Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


PrayFamAre you a praying family? Praying families are nation-changing and world-changing families! It’s not enough to pray personally—pray together as a family. #familyprayer #familyworship #familydevotions #prayerworksmiracles #ferventprayer #aboverubies

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ExamineMeThe ancient paths are the reliable paths. They are the plans God established in eternity and gave to us at the beginning of the creation of man. It’s the same word that is used in Jeremiah 6:16: “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” Same Word also used in Jeremiah 18.15.

We must check all our ways with God’s infallible Word. It’s too easy to fall prey to the ways of our humanistic society without realizing we have turned aside from the ancient paths. Line up everything you do with God’s Word. The “old paths” or “ancient paths” can also be translated “the everlasting paths.” They are God’s eternal laws from eternity. God will never change them.

It’s up to us to obey them because that’s where the blessings are. #oldpaths #ancientpaths #goodway #godswayisbest #eternallaws #returntogod #aboverubies

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HandwritingA weary mother returned from the store,
Lugging groceries through the kitchen door.
Awaiting her arrival was her eeight-year old son,
Anxious to relate what his younger brother had done.

“While I was out playing and Dad was on a call,
T.J. took his crayons and wrote on the wall!
It’s on the new paper you just hung in the den,
I told him you’d be mad at having to do it again.”

She let out a moan and furrowed her brow,
“Where is your little brother right now?”
She emptied her arms and with a purposeful stride,
She marched to his closet where he had gone to hide.

She called his full name as she entered his room.
He trembled with fear – he knew that meant doom!
For the next ten minutes, she ranted and raved
About the expensive wallpaper, and how she had saved.

Lamenting all the work it would take to repair,
She condemned his actions and total lack of care.
The more she scolded, the madder she got,
Then stomped from his room, totally distraught!

She headed for the den to confirm her fears.
When she saw the wall, her eyes flooded with tears.
The message she read pierced her soul with a dart.
It said, “I love Mommy,” surrounded by a heart.

Well, the wallpaper remained, just as she found it,
With an empty picture frame hung to surround it.
A reminder to her, and indeed to all,
Take time to read the handwriting on the wall.

– Author Unknown

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HighestVocationDear happy homemaker in word and deed,
God’s purpose for you is to raise godly seed,
Obedient children who are righteous and pure,
With mother at home, they’ll be happy and secure.

Secure in God’s love and protected from the world,
Guarded from evil and grounded in God’s Word
By a mother who has embraced her calling divine,
The mandate God gave from the beginning of time.

You’re now planted at home, you’ve found your “glory,"
Left career behind--that was another story!
You’ve now been promoted to a much higher career!
You’re in God’s perfect will so you don’t have to fear.

You’re nurturing, nourishing, and building your nest,
Under your husband’s covering, you’re totally blessed.
God has promised to provide, He is Jehovah Jireh,
He will always be faithful, He is not a liar.

You are an “arrow polisher," sharpening your arrows,
You’re not pecking on the ground like little sparrows,
But soaring like the eagle, your stature is high,
You’re changing the course of the nation as on God you rely!’

Dear mighty mother, stand up and be strong,
Don’t be fooled by the enemy and the worldly throng,
Don’t be deceived by the mindset of this society,
Embrace your motherhood, it’s your highest priority!

Don’t be conformed to the humanistic trend,
It only leads to heartache in the final end.
Be a non-conformist, stand against the tide,
You don’t have to be governed by this world’s pride.

Instead be transformed by God’s living Word,
He is restoring His truth, will you be stirred?
Will you be part of this end-time restoration
To train godly children and change the nation?

God is preparing a people for Jesus’ second appearing,
He wants an army of arrows, trained and unfearing,
Straight arrows to go forth from the parents’ bow,
The deceptions of Satan to overthrow.

May you receive God’s anointing and His daily renewing
As you become part of this revival which is all God’s doing.
You will be part of heralding the coming of the King
As you build God’s army–and His praises will ring.

