SmilePrettyWould Jesus stay in lockdown?
Would Jesus hide away?
Would Jesus visit those alone
If He were here today?
Would Jesus wear a mask
When He goes to get some bread?
Would He stare with hollow eyes,
Or would He smile instead?
Would Jesus jump away
When a person walks too near?
Would He walk across the road,
Or would He show no fear?
But it’s easy to be Jesus,
He’s safe, for He’s God’s Son,
He’s protected by His Father
But He’s not the only one.
Not one of us can die
Before the Father calls us home,
For we are His precious children,
We’re not left here all alone.
Should we do what Jesus did?
Should we visit those alone?
Or should we stay away from them
And leave them on their own?
Should we cover up our face
Because we’re told we must?
Or should we smile and talk about
The God who we can trust?
Should we meet up as a church?
Should we sing His praise?
Should we hide behind a mask?
Join in with this new craze?
How is the church responding?
Are we sharing our real hope?
Are we showing all our nation
How Christians really cope?
We need to show we’re different,
Our response can’t be the same,
God is telling us quite clearly,
Christianity’s not a game.
It’s time that we got serious,
Understood what God is saying,
Time to listen to this wake-up call,
Time that we were praying.
Praying that we take this chance
To show this fearful nation,
That our hope lies not in vaccines,
But in Jesus, our Salvation.
I say Amen. We are facing “gross darkness,” and therefore it’s time to rise up and shine (Isaiah 60:1-3). It’s time for the people of God to rise up and speak out. It’s time to stand with God and speak out against overwhelming fraud and a stolen election. It’s time to live in the freedom our Constitution gives us. It’s time to resist mandates that are against God, the Bible, and our Constitution. Our nations are on the brink of destruction or freedom. Which side are you on?
A MOTHER'S COURAGE (Day 4 of Hanukkah)

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