WhatHusbandNeedWhat do you think is your husband’s greatest need? What would be your answer?
After many years of marriage I have come to know the answer. More than love, more anything else husbands long for respect and honor. God created them to innately desire it. The reason is that marriage is the picture of Christ and the church. We who are the bride of Christ are to give honor and reverence to our heavenly Bridegroom. When we do this to our husbands we are showing the true picture of marriage.
What happens when we don’t respect our husbands? They withdraw. They become grumpy. They become distant. Often, they don’t even know why themselves, but it is because they are not receiving respect.
I am constantly challenged regarding this myself and continually need to remind myself that this is my husband’s greatest need.
Some time back I asked this question on Facebook. Here are some of the answers I received.
* Allow your husband to decide things.
* Ask his advice instead of giving it.
* Talk respectfully to him.
* Talk respectfully about him to others.
* Thank him for providing and working hard.
* Praise his good points instead of focusing on the not so good.
* Think of specific things about him that you're thankful for.
* Don't undermine him.
* Make sure dinner is ready for him when he comes home from work.
* Make his table place at the head of the table.
* Think of all the good things he does and focus your thoughts on them, then your thoughts will turn into respectful words and actions.
* Stop telling him your "better way of doing things.”
* Listen without talking. Let him finish talking without interrupting.
When we do it God’s way rather than our own way, we will be amazed at what happens.
Love and blessings,
P.S. Would love to hear more ideas from you on how to show respect to your husband.
Beautiful painting by Vickie Wade.

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