplish everything that is written on my list. It often carries on to the next day, and the next day again, for God only gives us so many hours in a day.

However, it is not so important that I get everything done on my list. Or that you do either, especially when you are a mother with your little children around you. Often you will not even manage one extra thing, except loving and nurturing your precious children, lovingly preparing meals for them, and training them in the ways of God.

But there is one thing we can seek to fulfill each day. Jesus stated in John 17:4: "I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. Every day on earth Jesus magnified and honored His Father."

This is your greatest plan for today. Whatever you do, whether it is cleaning toilets, catching up with your big load of laundry, cooking meals, or training your children, do it to honor the Lord. If you make this your plan, dear mother, you will accomplish what God wants you to do today, and for each new day.

Let's glorify the Father today, in everything we say and do. And can you encourage your children to do this too? Your home will then be filled with people glorifying God.

Be blessed. Nancy Campbell

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parents show us the wayWe talked yesterday about DELIGHTING in every task we have to face. This was Jesus' example to us. Now we can be an example to our children. When they see us delighting in motherhood, delighting in preparing meals, and delighting in the work we have to do, they will learn how to have the right attitude in life too. Your children will learn by your attitude in the little things of life far more than all you say to them.

Do you find it hard to get your children to have a right attitude about work? What are they learning from you? Do they hear you complaining and sighing, or rejoicing in the activities of the day?

Teach your children to have an attitude of delighting to work, delighting to do their chores, and delighting to obey. Yes, this should be their attitude toward obedience too. Anything less is not the way Jesus revealed for us.

Show them the way, mother.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Psalm 40:8Psalm 40:7, 8 are prophetic Scriptures speaking of the Son of God's submission to the will of His Father: "Then said I, Lo, I come in the volume of the book it is written of me, I DELIGHT to do thy will." Jesus delighted to do the will of His Father, even though He had to endure the supreme sacrifice for our sins.

Philippians 2:5-8 exhorts us to have the SAME ATTITUDE that Jesus had when He went to the cross. This is always such a challenge to me. What is my attitude like? Do I delight to please the Father? How is it that I can find it hard to submit in some little area when Jesus was willing to submit to death?

This gets to the nitty gritty of our daily life, too. Has God blessed you with children? Then this is the Father's ultimate will for you, to nurture and train the children He has given to you. He doesn't give you children to give to someone else to care for. He gives them to you. Are you delighting to do the Father's will in your home? Are you delighting in your mothering?

God delights in each one of your children. Are you delighting in them, too?

Jesus Christ, who DELIGHTS to do the Father's will, lives in you. Let's learn to yield more and more to the life of Christ within us. Let's DELIGHT in every task we have to face, the easy ones and the difficult ones. The enjoyable ones and the yucky ones. God wants us to delight in every one of them.

Can you make it your aim today to delight in EVERY TASK YOU FACE, no matter what it is.

Have a DELIGHTFUL day.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Life dependedDid you know that taxpayers pay over 542 million to Planned Parenthood each year, which is one of the largest abortion businesses in the US?

Did you know that more than $16 trillion in federal revenue, roughly the size of our national debt, has been lost due to abortion? This comes from a research by Mark Olson (former liberal activist).

Did you know how many babies have been aborted in the world today? I have just checked http://www.numberofabortions.com/ which has a clock ticking and so far today there have been 64, 565 worldwide.

Did you know how many babies have been aborted in US since Roe vs. Wade in 1973? The clock tells us 57,058,511.7. Over 57 million!

What can we do? We have to do something! We can all do different things. Some of our older grandchildren and their friends have started picketing at an abortion clinic in the city. Both times they have been able to encourage a couple to change their mind about aborting and to keep their baby. This fills them with great joy. The organization they work with, http://cities4life.org/, continue to care for these mothers and couples, give them a Baby Shower, help to provide for them, and keep in touch.

You may not be able to get into the trenches in this manner, but you can speak up. Proverbs 31: 8, 9 says, "Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy." The NIV says, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves."

We all must speak up. We can lovingly encourage a mother to keep her baby who may be thinking of abortion. We can speak up for life at every opportunity. We can sign petitions and give financially. But, most of all, we can pray. Pray together as a family.

When you get to read this post, go to http://www.numberofabortions.com/ and check how many have already been added to the count.

How long do we keep silent?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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The World Needs Mothers

the world needs mothersDear Mother,

Your mothering is never wasted. Every little moment adds up to your influencing your children for God--to impact this world, to affect generations to come, and most of all, for eternity!