~ Nancy Campbell

Painting: "The Alphabet" (also known as Jean and Gabrielle), Pierre Auguste Renoir (1897.

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CourtJudgeMany people today belong to the “tolerant” church. They believe they must be tolerant of all things and never judge. This is ridiculous. We all judge every day. If we didn’t judge between right and wrong we wouldn’t even know how to live properly—individually, in our families, or in this world.

Have you read 1 Corinthians 6:2, 3? “Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the SMALLEST matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? How much more things that PERTAIN TO THIS LIFE?”

Aren’t these amazing words? Dear mother, this word tells you that you are going to judge the world and angels! But don’t wait until them. You must also judge the things that pertain to this life. Even the SMALLEST matters. This gets right down to the nitty gritty of mothering in your home. Every day you judge matters with your children. In fact, you are a court judge!

Motherhood is a powerful career. It is not easy to be a judge. We need wisdom from God for every matter, even the smallest matters. We often judge wrongly and make wrong decisions. But as we seek God daily for His wisdom, He will give it to you liberally (James 1:5-8).

In Jeremiah 9:24 God says: “I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment (justice), and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD". God is fully all lovingkindness, all justice, and all righteousness. Sometimes we find it hard to exercise these attributes fully. Either we are too merciful or too judgmental. But as we seek God, He will help us. As we cry out to Him, He will pour out His Spirit upon us and teach us how to judge correctly.

God says of Abraham in Genesis 18:19: “For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment.” Our children will not learn to walk in justice and judgment unless we teach them the way of justice and righteousness. This means teaching and training them daily in even the smallest matters of their lives. Small matters eventually become big matters.

We cannot teach them unless we judge between right and wrong, the clean and the unclean, righteousness and evil, truth and lies. Mother, please do not underestimate your high calling to judge your children.

Cry out to god for wisdom daily. Ask God for wisdom in judging even the SMALLEST matters. In this way, you will not only train your children in righteousness, but you will be practicing for the future when you will judge the world and angels.

Keep practicing daily.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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GodsSideI wonder if we really understand the power of God’s words that He releases into the universe. He spoke, and the worlds came into being. All it took was for God to open His mouth and speak.

And then we read the first words He spoke to the man and woman He created: “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion . . . These are not idle words. They are a divine mandate. They are an eternal law which progress to a conclusion. The people who obey this law and are fruitful are the people who will take dominion.

Satan knows God’s plans and seeks to thwart them. God wants His people to be fruitful and take dominion for Him in the earth. He wants His image to be revealed in the earth. He wants the revelation of His name, His salvation, truth, love, compassion, and righteousness to fill the earth.

The easiest way for the devil to stop the image of God filling the earth is to subtly brainwash God’s people to stop having children. He has been very successful. Most Christians today think God’s first mandate are idle words. They have been deceived to think they don’t have to take any notice of them at all. They think they have a better way than God.

How can we be true believers In God’s infallible Word if we don’t think His words are important? We have become so deceived that we don’t even realize the state in which we are in. Instead of righteousness filling the land, we see the encroachment of evil. Most people in the church have the same small families as the world.

Most believers are so entrenched in this world system that they continue sending their children to public schools and colleges where they are propagandized in liberal doctrine, alternative lifestyles, and antagonism to God and His Word.

When will God’s people start standing on God’s side instead of the devil’s side?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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AmazingBlessinHave you thought much about salutations? They have power to affect people’s lives. What do you say when you greet your husband each morning? I am sure you start with the wonderful words, “I love you.”

And what about your children? When you go out to the breakfast table do you greet them with positive and loving words?
“Good morning, my most amazing and incredible children.”
“I love you and I love being your mother!”
“Good morning to my mighty world changers.”

And what about other people? Paul wrote to the Colossian believers: “To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ. . . Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Do you notice that he called them “saints” and “faithful”? The word “saints” is “hagios” and means “holy, set apart, sanctified, consecrated, and pure.” He greeted them with positive words: “holy and faithful.”

Why don’t we try to encourage people when we meet them? How lovely to greet friends in a way that will uplift their souls:
“So great to see you today, dear faithful friend. How are you?”
“What a joy to see your smiling face. You light up my day.”
“What a joy to see you. May you be blessed today.”
“How wonderful to meet another sanctified saint.”

Change someone’s life every time you open your mouth.

Be encouraged and blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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Have you read about Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)? He was known as one of the greatest preachers and theologians in American history and was involved in the revival known as the Great Awakening. He married Sarah Edwards when she was 17 years and they had 11 children. Not only did this couple influence the nation through their lives and Jonathan’s preaching, but they influenced the nation through their children and continuing descendants.

Let’s peek at the family of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards. In 1900, A. Winship tracked down 1400 descendants of this family. By 1900 this godly marriage had produced . . .

13 college presidents
65 professors
100 lawyers and a dean of an outstanding law school
30 judges
60 doctors and a dean of a medical school
80 holders of public office including:
3 United States Senators
3 Mayors of large cities
3 State governors
Third Vice President of the United States, Aaron Burr
Controller of the United States Treasury.

Members of the family wrote 135 books and edited 18 journals and periodicals.

They entered the ministry in platoons and sent 100 missionaries overseas as well as stocking many mission boards with lay trustees. They directed banks, insurance companies, owned coalmines, iron plants and vast oil interests.

Winship states: “There is scarcely any great American industry that has not had one of this family among its chief promoters.”

Because of the responsibilities of Jonathan Edwards' ministry, Winship goes on to say: “Much of the capacity and talent, intensity and character of the Edwards family is due to Mrs. Sarah Edwards.” The influence of one godly mother has continued down through the generations to affect the destiny of the world.

In his last sermon Jonathan preached: “Every Christian family ought to be as it were a little church, consecrated to Christ, and wholly influenced and governed by his rules. And family education and order are some of the chief means of grace. If these fail, all other means are likely to prove in effectual. If these are duly maintained, all the means of grace will be likely to prosper and be successful . . . Take heed that it not be with any of you as it was with Eli of old, who reproved his children, but restrained them not; and that, by this means, you do not bring the like curse on your families as he did on his.”

Elisabeth Dodds writes of Sarah: “Her system of discipline was begun at a very early age and it was her rule to resist the first, as well as every subsequent exhibition of temper or disobedience in the child . . . wisely reflecting that until a child will obey his parents he can never be brought to obey God.

She also writes: “Their children were eleven different people, proving that Sarah’s discipline did not squash their personalities — perhaps because an important aspect of their disciplined life was that, as Samuel Hopkins wrote, “for [her children] she constantly and earnestly prayed and bore them on her heart before God . . . and that even before they were born.”

In contrast to the Edwards family, 1200 of the Jukes family were tracked down. They originated with one immigrant who settled in upstate New York in 1720 and produced a tribe of “idleness, ignorance, and vulgarity.” Only 20 of the 1200 Jukes ever had any gainful employment and all the others were criminals or lived on state aid.

How are you influencing future generations?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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LookBeyondTodayDear mother, you are not mothering only for today. I want you to see beyond today. Maybe today was a frustrating day. Nothing went right. You felt like a failure. You’d like to give up. But of course, you can’t!

Get this truth. Your mothering does not hinge on one bad day. You have another day tomorrow. Have a good night’s sleep tonight. Give your problems to God instead of stewing on them yourself and thank God that He is with you as you mother your children with all the accompanying frustrations and challenges.

Believe God for a great day tomorrow. Confess you are going to have a great day. And even when things go wrong, laugh instead of getting upset! Your little problem is not the end of the world. It’s just a little hiccup, and we all have loads of them every day. They don’t have to be a problem at all if we trust God with them.

Even more than tomorrow. Think of the future. Dear mother, you are mothering for the years when you will no longer be here. Your mothing impacts future generations.

Get a vision beyond today, beyond the next few years--to generations ahead. It changes your mothering. You will understand the influence you wield as you mold your children and future generations to come.

