ZealousSome people allow themselves to get eaten up inside with bitterness, hurt, and jealousy etc. We cannot allow these attitudes to continue in our lives for they destroy us and our entire family. We have a responsibility as mothers to keep our spirits whole--pure, blameless, and continually forgiving.

However, there is one area where the Bible tells us we can get eaten up? Do you know what it is? John 2:17 says of Jesus: “The zeal of thine house hath EATEN ME UP.” These words were spoken after Jesus made a whip and cleansed the temple. He drove out all the sheep and oxen, tipped over all the tables and money, and cried out: “Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house a house of merchandise” (John 2:16). He also cried out: “It is written, my house shall be called the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves” (Matthew 21:13).

Your home is also God’s house if you have dedicated it to the Lord, which I am sure you have. Therefore, we should have the same zeal Jesus had to protect our homes and families. We are faithful watchwomen who drive evil out of our home. Even if we upset everyone! I’m sure we won’t be tipping over tables and throwing money everywhere, but we’ll be strong enough to take a stand against any evil that seeks to bring darkness into our homes. We’ll have a passion to keep our homes holy.

We’ll have the zeal of the Lord about making our home a House of Prayer! In fact, if our homes are not homes of prayer, can we call them God’s homes? We’ll plan our schedules around our daily prayer times with our family. We won’t just hope it fits in. We’ll make it happen!

We won’t be apathetic about building holy homes and homes of prayer. We’ll be zealous about it. We’ll be consumed with it.

Jesus Christ redeemed us to be “zealous of good works” (Titus 2:14). Building your home and family for God is a good work. Do it with zeal. Don’t do it half-heartedly, allowing other things to consume your mind and time. Embrace the great commission God has given to you and pour your heart into it.

May the blessings of God fall upon you, dear anointed, zealous, passionate mother,

~ Nancy Campbell


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