greatworkEverything comes back to the family. Marriage and family were the first institution God designed--before church and before government. They were in the heart of God in eternity, even before He created the world. Therefore God has blessed parents and given them authority and anointing to "be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue, and take dominion . . . " (Genesis 1:28).

What happens in the nation is a picture of what is happening in the family. We are watching the decline of morality, the fear of God, knowledge of God's Word, and people living in truth in integrity. We see the breakdown of marriage, the fragmentation of family life, more and more children being born out of wedlock, violence in our streets, and our jails filled with young people who have not known a stable home life.

The prophet speaks God's Word to the people of Judah and tells them they are nation that do not listen to the voice of the Lord God, nor do they receive correction. Consequently truth is perished and cut off from their lips (Jeremiah 7:28). This same word is being spoken to the nation today; not only to the nation but to each family, because this is where it starts.

Are we raising children who love and listen to God's Word? Are we raising children who know how to receive correction and discipline? Are we raising children who know the truth and who can discern and cut through the deception that is around them?

I know this is a huge task. It's not something you can do on the side. It's a full time career. But your career of mothering determines the destiny of the nation. If children come out from your home with rebellion in their hearts and not knowing how to receive correction, they help the nation on a downward path.

However, if from your home come children who love the truth, who have soft hearts, and are willing to receive correction and discipline in order to grow, we assist our nation to be a great nation. We are preparing our children to have stable marriages. We are preparing them to build strong families. And when this happens we will have a strong nation.

It all hinges on us, dear mothers. Let's forget about all the other pursuits that entice us away from our greatest destiny. We have great and important work to do. We are training children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and future generations to transform the nation.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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