I was reading the other day about Achan who disobeyed God and took silver and gold and Babylonian garments which God told them they were not to touch. I find it challenging to read that when the Bible pinpoints Achan as the culprit that it doesn’t only mention his name, but his father, grandfather, and even his great-grandfather (Joshua chapter 7). His great-grandfather’s name was marred because of his great-grandson’s sin!

Conversely, we read in Zephaniah 1:1 about Zephaniah who was a prophet to the nation. As it introduces him, it cites the names of his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and his great-great-grandfather! Wouldn’t you love to know that your great-great-grandson was a prophet of God to the nation?

How we need to pray for future generations. Do you do that? When Colin and I pray for our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, we also like to pray for future generations beyond that. We want our progeny to keep walking with God down the generations “FROM NOW AND FOREVER” as it says in Isaiah 59:21.

Be encouraged. Look beyond today. You are doing a great work.

Love from Nancy Campbell

Painting: Bedtime Story by James Bernardin.

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DoYouWalkHow do you walk around your home? Do you walk with a spring in your step? Oozing joy and happiness? Pouring out encouragement and blessing? Or does this sound a bit over the top?

Perhaps you’d like me to come down to earth. Would you rather walk around with bent shoulders? Sighing and groaning as you go. Look out children or they’ll get a frown or a negative word. And your husband? He better not come too near.

Help. Are we meant to be earthly? Didn’t Jesus ask us to pray the words: “As in heaven, so in earth” (Luke 11:2)? Colossians 3:1-3 says: “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”

Proverbs 20:7 (NLT) says: “The godly walk with integrity; BLESSED are their children who follow them.” The word “walk” means “to walk about; to walk to and fro.” It’s all about our walk—what we say and what we do. Starting in our home.

How do you walk out to the kitchen from your bedroom? What do you say when greet everyone in the morning? What does your countenance look like? Your walk will affect your children, now and for years to come. When you walk with joy and purpose, your children will be blessed. When you walk with negativity, you have nothing positive to impart to your family.

Walk in integrity, dear mother. It’s walking in integrity that blesses your children—and future generations. Do they see us walking uprightly? Making righteous decisions? Adhering to God’s Word even if it is opposite to our circumstances?

This is how we bless our children.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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GodToMoveWhen we gather together as a family to pray, we pray for one another of course. But we must look beyond our immediate needs to see the needs of the nation and the world.

1 Timothy 2:1-3 says: “I exhort therefore, that, FRIST OF ALL, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.”

We have a responsibility to pray for those in authority over us. Are you praying as a family for our president, Donald Trump, each day? He desperately needs our prayers. It’s not President Trump, but the prayers of God’s intercessors who can make America great again.

We seek to pray for him and others in authority each day in our home. When he became president the passage in Exodus 17:8-13 came strongly to my heart. Do you remember how the children of Israel went out to fight against the Amalekites? Moses was up on the hill, holding up his hands with the rod of God. When his hands were up, the Israelites prevailed. When he got tired and let down his hands, the Amalekites prevailed.

Therefore, his brothers, Moses and Hur, came and stood beside him and held up his hands. As they continued to hold up his hands they won the victory over the Amalekites.

We have “Amalekites,” haters of God and all that is righteous in our land. They want to impeach Trump or get rid of him any way they can. I believe the only way that righteousness can prevail in our nation is as we hold up our hands in prayer to God.

I think there is something very powerful about doing something tangible. Therefore, every time I pray for President Trump, I raise my hands to God, as a picture before God that I am holding up his hands on his behalf. For it is only God who can do the work. It is not my might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of God (Zechariah 4:6).

Can you just imagine what could happen in our nation if every God-fearing family would pray for President Trump and our nation every day? We would see mighty victories. We would see the down fall of the “Amalekites.” These great miracles can only happen by prayer.

So, why don’t we pray? Don’t we want God to move? Don’t we want righteousness exalted in this nation? Don’t we want a great revival of people turning back to God?

Let’s encourage one another in this greatest of all ministries.

Be encouraged.

