Mothers-Womb-Jeremiah-1.5Some time ago I asked if readers would like to share different words they use for a baby growing in the "womb" or meanings of the word "womb." Here are the ones that were sent to me:

“home of compassion” (The Arabic, Turkish, and Hebrew word for “womb” is the same word as mercy or compassion)
“knitting place”
"house of gold"
“garden of life”
“a safe little bubble”
“heart of life”
"safe haven of love"
“house of life”
“nesting place”
“palace of a child” (This is the Chinese meaning of womb)
“baby’s sanctuary”
“the secret place” (This is what God calls the womb in Psalm 139:15)
“cradle of the unborn”
“God’s creative workshop”
“baby’s first home”
“God’s place to bless”
"hidden glory"
"birthplace of destiny"
"miracle haven"
"home of shelter"
"home of protection"
"sacred place"

“created trinity” Missy explains, We know the “Divine Trinity” as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The “created trinity” represents “created” meaning life is created by our Father in Heaven; and “trinity” meaning it takes a [father] and [mother] to help make [baby].

“mother’s room” Naomi shares, When my son was little, he misunderstood Psalm 139:13 NIV, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb” and thought it was “Mother’s Room.”


“my holy place” Tausha (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) writes about her “holy place.”

“I am a mother of six precious arrows in our quiver and I always felt when I had my sonograms that I was looking into one of the most holy places. Just to get a glimpse of what the Creator of the world was creating inside of me always put me in total adoration.

"Every time I would go into have my ultrasounds, I would have to catch my breath at the beauty of my baby, and the rapidly changing development. It always put me in awe. I felt it was like, there was a secret window into to God's holiest of places... my womb where God was creating my baby.

"I believe motherhood and pregnancy is a total GIFT for women. We are so blessed to have our own half dozen and are leaving it up to God on how many arrows he will add to our quiver. I have a dear friend who has nine arrows in her quiver and has total baby fever! They are trying to conceive their 10th!”

“a swimming pool” A mother shares that her little three-year-old thinks his new baby is in a swimming pool!

Marla says, “My daughter would say, "Mama's got a nest in her tummy with an eggie in it and when it hatches, we get a baby!" (Wish it were that simple and easy!)”

“prayer shawl” Nicole Yingling says, “I don't call my womb this, but I do a teaching on the womb as the first tallit, or prayer shawl. If you fold a tallit in half, with the tzit-tzit or tassels hanging down it creates a basic diagram of the womb. The blue stripes around the bottom remind us of the muscles around the cervix which open and close the womb and the tzit-tzit are like the four round ligaments which attach to the sacrum and pelvis to keep the uterus in place. Is it just a coincidence that Abba wants to meet with us under our prayer shawls? Or did He meet with us for ten months in our mother's tallit and being under the cloth tallit takes us back to our secret place with Him?”

Which name do you love?

Compiled by Nancy Campbell

P.S. If you have any other names that you use or have heard of, please email them to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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