WhatCanWeDoThe fabric of our society is disappearing. The foundations of our nation are nearly destroyed. What should we do?

David cried out this prayer in Psalm 11:3: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” What do you think we should do?

I believe we must build the foundations again. We’ve got to get back to God’s Word and His truth. Stand our ground on God’s Word and the Constitution.

Why are the foundations crumbling? Because people are deceived. For years they have been told lies and now people believe them to be truths. What did Adolph Hitler say? “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” People who listen to the fake news are constantly brainwashed with blatant lies.

There is only one deterrent to deception and that is the Word of God. When we are filled with God’s Word, not only in our heads, but deep in our spirits, we have a cautioning within us. When we hear deception, alarms and bells go off inside of us. Therefore, to build the foundations again, we must get back to God’s Word—personally, as families, and as a nation!

It’s not enough to be church-goers and hear God’s Word once a week. We must be daily intakers of God’s truth. We must daily gather our children together and read God’s Word to them. We must get it into their hearts and their mouths (Isaiah 59:21).

I love what Horace Greely said: “It is impossible to enslave, mentally or socially, a Bible-reading people. The principles of the Bible are the groundwork of human freedom.” I say Amen to this.

When we give away the Bible for our own humanistic understandings, when listen to deception instead of truth, we lose our freedoms. We are facing this right now. How have millions of people, including God’s people, willingly given up their freedoms without even a murmur? It’s hard to believe.

Jeffrey Tucker, Editorial Director for the American Institute for Economic Research asks one of many questions when he writes about the H3N2 pandemic of 1968 which was handled so differently to COVID-19 today: “Did our excessive adoration of predictive modelling get out of control to the point that we let a physicist with ridiculous models frighten the world’s governments into violating the human rights of billions of people?”

How is that as hospitals are emptying and doctors are only working half days or less and the reality of the true numbers of deaths from this virus are being made known that many governors are putting more restrictions on their people? Ridiculous and unnecessary restrictions.

And it seems they love to get masks on their people. Why? Even when WHO and CDC don’t recommend masks and it is known that wearing a mask gives increased risk of respiratory illnesses and viral infections. Masks become a hotbed for microbes to thrive. But of course they are a great picture of silencing the people! Covering up their freedom of speech! Dumbing them down!

Forgive me. I must get off my little soapbox there and back to the real issue—and that is building the foundations again. We’ve got to take it seriously dear mothers. As we raise the next generation, we have the power to raise them in the truth or to be vulnerable to deceptions and fraud which ultimately come from the enemy, the devil. He is the great deceiver. And he does it subtly. Little by little.

Oh let’s raise young men and women who are strong in the truth and who have such a strong foundation in their lives that they will not be shaken, they will not be moved!

It comes back to us mothers, the teachers of our children. Back to the family home. This is where we rebuild the nation.

Mothers, we wield a mighty power. Don’t throw away your God-given anointing to influence the nation. Embrace it with a passion as you raise and prepare mighty warriors for God who will lead the nation back to God’s ways.

Yours for truth,

Nancy Campbell

Interesting article about the 1968 PANDEMIC:


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