Nancy Campbell

P.S. In our home, we have PRAYER BOXES which we use each time we gather for prayer as a family. We use our Family Prayer Box each time and choose one other box. You can read about our Prayer Boxes and how you can use them in your home. Go to these links:

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GodToMoveWhen we gather together as a family to pray, we pray for one another of course. But we must look beyond our immediate needs to see the needs of the nation and the world.

1 Timothy 2:1-3 says: “I exhort therefore, that, FRIST OF ALL, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.”

We have a responsibility to pray for those in authority over us. Are you praying as a family for our president, Donald Trump, each day? He desperately needs our prayers. It’s not President Trump, but the prayers of God’s intercessors who can make America great again.

We seek to pray for him and others in authority each day in our home. When he became president the passage in Exodus 17:8-13 came strongly to my heart. Do you remember how the children of Israel went out to fight against the Amalekites? Moses was up on the hill, holding up his hands with the rod of God. When his hands were up, the Israelites prevailed. When he got tired and let down his hands, the Amalekites prevailed.

Therefore, his brothers, Moses and Hur, came and stood beside him and held up his hands. As they continued to hold up his hands they won the victory over the Amalekites.

We have “Amalekites,” haters of God and all that is righteous in our land. They want to impeach Trump or get rid of him any way they can. I believe the only way that righteousness can prevail in our nation is as we hold up our hands in prayer to God.

I think there is something very powerful about doing something tangible. Therefore, every time I pray for President Trump, I raise my hands to God, as a picture before God that I am holding up his hands on his behalf. For it is only God who can do the work. It is not my might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of God (Zechariah 4:6).

Can you just imagine what could happen in our nation if every God-fearing family would pray for President Trump and our nation every day? We would see mighty victories. We would see the down fall of the “Amalekites.” These great miracles can only happen by prayer.

So, why don’t we pray? Don’t we want God to move? Don’t we want righteousness exalted in this nation? Don’t we want a great revival of people turning back to God?

Let’s encourage one another in this greatest of all ministries.

Be encouraged.

Nancy Campbell

P.S. In our home, we have PRAYER BOXES which we use each time we gather for prayer as a family. We use our Family Prayer Box each time and choose one other box. You can read about our Prayer Boxes and how you can use them in your home. Go to these links:

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GodWillComeWe talked about the power of TWO OF YOU, husband and wife praying together. But God also talks about more than two. In Matthew 18:20 Jesus said: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

This speaks of the corporate gathering, even if there are only two or three. There is power in personal prayer, but there is greater power in corporate prayer. When we gather TOGETHER God shows up! That’s why it is so important to gather together as a family every morning and evening to pray together. It truly is the most powerful thing we can do together.

In Exodus 20:24-26 it speaks about establishing an altar. Back in the Old Testament the patriarchs established altars to call out to God and to hear Him speak to them. What is God’s response when we make an altar to Him? “I WILL COME UNTO THEE, AND I WILL BLESS THEE.”

We don’t make physical altars of earth or stone today, but we do need to make a time and a place. We’ve got to establish a meeting place with God as a family each day. When we are faithful to establish this altar, God says He will come to us. Who doesn’t want God to come to them?

I certainly want to make a way for God to come to our home. To come into our family. To come into our midst and move in our lives. To come into our midst and hear our cries for this nation and for the needs of the nations of the world.

God not only promises that He will come into our midst, but that He will bless us! Who doesn’t want God’s blessings? But we must make the place for them to come.

Will you establish a gathering place in your home where God can come to you?

Be blessed.

Nancy Campbell

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HowSweetTheThe power of the name of Jesus! Lift up His name in your home. #thenameofjesus #inhisname #ilovethenameofjesus #aboverubies

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NotMyWillSometimes a pregnancy maybe a surprise to you, but it’s never a surprise to God. He is the One who gives conception and He is creating this precious baby in your womb. It is His divine destiny and perfect plan. Embrace it with joy! #everybabyisablessing #notmywillbutyours #perfectplan #ilovemotherhood #pregnancy #thepowerofthewomb #aboverubies

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OnShouldersGod gives us many pictures of how we should pray for our children. Yesterday we talked about the power of prayer when TWO OF YOU agree together.

