ConsumingPassionI don’t know about you, but when raising my children I was not content for the status quo. Although our children have all grown and have all done amazing things in this life (and they will yet do greater things), I was not really so much interested in what fêtes they would accomplish, but only that they would have a consuming passion for God and His kingdom. This was my passion that they would have this passion!

This doesn’t just happen. We as parents have to be totally dedicated to God. If our children see halfheartedness in us, they will gravitate to halfheartedness. They always gravitate to the easier way. It takes hours of prayer and crying out to God. It takes steering them in a paths of righteousness and true holiness.

It breaks my heart that the majority of children today know more about their video games than they do of God’s Word. Dearest mothers, what do you want your children to be filled with? Do you want them to be FILLED with the truth of God’s Word or are you happy for them to be captivated with Pokémon and similar games that consume children today? What are the standards you have for your children? If you want children who are totally consumed with a passion for God, you can’t allow them to be consumed with the worldly games of today. I guess it comes down to the question: WHAT DO YOU WANT?

A Christian man recently wrote: “I personally have been in churches that were supposedly ‘filled with the anointing’ and watched the children in the seats in front of me playing Pokémon and dungeons and dragons while the parents ‘worshipped God’.” They must be consumed with it to be doing it in church. The sad thing is that many Christian parents are now consumed with these games! This won’t turn this nation around to God. How can this be happening in such an hour of desperation?

If we want our children to be radical for God, we better start being radical ourselves. If we want our children to grow up to turn this nation back to God, we better steer them to pursue God, not the occultist junk of this world.

I have to confess that I am tired of status quo, average, sitting on the fence, halfhearted, lukewarm, compromising, and following the trends of the world Christianity. I’m tired of the continual lowering of godly standards among God’s people.

But it all comes back to us parents. What is our consuming passion for our lives? What is our consuming passion for our children’s lives?

~ Nancy Campbell


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