Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

I couldn’t let it pass. “Just a moment,” I replied. You don’t allow her to get up with this attitude, do you? And if you think it’s tiredness, make sure she gets to bed earlier.”
There is no excuse for any member of the family to come to the family kitchen in the morning with a sour face and uncommunicative attitude. We must teach our children to come with a cheery Good Morning. Of course, as parents, we set the example.
As each one comes into your kitchen each morning, greet them with a smile and a cheery welcome such as, “Good morning, welcome to the day.” If they don’t give a cheery reply, keep saying it until they do. Get them into the habit.
Dear mothers, family life is where we prepare our children for marriage. Your children should never have to go to a marriage seminar to prepare for marriage. You are preparing them each day as they watch your example. You are training them into the right habits for their future lives.
What a terrible thing for a husband to wake up to a wife with a sour face and grumpy spirit. And non-communicative. That doesn’t build a marriage. It slowly pulls it down. Don’t ever let your children get into this habit in your home.
Don’t let them get into entitlement habits either. They will destroy their future marriage too. Deal with every negative habit in your children’s lives that would be detrimental to their future marriage and the future success of their lives.
I cannot even believe how many parents allow their children to be a “wet rag” in the home, stay in their sour moods, or act selfishly.
Don’t allow it to continue for one minute! You are setting them up for heartache later on.
Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell