TruthWhatsIsn’t it amazing how we go to Google to check out all the information we need to know? It is true, we can find out some amazing information through Google, but we have to be careful. Through experience, I have now found that to find the real truth, I cannot rely on the first URL links that come up. In fact, I must go way, way down the list to eventually find what is the real truth.

This is a good thing to remember. It’s the secret. Don’t rely on the first URL that comes up. Keep going down and down. Keep searching. Don’t take as gospel truth the first thing you read. All of social media is controlled by the liberals and therefore all liberal, brainwashing, propaganda is at the top. If you keep that in mind, you can keep searching for the truth.

For example, if you want to find out about Vaccines, you’ll find all the top links say that there are no risks with vaccines. ou’ll need to keep searching for the naked truth and the horrendous things that so many parents have experienced through vaccinating their precious children.

You want to find out about vasectomies? All the top articles will tell you that they are completely safe. You’ll have to really search to find the truth that they increase a man’s risk for prostate cancer and many other problems.

What about Fat Check and other liberal fat checkers? I think it is important to check the Fat Checkers because they are protecting the liberal agenda. They will say something is not true, and we are meant to believe them. We must search for the facts to find out what we believe.

If you want to read about masks, the first thing you’ll read is that they are necessary to stop the virus. But if you keep searching, you will find much more scientific information to show they do not stop the spread of the virus and are harmful in many other ways. We need discernment regarding what we will believe.

For example, I read how many noticed a wire showing on Joe Biden’s shirt during the debate and then pictures to prove it. Fortunately, I saved one of those pictures. However, if you look up Fact Checker and any other similar sites you will read that they say No, it wasn’t true. They don’t give evidence but just say No and we are meant to believe it.

If you search the Internet, you can no longer find any picture that shows he wore a wire and the strange thing peeking out from his sleeve. They have all been taken down like every Youtube, video, or message about what is really going on behind the scenes. They are taking down immediately.

Above is the picture. I don’t know the truth, but Fact Check says that what looks like a wire on his shirt is actually a crease in the shirt. Look closely and see what you think. They say that the thing poking out of his shirt sleeve is part of the rosary beads that he wears on his wrist. But I thought that the rosary beads would go around the wrist, not poke out in this way. Interesting!

Anyway, the moral of the story is that we should not believe every link we first see on the Internet. We must look at who wrote it. What is their agenda? And we must keep searching for truth.

And we must teach our children to not believe the first thing they read. We must teach them how to search for truth. We must teach them how to discern! True discernment only comes from God and His living, infallible Word. We must return to God and to His Word. We must fill ourselves and our children with His Word. When we have His truth filling our minds and hearts we will have true discernment.

Malachi 3:18 says: “Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.”

Let’s be truth-searchers,

Nancy Campbell


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