God gives us further understanding when He designed the High Priest's garments. He told them to take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the twelve sons of Israel. They had to engrave six names on one stone and six on the other and then fasten the stones on the shoulder-pieces of the ephod of his garment. Exodus 28:12 (NLT) says: "Aaron will carry these names ON HIS SHOULDERS as a constant reminder whenever he goes before the Lord."

God wanted Aaron to take the names of the tribes of Israel into His presence on his shoulders. In the Bible shoulders speak of bearing a burden. It is the responsibility of each of us as parents and grandparents to take the burden of our children upon us as we go to the Lord in prayer.

But that’s not all. He also told Aaron to place the names of the tribes of Israel on the breastplate over his heart. Exodus 28:29, 30 states: “And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel in the breastplate of judgment UPON HIS HEART, when he goeth in unto the holy place, for a memorial before the LORD continually . . . and they shall be upon Aaron’s HEART, when he goeth in before the LORD; and Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel UPON HIS HEART before the LORD continually.”

God also wants us to take our children into His presence upon our hearts. It is such a wonderful thing to do together as husband and wife. Lots of people ask us how we can remember all the names of our 45 grandchildren (and now great-grandchildren). Our answer is that it’s easy to remember their names when you pray for them by name each day.

I know you may find it difficult to fit this praying time into your busy schedule. But it is more important than anything else you do. Talk with your husband about the best time to do it. Ask him when he would like to do it. “Darling, when would it be best for you to pray for our children each day? Before we get up each morning, or in the evening. Let me know what’s best for you and I’ll fit in with you.”

But do make it happen. It is the most powerful thing you can do for your children, your grandchildren, and future generations.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

Photo: Evangelist Bill Graham and his late wife, Ruth, praying for their children. Did you know that Billy Graham is currently 99 years of age? Wouldn’t it be wonderful for him to get to his 100th birthday on November 7 this year?

For further understanding on our priestly responsibility, go to this link: https://tinyurl.com/OurPriestlyResponsibility

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TwoUDon’t you like these words? TWO OF YOU! That’s you and your husband. God gives a great promise to the TWO OF YOU. It’s found in Matthew 18:19 where Jesus said: “If TWO OF YOU shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.”

I know that TWO OF YOU can relate to any two people who agree together. But it is tailor-made for marriage. As husband and wife, we have the privilege and opportunity to agree together, pray, and expect God to answer.

It is sad that many couples are not aware of the power they have as a married couple to see great answers to prayer. We all face many challenges as we raise our children, but God has given us the power of prayer. The promise for the TWO OF YOU. Don’t waste this privilege.

Can I ask you: do you pray with your husband each day? Praying together is the very foundation of marriage. And can I ask you another question: if you both don’t pray for your children together, who will? No one cares as much for your children as you and your husband. And this is the greatest thing that you can do for them. Pray for them. Nothing is powerful as praying for them. Nothing will accomplish as much as praying for them!

Instead of complaining about the difficulties and challenges of parenthood, pray together about them. You’ll be amazed at what happens.

Blessings to you,

Nancy Campbell

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StopMotheringNow that we have sent the new issue of Above Rubies out to everyone on the mailing list in USA, my email box is filled with ladies changing their address, wanting to be added to the mailing list, and some who want to cancel the magazine.

However, I have been sad that many the ladies who cancel say that they have loved receiving Above Rubies over the years, but now they no longer need it because their children have grown up. Comments include: “My children are now grown,” or “I’m done raising children,” etc.

When I read these words, I have to say: “I beg your pardon?” Have these lovely ladies forgotten God’s admonition to the older women to teach the younger women? Yes, I do think it is a forgotten passage of God’s Word, for there are so few older women who take it seriously.

It is true that most women move on to a different stage of life when their children are grown. They leave the home (if they were even there before) and start thinking more and more of their own agenda.

