I know you don't always have time to read all the threads on a post. However, I loved the responses from some of our lovely ladies to this post and want to repost some of them for your blessing.

Wendy Young reminds us of Psalm 39:1 NET, "I will watch what I say and make sure I do not sin with my tongue. I WILL PUT A MUZZLE OVER MY MOUTH." That's what we have to do many times, isn't it? MUZZLE OUR MOUTH! Wendy also reminds us of James 3:2 where it tell us that when we are able to BRIDLE OUR TONGUE, we are able to bridle the whole body and have come to maturity. Controlling our tongues is such a mature thing to do.

Shannon Gunther reminds us that we all have "Two ears and one mouth." Thanks, Shannon. I like that reminder. James 1:19 says, "Let every man be swift to hear, SLOW TO SPEAK."

Kendra Cardwell shared that she had one of her children "copy Ephesians 4:29 10x's yesterday for not using nice words to their sibling." Good idea.

Anna jean McDaniel reminds us of the saying, "Dear Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth!" I love this. Pray it today.

Cynthia Hollis shares, "It's not only what we say but how we say it. Certain things need to be said, but they need to be said in a way that does not degrade or intentionally shame the person we are speaking to. We should shift our words (responses) through God's Word before speaking."

Yes, it is true, that there are times when we have to speak correction and guidance. We can't avoid these times because of wanting to be nice. We have to be faithful to the training of our children, but God can enable us to do it in grace and love.

Cassy Brackett comments, "This seems nice, but hard to even respond with something nice if hubby isn't when in front of the children." Dear ladies, this is the very time we put this principle into practice. It's easy to be nice when people are nice to us. It's easy to be loving to your husband when he is nice to you. But, the crunch comes when he is being nasty.

This is where we MUZZLE OUR MOUTH. This is when we SHUT OUR MOUTH and don't say anything if we can't say anything nice back. And the greatest testimony to your children is to say something nice back to your husband and give him a hug, even in the midst of his ugliness. What a wonderful way to demonstrate the love of God to your children. God's ways are always opposite to how we feel in the flesh. We can either give into the flesh and mouth off, or yield to the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us and respond with love and blessing--or say nothing at all if you can't yet say nice things.

Be blessed.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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