Mothering is an eternal career. Every other career will be left behind, but you will take your children into eternity with you.

Be encouraged.


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bodytempleWe have been talking about how David longed and pined to dwell in the "lovely" dwelling place of God (Psalm 84:1). But the half has not been told! Not only can we dwell in God's presence, but He wants to dwell in us! In days gone by God dwelt in the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle, and then the temple. But now God has a different dwelling place. When Jesus died upon the cross the thick curtain that separated the Holy of Holies was torn apart. Now He comes to dwell in our hearts.

First Corinthians 6:19 tells us that we who are born again by the Spirit of God and cleansed by the blood of Jesus have become the dwelling place of God. The word "temple" in this Scripture is "naos" and literally means "the Holy of Holies." This is too awesome to take in. God wants your body to be His Holy of Holies where He can abide. In John 15:4 Jesus not only said, "Abide in me," but He also said, "and I in YOU."

The big question is: is my heart and my body a "lovely" place for the dwelling place of God? Is He welcome? Does He feel at home in my heart? Is it a holy place?

And what about our homes? God is a dwelling God who loves to dwell in our hearts, but He also wants to fill our homes with His presence. Are our homes a beloved place for God? Does He delight to dwell in our homes? Some mothers think their role in the home is insignificant. Nothing could be further from the truth. Apart from the most powerful career of nurturing and training the next generation who will impact the nation and the world for good or evil, you have the glorious task of making your home a lovely, delightful, and holy place for the King of Kings.

Ask God to show you anything in your home that grieves His Holy Spirit. Ask Him how to show you how to make your home a suitable place for His presence.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if God could say of our hearts and homes, "How lovely is your dwelling place."

Love from Nancy Campbell

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HowLovely2Psalm 84, known as the "pearl of psalms," speaks of the joy and loveliness of dwelling in God's presence. It also means, "dear, beloved." It is the beloved place to live. And it is your inheritance through Jesus Christ's death upon the cross for you.

Verse 6 tells us how that even when we go through the "valley of Baca" which means "the valley of tears or weeping" that it becomes a fountain or a place of refreshing springs. Maybe you are facing heartache and tears are flowing down your face. Perhaps you are in a desperate situation. When you dwell in Christ and put your trust in Him, He makes your valley into a place of refreshing.

And more than that. You will go "from strength to strength" (verse 8). In the midst of hardship you can become stronger and stronger every day. In fact, your sorrows and tribulations are for the purpose of growing you in Christ. When you dwell in God and trust Him to do His work in you, your difficulties mature you.

Don't let your mothering challenges frustrate you. Dwell in the lovely presence of God. Abide in Him. And instead of weakening, you will become a stronger mother each new day.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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HowLovelyThe psalmist exclaims in Psalm 84:1 (NLT), "HOW LOVELY is your dwelling place, O Lord of Heaven's Armies." He yearned to dwell in the house of the Lord. There was no place he wanted to be more.

Because Jesus Christ died and rose again, we now have the privilege of living in His presence continually. Yes, in the midst of all that is happening in your home. With your little ones needing you all at once. No matter what you are facing, Jesus wants you to "abide in Him" (John 15:4, 5, 7). Dwelling in the One who is all wisdom, love, peace, and holiness. It is the most lovely place to be. It is the most powerful place to be--He is the Lord of the armies of Heaven!

Sadly, we don't always live where God wants us to live in our daily lives, do we? We forget what Ephesians 2:6 tells us that He has "raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus."

What is the result of dwelling in Him? Psalm 84:4 goes on to tell us that those who dwell in His presence "will be singing Your praises all the day long." All day long? "You don't know what's going on at my house," you reply. Dear mother, you can experience this "how lovely" as you dwell in Christ Jesus. Instead of allowing your circumstances to overcome you, live in Christ.

Thank Him that you live in His presence where there is fullness of joy. Thank Him that you are seated with Him in the place of authority and power over all your enemies challenges.

Have a LOVELY day.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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God's Not DeadDid you get to see this movie when it came to the theaters? It is very powerful. It is now out on DVD. We watched it again as a family on the weekend. If you haven't seen it, I'd encourage you to get hold of it. It really exposes what is being taught in our colleges today--and of what can happen when even one young person is not afraid to stand up for truth.

