ICanDoThis is how God describes you! And why are you so amazing? Not because of anything of yourself, but because you are God’s created handiwork.

All of God’s works are amazing. As I look out the window I see the green leaves appearing again on the trees and the dogwoods are blooming. It is beautiful. We look at the night sky and we are in awe. We behold the breathtaking mountains and we cannot help but praise God. Each animal, bird, or insect is an intricate and remarkable creation of God.

But the greatest glory of His creation is man. It is only man who God created in His image and likeness. We have been chosen to reveal the purposes of God and be His representatives. I think we need to be reminded of how God sees us, don’t you? On the sixth day of creation, after creating male and female, God beheld His creation and “behold, it was very good.” This word means “exceedingly good, very beautiful, excellent indeed.” The Amplified says “He approved it completely.”

This means the way God created our female bodies is perfect and for God’s intentional purpose. God did not create us only for existence, but for purpose. Therefore, our bodies should function according to God’s plan. He didn’t create a womb for the woman for her to stop the function of her womb. He didn’t give her breasts only for beauty, but to nourish life. And it is all glorious and wonderful.

However, Satan who hates God’s creation and who hates life seeks to distort God’s purpose for His creation. He has succeeded in deceiving women regarding their role and purpose in life. He has blinded them to the glory of who God created them to be.

Let’s remind ourselves again of the wonder of who we are as we read the descriptions of God’s works of creation in Psalm 111. The works of the Lord are . . .

GREAT (v.2).

HONORABLE (v. 3). The Hebrew is “howd” and means “beauty, excellency, glorious, majestic.”

GLORIOUS (v. 3). The Hebrew is “hadar” and means “magnificent, splendor, beauty, excellency, glory, honor, majesty, and dignity.” This is the same word that is used to describe women in Proverbs 31:25: “Strength and honor (hadar) are her clothing.” We are to be clothed with God’s anointing of glory and dignity.

WONDERFUL (v.4). The Hebrew word is “pala” and means “marvelous, miraculous, hard, extraordinary, astonishing, beyond the bounds of human powers or expectations.” It’s the same word that is used in Psalm 139:14: “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully (palah) made: marvelous (pala) are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” God’s amazing plan of the female body is extraordinary and miraculous. Why would we want to discount it?

POWERFUL (v. 6).

FAITHFUL AND JUST (v. 7) they are perfect and should never be changed. “The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy; they are established forever and ever, to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness” (ESV).

Let’s live in the glory and purpose of who God created us to be.

Be blessed, Nancy Campbell


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