Dear precious ladies, we don’t stop mothering when our children leave the nest. We keep enlarging our mothering. It won’t be long, and grandchildren will come. And these years go so quickly and then another generation begins.

Life as a mother is meant to enlarge, broaden, and unfold more and more into the fulfillment of God’s plan for families. We keep on mothering. Plus we have a new responsibility to encourage and teach the new generation of young mothers.

How do the new generation of mothers know what to do unless the older generation teaches them? It is sad that in many homes today young women grow up not knowing how to cook or run a home. Many of them are unfamiliar with babies. If there were only two children in the family, they haven’t experienced babies around them as they grew up. They are unprepared for mothering and homemaking.

This is not how God intends it to be. He has COMMANDED that the older women teach the young women HOW to love their husbands, HOW to love their children, and HOW to be keepers at home, etc. Read it all in Titus 2:3-5 (JBP). It’s not enough to teach them. They must show them how.

Can I ask: how can they show them how if they leave the home? How can they show them how if they are no longer interested in mothering? I believe that we as older mothers should continue to seek God for His plan for us as women. I continually cry out to God to show me His ways for us as women and I am amazed that after all these years God continues to show me more and more of His beautiful plan in His Word. Sadly, most older women do not even know God’s ways to pass them on to the younger generation.

To teach the new generation, we as older women must continue in the anointing of motherhood. Continuing to mother. Overflowing in it. Immersing ourselves in it. And seekto faithfully and continually teach it to the new generation of mothers.

The Titus 2 passage ends with very strong words. It tells us that if the older women are not faithful to teach the younger women the truths of motherhood, wifehood, and homemaking that the Word of God will be BLASPHEMED! Wow, that’s a strong word. I’m glad the Bible said it and not me or you’d be wanting to throw rocks at me!

Why does God use such a strong word? I believe it is because if mothers do not embrace their role of mothering and the beautiful place of the home God has provided for them to raise their children, they show an opposite picture of God’s ultimate plan. And this is blasphemy t God.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. Older mothers, let’s keep getting Above Rubies and pass it out to the younger generation of mothers. Let’s pass it on to our daughters and daughters-in-law. Let’s keep getting the message out.



Dear ladies, some of you asked about the Scripture reference to the picture post used above. I love it when you check things out, because that is what I always love to do.

These words of Micah 2:9 are a paraphrase of the meaning of this Scripture. In the King James Version, it says: “The women of my people have ye cast out from their pleasant houses; from their children have ye taken away MY GLORY forever.” God was angry because the women were forced from their homes. Is God angry at the voices of humanism and feminism which coerce and draw women out of their homes where God has placed them? However, God was not only angry that the mothers were taken from their homes. He was angry because the children were taken from their homes! God calls the inheritance of children being raised in the home “my glory.”

I am king James Version lover. However, here are some other translations that help us to understand the full meaning of this Scripture:

HCSB: “You take my blessing from their children forever.”

AMP: “You take away my splendor and blessing forever (by putting them among pagans, away from Me.)” Wow, those are powerful words. God says that when children are taken out of the home to be cared for by pagans who don’t love and worship Him that they are taken away from Him. He wants children to be raised in His presence, in His truth, in the sacred atmosphere in the home of godly parents. How much do we revere God’s Word? I feel the fear of God in my heart when I read these words.

NLT: “And forever stripped their children of all that God would give them.”

NET: “You defraud their children of their prized inheritance.”

In other words, it is the children’s inheritance to be raised in the home. Even more—it is their GLORY! The word “glory,” the word used in the KJV in this Scripture, is “hadar” in the Hebrew and means “splendor, beauty, comeliness, excellency, glory, honor, and majesty.” Meditate on all those meanings as to how God feels about children being raised in the home! It’s powerful.

Hope this gives understanding to you.

Love, Nancy

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ChildrensInheritanceThis is God’s ultimate plan. He wants children nurtured in the home. God did not create the woman until He had the home ready for her. When she awoke to life, she was in her home! #godloveshome #homeisbest #powerofmotherhood #keepersathome #aboverubies

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