Our eldest son (manager of the Newsboys and who got the inspiration for this movie) were with us for supper on the weekend. He shared so many amazing stories and miracles of lives that have been changed through the movie. He shared one story of how, after seeing the movie, a young teenage boy who was at lake with his family, wrote on the sand, GOD'S NOT DEAD. His father gave him a fist bump and he went out in the boat. Very tragically, there was an accident and he didn't come back alive. But what a victory that his last words were GOD'S NOT DEAD. And because of this wonderful truth, he is alive in eternity.

Now in the making for the future is BELIEVE, and GOD'S NOT DEAD II.

Love from Nancy

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israelLast night Serene and the children stayed with us again. This morning our discussions were on many different subjects. One of them was Israel.

I shared a Scripture I read this last week that I hadn't noticed before. "When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For the Lord's portion is his people. Jacob is the lot of his inheritance" (Deuteronomy 32:8-9).

My Bible references Genesis 10:5, 25, 32; 11:5-9; and Acts 17:26). God first apportioned this land in the center of the earth for His people before any other nation. And that was even before the birth of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It was already in His plan and heart from the very foundation of the world. He allowed the Canaanites to live there until Israel had grown into a nation and were ready to possess the Lord.

Again in Exodus 6:4, 8 (Knox), God reminds the people of the covenant He made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob when they were sojourning in the land of Canaan as pilgrims to give them this particular land for "AN EVERLASTING POSSESSION" (Genesis 17:8). They sojourned the land but it was not yet their home, but at the appropriate time He led them back to make it their home.

No matter what we think best in with our humanistic minds, nor what propaganda we listen to on the liberal media, it will not stand against the eternal Word of God which will last forever. God gave this land to Israel for an everlasting possession, and what we think will never change this fact. The best idea is to get on God's side. It's scary to be on the wrong side of God.

Blessings from Nancy

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israelmapThis morning I read Psalm 83:3-4 (NLT), "They devise crafty schemes against your people; they conspire against your precious ones. 'Come,' they say, 'let us wipe out Israel as a nation. We will destroy the very memory of its existence."
These words were written 3,000 years ago, and yet you'd think they were written today! The same devilish, anti-Semitic spirit is still trying to wipe out Israel. The devil knows that if he can destroy the Jews and take the land of Israel from His people, he has won! He destroys the validity of the Bible (everything from Genesis to Revelation), Christ the Promised Seed, salvation, and every promise in the Bible.

He hasn't succeeded in 3000 years! He's got a hard job fighting against God! However, in the midst of satanic deception that comes through the media every day (and even Christians are deceived by the propaganda), I believe that it is most important that we as believers KNOW WHAT GOD SAYS! We must know His promises for Israel and stand on them. We are either on God's side or the devil's side.

The following link shares all the promises of God to His people and His land FOR THIS HOUR. Print them off. They are as up-to-date as tomorrow's news broadcast. Take a few Scriptures each day and read them together with your children at your devotion time. Discuss them together and stand on God's promises.

I would really encourage you to go to this link. You will be amazed: http://aboverubies.org/index.php/2013-11-12-17-55-51/english-language/israel-and-the-land/1092-israel-and-the-land-everlasting-possesion

Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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Reign In LifeWe have been discussing how God wants us to overcome and conquer in life. Another description the Bible uses is to "reign in life" (Romans 5:17). To reign means to rule and live like a king, and as believers, we are now "kings and priests" (Revelation 1:6 and 5:10).

What does this mean? It means that our circumstances, our difficulties and tribulations, and even our frustrations and disappointments should not overpower us. We can live on top of them, not by our own strength, but by the power of the resurrection life of Christ who dwells within us. We can even look down upon them because positionally we are seated in Christ Jesus in heavenly places where He rules at the right hand of the Father (Ephesians 2:6). Oh, don't we fall far short of all that Christ has done for us and wants to effectively work in us each day?

Lift your vision today, dear mother. I know you will face many frustrations and challenges as you live life and mother your children today. Don't let them overpower you. Instead, lift up your eyes to the Lord, thank Him that He, the Conquering Christ, dwells in you. Thank Him for the victory. Praise Him that you have an opportunity to reign. You can't reign if you don't have something to reign over!

And let's be encouraged by the two million precious believers who are being persecuted right now around the world. They are facing "tribulation, distress, persecution, hunger, nakedness, peril, and sword" and yet they are conquering and reigning in their suffering (Romans 8:36-37). Our little problems fall into insignificance in the light of their suffering.

Be encouraged to reign in your home today. Love from Nancy Campbell

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

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Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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